33 research outputs found

    Bi-Classical Connexive Logic and its Modal Extension: Cut-elimination, completeness and duality

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    In this study, a new paraconsistent four-valued logic called bi-classical connexive logic (BCC) is introduced as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. Cut-elimination and completeness theorems for BCC are proved, and it is shown to be decidable. Duality property for BCC is demonstrated as its characteristic property. This property does not hold for typical paraconsistent logics with an implication connective. The same results as those for BCC are also obtained for MBCC, a modal extension of BCC

    Intuitionistic logic as a connexive logic

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    We show that intuitionistic logic is deductively equivalent to Connexive Heyting Logic (CHL), hereby introduced as an example of a strongly connexive logic with an intuitive semantics. We use the reverse algebraisation paradigm: CHL is presented as the assertional logic of a point regular variety (whose structure theory is examined in detail) that turns out to be term equivalent to the variety of Heyting algebras. We provide Hilbert-style and Gentzen-style proof systems for CHL ; moreover, we suggest a possible computational interpretation of its connexive conditional, and we revisit Kapsner’s idea of superconnexivity

    Inferencialismo y Relevancia: el caso de la conexividad

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    This paper provides an inferentialist motivation for a logic belonging in the connexive family, by borrowing elements from the bilateralist interpretation for Classical Logic without the Cut rule, proposed by David Ripley. The paper focuses on the relation between inferentialism and relevance, through the exploration of what we call relevant assertion and denial, showing that a connexive system emerges as a symptom of this interesting link. With the present attempt we hope to broaden the available interpretations for connexive logics, showing they can be rightfully motivated in terms of certain relevantist constraints imposed on assertion and denial.Este artículo proporciona una motivación inferencialista para una lógica perteneciente a la familia conexiva, tomando prestados elementos de la interpretación bilateralista de la Lógica Clásica sin la regla de Corte, propuesta por David Ripley. El artículo se centra en la relación entre inferencialismo y relevancia, a través de la exploración de lo que llamamos aserción y negación relevantes, mostrando que un sistema conexivo emerge como síntoma de este interesante vínculo. Con el presente intento, esperamos ampliar las interpretaciones disponibles para las lógicas conexivas, mostrando que pueden estar motivadas legítimamente en términos de ciertas restricciones relevantes impuestas a la aserción y la negación

    Relevant Connexive Logic

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    In this paper, a connexive extension of the Relevance logic R→ was presented. It is defined by means of a natural deduction system, and a deductively equivalent axiomatic system is presented too. The goal of such an extension is to produce a logic with stronger connection between the antecedent and the consequent of an implication

    Connexive logics. An overview and current trends

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    In this introduction, we offer an overview of main systems developed in the growing literature on connexive logic, and also point to a few topics that seem to be collecting attention of many of those interested in connexive logic. We will also make clear the context to which the papers in this special issue belong and contribute

    Frontiers of Conditional Logic

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    Conditional logics were originally developed for the purpose of modeling intuitively correct modes of reasoning involving conditional—especially counterfactual—expressions in natural language. While the debate over the logic of conditionals is as old as propositional logic, it was the development of worlds semantics for modal logic in the past century that catalyzed the rapid maturation of the field. Moreover, like modal logic, conditional logic has subsequently found a wide array of uses, from the traditional (e.g. counterfactuals) to the exotic (e.g. conditional obligation). Despite the close connections between conditional and modal logic, both the technical development and philosophical exploitation of the latter has outstripped that of the former, with the result that noticeable lacunae exist in the literature on conditional logic. My dissertation addresses a number of these underdeveloped frontiers, producing new technical insights and philosophical applications. I contribute to the solution of a problem posed by Priest of finding sound and complete labeled tableaux for systems of conditional logic from Lewis\u27 V-family. To develop these tableaux, I draw on previous work on labeled tableaux for modal and conditional logic; errors and shortcomings in recent work on this problem are identified and corrected. While modal logic has by now been thoroughly studied in non-classical contexts, e.g. intuitionistic and relevant logic, the literature on conditional logic is still overwhelmingly classical. Another contribution of my dissertation is a thorough analysis of intuitionistic conditional logic, in which I utilize both algebraic and worlds semantics, and investigate how several novel embedding results might shed light on the philosophical interpretation of both intuitionistic logic and conditional logic extensions thereof. My dissertation examines deontic and connexive conditional logic as well as the underappreciated history of connexive notions in the analysis of conditional obligation. The possibility of interpreting deontic modal logics in such systems (via embedding results) serves as an important theoretical guide. A philosophically motivated proscription on impossible obligations is shown to correspond to, and justify, certain (weak) connexive theses. Finally, I contribute to the intensifying debate over counterpossibles, counterfactuals with impossible antecedents, and take—in contrast to Lewis and Williamson—a non-vacuous line. Thus, in my view, a counterpossible like If there had been a counterexample to the law of the excluded middle, Brouwer would not have been vindicated is false, not (vacuously) true, although it has an impossible antecedent. I exploit impossible (non-normal) worlds—originally developed to model non-normal modal logics—to provide non-vacuous semantics for counterpossibles. I buttress the case for non-vacuous semantics by making recourse to both novel technical results and theoretical considerations

    De Finettian Logics of Indicative Conditionals Part II: Proof Theory and Algebraic Semantics

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    In Part I of this paper, we identified and compared various schemes for trivalent truth conditions for indicative conditionals, most notably the proposals by de Finetti (1936) and Reichenbach (1935, 1944) on the one hand, and by Cooper ( Inquiry , 11 , 295–320, 1968) and Cantwell ( Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic , 49 , 245–260, 2008) on the other. Here we provide the proof theory for the resulting logics and , using tableau calculi and sequent calculi, and proving soundness and completeness results. Then we turn to the algebraic semantics, where both logics have substantive limitations: allows for algebraic completeness, but not for the construction of a canonical model, while fails the construction of a Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra. With these results in mind, we draw up the balance and sketch future research projects

    Stoic Sequent Logic and Proof Theory

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    This paper contends that Stoic logic (i.e. Stoic analysis) deserves more attention from contemporary logicians. It sets out how, compared with contemporary propositional calculi, Stoic analysis is closest to methods of backward proof search for Gentzen-inspired substructural sequent logics, as they have been developed in logic programming and structural proof theory, and produces its proof search calculus in tree form. It shows how multiple similarities to Gentzen sequent systems combine with intriguing dissimilarities that may enrich contemporary discussion. Much of Stoic logic appears surprisingly modern: a recursively formulated syntax with some truth-functional propositional operators; analogues to cut rules, axiom schemata and Gentzen’s negation-introduction rules; an implicit variable-sharing principle and deliberate rejection of Thinning and avoidance of paradoxes of implication. These latter features mark the system out as a relevance logic, where the absence of duals for its left and right introduction rules puts it in the vicinity of McCall’s connexive logic. Methodologically, the choice of meticulously formulated meta-logical rules in lieu of axiom and inference schemata absorbs some structural rules and results in an economical, precise and elegant system that values decidability over completeness