481 research outputs found

    The complexity of weighted boolean #CSP*

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    This paper gives a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of computing the partition function of an instance of a weighted Boolean constraint satisfaction problem. The problem is parameterized by a finite set F of nonnegative functions that may be used to assign weights to the configurations (feasible solutions) of a problem instance. Classical constraint satisfaction problems correspond to the special case of 0,1-valued functions. We show that computing the partition function, i.e., the sum of the weights of all configurations, is FP#P-complete unless either (1) every function in F is of “product type,” or (2) every function in F is “pure affine.” In the remaining cases, computing the partition function is in P

    The complexity of approximating conservative counting CSPs

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    We study the complexity of approximately solving the weighted counting constraint satisfaction problem #CSP(F). In the conservative case, where F contains all unary functions, there is a classification known for the case in which the domain of functions in F is Boolean. In this paper, we give a classification for the more general problem where functions in F have an arbitrary finite domain. We define the notions of weak log-modularity and weak log-supermodularity. We show that if F is weakly log-modular, then #CSP(F)is in FP. Otherwise, it is at least as difficult to approximate as #BIS, the problem of counting independent sets in bipartite graphs. #BIS is complete with respect to approximation-preserving reductions for a logically-defined complexity class #RHPi1, and is believed to be intractable. We further sub-divide the #BIS-hard case. If F is weakly log-supermodular, then we show that #CSP(F) is as easy as a (Boolean) log-supermodular weighted #CSP. Otherwise, we show that it is NP-hard to approximate. Finally, we give a full trichotomy for the arity-2 case, where #CSP(F) is in FP, or is #BIS-equivalent, or is equivalent in difficulty to #SAT, the problem of approximately counting the satisfying assignments of a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form. We also discuss the algorithmic aspects of our classification.Comment: Minor revisio

    A Dichotomy Theorem for the Approximate Counting of Complex-Weighted Bounded-Degree Boolean CSPs

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    We determine the computational complexity of approximately counting the total weight of variable assignments for every complex-weighted Boolean constraint satisfaction problem (or CSP) with any number of additional unary (i.e., arity 1) constraints, particularly, when degrees of input instances are bounded from above by a fixed constant. All degree-1 counting CSPs are obviously solvable in polynomial time. When the instance's degree is more than two, we present a dichotomy theorem that classifies all counting CSPs admitting free unary constraints into exactly two categories. This classification theorem extends, to complex-weighted problems, an earlier result on the approximation complexity of unweighted counting Boolean CSPs of bounded degree. The framework of the proof of our theorem is based on a theory of signature developed from Valiant's holographic algorithms that can efficiently solve seemingly intractable counting CSPs. Despite the use of arbitrary complex weight, our proof of the classification theorem is rather elementary and intuitive due to an extensive use of a novel notion of limited T-constructibility. For the remaining degree-2 problems, in contrast, they are as hard to approximate as Holant problems, which are a generalization of counting CSPs.Comment: A4, 10pt, 20 pages. This revised version improves its preliminary version published under a slightly different title in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol.6508 (Part I), pp.285--299, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, December 18--20, 201

    Approximation Complexity of Complex-Weighted Degree-Two Counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Constraint satisfaction problems have been studied in numerous fields with practical and theoretical interests. In recent years, major breakthroughs have been made in a study of counting constraint satisfaction problems (or #CSPs). In particular, a computational complexity classification of bounded-degree #CSPs has been discovered for all degrees except for two, where the "degree" of an input instance is the maximal number of times that each input variable appears in a given set of constraints. Despite the efforts of recent studies, however, a complexity classification of degree-2 #CSPs has eluded from our understandings. This paper challenges this open problem and gives its partial solution by applying two novel proof techniques--T_{2}-constructibility and parametrized symmetrization--which are specifically designed to handle "arbitrary" constraints under randomized approximation-preserving reductions. We partition entire constraints into four sets and we classify the approximation complexity of all degree-2 #CSPs whose constraints are drawn from two of the four sets into two categories: problems computable in polynomial-time or problems that are at least as hard as #SAT. Our proof exploits a close relationship between complex-weighted degree-2 #CSPs and Holant problems, which are a natural generalization of complex-weighted #CSPs.Comment: A4, 10pt, 23 pages. This is a complete version of the paper that appeared in the Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.6842, pp.122-133, Dallas, Texas, USA, August 14-16, 201

    Counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    This chapter surveys counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems (counting CSPs, or #CSPs) and their computational complexity. It aims to provide an introduction to the main concepts and techniques, and present a representative selection of results and open problems. It does not cover holants, which are the subject of a separate chapter

    Tractability in Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Survey

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    International audienceEven though the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is NP-complete, many tractable classes of CSP instances have been identified. After discussing different forms and uses of tractability, we describe some landmark tractable classes and survey recent theoretical results. Although we concentrate on the classical CSP, we also cover its important extensions to infinite domains and optimisation, as well as #CSP and QCSP

    Boolean approximate counting CSPs with weak conservativity, and implications for ferromagnetic two-spin

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    We analyse the complexity of approximate counting constraint satisfactions problems #CSP(F)\mathrm{\#CSP}(\mathcal{F}), where F\mathcal{F} is a set of nonnegative rational-valued functions of Boolean variables. A complete classification is known in the conservative case, where F\mathcal{F} is assumed to contain arbitrary unary functions. We strengthen this result by fixing any permissive strictly increasing unary function and any permissive strictly decreasing unary function, and adding only those to F\mathcal{F}: this is weak conservativity. The resulting classification is employed to characterise the complexity of a wide range of two-spin problems, fully classifying the ferromagnetic case. In a further weakening of conservativity, we also consider what happens if only the pinning functions are assumed to be in F\mathcal{F} (instead of the two permissive unaries). We show that any set of functions for which pinning is not sufficient to recover the two kinds of permissive unaries must either have a very simple range, or must satisfy a certain monotonicity condition. We exhibit a non-trivial example of a set of functions satisfying the monotonicity condition.Comment: 37 page
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