133,953 research outputs found

    What is a machine? Exploring the meaning of ‘artificial’ in ‘artificial intelligence’

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    Landgrebe and Smith provide an argument for the impossibility of Artificial General Intelligence based on the limits of simulating complex systems. However, their argument presupposes a very contemporary vision of artificial intelligence as a model trained on data to produce an algorithm executable in a modern digital computing system. The present contribution explores what it means to be artificial. Current artificial intelligence approaches on modern computing systems are not the only conceivable way in which artificial intelligence technology might be created. If there are conceivable routes by which an artificial intelligence might be developed that are not constrained in the same way as the current generation of artificial neural networks, then these might be plausible routes towards the engineered generation of artificial general intelligence that are not precluded by the Landgrebe and Smith argument against the possibility of artificial general intelligence

    Cost-Effective as-Built BIM Modelling Using 3D Point- Clouds and Photogrammetry

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    The classification and translation of 3D point-clouds into virtual environments is a time consuming and often tedious process. While there are large crowd sourcing projects for segmenting general environments, there are no such projects with a focus on AEC industries. The nature of these industries makes industry-specific projects too esoteric for conventional approaches to data collation. However, in contrast to other projects, the built environment has a rich data set of BIM and other 3D models with mutable properties and implicitly embedded relationships which are ripe for exploitation. In this article, the readers will find discussion on contemporary applications of image processing, photogrammetry, BIM and artificial intelligence. They will also find discussions on the applications of artificial intelligence, photogrammetry in BIM and image processing that will likely be at the forefront of related research in the coming years.<br/

    Systematic AI Approach for AGI: Addressing Alignment, Energy, and AGI Grand Challenges

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    AI faces a trifecta of grand challenges the Energy Wall, the Alignment Problem and the Leap from Narrow AI to AGI. Contemporary AI solutions consume unsustainable amounts of energy during model training and daily operations.Making things worse, the amount of computation required to train each new AI model has been doubling every 2 months since 2020, directly translating to increases in energy consumption.The leap from AI to AGI requires multiple functional subsystems operating in a balanced manner, which requires a system architecture. However, the current approach to artificial intelligence lacks system design; even though system characteristics play a key role in the human brain from the way it processes information to how it makes decisions. Similarly, current alignment and AI ethics approaches largely ignore system design, yet studies show that the brains system architecture plays a critical role in healthy moral decisions.In this paper, we argue that system design is critically important in overcoming all three grand challenges. We posit that system design is the missing piece in overcoming the grand challenges.We present a Systematic AI Approach for AGI that utilizes system design principles for AGI, while providing ways to overcome the energy wall and the alignment challenges.Comment: International Journal on Semantic Computing (2024) Categories: Artificial Intelligence; AI; Artificial General Intelligence; AGI; System Design; System Architectur

    Robust Computer Algebra, Theorem Proving, and Oracle AI

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    In the context of superintelligent AI systems, the term "oracle" has two meanings. One refers to modular systems queried for domain-specific tasks. Another usage, referring to a class of systems which may be useful for addressing the value alignment and AI control problems, is a superintelligent AI system that only answers questions. The aim of this manuscript is to survey contemporary research problems related to oracles which align with long-term research goals of AI safety. We examine existing question answering systems and argue that their high degree of architectural heterogeneity makes them poor candidates for rigorous analysis as oracles. On the other hand, we identify computer algebra systems (CASs) as being primitive examples of domain-specific oracles for mathematics and argue that efforts to integrate computer algebra systems with theorem provers, systems which have largely been developed independent of one another, provide a concrete set of problems related to the notion of provable safety that has emerged in the AI safety community. We review approaches to interfacing CASs with theorem provers, describe well-defined architectural deficiencies that have been identified with CASs, and suggest possible lines of research and practical software projects for scientists interested in AI safety.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Can the g Factor Play a Role in Artificial General Intelligence Research?

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    In recent years, a trend in AI research has started to pursue human-level, general artificial intelli-gence (AGI). Although the AGI framework is characterised by different viewpoints on what intelligence is and how to implement it in artificial systems, it conceptualises intelligence as flexible, general-purposed, and capable of self-adapting to different contexts and tasks. Two important ques-tions remain open: a) should AGI projects simu-late the biological, neural, and cognitive mecha-nisms realising the human intelligent behaviour? and b) what is the relationship, if any, between the concept of general intelligence adopted by AGI and that adopted by psychometricians, i.e., the g factor? In this paper, we address these ques-tions and invite researchers in AI to open a dis-cussion on the theoretical conceptions and practi-cal purposes of the AGI approach

    Classical Computational Models

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    The Role Of Technology and Innovation In The Framework Of The Information Society

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    The literature on the information society indicates that it is a still-developing field of research. It can be explained by the lack of consensus on basic definitions and research methods. There are also different judgments on the importance and the significance of the information society. Some social scientists write about a change of era, others emphasize parallelism with the past. There are some authors who expect that the information society will solve the problems of social inequalities, poverty and unemployment, while others blame it on the widening social gap between the information haves and have-nots. Various models of the information society have been developed so far and they are so different from country to country that it would be rather unwise to look for a single, all-encompassing definition. In our time a number of profound socio-economic changes are underway. Almost every field of our life is affected by the different phenomena of globalization, beside the growing role of the individual; another important characteristic of this process is the development of an organizing principle based on the free creation, distribution, access and use of knowledge and information. The 1990s and the 21st century is undoubtedly characterized by the world of the information society (as a form of the post-industrial society), which represents a different quality compared to the previous ones. The application of these theories and schools on ICT is problematic in many respects. First, as we stated above, there is not a single, widely used paradigm which has synthesized the various schools and theories dealing with technology and society. Second, these fragmented approaches do not have a fully-fledged mode of application to the relationship of ICT and (information) society. Third, SCOT, ANT, the evolutionary- or the systems approach to the history of technology – when dealing with information society – does not take into account the results of approaches (such as information science or information systems literature or social informatics, information management and knowledge management, communication and media studies) studying the very essence of the information age: information, communication and knowledge. The list of unnoticed or partially incorporated sciences, which focuses on the role of ICT in human information processing and other cognitive activities, is much longer