133 research outputs found

    Arabic digits speech recognition and speaker identification in noisy environment using a hybrid model of VQ and GMM

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    This paper presents an automatic speaker identification and speech recognition for Arabic digits in noisy environment. In this work, the proposed system is able to identify the speaker after saving his voice in the database and adding noise. The mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) is the best approach used in building a program in the Matlab platform; also, the quantization is used for generating the codebooks. The Gaussian mixture modelling (GMM) algorithms are used to generate template, feature-matching purpose. In this paper, we have proposed a system based on MFCC-GMM and MFCC-VQ Approaches on the one hand and by using the Hybrid Approach MFCC-VQ-GMM on the other hand for speaker modeling. The White Gaussian noise is added to the clean speech at several signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels to test the system in a noisy environment. The proposed system gives good results in recognition rate

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Master of Science

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    thesisPresently, speech recognition is gaining worldwide popularity in applications like Google Voice, speech-to-text reporter (speech-to-text transcription, video captioning, real-time transcriptions), hands-free computing, and video games. Research has been done for several years and many speech recognizers have been built. However, most of the speech recognizers fail to recognize the speech accurately. Consider the well-known application of Google Voice, which aids in users search of the web using voice. Though Google Voice does a good job in transcribing the spoken words, it does not accurately recognize the words spoken with different accents. With the fact that several accents are evolving around the world, it is essential to train the speech recognizer to recognize accented speech. Accent classification is defined as the problem of classifying the accents in a given language. This thesis explores various methods to identify the accents. We introduce a new concept of clustering windows of a speech signal and learn a distance metric using specific distance measure over phonetic strings to classify the accents. A language structure is incorporated to learn this distance metric. We also show how kernel approximation algorithms help in learning a distance metric

    Phonological Level wav2vec2-based Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis Method

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    The automatic identification and analysis of pronunciation errors, known as Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis (MDD) plays a crucial role in Computer Aided Pronunciation Learning (CAPL) tools such as Second-Language (L2) learning or speech therapy applications. Existing MDD methods relying on analysing phonemes can only detect categorical errors of phonemes that have an adequate amount of training data to be modelled. With the unpredictable nature of the pronunciation errors of non-native or disordered speakers and the scarcity of training datasets, it is unfeasible to model all types of mispronunciations. Moreover, phoneme-level MDD approaches have a limited ability to provide detailed diagnostic information about the error made. In this paper, we propose a low-level MDD approach based on the detection of speech attribute features. Speech attribute features break down phoneme production into elementary components that are directly related to the articulatory system leading to more formative feedback to the learner. We further propose a multi-label variant of the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) approach to jointly model the non-mutually exclusive speech attributes using a single model. The pre-trained wav2vec2 model was employed as a core model for the speech attribute detector. The proposed method was applied to L2 speech corpora collected from English learners from different native languages. The proposed speech attribute MDD method was further compared to the traditional phoneme-level MDD and achieved a significantly lower False Acceptance Rate (FAR), False Rejection Rate (FRR), and Diagnostic Error Rate (DER) over all speech attributes compared to the phoneme-level equivalent

    Exploring the impact of data poisoning attacks on machine learning model reliability

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    Recent years have seen the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence techniques in several domains, including healthcare, justice, assisted driving and Natural Language Processing (NLP) based applications (e.g., the Fake News detection). Those mentioned are just a few examples of some domains that are particularly critical and sensitive to the reliability of the adopted machine learning systems. Therefore, several Artificial Intelligence approaches were adopted as support to realize easy and reliable solutions aimed at improving the early diagnosis, personalized treatment, remote patient monitoring and better decision-making with a consequent reduction of healthcare costs. Recent studies have shown that these techniques are venerable to attacks by adversaries at phases of artificial intelligence. Poisoned data set are the most common attack to the reliability of Artificial Intelligence approaches. Noise, for example, can have a significant impact on the overall performance of a machine learning model. This study discusses the strength of impact of noise on classification algorithms. In detail, the reliability of several machine learning techniques to distinguish correctly pathological and healthy voices by analysing poisoning data was evaluated. Voice samples selected by available database, widely used in research sector, the Saarbruecken Voice Database, were processed and analysed to evaluate the resilience and classification accuracy of these techniques. All analyses are evaluated in terms of accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, F1-score and ROC area

