288 research outputs found

    State of the Art, Trends and Future of Bluetooth Low Energy, Near Field Communication and Visible Light Communication in the Development of Smart Cities

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    The current social impact of new technologies has produced major changes in all areas of society, creating the concept of a smart city supported by an electronic infrastructure, telecommunications and information technology. This paper presents a review of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication (NFC) and Visible Light Communication (VLC) and their use and influence within different areas of the development of the smart city. The document also presents a review of Big Data Solutions for the management of information and the extraction of knowledge in an environment where things are connected by an “Internet of Things” (IoT) network. Lastly, we present how these technologies can be combined together to benefit the development of the smart city

    Automated multi-functional smart home system using arduino

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    Evin ve ev aletlerinin durumunu izlemek, her zaman insanların günlük yaşamının ana kaygıları arasındadır. Bu endişe, gün içinde dışarıda kalanlar ve çocuklarına ya da yaşlılarına sekmeleri tutmak zorunda olanlar için çok daha belirgindir. Bazı durumlarda ev güvenliğini en üst düzeye çıkarmak da önerilmektedir. Akıllı ev, ev aletlerini izlemek için bilgi teknolojisi ve bilgisayarları veya akıllı telefonları kullanan bir sistem anlamına gelir. Bu teknoloji, yukarıda açıklanan endişeleri başarılı bir şekilde çözebilir. Bu tezde, güvenliğin sağlanması (hırsızlık tespiti ve mobil uyarıların bildirilmesi), güvenlik ve konfor (istenilen ev sıcaklığının ayarlanması, ortam aydınlatmasının ayarlanması) ve ev aletlerinin kontrol edilmesi gibi çeşitli aşamalarda pratikte akıllı bir ev uygulayan bir yöntem önerilmiştir. cep telefonları ve GSM ile. Önerilen yöntemin uygulanmasından elde edilen sonuçlar, önerilen yöntemin bir akıllı ev sisteminin uygulanmasının maliyetini azaltabildiğini ve güvenlik, emniyet ve uzaktan kumanda gibi faktörleri gerçekleştirirken bunu kamuya kullanma becerisini sağladığını göstermektedir. akıllı cihazlarla ev aletleri

    Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Smart Home Security System

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    Recent advances in smartphones and affordable open-source hardware platforms have enabled the development of low-cost architectures for Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled home automation and security systems. These systems usually consist of sensing and actuating layer that is made up of sensors such as passive infrared sensors, also known as motion sensors; temperature sensors; smoke sensors, and web cameras for security surveillance. These sensors, smart electrical appliances, and other IoT devices connect to the Internet through a home gateway. This paper lays out an architecture for a cost-effective smart door sensor that will inform a user through an Android application, of door open events in a house or office environment. The proposed architecture uses an Arduino-compatible Elegoo Mega 2560 microcontroller board along with the Raspberry Pi 2 board for communicating with a web server that implements a RESTful API. Several programming languages are used in the implementation and further applications of the door sensor are discussed as well as some of its shortcomings such as possible interference from other radio frequency devices

    Middleware Support for Generic Actuation in the Internet of Mobile Things

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    As the Internet of Things is expanding towards applications in almost any sector of our economy and daily life, so is the demand of employing and integrating devices with actuation capabilities, such as smart bulbs, HVAC,smart locks, industrial machines, robots or drones. Many middleware platforms have been developed in orderto support the development of distributed IoT applications and facilitate the sensors-to-cloud communication andedge processing capabilities, but surprisingly very little has been done to provide middleware-level, support andgeneric mechanisms for discovering the devices and their interfaces, and executing the actuation commands, i.e.transferring them to the device. In this paper, we present a generic support for actuation as an extension ofContextNet, our mobile-cloud middleware for IoMT. We describe the design of the distributed actuation supportand present a proof of working implementation that enables remote control of a Sphero mobile BB-8 toy

