16 research outputs found

    Regional music collection practices in libraries: A qualitative systematic review and thematic analysis of the literature

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    Regional music collections document the music of a particular geographic area, bringing together unique artifacts that represent the local history and culture. The practice of collecting regional music is now taking place at many academic and public libraries. With increasing frequency and a diversity of methods, these collections are now also being presented online, expanding access to a wider audience. This paper presents the results of a qualitative systematic review and evidence synthesis, which aims to capture current practices in the management and representation regional music collections in libraries. In particular, the review aims to analyze the findings of scholarly, professional and grey literature related to regional music collection practices in academic and public libraries within North America. NVivo software was used to conduct content analysis of core literature findings in order to identify key themes within the literature. This review provides insight into the past and current practices surrounding the acquisition, management, and presentation of these special collections. The “big picture” of regional music collections will be discussed, including where they are held, current practices and guidelines for establishing and maintaining these collections, and potential areas for growth and innovation - especially in regard to digital collections and new publishing models for music

    Relevance and Use of News Bulletin in Public Information Dissemination within Academic Communities: A Case Study of Three Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This study focuses on the relevance and use of news bulletin in public information dissemination within academic communities. Three Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria were selected for the study. A total of 500 copies of questionnaires were distributed but only 432 copies were returned for analysis. The study utilized factor analysis to extract major factors that promote the use of the medium in public information dissemination within the community. The findings revealed that almost all respondents see news bulletin as a good means of communication and collaboration and the major factors that promote its uses in the community are utility, worthiness, credibility and consistency. However, a good number of them believed that it does not give room for feedback. In conclusion, the study recommends that management should correct the paucities in the production and distribution systems of the medium in reporting current happenings in the community at regular intervals. Keywords: Information dissemination, News bulletin, Academic community, Communication, Tertiary institutions

    Relevance and Use of News Bulletin in Public Information Dissemination within Academic Communities: A Case Study of Three Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This study focuses on the relevance and use of news bulletin in public information dissemination within academic communities. Three Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria were selected for the study. A total of 500 copies of questionnaires were distributed but only 432 copies were returned for analysis. The study utilized factor analysis to extract major factors that promote the use of the medium in public information dissemination within the community. The findings revealed that almost all respondents see news bulletin as a good means of communication and collaboration and the major factors that promote its uses in the community are utility, worthiness, credibility and consistency. However, a good number of them believed that it does not give room for feedback. In conclusion, the study recommends that management should correct the paucities in the production and distribution systems of the medium in reporting current happenings in the community at regular intervals. Keywords: Information dissemination, News bulletin, Academic community, Communication, Tertiary institutions

    Designing Technology to Overcome the Lack of Transmission of HPV Facts: Step One-”A Theory of the Problem

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    The lack of health knowledge among people may cause serious health problems. Cervical cancer, which kills hundreds of thousands of women around the world each year, is almost always caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Much is known about HPV that women could use to avoid infections, but widespread lack of transmission of HPV facts to women prevents them from taking the steps necessary to avoid infection. This paper theorizes about the problem of lack of transmission of HPV facts. Hence, HPV Facts Transmission Model, Including Barriers and Resources Factors has been identified. A theory of the problem [1] may assist in developing a theory of the solution, in which to-be-developed IT artifacts could play an important role

    The good, the bad, and the notable: COVID-19 information experiences

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    This study explores the COVID-19 information experiences of people at the outbreak of the pandemic in the United States. The research data from 1,979 participants was collected through an online qualitative survey. A phenomenological approach was utilised to gain a deeper understanding of the COVID-19 information experiences. Cross tabulation was also used; however, the outcome is primarily qualitative.Results. Three types of information experiences were identified, i.e., good, bad, and notable. The good information experiences indicated people’s appreciation for factual information, state government or local news, and information about the collective well-being of people. The bad information experiences illustrated people’s concerns about misinformation, fake news, and conspiracy theories, information coming from President Trump and his administration, health-related information, and information politics. The notable information experiences highlighted people’s positive outlook on information and their concerns about information uncertainty, the politics of information, and coronaphobia. Findings suggest that information can significantly influence people’s feelings, moods, emotions, and experiences in polarising ways, and highlights implications for managing people’s well-being in times of mass misinformation and fake news.Peer Reviewe

