307 research outputs found

    Boundary graph grammars with dynamic edge relabeling

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    AbstractMost NLC-like graph grammars generate node-labeled graphs. As one of the exceptions, eNCE graph grammars generate graphs with edge labels as well. We investigate this type of graph grammar and show that the use of edge labels (together with the NCE feature) is responsible for some new properties. Especially boundary eNCE (B-eNCE) grammars are considered. First, although eNCE grammars have the context-sensitive feature of “blocking edges,” we show that B-eNCE grammars do not. Second, we show the existence of a Chomsky normal form and a Greibach normal form for B-eNCE grammars. Third, the boundary eNCE languages are characterized in terms of regular tree and string languages. Fourth, we prove that the class of (boundary) eNCE languages properly contains the closure of the class of (boundary) NLC languages under node relabelings. Analogous results are shown for linear eNCE grammars

    Double Greibach operator grammars

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    AbstractEvery context-free grammar can be transformed into one in double Greibach operator form, that satisfies both double Greibach form and operator form. Examination of the expressive power of various well-known subclasses of context-free grammars in double Greibach and/or operator form yields an extended hierarchy of language classes. Basic decision properties such as equivalence can be stated in stronger forms via new classes of languages in this hierarchy

    Symbol–Relation Grammars: A Formalism for Graphical Languages

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    AbstractA common approach to the formal description of pictorial and visual languages makes use of formal grammars and rewriting mechanisms. The present paper is concerned with the formalism of Symbol–Relation Grammars (SR grammars, for short). Each sentence in an SR language is composed of a set of symbol occurrences representing visual elementary objects, which are related through a set of binary relational items. The main feature of SR grammars is the uniform way they use context-free productions to rewrite symbol occurrences as well as relation items. The clearness and uniformity of the derivation process for SR grammars allow the extension of well-established techniques of syntactic and semantic analysis to the case of SR grammars. The paper provides an accurate analysis of the derivation mechanism and the expressive power of the SR formalism. This is necessary to fully exploit the capabilities of the model. The most meaningful features of SR grammars as well as their generative power are compared with those of well-known graph grammar families. In spite of their structural simplicity, variations of SR grammars have a generative power comparable with that of expressive classes of graph grammars, such as the edNCE and the N-edNCE classes

    Algorithmic Meta-Theorems

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    Algorithmic meta-theorems are general algorithmic results applying to a whole range of problems, rather than just to a single problem alone. They often have a "logical" and a "structural" component, that is they are results of the form: every computational problem that can be formalised in a given logic L can be solved efficiently on every class C of structures satisfying certain conditions. This paper gives a survey of algorithmic meta-theorems obtained in recent years and the methods used to prove them. As many meta-theorems use results from graph minor theory, we give a brief introduction to the theory developed by Robertson and Seymour for their proof of the graph minor theorem and state the main algorithmic consequences of this theory as far as they are needed in the theory of algorithmic meta-theorems

    Establishing a Connection Between Graph Structure, Logic, and Language Theory

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    The field of graph structure theory was given life by the Graph Minors Project of Robertson and Seymour, which developed many tools for understanding the way graphs relate to each other and culminated in the proof of the Graph Minors Theorem. One area of ongoing research in the field is attempting to strengthen the Graph Minors Theorem to sets of graphs, and sets of sets of graphs, and so on. At the same time, there is growing interest in the applications of logic and formal languages to graph theory, and a significant amount of work in this field has recently been consolidated in the publication of a book by Courcelle and Engelfriet. We investigate the potential applications of logic and formal languages to the field of graph structure theory, suggesting a new area of research which may provide fruitful

    Logic and Automata

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    Mathematical logic and automata theory are two scientific disciplines with a fundamentally close relationship. The authors of Logic and Automata take the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Wolfgang Thomas to present a tour d'horizon of automata theory and logic. The twenty papers in this volume cover many different facets of logic and automata theory, emphasizing the connections to other disciplines such as games, algorithms, and semigroup theory, as well as discussing current challenges in the field
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