2,246 research outputs found

    Contactless Sensing of Water Properties for Smart Monitoring of Pipelines

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    A key milestone for the pervasive diffusion of wireless sensing nodes for smart monitoring of water quality and quantity in distribution networks is the simplification of the installation of sensors. To address this aspect, we demonstrate how two basic contactless sensors, such as piezoelectric transducers and strip electrodes (in a longitudinal interdigitated configuration to sense impedance inside and outside of the pipe with potential for impedimetric leak detection), can be easily clamped on plastic pipes to enable the measurement of multiple parameters without contact with the fluid and, thus, preserving the integrity of the pipe. Here we report the measurement of water flow rate (up to 24 m(3)/s) and temperature with ultrasounds and of the pipe filling fraction (capacitance at 1 MHz with similar to cm(3) resolution) and ionic conductivity (resistance at 20 MHz from 700 to 1400 mu S/cm) by means of impedance. The equivalent impedance model of the sensor is discussed in detail. Numerical finite-element simulations, carried out to optimize the sensing parameters such as the sensing frequency, confirm the lumped models and are matched by experimental results. In fact, a 6 m long, 30 L demonstration hydraulic loop was built to validate the sensors in realistic conditions (water speed of 1 m/s) monitoring a pipe segment of 0.45 m length and 90 mm diameter (one of the largest ever reported in the literature). Tradeoffs in sensors accuracy, deployment, and fabrication, for instance, adopting single-sided flexible PCBs as electrodes protected by Kapton on the external side and experimentally validated, are discussed as well

    Development of an autonomous lab-on-a-chip system with ion separation and conductivity detection for river water quality monitoring

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    This thesis discusses the development of a lab on a chip (LOC) ion separation for river water quality monitoring using a capacitively coupled conductivity detector (C⁎D) with a novel baseline suppression technique.Our first interest was to be able to integrate such a detector in a LOC. Different designs (On-capillary design and on-chip design) have been evaluated for their feasibility and their performances. The most suitable design integrated the electrode close to the channel for an enhanced coupling while having the measurement electronics as close as possible to reduce noise. The final chip design used copper tracks from a printed circuit board (PCB) as electrodes, covered by a thin Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer to act as electrical insulation. The layer containing the channel was made using casting and bonded to the PCB using oxygen plasma. Flow experiments have been conduced to test this design as a detection cell for capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C⁎D).The baseline signal from the system was reduced using a novel baseline suppression technique. Decrease in the background signal increased the dynamic range of the concentration to be measured before saturation occurs. The sensitivity of the detection system was also improved when using the baseline suppression technique. Use of high excitation voltages has proven to increase the sensitivity leading to an estimated limit of detection of 0.0715 ΌM for NaCl (0.0041 mg/L).The project also required the production of an autonomous system capable of operating for an extensive period of time without human intervention. Designing such a system involved the investigation of faults which can occur in autonomous system for the in-situ monitoring of water quality. Identification of possible faults (Bubble, pump failure, etc.) and detection methods have been investigated. In-depth details are given on the software and hardware architecture constituting this autonomous system and its controlling software

    Catalysts as Sensors—A Promising Novel Approach in Automotive Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment

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    Sensors that detect directly and in situ the status of automotive exhaust gas catalysts by monitoring the electrical properties of the catalyst coating itself are overviewed. Examples included in this review are the in-situ determination of the electrical impedance of three-way catalysts based on ceria-zirconia solutions and of lean NOx traps of earth-alkaline based coatings, as well as approaches to determine the ammonia loading in Fe-SCR-zeolites with electrical ac measurements. Even more sophisticated approaches based on interactions with electromagnetic waves are also reviewed. For that purpose, metallic stick-like antennas are inserted into the exhaust pipe. The catalyst properties are measured in a contactless manner, directly indicating the catalyst status. The radio frequency probes gauge the oxygen loading degree of three-way catalysts, the NOx-loading of lean NOx traps, and the soot loading of Diesel particulate filters

    Passive and Self-Powered Autonomous Sensors for Remote Measurements

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    Autonomous sensors play a very important role in the environmental, structural, and medical fields. The use of this kind of systems can be expanded for several applications, for example in implantable devices inside the human body where it is impossible to use wires. Furthermore, they enable measurements in harsh or hermetic environments, such as under extreme heat, cold, humidity or corrosive conditions. The use of batteries as a power supply for these devices represents one solution, but the size, and sometimes the cost and unwanted maintenance burdens of replacement are important drawbacks. In this paper passive and self-powered autonomous sensors for harsh or hermetical environments without batteries are discussed. Their general architectures are presented. Sensing strategies, communication techniques and power management are analyzed. Then, general building blocks of an autonomous sensor are presented and the design guidelines that such a system must follow are given. Furthermore, this paper reports different proposed applications of autonomous sensors applied in harsh or hermetic environments: two examples of passive autonomous sensors that use telemetric communication are proposed, the first one for humidity measurements and the second for high temperatures. Other examples of self-powered autonomous sensors that use a power harvesting system from electromagnetic fields are proposed for temperature measurements and for airflow speeds

