8,404 research outputs found

    The realisation of rights in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

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    The thesis examines the enforcement of consumer rights in South Africa, and is set against the backdrop of the underlying principles and theories on the enforcement of consumer protection law. It then analyses the various forms of consumer protection law enforcement mechanisms that were in place prior to the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, and sets out why there was a need for the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act. The thesis then critically discusses the consumer protection law enforcement mechanisms introduced and/or catered for by the Consumer Protection Act. The in-depth comparative analysis against the consumer protection law enforcement dispensations in both India and the United Kingdom culminates in a critical analysis of the successes and shortcomings of consumer protection law enforcement regime in present-day South Africa; as well as recommendations (in the form of legislative amendments and practical solutions) on how the South African consumer protection enforcement framework can be improved in order to facilitate the realisation of consumer rights.Mercantile LawLL. D

    Об'єкт адміністративних порушень законодавства про захист прав споживачів

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    Рассмотрено объект административных нарушений законодательства о защите прав потребителей, проанализировано общий, родовой, видовой объект, предмет административные нарушений законодательства о защите прав потребителей, предложено предусмотреть в проекте Кодекса Украины об административным проступках отдельную главу «Административные правонарушения в сфере торговли (исполнения работ, предоставления услуг), стандартизации и качества продукции».Author have researched object of administrative violations of consumer protection law, have analyzed conception of object, kinds of objects and subject of administrative violations of consumer protection law. Author have proposed concept of object of administrative violations of consumer protection law. Also author propose to provide special article «Administrative violations in the trading field (works execution and servicing), standardization and product quality» and to provide all kinds of violations of consumer rights for the Project of Ukrainian code about administrative violations

    Redress compliance and choice: Enhanced Consumer Measures and the retreat from punishment in the Consumer Rights Act 2015

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    This article examines critically the extent to which the availability of Enhanced Consumer Measures (ECMs) created by the Consumer Rights Act 2015 addresses the problems associated with the enforcement of consumer protection law in the UK. The article explains the genesis of the provisions by establishing the limitations of the previous law before moving on to consider the extent to which ECMs are successful in addressing those limitations. The article argues that while the availability of ECMs will potentially improve the ability of both enforcers and courts to achieve some objectives of consumer protection law, the measures raise some significant concerns. Of particular concern is the extent to which they signal a move away from prosecution in cases where that would be the optimal response, and so compromise the ability of consumer protection law to achieve some of its most important objectives


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    SICEPAT is one of delivery service in Indonesia that located in Jakarta. As the business owner in running its business for its consumer, SICEPAT already prepared every risks that may be occurred one day. Therefore SICEPAT prepared terms and conditions that can be seen by consumers. Inside the terms and conditions point 7, writers saw that SICEPAT included prohibited stipulation by Article 18 paragraph (1) letter a Consumer Protection Law that is written that SICEPAT Ekspres is not responsible if there is a damage, delay and loss to consumer (exoneration clause), this matter according to Article 18 paragraph (3) is stated void by law. The existence of exoneration clause in an agreement will be harmful to consumer. If the consumer experienced loss it means consumer’s rights as written in Article 4 Consumer Protection Law is violated. Therefore consumer has the right to get the compensation. And business owner as written in Article 7 Consumer Protection Law has the obligation that cannot be ignored. Even in Article 19 paragraph (1) Consumer Protection Law clearly stated that business owner must be responsible to give the compensation for the damages, and due to consuming object and/or service that produced or sold by the business owner, the consumer is able to file a report to SICEPAT Ekspres or do the remedy through court or outside the court (BPSK)

    Is Local Consumer Protection Law a Better Retributive Mechanism than the Tax System

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    As Judge Calabresi has argued, preemption decisions are, at their core, a choice about which tier of government should have policy-making authority. In prior work, Mark Seidenfeld and I argued that the choice of whether or not to preempt state law decisions should be based explicitly on fiscal federalism considerations. The economic discipline of fiscal federalism attempts to measure the welfare effects of situating a given policy either locally, nationally, or somewhere in between

    Consumer Protection Law of Circulation of Expired Food

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    This study aims to identify and analyze consumer protection for the circulation of expired food (At the Kalijaga Non-Governmental Consumer Protection Agency (LPKSM) in Demak Regency); the factors that become obstacles in consumer protection for the circulation of expired food at the Kalijaga Non-Governmental Consumer Protection Agency (LPKSM) in Demak Regency and the solution.This study uses sociological juridical research methods.The conclusion in this study is that producers or business actors must carry out their business in accordance with predetermined production guidelines. Business actors who commit violations will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Article 60 to Article 63 of Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection

    Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Consumer Protection Law

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    This is the first year the University of Richmond Law Review has surveyed Virginia law concerning developments in the area of consumer protection. Thus, this article includes background material as well as recent developments that are more than one year old. Except as background for the current statutes, this survey does not discuss the common law torts of fraud and constructive fraud. Although these common law actions remain important to consumers, they have been discussed in several other recent publications

