16 research outputs found

    Topologies on unparameterised path space

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    The signature of a path, introduced by K.T. Chen [10] in 1954, has been extensively studied in recent years. The fundamental 2010 paper [20] of Hambly and Lyons showed that the signature is an injective function on the space of continuous, finite-variation paths up to a general notion of reparameterisation called tree-like equivalence. This result has been extended to geometric rough paths by Boedihardjo et al. [5]. More recently, the approximation theory of the signature has been widely used in the literature in applications. The archetypal instance of these results, see e.g. [24], guarantees uniform approximation, on compact sets, of a continuous function by a linear functional on the (extended) tensor algebra acting on the signature. In this paper we study in detail, and for the first time, the properties of three natural candidate topologies on the set of unparameterised paths, i.e. the tree-like equivalence classes. These are obtained by privileging different properties of the signature and are: (1) the product topology, obtained by equipping the range of the signature with the (subspace topology of the) product topology in the extended tensor algebra and then requiring S to be an embedding, (2) the quotient topology derived from the 1-variation topology on the underlyind path space, and (3) the metric topology associated to ([γ], [σ]) := ||γ* - σ*||₁ using the (constant-speed) tree-reduced representatives γ* and σ* of the respective equivalence classes. We evaluate these spaces from the point of view of their suitability when it comes to studying (probability) measures on them. We prove that the respective collections of open sets are ordered by strict inclusion, (1) being the weakest and (3) the strongest. Our other conclusions can be summarised as follows. All three topological spaces are separable and Hausdorff, (1) being both metrisable and σ-compact, but not a Baire space and hence being neither Polish nor locally compact. The completion of (1), in any metric inducing the product topology, is the subspace G* of group-like elements. The quotient topology (2) is not metrisable and the metric d is not complete. We also discuss some open problems related to these spaces. We consider finally the implications of the selection of the topology for uniform approximation results involving the signature. A stereotypical model for a continuous function on (unparameterised) path space is the solution of a controlled differential equation. We thus prove, for a broad class of these equations, well-definedness and measurability of the (fixed-time) solution map with respect to the Borel sigma-algebra of each topology. Under stronger regularity assumptions, we further show continuity of this same map on explicit compact subsets of the product topology (1). We relate these results to the expected signature model of [24]

    Almost every path structure is not variational

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    Given a smooth family of unparameterized curves such that through every point in every direction there passes exactly one curve, does there exist a Lagrangian with extremals being precisely this family? It is known that in dimension 2 the answer is positive. In dimension 3, it follows from the work of Douglas that the answer is, in general, negative. We generalise this result to all higher dimensions and show that the answer is actually negative for almost every such a family of curves, also known as path structure or path geometry. On the other hand, we consider path geometries possessing infinitesimal symmetries and show that path and projective structures with submaximal symmetry dimensions are variational. Note that the projective structure with the submaximal symmetry algebra, the so-called Egorov structure, is not pseudo-Riemannian metrizable; we show that it is metrizable in the class of Kropina pseudo-metrics and explicitly construct the corresponding Kropina Lagrangian

    Almost every path structure is not variational

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    Given a smooth family of unparameterized curves such that through every point in every direction there passes exactly one curve, does there exist a Lagrangian with extremals being precisely this family? It is known that in dimension 2 the answer is positive. In dimension 3, it follows from the work of Douglas that the answer is, in general, negative. We generalise this result to all higher dimensions and show that the answer is actually negative for almost every such a family of curves, also known as path structure or path geometry. On the other hand, we consider path geometries possessing infinitesimal symmetries and show that path and projective structures with submaximal symmetry dimensions are variational. Note that the projective structure with the submaximal symmetry algebra, the so-called Egorov structure, is not pseudo-Riemannian metrizable; we show that it is metrizable in the class of Kropina pseudo-metrics and explicitly construct the corresponding Kropina Lagrangian

    Localic completion of uniform spaces

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    We extend the notion of localic completion of generalised metric spaces by Steven Vickers to the setting of generalised uniform spaces. A generalised uniform space (gus) is a set X equipped with a family of generalised metrics on X, where a generalised metric on X is a map from the product of X to the upper reals satisfying zero self-distance law and triangle inequality. For a symmetric generalised uniform space, the localic completion lifts its generalised uniform structure to a point-free generalised uniform structure. This point-free structure induces a complete generalised uniform structure on the set of formal points of the localic completion that gives the standard completion of the original gus with Cauchy filters. We extend the localic completion to a full and faithful functor from the category of locally compact uniform spaces into that of overt locally compact completely regular formal topologies. Moreover, we give an elementary characterisation of the cover of the localic completion of a locally compact uniform space that simplifies the existing characterisation for metric spaces. These results generalise the corresponding results for metric spaces by Erik Palmgren. Furthermore, we show that the localic completion of a symmetric gus is equivalent to the point-free completion of the uniform formal topology associated with the gus. We work in Aczel's constructive set theory CZF with the Regular Extension Axiom. Some of our results also require Countable Choice.Comment: 39 page

