95,279 research outputs found

    Estimation of Inverse Weibull Distribution Under Type-I Hybrid Censoring

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    The hybrid censoring is a mixture of Type I and Type II censoring schemes. This paper presents the statistical inferences of the Inverse Weibull distribution when the data are Type-I hybrid censored. First we consider the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters. It is observed that the maximum likelihood estimators can not be obtained in closed form. We further obtain the Bayes estimators and the corresponding highest posterior density credible intervals of the unknown parameters under the assumption of independent gamma priors using the importance sampling procedure. We also compute the approximate Bayes estimators using Lindley's approximation technique. We have performed a simulation study and a real data analysis in order to compare the proposed Bayes estimators with the maximum likelihood estimators.Comment: This paper is under review in the Austrian Journal of Statistics and will likely be published ther

    Estimating regional unemployment with mobile network data for Functional Urban Areas in Germany

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    The ongoing growth of cities due to better job opportunities is leading to increased labour-relatedcommuter flows in several countries. On the one hand, an increasing number of people commuteand move to the cities, but on the other hand, the labour market indicates higher unemployment ratesin urban areas than in the surrounding areas. We investigate this phenomenon on regional level byan alternative definition of unemployment rates in which commuting behaviour is integrated. Wecombine data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) with dynamic mobile network data by small areamodels for the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. From a methodical perspective, weuse a transformed Fay-Herriot model with bias correction for the estimation of unemployment ratesand propose a parametric bootstrap for the Mean Squared Error (MSE) estimation that includes thebias correction. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated in a case study based onofficial data and in model-based simulations. The results in the application show that unemploymentrates (adjusted by commuters) in German cities are lower than traditional official unemployment ratesindicate

    Sample Size under Inverse Negative Binomial Group Testing for Accuracy in Parameter Estimation

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    Background:The group testing method has been proposed for the detection and estimation of genetically modified plants (adventitious presence of unwanted transgenic plants, AP). For binary response variables (presence or absence), group testing is efficient when the prevalence is low, so that estimation, detection, and sample size methods have been developed under the binomial model. However, when the event is rare (low prevalence Methodology/Principal Findings: This research proposes three sample size procedures (two computational and one analytic) for estimating prevalence using group testing under inverse (negative) binomial sampling. These methods provide the required number of positive pools (rm), given a pool size (k), for estimating the proportion of AP plants using the Dorfman model and inverse (negative) binomial sampling. We give real and simulated examples to show how to apply these methods and the proposed sample-size formula. The Monte Carlo method was used to study the coverage and level of assurance achieved by the proposed sample sizes. An R program to create other scenarios is given in Appendix S2. Conclusions: The three methods ensure precision in the estimated proportion of AP because they guarantee that the width (W) of the confidence interval (CI) will be equal to, or narrower than, the desired width (v), with a probability of c. With the Monte Carlo study we found that the computational Wald procedure (method 2) produces the more precise sample size (with coverage and assurance levels very close to nominal values) and that the samples size based on the Clopper-Pearson CI (method 1) is conservative (overestimates the sample size); the analytic Wald sample size method we developed (method 3) sometimes underestimated the optimum number of pools

    Quantifying Uncertainty in High Dimensional Inverse Problems by Convex Optimisation

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    Inverse problems play a key role in modern image/signal processing methods. However, since they are generally ill-conditioned or ill-posed due to lack of observations, their solutions may have significant intrinsic uncertainty. Analysing and quantifying this uncertainty is very challenging, particularly in high-dimensional problems and problems with non-smooth objective functionals (e.g. sparsity-promoting priors). In this article, a series of strategies to visualise this uncertainty are presented, e.g. highest posterior density credible regions, and local credible intervals (cf. error bars) for individual pixels and superpixels. Our methods support non-smooth priors for inverse problems and can be scaled to high-dimensional settings. Moreover, we present strategies to automatically set regularisation parameters so that the proposed uncertainty quantification (UQ) strategies become much easier to use. Also, different kinds of dictionaries (complete and over-complete) are used to represent the image/signal and their performance in the proposed UQ methodology is investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Metrology and 1/f noise: linear regressions and confidence intervals in flicker noise context

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    1/f noise is very common but is difficult to handle in a metrological way. After having recalled the main characteristics of stongly correlated noise, this paper will determine relationships giving confidence intervals over the arithmetic mean and the linear drift parameters. A complete example of processing of an actual measurement sequence affected by 1/f noise will be given
