34 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Online Reviews On Hotel Pricing

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    Current studies show that online hotel bookings are growing constantly as consumer increasingly uses Internet for the arrangement of their travel. One of the important factor in online hotel booking is the rating and review of past customers. However, the impact of online reviews are not fully explored in online hotel booking setting. For that purpose, we choose two most popular tourist destinations in the world: Paris and London. Our analysis shows that both stars ratings and customer reviews positively affect hotel pricing. Besides, high stars hotels benefit more from higher customer satisfaction. The implication of these results is that hotels should strive to please customer as their future revenue depends on the satisfaction of previous users. This study also guides hotel manager how to make price decisions of hotel room

    Exploring the Influence of User-Generated Content Factors on the Behavioral Intentions of Travel Consumers

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    Social media have been deemed as more and more critical to modern travel consumers. These consumers often regard social media as trustworthy source that can lower the perceived risk and uncertainty throughout their travel. Though previous studies revealed that travel consumers’ participation in social media could be explained by their functional, social-psychological and hedonic needs, the factors that impact their behavioral intentions, such as purchase intention, WOM intention, and attitudes of destination brands have not been well studied. By conducting a two-phase study on Chinese travel consumers (nposts =65; nratings=1668), we found that both the UGC features (credibility and interestingness) and the social media engagement of travel consumers (comment, retweet, like) can impact their behavioral intentions. In addition, compared to the credibility of a post, the interestingness could more positively influence the social media engagement of travel consumers. Our study gives a better understanding of connections between social media and the travel consumers’ behavioral intentions

    The Impact of Hotel Website Quality on Customer Reservation

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    This study focuses on the discussion of the relationship between the website design and customer reservations in Las Vegas, specifically, how important the website quality is to hotels and how the features affect the Internet bookings. Since the online market is growing and becoming more and more competitive, hotels are investigating an effective way to keep customers making reservation directly through the hotel’s own website, such as providing lowest guarantee rates, promoting loyalty points and cooperating with online travel agents. Consumers expect websites that are informative, attractive and engaging. Usability, security, personalization, usefulness, responsiveness and information content are the dimensions of web quality as classified. In addition, customer’s perception of website quality influences the customer’s satisfaction and the purchase intentions for online reservations. Therefore, hoteliers should learn to improve the website quality in order to drive business developments, improve clients’ online booking experiences and deliver results

    Which User-generated Content Should Be Appreciated More? - A Study on UGC Features, Consumers\u27 Behavioral Intentions and Social Media Engagement

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    Despite researchers have made a great deal of effort on exploring the reasons of travel consumers’ participation in UGC sites and the roles of these sites in different phases of their travel, knowledge on what factors influence travel consumers’ behavioral intentions in social media still remains largely unknown to both scholars and practitioners. With the attempts to find out this, we conducted a two-phase study on Chinese consumers. Utilizing the two sets of data we collected (npost = 65; nratings = 1668), we develop a multiple linear regression model to assess the influential factors in UGC sites on consumers’ behavioral intentions. Our results indicate that travel consumers’ purchase intention, word-of-mouth (WOM) intention, and attitudes towards destination brands are positively affected by the UGC features (creditability and interestingness) and consumers’ social media engagement (comment, retweet, and like).Further, inconsistent with the previous finding that credibility is a major concern in consumers’ information search processes, the interestingness of UGC is found to be more important

    La ética en el sector del alojamiento turístico como fuente de ventaja competitiva / Ethics in the tourist accommodation sector as a source of competitive advantage

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    In the last decades, most companies have developed social responsibility strategies as an integral part of business ethics. The tourist accommodation sector, especially the hotels, is no stranger to this trend. The hotel sector has a special impact - positive or negative - on the natural, cultural and social resources of the areas in which it operates. The United Nations and other agencies are aware of the potential of this activity to contribute to minimizing adverse effects and participating in the construction of a more sustainable planet, and have urged the private sector to intervene through a more responsible and committed behavior. In this article, we try to analyze how the investments in CSR and the changes in the activities or processes in the hotels have repercussions on the profits in the business, both from the point of view of the consideration and valuation of the investors, as well as from the point Of view of a current tourist, increasingly responsible and informed on the models of management of the companies.En las últimas décadas, la mayoría de las empresas han desarrollado estrategias de responsabilidad social, como parte integrante de la ética empresarial. El sector del alojamiento turístico, especialmente los hoteles, no es ajeno a esta tendencia. El sector hotelero tiene una especial incidencia –positiva o negativa- sobre los recursos naturales, culturales y sociales de las áreas en las que opera. Las Naciones Unidas y otros organismos son conscientes del potencial que esta actividad tiene para contribuir a minimizar los efectos adversos y participar en la construcción de un planeta más sostenible, por lo que han instado al sector privado a intervenir mediante un comportamiento más responsable y comprometido. En este artículo, tratamos de analizar como las inversiones en RSE y los cambios en las actividades o procesos en los hoteles repercuten sobre los beneficios en el negocio, tanto desde el punto de vista de la consideración y valoración de los inversores, como desde el punto de vista de un turista actual, cada vez más responsable e informado sobre los modelos de gestión de las empresas