    Design and implementation of a light-based IoT (LIoT) node using printed electronics

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    Abstract. The recent exponential growth of new radio frequency (RF) based applications such as internet of things (IoT) technology is creating a huge bandwidth demand in the already congested RF spectrum. Meanwhile, visible light communication (VLC) is emerging as a technology which can be used as an alternative wireless communications solution which makes no use of the radio spectrum. In addition, continuously powering up the massively deployed IoT nodes is becoming a challenge when it comes to maintenance costs. Development of energy autonomous IoT nodes would certainly assist to solve the energy challenge. Previous work shows that renewable energy sources can be utilized to address the energy requirement of IoT nodes. Under this context, we have developed a light-based energy autonomous IoT (LIoT) prototype. This thesis presents a feasibility study and proof of concept of LIoT, including design, implementation and validation of LIoT nodes and a transmitter unit. Furthermore, the ability of multiuser communication using VLC as well as indoor light-based energy harvesting were demonstrated and tested in this thesis. To make the concept of LIoT more attractive from an implementation standpoint, and to create a future-looking solution, printed electronics (PE) technology was used as a part of the implementation. Two key components of the prototype were based on PE technology, photovoltaic cells used to harvest energy, and displays used to exhibit information transmitted to the LIoT node. In the future, when PE technology becomes more mature, very low-cost, small form-factor and environmentally friendly LIoT nodes could be implemented on thin substrates. A wide array of possible applications can be created combining the concept of light-based IoT with printed electronics. The proposed LIoT concept shows great promise as an enabling technology for 6G

    iValet – A smart parking reservation system

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    In the current time with the continuously increasing population in the world generally and in big cities like Dubai particularly, many problems arise related to traffic and transportation. Due to covid-19 virus spread pandemic, WHO is submitting different regulations and recommendation for the need of social distancing along with avoiding any activities that might increase the possibility of the virus spread and minimize the number of infected people to save more lives. The need for decreasing the usage of the public transportation in Dubai have created parking issues in the city, streets, and buildings. One of the preferred solutions by people to overcome the long searching time for a parking lot and to reduce the fuel usage is to use the valet parking service in different city buildings, but many of them now are scared to allow strangers to use their car in the valet service. In this regard, the idea has emerged of having a smart parking reservation system that is connected with the RTA and the traffic police. The system consists of a hardware part implemented in the parking lot, and a software part where the user can search for a vacant parking spot and reserve it with in-advance payment using his/her smart phone

    Enhancing information-based spaces using IoT and multimedia visualization - a case study

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    O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é fazer uma exploração em torno das estruturas conceituais, estado da arte e aplicações plausíveis da Internet de Coisas Multimédia em serviços distribuídos com para a criação de ambientes aumentados que contribuam a melhorar a experiência coletiva e participação das pessoas assistentes a conferências profissionais, reuniões grupais e espaços públicos em geral. Assim, a metodologia será baseada em uma revisão do estado da arte das tecnologias de IoT aplicáveis a coisas de multimédia e visualização de informação, especialmente no contexto de espaços públicos aumentados, onde o acesso a informação de alta qualidade possa ser possível sem influenciar negativamente a interação no mundo real entre os participantes, assim como melhorar a experiência global dos mesmos, considerando também soluções tecnológicas projetadas para os eventos de prazos limitados.The main objective of this research is to make an exploration around conceptual frameworks, state of the art and plausible applications of the Internet of Multimedia Things in distributed services for creating augmented environments that contribute to enhance the collective experience and participation of people attending professional conferences, group meetings and public spaces in general. Thus, the methodology will be based on a review of the state of the art of IoT technologies applicable for multimedia things and information visualization, specially in the context of augmented public spaces, where the access of high-quality data can be possible without preventing real-world interaction among attendants, as well as improving the overall experience of participants, considering also technological solutions designed for the events of limited time-frames

    Low-profile antenna systems for the Next-Generation Internet of Things applications

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