    Development of a Contactless Conductivity Sensor in Flowing Micro Systems for Cerium Nitrate

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    Impedance spectroscopy has a high potential to detect chemical reactions in flowing systems. In this work, the approach using impedance spectroscopy as a possible analytical tool for a continuous hydrothermal syntheses (CHTS) is presented. With the CHTS-process, it is possible to produce metalloxide nanoparticles with a close particle size distribution and specific surface properties. For this, it is necessary to evaluate the electrode geometry, frequency and other factors influencing the impedance with respect to concentration measurements. In case of frequency-sweep measurements possible electrode geometries for C4D-Sensors (capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection) are evaluated. Then distinguishability and reproducibility are tested applying titration measurements to show the ability for concentration detection in constant flow systems. The possibility to measure concentration changes in flowing systems in a reproducible and fast manner as well as with high distinguishability for the test solution cerium nitrate will be presented. Furthermore, the major influencing-factors like electrode geometry, frequency etc. could be determined. It has been shown that with increasing electrode spacing and electrode width, the distinguishability of the concentrations increases and shifts them to lower frequencies

    A New Label-Free and Contactless Bio-Tomographic Imaging with Miniaturized Capacitively-Coupled Spectroscopy Measurements

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    A new bio-imaging method has been developed by introducing an experimental verification of capacitively coupled resistivity imaging in a small scale. This paper focuses on the 2D circular array imaging sensor as well as a 3D planar array imaging sensor with spectroscopic measurements in a wide range from low frequency to radiofrequency. Both these two setups are well suited for standard containers used in cell and culture biological studies, allowing for fully non-invasive testing. This is true as the capacitive based imaging sensor can extract dielectric spectroscopic images from the sample without direct contact with the medium. The paper shows the concept by deriving a wide range of spectroscopic information from biological test samples. We drive both spectra of electrical conductivity and the change rate of electrical conductivity with frequency as a piece of fundamentally important information. The high-frequency excitation allows the interrogation of critical properties that arise from the cell nucleus.</p

    Development of Non-Destructive Testing by Eddy Currents for Highly Demanding Engineering Applications

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    Defect detection with Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is essential in accidents prevention, requiring R&TD to generate new scientific and procedural knowledge for new products with high safety requirements. A current challenge lies in the detection of surface and sub-surface micro defects with NDT by Eddy Currents (EC). The main objective of this work was the development of applied research, technological innovation and experimental validation of EC customized systems for three highly demanding inspection scenarios: micro defects in tubular geometries; brazed joints for the automotive industry; and high-speed moving composite materials. This objective implied starting from the scientific fundamentals of NDT by EC to design and simulate EC probes and the prototypes developed were tested in industrial environment, reaching a TRL ≈ 5. Another objective, of a more scientific and disruptive nature, was to test a new technique for the creation of EC in the materials to be inspect, named Magnetic Permeability Pattern Substrate (MPPS). This technique consists on the development of substrates/films with patterns of different magnetic permeabilities rather than the use of excitation bobbin coils or filaments of complex geometry. The experimental results demonstrated that the prototypes developed for the three industrial applications studied outperformed the state of the art, allowing the detection of target defects with a very good signal-to-noise ratio: in tubular geometries defects with depth of 0.5 mm and thickness of 0.2 mm in any scanning position; in the laser brazed weld beads pores with 0.13 mm diameter and internal artificial defects 1 mm from the weld surface; in composite materials defects under 1 mm at speeds up to 4 m/s and 3 mm lift-off. The numerical simulations assisted the probe design, allowing to describe and characterize electrical and magnetic phenomena. The new MPPS concept for the introduction of EC was validated numerically and experimentally

    Differential inductive sensing system for truly contactless measuring of liquids’ electromagnetic properties in tubing

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    Certain applications require a contactless measurement to eliminate the risk of sensorinduced sample contamination. Examples can be found in chemical process control, biotechnology or medical technology. For instance, in critically ill patients requiring renal replacement therapy, continuous in‐line monitoring of blood conductivity as a measure for sodium should be considered. A differential inductive sensing system based on a differential transformer using a specific flow chamber has already proven suitable for this application. However, since the blood in renal replacement therapy is carried in plastic tubing, a direct measurement through the tubing offers a contactless method. Therefore, in this work we present a differential transformer for measuring directly through electrically non‐conductive tubing by winding the tube around the ferrite core of the transformer. Here, the dependence of the winding type and the number of turns of the tubing on the sensitivity has been analyzed by using a mathematical model, simulations and experimental validation. A maximum sensitivity of 364.9 mV/mol/L is measured for radial winding around the core. A longitudinal winding turns out to be less effective with 92.8 mV/mol/L. However, the findings prove the ability to use the differential transformer as a truly contactless sensing system. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