    Análise do Ambiente Virtual de Consumo das Empresas Hoteleiras Associados à ABIH-PB

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    O atendimento on-line nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros apresenta-se como um novo canal de comunicação entre as empresas e seus clientes, e proporciona comodidade e praticidade aos futuros hóspedes. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em avaliar a a usabilidade da estrutura dos sites das empresas hoteleiras da cidade de João Pessoa-PB, associadas à ABIH-PB, para turistas de origem estrangeira. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa, com universo composto de 31 sites de empresas hoteleiras associadas à ABIH-PB, realizada no ambiente virtual, mediante questionário composto de trinta questões fechadas. Os dados obtidos na pesquisa revelam despreocupação por parte das organizações quanto ao atendimento on-line aos turistas estrangeiros, o que pode prejudicar ou inviabilizar a comunicação virtual entre empresas e clientes

    Ratings evolution in the Spanish coast hotels (2011‑2014)

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    Las opiniones sobre hoteles de viajeros, contenidas en Booking.com, proporcionan una importante información tanto para los propios viajeros, como para los hoteleros e investigadores del sector. Desarrollamos un estudio, basándonos en su base de datos, utilizando más de 1.000 hoteles del denominado “turismo de sol y playa” español, que recogen en torno a 200.000 opiniones. Establecemos una diferenciación por provincia y realizamos dos tomas de datos, distanciadas en más de dos años, durante el periodo 2011 -2014. Usando las puntuaciones medias de los hoteles, llegamos a varias conclusiones en cuanto a las diferencias existentes por provincias y a la evolución de las valoraciones de los hoteles a lo largo de la actual crisis económicaHotel reviews registered in Booking.com, provide important information for both individual travelers, hoteliers and industry researchers. We develop a study based on this database, using more than 1,000 Spanish hotels of the so -called “sun and beach tourism”, which collect around 200,000 hotel reviews. We establish a differentiation by province and collect two samples of data, spaced over two years during the period 2011 -2014. We obtain several conclusions regarding the differences by provinces and the evolution of the valuations of the hotels along the current economic crisis

    Do travelers' reviews depend on the destination? An analysis in coastal and urban peer-to-peer lodgings

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    Our research applies a service, feature-oriented approach to deeply explore the subjective experiences shared publicly by Airbnb guests in their reviews. Our processed data set contains 73,557 reviews of Airbnb stays in coastal and urban destinations between 2017 and 2020. A topic modeling based on the BERTopic approach is applied to detect dense clusters of reviews and identify one highly relevant and interpretable topic per cluster related to core and essential sharing services and surrounding features. Our study, therefore, allows a higher understanding of the relationships between urban versus coastal destinations and guests' preferences. Furthermore, it enables hosts to differentiate the touristic short-rentals lodgings according to customer experiences

    Deal or No Deal? Consumer Expectations and Competition in Daily Deals

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    Daily deals have emerged as an integral part of the marketing mix for retail merchants and have enjoyed wide acceptance by consumers. However, there is considerable ambiguity about the effects of deals on brand evaluation, and resulting electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). In this paper, we propose that the effects of deals on eWOM are contingent on merchant heterogeneity and whether consumers perceive merchants\u27 marketing efforts as desperate. We empirically model the effects of daily deals on eWOM for restaurants in Washington DC over 13 months. Results show that price segment, age, and competitive deal intensity strongly moderate the effect of deals on resulting eWOM. We also show that deals have significant spillover effects on neighboring merchants who do not offer deals. We confirm these effects using three controlled lab experiments, where similar results are obtained without the possibility of deal redemption

    Online comments’ impact on hotel service quality – The León (Nicaragua) case

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el poder de los comentarios on-line en las plataformas de reservas hoteleras sobre las decisiones empresariales. Para ello se analizan las evaluaciones online de los turistas que visitaron los hoteles de la ciudad de León de Nicaragua con respecto a distintas dimensiones de la calidad de servicio, y se comparan los resultados obtenidos en dos momentos de tiempo. A continuación, se realizan entrevistas en profundidad a directivos de los hoteles analizados para: conocer el interés de los hosteleros por utilizar las opiniones emitidas por los turistas en la mejora del servicio ofrecido; cómo organizan el trabajo para mejorar el sistema de retroalimentación de información; e identificar las dificultades y ventajas para implementar las acciones correctivas. Estos análisis permiten identificar los resultados positivos (calidad de servicio, ubicación y relación calidad-precio), y negativos (orientación de la dirección) de implementar las medidas de mejora continua.This study aims to analyze the power of customer comments on hotel reservation platforms for business decision-making. In order to achieve this goal, we carried out an online survey among tourists visiting Ciudad de León hotels in Nicaragua regarding different aspects in service quality; then, we compared the results obtained at two different time points. Next, we conducted extensive interviews with these hotels’ managers in order to: learn about the owners’ interest in using tourists’ comments to improve the services they offer; learn how they manage work to improve the hotels’ information feedback system; and identify drawbacks and benefits so as to implement corrective actions. This information will make it possible to pinpoint positive results (service quality, place and value for money) and negative results (management direction) of implementing ongoing improvement measures