33 research outputs found

    Towards an Efficient Context-Aware System: Problems and Suggestions to Reduce Energy Consumption in Mobile Devices

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    Looking for optimizing the battery consumption is an open issue, and we think it is feasible if we analyze the battery consumption behavior of a typical context-aware application to reduce context-aware operations at runtime. This analysis is based on different context sensors configurations. Actually existing context-aware approaches are mainly based on collecting and sending context data to external components, without taking into account how expensive are these operations in terms of energy consumption. As a first result of our work in progress, we are proposing a way for reducing the context data publishing. We have designed a testing battery consumption architecture supported by Nokia Energy Profiler tool to verify consumption in different scenarios

    Analyzing and Evaluating the Amount of Power Consumption Used by Current Power-Saving-Applications on Android Smartphones

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    Analyzing and Evaluating the Amount of Power Consumption Used by Current Power-Saving-Applications on Android Smartphones

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    Applications, Energy Consumption and Measurement

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    The task of reducing the energy footprint of IT devices and software has been a challenge for Green IT research. Monitoring approaches have primarily focused on measuring the energy consumption of the hardware components of computing devices. The use of applications or software on our computer systems consumes energy and it also affects how various hardware components and system resources consume energy. Consequently, running web browsers applications will utilise considerable energy and battery consumption. In this research, we have run different types of experiments which involve the use of several measuring tools. Firsly, a joulemeter is used to monitor (and measure) the power consumed by the hardware and software while running web-based and stand-alone applications on several devices. Additionally, the tablet in-built battery status checker is used to measure the battery consumption when web-based applications are run on the device

    MoBateriE: A Personalised Profile-Based Intelligent and Adaptive Energy Manager

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    Increasing electronic waste has forced the mobile phone industry to move into a new era of energy consumption awareness. Trends show that mobile phone manufacturers are implementing more and more features on a single device. Using these features has led to an increase in electricity consumed by mobile phones, thus forcing users to charge them more frequently. Studies have shown that one can maximise a phone's battery life by limiting the number of charging cycles (Columbus, 2013). In this study, a survey was conducted in order to collect mobile phone usage behaviour. Data concerning most frequently used mobile features together with their usage frequency were collected. Based on the information gathered, a mobile application, MoBateriE, was designed. This application consists of an expert system which at first studies users’ behaviour and later imitates them whenever needed. MoBateriE has been designed for smart phone users who want to make extensive use of the features available on their phones without exhausting the battery efficiency of the phone. This application was distributed to a large number of users. Usage logs of thirty-three users were collected and analysed. Results obtained show that after using MoBateriE, users enjoyed a four per cent increase in usage time per charging cycle.Keywords: Electronic Waste, Battery Life, Charging Cycle, Mobile Applicatio

    gLCB: An Energy Aware Context Broker

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    Context Worldwide mobile device sales will reach 821 Million units in 2012 and will rise to 1.2 Billion in 2013. Inevitably the paradigm for access information and Internet services is increasingly migrating to mobile. Context-aware services can help to improve the user experience because they can adapt themselves to the users’ context but, despite the improvements in terms of hardware, the the main obstacle towards a widespread adoption of such services is the limited battery life. A context-aware service requires the installation of a Context-Broker Application, which generates a continuous flow of data from the smartphone and a constant usage of its equipped sensors: as a consequence the considerable increase of energy consumption becomes a problem. Aim The aim of this work is to propose gLCB an Energy Efficient Context-Aware middleware for Android OS, which is able to collect Context Information and to send it to a remote platform in an energy-efficient way. The gLCB application proposes a new energy-aware data collection based on user profiles. Methods We define policies based on battery consumption profiles, which are selected depending on modifications of the context information. Moreover, we have implemented an automatic consumption testing mechanism and a statistical treatment of results to provide a reliable validation of gLCB in terms of energy efficiency. Results Experimental results show that our middleware got the best trade-off between number of server uploads and battery lifetime with the policies computed automatically by the device. This means that the way in which software is written can impact the energy consumption of a mobile device and service adaptation can be based on the actual value of the battery charge

    Haptic Transit: Tactile feedback to notify public transport users

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    To attract people to use public transport, efficient transit information systems providing accurate, real-time, easy-tounderstand information must be provided to users. In this paper we introduce HapticTransit, a tactile feedback based alert/notification model of a system, which provides spatial information to the public transport user. The model uses real-time bus location with other spatial information to provide feedback about the user as their journey is in progress. The system allows users make better use of „in-bus‟ time. It allows the user be involved with other activities and not be anxious about the arrival at their destination bus stop. Our survey shows a majority of users have missed a bus stop/station whilst undertaking a transit journey in an unfamiliar location. The information provided by our system can be of great advantage to certain user groups. The vibration alarm is used to provide tactile feedback. Visual feedback, in the form of colour coded buttons and textual description, is also provided. This model forms the basis for further research for developing information systems for public transport users with special needs – deaf, visually impaired and those with poor spatial abilities

    On Power and Energy Consumption Modeling for Smart Mobile Devices

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    Towards an Efficient Context-Aware System: Problems and Suggestions to Reduce Energy Consumption in Mobile Devices

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    Looking for optimizing the battery consumption is an open issue, and we think it is feasible if we analyze the battery consumption behavior of a typical context-aware application to reduce context-aware operations at runtime. This analysis is based on different context sensors configurations. Actually existing context-aware approaches are mainly based on collecting and sending context data to external components, without taking into account how expensive are these operations in terms of energy consumption. As a first result of our work in progress, we are proposing a way for reducing the context data publishing. We have designed a testing battery consumption architecture supported by Nokia Energy Profiler tool to verify consumption in different scenarios