145 research outputs found

    Tracing paradigm shifts in information literacy: a progressive knowledge domain visualization approach

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    An information literate population is a fundamental component of modern society, but the definition of what it means to be information literate has changed over time, resulting in debates within the information literacy community. Through the lens of Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions and Shneider's four stages of a discipline framework, this dissertation examines the progress of the information literacy research domain using both scientometric and content analysis methods. Three research questions are addressed in this study. First, the structural and temporal features of the information literacy knowledge domain are identified using document co-citation analysis to identify major research areas, landmark and hub documents, and active research topics. Second, pivotal papers connecting major research areas are explored using pathfinder network scaling algorithms to identify critical paths of transition in the domain. Finally, full-text pivotal documents are examined using qualitative content analysis to trace the progression of information literacy construct definitions in seminal research documents. Findings support a paradigm shift occurred in the domain when the skills-based information literacy definition was rejected in favor of a metaliteracy model. Technological advancement emerged as an influencing factor on paradigms, playing a major role in the domain's evolution over the past half-century. Information literacy research and instruction is built upon the framework used to define what it means to be information literate. Therefore, this study has practical implications for information literacy researchers, librarians, and students.Includes bibliographical references

    Constellations: A participatory, online application for research collaboration in higher education interdisciplinary courses

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    The research establishes a model for online learning centring on the needs of integrative knowledge practices. Through the metaphor of Constellations, the practice-based research explores the complexities of working within interdisciplinary learning contexts and the potential of tools such as the Folksonomy learning platform for providing necessary conceptual support

    Essays on Technology-Mediated Training: Implications for Design and Evaluation

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    Information technology (IT) is increasingly used to impart a variety training skills, and these skills may range from specific software application operations and computer programming to learning about generic business processes. Using IT to assist training is broadly termed “Technology-Mediated Learning” (TML). Following the three essay model, this dissertation examines training interventions in the context of TML. In Essay 1, a thorough literature survey of technology training in Information Systems (IS) was conducted, resulting in clarification of the nomenclature used in TML. Essay 1 also identified of two leading theories used in TML research: (a) Social cognitive theory (SCT) (b) cognitive load theory (CLT). These two theories were subsequently explored in detail in Essay 2 and Essay 3. According to SCT, humans learn via observational learning (OL) processes of attention, retention, production, and motivation. Essay 2 developed and tested a nomological model of relationships among OL processes. Essay 2 also examined the effectiveness of a mental rehearsal training intervention in the technology-mediated training context of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) simulation. A between-subjects quasi-experiment with n = 150 was conducted to do so, where the control group received training which espoused vicarious learning as well as enactive learning to form the baseline. The treatment group was exposed to additional mental rehearsal. The results supported the hypothesized model of observational learning. Further, the mental rehearsal (i.e., intervention) group formed knowledge structures that shared greater similarity with ERP experts’ knowledge structures compared to the control group. The treatment group also scored significantly higher in terms of business process knowledge and integration knowledge compared to the control group. Essay 3 examined the mechanism behind the effectiveness of mental rehearsal in a technology-mediated training context of Massively Open Online Classes (MOOCs). To do so, it employed cognitive load theory (CLT). A randomized two-group post-test online experiment was conducted with a sample size of 258 to test the conjecture that mental rehearsal reduced extraneous load while enhanced germane load. Results supported the hypotheses related to germane load and extraneous load. It was also found that mental rehearsal led to the formation of knowledge structures that shared greater similarity to experts’ knowledge structures compared to the control group. Thus, supporting the notion that mental rehearsal enhances the effectiveness of training in TML contexts

    The Influence of Simulation-Based Information Systems Education on Enterprise Systems Knowledge and User Satisfaction