    Dealing with the COVID-19 infodemic: Understanding young people’s emotions and coping mechanisms in Finland and the United States

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    This exploratory study seeks to understand information experiences, emotional reactions, and coping mechanisms of young adults concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying two different populations, the Finnish sample included 49 young adults, while the US sample included 154. A qualitative content analysis approach was utilized in analyzing research findings. Respondents experienced a variety of emotions including negative, positive, and neutral emotions while searching for information about the COVID-19 crisis. Respondents utilized limited information consumption, selective information consumption, and information avoidance as their primary coping mechanisms to manage information overload, anxiety, uncertainty, and emotional well-being. Overall, the findings highlighted similarities in young people’s emotional reactions and coping mechanisms in managing the pandemic-related information in both countries. The study also revealed considerable differences in their perceptions about the role of media and politics in shaping how people consume and evaluate information

    Computer Mediated Communication: Disseminating Information

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    Social science and humanities view computermediated communication (CMC) as a hub for information dissemination. The development and diffusion of CMC can be divided into three phases: pre-Internet CMC (beginning in the 1980), Internet-focused CMC (roughly 1994 to date) and social-software-supported CMC (beginning around 2002). Email, online collaborative learning, and blogs (representing, respectively, pre-Internet, Internet-focused, and socialsoftware- supported CMC) are three modes frequently studied in assessing asynchronous CMC. The current stage of CMC (social-software supported CMC) provides opportunities for research to investigate artifacts in newer domains such as YouTube, Facebook, and Flickr

    Meta-synthesis in information systems diagnosis

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    Cel/teza: Celem artykułu jest lepsze zrozumienie zakresu i sposobu funkcjonowania bibliotecznych usług informacyjnych związanych z danymi badawczymi oraz metod postępowania z nimi w obecnej praktyce repozytoriów danych badawczych. Koncepcja/metodyka badań: Do utworzenia modelu bibliotecznych usług dla danych badawczych wykorzystano metodę krytycznej syntezy interpretacyjnej (ang. critical interpretive synthesis, CIS), która jest rodzajem metasyntezy. W trakcie CIS wykorzystano także Web scraping. Wyniki i wnioski: W wyniku przeprowadzonej metasyntezy zaproponowano model usług dla danych badawczych realizowanych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe. Ograniczenia badań: Badania cechuje mała reprodukcyjność – istnieje możliwość utworzenia na podstawie tych samych źródeł innego modelu. Zastosowania praktyczne: Zaprezentowana metoda badań może być wykorzystywana do diagnozy złożonych konstruktów społecznych, takich jak systemy informacyjne. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: W światowym piśmiennictwie informatologicznym meta synteza jako metoda badawcza wykorzystywana jest sporadycznie, a w polskim – w ogóle. Pewne novum stanowi wykorzystanie stron Web jako źródeł do metasyntezy

    Exploring the Experiences of School Information Coordinators (SIC) in the New Normal Education

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    The School Information Coordinators (SIC) ensure efficient communication and information are coordinated and strengthened in their respective schools, especially in the new normal. Despite its successful designation, challenges were experienced in performing their roles, which hampers their effectiveness and functions. This qualitative case study explored the experiences of 12 SIC by interviewing them about their performance of their duties in the new normal education. The School Information Coordinators’ duties and responsibilities in the new normal involve verifying information, facilitating the conduct of information, and helping to address the schools’ issues and concerns. Furthermore, strategies to disseminate information include initiating collaborative efforts, strengthening relationships, being knowledgeable on tasks, and doing technologically inclined practices. Their challenges include poor internet connection and overloading of functions and responsibilities. However, in dealing with these challenges, School Information Coordinators applied resourceful in problem-solving, increasing work efforts, and seeking help and support. School Information Coordinators encountered different challenges, but efforts to overcome challenges were made possible by applying creativity and flexibility to their assigned designation