27 research outputs found

    A Survey of Azure ML Recommender System

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    large amount of data in the websites today has made it difficult for the user to access the data which he wishes to view. Recommendation systems are tool or technique which helps user to find the most suitable products. So, the recommendation system plays very important role and helps user to get according to their need and interest. It was not so easy or straightforward to build a recommender but azure machine learning makes it very easy to build one as long as you have your data is ready. Major task of recommender system is to present recommendations to users. Hybrid Recommendation technique use multiple techniques together content based and collaborative filtering

    A contextual modeling approach for model-based recommender systems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40643-0_5Proceedings of 15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2013, Madrid, Spain, September 17-20, 2013.In this paper we present a contextual modeling approach for model-based recommender systems that integrates and exploits both user preferences and contextual signals in a common vector space. Differently to previous work, we conduct a user study acquiring and analyzing a variety of realistic contextual signals associated to user preferences in several domains. Moreover, we report empirical results evaluating our approach in the movie and music domains, which show that enhancing model-based recommender systems with time, location and social companion information improves the accuracy of generated recommendations

    Information Entropy Theory Based Recognition of the Validity of Contextual Information of Restaurants: An Empirical Study

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    Contextual information plays a key role in personalized recommendations. However, not all contextual information plays a positive role in personalized recommendations. Therefore, it is critical to identify the effective contextual information to realize personalized recommendations. This study aims to develop a set of feasible context importance calculation methods that can identify effective contextual information in different application scenarios. The information entropy of each contextual dimension is calculated, and the validity of the context compared according to the magnitude of its entropy is determined based on the informational entropy theory. Subsequently, this approach is applied to hotel and catering service data to determine the valid context in the dining domain. The experimental results indicate that location, work-rest condition, weather, mood and companionship considerably influence consumers’ behaviour and decisions in a catering environment, and the user preference in such contexts should be carefully considered

    Context-aware movie recommendations: An empirical comparison of pre-filtering, post-filtering and contextual modeling approaches

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39878-0_13Proceedings of 14th International Conference, EC-Web 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 27-28, 2013.Context-aware recommender systems have been proven to improve the performance of recommendations in a wide array of domains and applications. Despite individual improvements, little work has been done on comparing different approaches, in order to determine which of them outperform the others, and under what circumstances. In this paper we address this issue by conducting an empirical comparison of several pre-filtering, post-filtering and contextual modeling approaches on the movie recommendation domain. To acquire confident contextual information, we performed a user study where participants were asked to rate movies, stating the time and social companion with which they preferred to watch the rated movies. The results of our evaluation show that there is neither a clear superior contextualization approach nor an always best contextual signal, and that achieved improvements depend on the recommendation algorithm used together with each contextualization approach. Nonetheless, we conclude with a number of cues and advices about which particular combinations of contextualization approaches and recommendation algorithms could be better suited for the movie recommendation domain.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2011-28538-C02) and the Regional Government of Madrid (S2009TIC-1542

    A Comprehensive Survey on Comparisons across Contextual Pre-filtering, Contextual Post-filtering and Contextual Modelling Approaches

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    Recently, there has been growing interest in recommender systems (RS) and particularly in context-aware RS. Methods for generating context-aware recommendations are classified into pre-filtering, post-filtering and contextual modelling approaches. In this paper, we present the several novel approaches of the different variant of each of these three contextualization paradigms and present a complete survey on the state-of-the-art comparisons across them. We then identify the significant challenges that require being addressed by the current RS researchers, which will help academicians and practitioners in comparing these three approaches to select the best alternative according to their strategies

    Comparing Context-Aware Recommender Systems in Terms of Accuracy and Diversity: Which Contextual Modeling, Pre-filtering and Post-Filtering Methods Perform the Best

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    Although the area of Context-Aware Recommender Systems (CARS) has made a significant progress over the last several years, the problem of comparing various contextual pre-filtering, post-filtering and contextual modeling methods remained fairly unexplored. In this paper, we address this problem and compare several contextual pre-filtering, post-filtering and contextual modeling methods in terms of the accuracy and diversity of their recommendations to determine which methods outperform the others and under which circumstances. To this end, we consider three major factors affecting performance of CARS methods, such as the type of the recommendation task, context granularity and the type of the recommendation data. We show that none of the considered CARS methods uniformly dominates the others across all of these factors and other experimental settings; but that a certain group of contextual modeling methods constitutes a reliable “best bet” when choosing a sound CARS approach since they provide a good balance of accuracy and diversity of contextual recommendations.Politecnico di Bari, Italy; NYU Stern School of Busines

    Context representation for context-aware mobile multimedia content recommendation

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    Very few of the current solutions for content recommendation take into consideration the context of usage when analyzing the preferences of the user and issuing recommendations. Nonetheless, context can be extremely useful to help identify appropriate content for the specific situation or activity the user is in, while consuming the content. In this paper, we present a solution to allow content-based recommendation systems to take full potential of contextual data, by defining a standards-based representation model which accounts for possible relationships among low-level contexts. The MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards are used for content description and low-level context representation. OWL/RDF ontologies are used to capture contextual concepts and, together with SWRL to establish relationships and perform reasoning to derive high-level concepts the way humans do. This knowledge is then used to drive the recommendation and content adaptation processes. As a side achievement, an extension to the MPEG-21 specification was developed to accommodate the description of user activities, which we believe have a great impact on the type of content to be recommended