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    Enterprise systems implementations are often high cost and high risk with many companies failing to achieve their targeted business objectives. At the individual level, negative user reactions to enterprise systems lead to resistance to IT use, counter-productive adaptations, and reduced job satisfaction. Factors that contribute to these individual level effects include a lack of understanding of reengineered business processes and a lack of understanding of economic interdependencies. In this research, a computer-based business simulation educational intervention is investigated to determine its effectiveness in facilitating enterprise systems knowledge acquisition and promoting job satisfaction. Simulation-based education utilizes an experiential learning model, immersing participants in a realistic, dynamic business environment. This dissertation consists of three related essays. Two essays compare simulation-based education against traditional education to determine their relative effectiveness at imparting enterprise business process knowledge (essay 1), business motivational knowledge of economic interdependencies (essay 2), and at influencing job satisfaction. In essays 1 and 2, user knowledge structures are assessed using concept relatedness measures and analyzed using established Pathfinder network structure techniques. Results support the importance of accurate business process knowledge and understanding of enterprise economic interdependencies as antecedents to improved job satisfaction but the two types of knowledge appear to operate differently. Business process knowledge has a relatively stronger effect on perceptions of opportunities and control over the technology; whereas business motivational knowledge resulted in stronger reductions to perceptions of threat relative to a positive influence on opportunity. These influences all led to greater enterprise systems satisfaction among users. Essay 3 investigates salient factors of simulation-based education as an effective transitional intervention for enterprise change management. Based on the organizational behavior concept of realistic job previews, a new concept of realistic technology previews is introduced to IT change management. Simulation education is evaluated for its ability to provide a safe and supportive `transitional space\u27 facilitating IT adaptation by improving IT self-efficacy and improving cognitive appraisals which influence ES job satisfaction. Overall, results of these essays support the importance of user knowledge of business processes and economic relations to improve job satisfaction and adaption to enterprise systems. Simulation-based education is found to be superior to traditional education in imparting business process knowledge. Further, use of simulation-based enterprise systems education is found to positively influence IT self-efficacy and to provide a realistic technology preview, both of which improve cognitive appraisals resulting in higher enterprise systems job satisfaction

    COSPO/CENDI Industry Day Conference

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    The conference's objective was to provide a forum where government information managers and industry information technology experts could have an open exchange and discuss their respective needs and compare them to the available, or soon to be available, solutions. Technical summaries and points of contact are provided for the following sessions: secure products, protocols, and encryption; information providers; electronic document management and publishing; information indexing, discovery, and retrieval (IIDR); automated language translators; IIDR - natural language capabilities; IIDR - advanced technologies; IIDR - distributed heterogeneous and large database support; and communications - speed, bandwidth, and wireless

    Languages Learning at Key Stage 2 A longitudinal study - final report research report:DCSF-RR198

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    Supporting Methodology Transfer in Visualization Research with Literature-Based Discovery and Visual Text Analytics

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    [ES] La creciente especialización de la ciencia está motivando la rápida fragmentación de disciplinas bien establecidas en comunidades interdisciplinares. Esta descom- posición se puede observar en un tipo de investigación en visualización conocida como investigación de visualización dirigida por el problema. En ella, equipos de expertos en visualización y un dominio concreto, colaboran en un área específica de conocimiento como pueden ser las humanidades digitales, la bioinformática, la seguridad informática o las ciencias del deporte. Esta tesis propone una serie de métodos inspirados en avances recientes en el análisis automático de textos y la rep- resentación del conocimiento para promover la adecuada comunicación y transferen- cia de conocimiento entre estas comunidades. Los métodos obtenidos se combinaron en una interfaz de análisis visual de textos orientada al descubrimiento científico, GlassViz, que fue diseñada con estos objetivos en mente. La herramienta se probó por primera vez en el dominio de las humanidades digitales para explorar un corpus masivo de artículos de visualización de propósito general. GlassViz fue adaptada en un estudio posterior para que soportase diferentes fuentes de datos representativas de estas comunidades, mostrando evidencia de que el enfoque propuesto también es una alternativa válida para abordar el problema de la fragmentación en la investigación en visualización


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    This dissertation investigates the relationship between digital media and cognition as it emerges in the problematic of attention. Specifically, the project examines the workings of attention across three sites (social, neurological, and technological) in order to argue for a renewed cognitive process theory of writing based in attention studies. Using the ancient pedagogical concept of epimeleias--attending to, taking care--my dissertation asks after the ethical and rhetorical stakes of care in context of contemporary higher education. Ultimately, my dissertation aims to provide a foundation for digital literacy practices--literacy narratives, wiki-writing, remix, audio-visual essays, etc.--in light of the increasing shift towards hybrid and fully digital writing courses and massive open online courses (MOOCs)