852 research outputs found

    Vesicle computers: Approximating Voronoi diagram on Voronoi automata

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    Irregular arrangements of vesicles filled with excitable and precipitating chemical systems are imitated by Voronoi automata --- finite-state machines defined on a planar Voronoi diagram. Every Voronoi cell takes four states: resting, excited, refractory and precipitate. A resting cell excites if it has at least one excited neighbour; the cell precipitates if a ratio of excited cells in its neighbourhood to its number of neighbours exceed certain threshold. To approximate a Voronoi diagram on Voronoi automata we project a planar set onto automaton lattice, thus cells corresponding to data-points are excited. Excitation waves propagate across the Voronoi automaton, interact with each other and form precipitate in result of the interaction. Configuration of precipitate represents edges of approximated Voronoi diagram. We discover relation between quality of Voronoi diagram approximation and precipitation threshold, and demonstrate feasibility of our model in approximation Voronoi diagram of arbitrary-shaped objects and a skeleton of a planar shape.Comment: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2011), in pres

    On the development of slime mould morphological, intracellular and heterotic computing devices

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    The use of live biological substrates in the fabrication of unconventional computing (UC) devices is steadily transcending the barriers between science fiction and reality, but efforts in this direction are impeded by ethical considerations, the field’s restrictively broad multidisciplinarity and our incomplete knowledge of fundamental biological processes. As such, very few functional prototypes of biological UC devices have been produced to date. This thesis aims to demonstrate the computational polymorphism and polyfunctionality of a chosen biological substrate — slime mould Physarum polycephalum, an arguably ‘simple’ single-celled organism — and how these properties can be harnessed to create laboratory experimental prototypes of functionally-useful biological UC prototypes. Computing devices utilising live slime mould as their key constituent element can be developed into a) heterotic, or hybrid devices, which are based on electrical recognition of slime mould behaviour via machine-organism interfaces, b) whole-organism-scale morphological processors, whose output is the organism’s morphological adaptation to environmental stimuli (input) and c) intracellular processors wherein data are represented by energetic signalling events mediated by the cytoskeleton, a nano-scale protein network. It is demonstrated that each category of device is capable of implementing logic and furthermore, specific applications for each class may be engineered, such as image processing applications for morphological processors and biosensors in the case of heterotic devices. The results presented are supported by a range of computer modelling experiments using cellular automata and multi-agent modelling. We conclude that P. polycephalum is a polymorphic UC substrate insofar as it can process multimodal sensory input and polyfunctional in its demonstrable ability to undertake a variety of computing problems. Furthermore, our results are highly applicable to the study of other living UC substrates and will inform future work in UC, biosensing, and biomedicine

    Novel linear and nonlinear optical signal processing for ultra-high bandwidth communications

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    The thesis is articulated around the theme of ultra-wide bandwidth single channel signals. It focuses on the two main topics of transmission and processing of information by techniques compatible with high baudrates. The processing schemes introduced combine new linear and nonlinear optical platforms such as Fourier-domain programmable optical processors and chalcogenide chip waveguides, as well as the concept of neural network. Transmission of data is considered in the context of medium distance links of Optical Time Division Multiplexed (OTDM) data subject to environmental fluctuations. We experimentally demonstrate simultaneous compensation of differential group delay and multiple orders of dispersion at symbol rates of 640 Gbaud and 1.28 Tbaud. Signal processing at high bandwidth is envisaged both in the case of elementary post-transmission analog error mitigation and in the broader field of optical computing for high level operations (“optical processor”). A key innovation is the introduction of a novel four-wave mixing scheme implementing a dot-product operation between wavelength multiplexed channels. In particular, it is demonstrated for low-latency hash-key based all-optical error detection in links encoded with advanced modulation formats. Finally, the work presents groundbreaking concepts for compact implementation of an optical neural network as a programmable multi-purpose processor. The experimental architecture can implement neural networks with several nodes on a single optical nonlinear transfer function implementing functions such as analog-to-digital conversion. The particularity of the thesis is the new approaches to optical signal processing that potentially enable high level operations using simple optical hardware and limited cascading of components

    The 1982 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    A NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Research Program was conducted to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members, to stimulate an exchange of ideas between participants and NASA, to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of participants' institutions, and to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA Centers

    Research reports: 1985 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    A compilation of 40 technical reports on research conducted by participants in the 1985 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is given. Weibull density functions, reliability analysis, directional solidification, space stations, jet stream, fracture mechanics, composite materials, orbital maneuvering vehicles, stellar winds and gamma ray bursts are among the topics discussed


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    This book is a collection of 19 excellent works presenting different applications of several MATLAB tools that can be used for educational, scientific and engineering purposes. Chapters include tips and tricks for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), power system analysis, control systems design, system modelling and simulations, parallel processing, optimization, signal and image processing, finite different solutions, geosciences and portfolio insurance. Thus, readers from a range of professional fields will benefit from its content