    Fuzzy geometry

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    The concept of fuzzy space is due independently to Poincaré and Zeeman. (Poincaré used the term "physical continuum", Zeeman the term "tolerance space". I have reluctantly introduced a third expression since my attempts to generate a vocabulary from either of these have all proved impossibly unwieldy.) Both were led to it by the nature of our perception of space, and both adapted to it tools current in topology. Unfortunately, neither examined the application of these tools in complete detail, and as a result the argument from analogy was somewhat over-extended by both. The resemblances to topology are strong; the differences are sometimes glaring and sometimes subtle. In the latter case the difficulties produced by a topologically-conditioned intuition can be severe obstacles to progress. (Certainly, having been reared mathematically as a topologist I have found it necessary to distrust any conclusion whose proof is not painfully precise. ) For this reason many of the proofs in this paper are set out in somewhat more detail than would be natural in a more established field. For this reason also I have here not only set out the positive results I have so far obtained in the subject but, for the benefit of topologists, elaborated on the failures of analogy with topology where a more succinct exposition would have ignored them as dead ends (e.g., in Chap. I, §2)

    The functional renormalisation group, its mathematics and applications to asymptotic safety

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    We present a regularisation scheme for scalar Quantum Field theories that enables a flexible and mathematically consistent formulation of interacting theories in arbitrary dimensions. In contrast to a lattice approach, it retains the smooth features of spacetime and the infinite de- grees of freedom such that, in particular, the rotational symmetry can be left unbroken. In this framework, we give a mathematically rigorous derivation of the Wetterich equation as well as sufficient conditions for the passage to the limit of vanishing regularisation. We also introduce an iterative construction procedure for exact solutions to the Wetterich equation that works by producing higher-order correlation functions form the renormalisation group flow of lower order correlators. Then a generalisation of Quantum Electrodynamics is considered in the asymptotic safety framework and particular solutions are found that reproduce physical results in a low-energy regime. Finally, the applicability of the introduced regularisation scheme to the ϕ4 theory is proved. It follows from an integrability statement that can be thought of as a generalisation of Fernique’s theorem on exponential tails of Gaußian measures

    Quantalic spectra of semirings

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    Spectrum constructions appear throughout mathematics as a way of constructing topological spaces from algebraic data. Given a localic semiring R (the pointfree analogue of a topological semiring), we define a spectrum of R which generalises the Stone spectrum of a distributive lattice, the Zariski spectrum of a commutative ring, the Gelfand spectrum of a commutative unital C*-algebra and the Hofmann–Lawson spectrum of a continuous frame. We then provide an explicit construction of this spectrum under conditions on R which are satisfied by our main examples. Our results are constructively valid and hence admit interpretation in any elementary topos with natural number object. For this reason the spectrum we construct should actually be a locale instead of a topological space. A simple modification to our construction gives rise to a quantic spectrum in the form of a commutative quantale. Such a quantale contains 'differential' information in addition to the purely topological information of the localic spectrum. In the case of a discrete ring, our construction produces the quantale of ideals. This prompts us to study the quantale of ideals in more detail. We discuss some results from abstract ideal theory in the setting of quantales and provide a tentative definition for what it might mean for a quantale to be nonsingular by analogy to commutative ring theory

    A quantum measurement model of reaction-transport systems

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    This research develops a mesoscopic quantum measurement theoretic foundation for neutron transport theory in the presence of delayed fission and compound scattering processes. Specifically, we construct a quantization of the Pal-Bell equation of stochastic neutron transport theory from a quantum stochastic calculus for particle detection in quantum fields. This enables us to formulate a quantum theory of mesoscopic neutron transport physics that explicitly incorporates both transport mechanisms and resonance scattering into a single quantum stochastic process. The quantum stochastic process representation is shown to have a unique, trace-norm convergent perturbation expansion in the number of observed reaction events. This expansion result, and the proofs that lead to it, help to establish a variety of approximation methods that are applied to nuclear data assimilation and neutron thermalization problems