    Consumer Choice: The Practical Reason for Both Antitrust and Consumer Protection Law

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    This article is about the relationship between antitrust and consumer protection law. Its purpose is to define each area of law, to delineate the boundary between them, to show how they interact with each other, and to show how they ultimately support one another as the two components of a single overarching unity. That overarching unity is consumer choice. Antitrust and consumer protection law share a common purpose in that both are intended to facilitate the exercise of consumer sovereignty or effective consumer choice. Such consumer choice exists when two fundamental conditions are present: (l) there must be a range of consumer options made possible through competition; and (2) consumers must be able to select freely among these options

    แนวทางการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภคจากความไม่ได้มาตรฐานของสินค้า: กรณีศึกษาประเทศสิงคโปร์: Guideline to Consumer Protection on Defective Products: Case Study of Singapore

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    บทคัดย่อปัญหาของการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภคจากสินค้าไม่ได้มาตรฐาน (Defective Products) หรือที่เรียกอีกอย่างว่าสินค้าด้อยคุณภาพของประเทศไทย ยังไม่มีแนวทางหรือมาตรการทางกฎหมายที่ชัดเจนใน การเยียวยาผู้บริโภค โดยที่หลักกฎหมายที่มีอยู่ในปัจจุบันแม้จะกำหนดลักษณะการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภคสามารถเรียกร้องความเสียหายได้ แต่ยังมีช่องว่างที่ผู้บริโภคอาจไม่ได้รับความคุ้มครองจากกระบวนการต่าง ๆ ที่มีข้อจำกัดและความสัมพันธ์ในทางกฎหมายระหว่างผู้ผลิตและผู้บริโภคไม่ได้เกิดขึ้นโดยตรง เช่นนี้ย่อมทำให้ผู้บริโภคถูกเอารัดเอาเปรียบจากกลุ่มผู้ประกอบธุรกิจได้ ประเทศสิงคโปร์ได้นำหลักการตามกฎหมายเลมอนลอว์ (Lemon Law) ของประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา มาปรับใช้เป็นมาตรการทางกฎหมายเพื่อเยียวยาความเสียหายจากการบริโภคสินค้าไม่ได้มาตรฐาน (Defective Products) ในลักษณะเป็นการปรับกฎหมายในเรื่องการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภค The Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (Cap. 52A), 2012 ซึ่งวางแนวทางที่สำคัญอันควรศึกษา เพื่อนำมาปรับใช้กับกฎหมายของประเทศไทยให้เกิดความสอดคล้องในการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภคจากสินค้าไม่ได้มาตรฐาน (Sub-Standard Product) หรือสินค้าไม่ได้มาตรฐาน (Defective Product) ได้ดียิ่งขึ้นและนำไปสู่การพัฒนากฎหมายของประเทศไทยต่อไป AbstractThe problem of consumer protection on defective products or non-quality product of Thailand. It does not have a specific law to protect consumer to the problem. Besides, even if now Thailand has rights of consumer to called remedies from operator under consumer protection law. However, it still has gap in the law made consumer will has un-protection by restrict legal processes. Otherwise, in order to legal relations is not be direct relation between operator and consumer. Therefore, it might make consumer will being exploited from operator. Singapore present legal of Lemon Law of United State of America to accession in domestic law to fill gap in the law and recover the faulty of consumption of defective products. By amend consumer protection law on the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (Cap. 52A), 2012, which provided law measurer to consumer from defective products. Therefore, it was significant to study and provider recommendation to amending consumer protection law on the problem of Sub-Standard Product or Defective Product of Thailand

    Online Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Dispute Settlement in the Digital World

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    Online dispute resolution by consumer dispute resolution agency has not been regulated in consumer protection law. The aims of this study: (i) showing online alternative dispute resolution is concept of consumer dispute resolution by consumer dispute resolution agency in digital world in Indonesia; (ii) showing the urgency of regulation and matters regulated in consumer protection law relating to online alternative dispute resolution. The author uses normative juridical research. The results show first, online alternative dispute resolution for consumer dispute resolution by consumer dispute resolution agency can overcome the problem of long time and not cheap costs incurred by consumers to resolve disputes, in line with the increase in digital consumers, whose implementation can improve assessment of alternative dispute resolution related to effectiveness rule of law. Second, online alternative dispute resolution needs to be regulated in consumer protection law so that consumer dispute resolution agency get legal certainty to apply them in consumer dispute resolution. Regarding the regulation, it can refer to International Council for Online Dispute Resolution and strengthen the institution of consumer dispute resolution agency. The regulation and implementation of online alternative dispute resolution by the consumer dispute resolution agency has been strengthened by success in several other countries