97 research outputs found

    On the strength of dependent products in the type theory of Martin-L\"of

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    One may formulate the dependent product types of Martin-L\"of type theory either in terms of abstraction and application operators like those for the lambda-calculus; or in terms of introduction and elimination rules like those for the other constructors of type theory. It is known that the latter rules are at least as strong as the former: we show that they are in fact strictly stronger. We also show, in the presence of the identity types, that the elimination rule for dependent products--which is a "higher-order" inference rule in the sense of Schroeder-Heister--can be reformulated in a first-order manner. Finally, we consider the principle of function extensionality in type theory, which asserts that two elements of a dependent product type which are pointwise propositionally equal, are themselves propositionally equal. We demonstrate that the usual formulation of this principle fails to verify a number of very natural propositional equalities; and suggest an alternative formulation which rectifies this deficiency.Comment: 18 pages; v2: final journal versio

    The Compatibility of the Minimalist Foundation with Homotopy Type Theory

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    The Minimalist Foundation, for short MF, is a two-level foundation for constructive mathematics ideated by Maietti and Sambin in 2005 and then fully formalized by Maietti in 2009. MF serves as a common core among the most relevant foundations for mathematics in the literature by choosing for each of them the appropriate level of MF to be translated in a compatible way, namely by preserving the meaning of logical and set-theoretical constructors. The two-level structure consists of an intensional level, an extensional one, and an interpretation of the latter in the former in order to extract intensional computational contents from mathematical proofs involving extensional constructions used in everyday mathematical practice. In 2013 a completely new foundation for constructive mathematics appeared in the literature, called Homotopy Type Theory, for short HoTT, which is an example of Voevodsky's Univalent Foundations with a computational nature. So far no level of MF has been proved to be compatible with any of the Univalent Foundations in the literature. Here we show that both levels of MF are compatible with HoTT. This result is made possible thanks to the peculiarities of HoTT which combines intensional features of type theory with extensional ones by assuming Voevodsky's Univalence Axiom and higher inductive quotient types. As a relevant consequence, MF inherits entirely new computable models

    Staged Compilation with Two-Level Type Theory

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    The aim of staged compilation is to enable metaprogramming in a way such that we have guarantees about the well-formedness of code output, and we can also mix together object-level and meta-level code in a concise and convenient manner. In this work, we observe that two-level type theory (2LTT), a system originally devised for the purpose of developing synthetic homotopy theory, also serves as a system for staged compilation with dependent types. 2LTT has numerous good properties for this use case: it has a concise specification, well-behaved model theory, and it supports a wide range of language features both at the object and the meta level. First, we give an overview of 2LTT's features and applications in staging. Then, we present a staging algorithm and prove its correctness. Our algorithm is "staging-by-evaluation", analogously to the technique of normalization-by-evaluation, in that staging is given by the evaluation of 2LTT syntax in a semantic domain. The staging algorithm together with its correctness constitutes a proof of strong conservativity of 2LLT over the object theory. To our knowledge, this is the first description of staged compilation which supports full dependent types and unrestricted staging for types

    A conservativity result for homotopy elementary types in dependent type theory

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    We prove a conservativity result for extensional type theories over propositional ones, i.e. dependent type theories with propositional computation rules, using insights from homotopy type theory. The argument exploits a notion of canonical homotopy equivalence between contexts, and uses the notion of a type-category to phrase the semantics of theories of dependent types. Informally, our main result asserts that, for judgements essentially concerning h-sets, reasoning with extensional or propositional type theories is equivalent.Comment: 67 pages, comments welcom

    Extending homotopy type theory with strict equality

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    In homotopy type theory (HoTT), all constructions are necessarily stable under homotopy equivalence. This has shortcomings: for example, it is believed that it is impossible to define a type of semi-simplicial types. More generally, it is difficult and often impossible to handle towers of coherences. To address this, we propose a 2-level theory which features both strict and weak equality. This can essentially be represented as two type theories: an ``outer'' one, containing a strict equality type former, and an ``inner'' one, which is some version of HoTT. Our type theory is inspired by Voevodsky's suggestion of a homotopy type system (HTS) which currently refers to a range of ideas. A core insight of our proposal is that we do not need any form of equality reflection in order to achieve what HTS was suggested for. Instead, having unique identity proofs in the outer type theory is sufficient, and it also has the meta-theoretical advantage of not breaking decidability of type checking. The inner theory can be an easily justifiable extensions of HoTT, allowing the construction of ``infinite structures'' which are considered impossible in plain HoTT. Alternatively, we can set the inner theory to be exactly the current standard formulation of HoTT, in which case our system can be thought of as a type-theoretic framework for working with ``schematic'' definitions in HoTT. As demonstrations, we define semi-simplicial types and formalise constructions of Reedy fibrant diagrams

    Safety and conservativity of definitions in HOL and Isabelle/HOL

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    Definitions are traditionally considered to be a safe mechanism for introducing concepts on top of a logic known to be consistent. In contrast to arbitrary axioms, definitions should in principle be treatable as a form of abbreviation, and thus compiled away from the theory without losing provability. In particular, definitions should form a conservative extension of the pure logic. These properties are crucial for modern interactive theorem provers, since they ensure the consistency of the logic, as well as a valid environment for total/certified functional programming. We prove these properties, namely, safety and conservativity, for Higher-Order Logic (HOL), a logic implemented in several mainstream theorem provers and relied upon by thousands of users. Some unique features of HOL, such as the requirement to give non-emptiness proofs when defining new types and the impossibility to unfold type definitions, make the proof of these properties, and also the very formulation of safety, nontrivial. Our study also factors in the essential variation of HOL definitions featured by Isabelle/HOL, a popular member of the HOL-based provers family. The current work improves on recent results which showed a weaker property, consistency of Isabelle/HOL’s definitions

    Two-Level Type Theory and Applications

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    We define and develop two-level type theory (2LTT), a version of Martin-L\"of type theory which combines two different type theories. We refer to them as the inner and the outer type theory. In our case of interest, the inner theory is homotopy type theory (HoTT) which may include univalent universes and higher inductive types. The outer theory is a traditional form of type theory validating uniqueness of identity proofs (UIP). One point of view on it is as internalised meta-theory of the inner type theory. There are two motivations for 2LTT. Firstly, there are certain results about HoTT which are of meta-theoretic nature, such as the statement that semisimplicial types up to level nn can be constructed in HoTT for any externally fixed natural number nn. Such results cannot be expressed in HoTT itself, but they can be formalised and proved in 2LTT, where nn will be a variable in the outer theory. This point of view is inspired by observations about conservativity of presheaf models. Secondly, 2LTT is a framework which is suitable for formulating additional axioms that one might want to add to HoTT. This idea is heavily inspired by Voevodsky's Homotopy Type System (HTS), which constitutes one specific instance of a 2LTT. HTS has an axiom ensuring that the type of natural numbers behaves like the external natural numbers, which allows the construction of a universe of semisimplicial types. In 2LTT, this axiom can be stated simply be asking the inner and outer natural numbers to be isomorphic. After defining 2LTT, we set up a collection of tools with the goal of making 2LTT a convenient language for future developments. As a first such application, we develop the theory of Reedy fibrant diagrams in the style of Shulman. Continuing this line of thought, we suggest a definition of (infinity,1)-category and give some examples.Comment: 53 page
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