26 research outputs found


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    The major purpose of this research is to provide a thorough review and analysis of the interplay between artificial intelligence (AI) and psychology. I talk about state-of-the-art computer programs that are able to simulate human cognition and behavior (such as Human-Computer Interfaces, models of the mind, and data mining programs). Applications may be broken down into several sub-categories and have many different aspects. While developing artificially intelligent robots has been and continues to be the major goal of AI research and development, the widespread acceptance and usage of AI systems have resulted in a much broader transfer of technology. The article begins with a brief history of cognitive psychology, a discussion of its fundamental ideas and models, and a look at the ways in which the study is connected to artificial intelligence (AI). The second part of this article takes a closer look at the difficulties encountered by the field of human-computer interaction, along with its aims, duties, applications, and underlying psychological theories. Multiple scientific, pragmatic, and technical obstacles (complexity problems, disturbing coefficients, etc.) stand in the way of extending or overcoming these limits. We also demonstrate the potential use of mental modeling in the areas of diagnosis, manipulation, and education support in this work. Predictions may be made with the use of data mining, knowledge discovery, or expert systems (for instance, the prognoses of children with mental problems based on their settings). The article reviews the missing features and offers an overview of the coefficients used in the system. Finally, we discuss the application of expert systems and life simulation (applied mental model) in virtual reality to benefit autistic people and their loved ones

    Umjetna opća inteligencija

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je prikazati glavne teoretske odrednice koje razlikuju umjetnu opću inteligenciju od ostatka tradicionalne umjetne inteligencije, a naglasak je na problemu definiranja pojma ljudske ili opće inteligencije. Također, u narednim poglavljima biti će prikazani osnovni pristupi u izradi takvih sustava s fokusom na njihovim prednostima i manama sa stajališta zahtjeva umjetne opće inteligencije. Bitno je napomenuti kako je suština ovoga rada usmjerena na razne konceptualne i praktične prepreke u ostvarenju ove ideje

    Failure factors of AI projects: results from expert interviews

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    In the last few years, business firms have substantially invested into the artificial intelligence (AI) technology. However, according to several studies, a significant percentage of AI projects fail or do not deliver business value. Due to the specific characteristics of AI projects, the existing body of knowledge about success and failure of information systems (IS) projects in general may not be transferrable to the context of AI. Therefore, the objective of our research has been to identify factors that can lead to AI project failure. Based on interviews with AI experts, this article identifies and discusses 12 factors that can lead to project failure. The factors can be further classified into five categories: unrealistic expectations, use case related issues, organizational constraints, lack of key resources, and, technological issues. This research contributes to knowledge by providing new empirical data and synthesizing the results with related findings from prior studies. Our results have important managerial implications for firms that aim to adopt AI by helping the organizations to anticipate and actively manage risks in order to increase the chances of project success

    Failure factors of AI projects: results from expert interviews

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    In the last few years, business firms have substantially invested into the artificial intelligence (AI) technology. However, according to several studies, a significant percentage of AI projects fail or do not deliver business value. Due to the specific characteristics of AI projects, the existing body of knowledge about success and failure of information systems (IS) projects in general may not be transferrable to the context of AI. Therefore, the objective of our research has been to identify factors that can lead to AI project failure. Based on interviews with AI experts, this article identifies and discusses 12 factors that can lead to project failure. The factors can be further classified into five categories: unrealistic expectations, use case related issues, organizational constraints, lack of key resources, and technological issues. This research contributes to knowledge by providing new empirical data and synthesizing the results with related findings from prior studies. Our results have important managerial implications for firms that aim to adopt AI by helping the organizations to anticipate and actively manage risks in order to increase the chances of project success

    Towards Designing a Raison D’être of Marketing in the Age of AI

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    Can Autonomous Machines Make Ethical Decisions?

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    Käesolev bakalaureusetöö küsib, kas autonoomsed masinad suudavad teha eetilisi otsuseid. Autonoomse masina all mõeldakse siin selliseid masinad, mis on võimelised tegutsema ilma pideva inimese poolse juhtimiseta ning mida kontrollib tehisintellekt. Autor arutleb eeliste ja puuduste üle, mis on erinevatel eetilistel printsiipidel, mida masin saaks kasutada alusena oma otsuste tegemisel. Siia on kaasatud nii klassikalised eetikateooriad nagu näiteks utilitarism kui ka alternatiivsed lähenemised nagu juhtumipõhine masinõpe. Samuti leitakse, et valdkonnapõhise eetika masinasse juurutamine oleks kergem, kui püüd korraga arendada üldisel eetikal põhinevat masinat. Vaadeldakse ka üldist masinapoolse otsustusprotsessi olemust ning jõutakse järeldusele, et kuna masinal puudub teadvus, vaba tahe, kavatsuslikkus ja omakasupüüdlikkus, siis ei ole masinad võimelised tegema eetilisi otsuseid sel moel nagu inimene. Sellest hoolimata on masinad võimelised tegema otsuseid, mida saab pidada eetiliseks mingis kindlas situatsioonis, juhul kui neisse on implementeeritud sobiv eetiline printsiip ning masin suudab koguda adekvaatset infot end ümbritseva kohta.https://www.ester.ee/record=b518354

    Future Interaction between Man and Robots from Islamic Perspective

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    Technology improves exponentially every second and becomes more complex beyond our grasp. Without we realize, everything about ourselves can be found on the internet from mundane things such as our food preferences to private matters such as saving accounts. To manage these information, an artificial intelligence system is required to safeguard, validate and even facilitate our daily tasks. Hypothetically, this issues will lead to the creation of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a (hypothetical) machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. Without a doubt, AGI will be a central component to our future society. As AGI further improved itself, roaming fully robotic android may be a common sight in future cities. This is a common plot setting in science fiction stories and is commonly discussed from Western perspective. However, this issue is rarely discussed from the Islamic perspective. Will AGI differentiate between fitna and facts (tabayyun)? Is a humanized android considered human (nas)? Does matter of fiqh relevant to a humanized android? Although seems fictional, it is imperative for the Muslim world to initiate discussion on these issues