    Spoken Word and Speaker Recognition Using MFCC and Multiple Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Identification of spoken word and speaker has been featured in many kinds of research. The problem or obstacle that persists is in the pronunciation of a particular word. So it is the noise that causes the difficulty of words to be identified. Furthermore, every human has different pronunciation habits and is influenced by several variables, such as amplitude, frequency, tempo, and rhythmic. This study proposed the identification of spoken sounds by using specific word input to determine the patterns of the speaker and spoken using Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) and Multiple Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). The Mel coefficient of MFCC is used as an input feature for identifying spoken words and speakers using RNN and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Multiple RNN works spoken word and speaker in parallel. The results obtained by multiple RNN have an accuracy of 87.74%, while single RNNs have 80.58% using Adam of new data. In order to test our model computational regularly, the experiment tested K-fold Cross-Validation of datasets for spoken and speakers with an average accuracy of 86.07%, which means the model to be able to learn on the dataset without being affected by the order or selection of test data

    Multi-dialect Arabic broadcast speech recognition

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    Dialectal Arabic speech research suffers from the lack of labelled resources and standardised orthography. There are three main challenges in dialectal Arabic speech recognition: (i) finding labelled dialectal Arabic speech data, (ii) training robust dialectal speech recognition models from limited labelled data and (iii) evaluating speech recognition for dialects with no orthographic rules. This thesis is concerned with the following three contributions: Arabic Dialect Identification: We are mainly dealing with Arabic speech without prior knowledge of the spoken dialect. Arabic dialects could be sufficiently diverse to the extent that one can argue that they are different languages rather than dialects of the same language. We have two contributions: First, we use crowdsourcing to annotate a multi-dialectal speech corpus collected from Al Jazeera TV channel. We obtained utterance level dialect labels for 57 hours of high-quality consisting of four major varieties of dialectal Arabic (DA), comprised of Egyptian, Levantine, Gulf or Arabic peninsula, North African or Moroccan from almost 1,000 hours. Second, we build an Arabic dialect identification (ADI) system. We explored two main groups of features, namely acoustic features and linguistic features. For the linguistic features, we look at a wide range of features, addressing words, characters and phonemes. With respect to acoustic features, we look at raw features such as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients combined with shifted delta cepstra (MFCC-SDC), bottleneck features and the i-vector as a latent variable. We studied both generative and discriminative classifiers, in addition to deep learning approaches, namely deep neural network (DNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN). In our work, we propose Arabic as a five class dialect challenge comprising of the previously mentioned four dialects as well as modern standard Arabic. Arabic Speech Recognition: We introduce our effort in building Arabic automatic speech recognition (ASR) and we create an open research community to advance it. This section has two main goals: First, creating a framework for Arabic ASR that is publicly available for research. We address our effort in building two multi-genre broadcast (MGB) challenges. MGB-2 focuses on broadcast news using more than 1,200 hours of speech and 130M words of text collected from the broadcast domain. MGB-3, however, focuses on dialectal multi-genre data with limited non-orthographic speech collected from YouTube, with special attention paid to transfer learning. Second, building a robust Arabic ASR system and reporting a competitive word error rate (WER) to use it as a potential benchmark to advance the state of the art in Arabic ASR. Our overall system is a combination of five acoustic models (AM): unidirectional long short term memory (LSTM), bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM), time delay neural network (TDNN), TDNN layers along with LSTM layers (TDNN-LSTM) and finally TDNN layers followed by BLSTM layers (TDNN-BLSTM). The AM is trained using purely sequence trained neural networks lattice-free maximum mutual information (LFMMI). The generated lattices are rescored using a four-gram language model (LM) and a recurrent neural network with maximum entropy (RNNME) LM. Our official WER is 13%, which has the lowest WER reported on this task. Evaluation: The third part of the thesis addresses our effort in evaluating dialectal speech with no orthographic rules. Our methods learn from multiple transcribers and align the speech hypothesis to overcome the non-orthographic aspects. Our multi-reference WER (MR-WER) approach is similar to the BLEU score used in machine translation (MT). We have also automated this process by learning different spelling variants from Twitter data. We mine automatically from a huge collection of tweets in an unsupervised fashion to build more than 11M n-to-m lexical pairs, and we propose a new evaluation metric: dialectal WER (WERd). Finally, we tried to estimate the word error rate (e-WER) with no reference transcription using decoding and language features. We show that our word error rate estimation is robust for many scenarios with and without the decoding features
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