299,828 research outputs found

    How aspects of a modified Moore method in an upper-level, proof-intensive, collegiate mathematics course impact confidence among students

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    In pursuing a degree in the field of mathematics, there comes a point when a student is no longer solving problems, but rather constructing mathematical proofs. It is through these proofs that we are able to verify the validity of different mathematical concepts and formulas. One must understand and be able to prove his work if he hopes to make his mark on the field. Further, the kind of thinking developed in this process is necessary for successful performance in a number of fields, especially science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). However, how does one learn the art of proof writing? A proof cannot be memorized and reproduced like the quadratic formula. A proof requires deep thought and planning in order to make the reader understand the logistics behind the argument. This process cannot be taught like a traditional algebra or calculus class. The best method for thoroughly and effectively teaching these classes is where research and opinions begin to differ among educators and mathematicians

    Towards Certified Unsolvability in Classical Planning

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    While it is easy to verify that an action sequence is a solution for a classical planning task, there is no such verification capability if a task is reported unsolvable. We are therefore interested in certifi- cates that allow an independent verification of the absence of solutions. We identify promising concepts for certificates that can be generated by a wide range of planning approaches. We present a first proposal of unsolvability certificates and sketch ideas how the underlying concepts can be used as part of a more flexible unsolvability proof system

    Orchestrating the spatial planning process: from Business Process Management to 2nd generation Planning Support Systems

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    Metaplanning can be considered as a necessary step for improving collaboration, transparency and accountability in sustainable and democratic spatial decision-making process. This paper reports current findings on the operational implementation of the metaplanning concept developed by the authors relying on Business Process Management methods and techniques. Two solutions are presented which implement spatial planning process workflows thanks to the development of original spatial data and processing services connectors to a Business Process Management suite. These results can be considered as a first step towards the development of 2nd generation Planning Support Systems

    Cooperation in an HMMS-type supply chain: A management application of cooperative game theory = Kooperáció egy HMMS-típusú ellátási láncban: A kooperatív játékelmélet egy menedzsment alkalmazása

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    We apply cooperative game theory concepts to analyze a Holt-Modigliani-Muth-Simon (HMMS) supply chain. The bullwhip effect in a two-stage supply chain (supplier-manufacturer) in the framework of the HMMS-model with quadratic cost functions is considered. It is assumed that both firms minimize their relevant costs, and two cases are examined: the supplier and the manufacturer minimize their relevant costs in a decentralized and in a centralized (cooperative) way. The question of how to share the savings of the decreased bullwhip effect in the centralized (cooperative) model is answered by the weighted Shapley value, by a transferable utility cooperative game theory tool, where the weights are for the exogenously given “bargaining powers” of the participants of the supply chain. = A cikkben a kooperatív játékelmélet fogalmait alkalmazzuk egy Holt-Mogigliani-Muth-Simon-típusú ellátási lánc esetében. Az ostorcsapás-hatás elemeit egy beszállító-termelő ellátási láncban ragadjuk meg egy kvadratikus készletezési és termelési költség mellett. Feltételezzük, hogy mindkét vállalat minimalizálja a releváns költségeit. Két működési rendszert hasonlítunk össze: egy hierarchikus döntéshozatali rendszert, amikor először a termelő, majd a beszállító optimalizálja helyzetét, majd egy centralizált (kooperatív) modellt, amikor a vállalatok az együttes költségüket minimalizálják. A kérdés úgy merül fel, hogy a csökkentett ostorcsapás-hatás esetén hogyan osszák meg a részvevők ebben a transzferálható hasznosságú kooperatív játékban a költség megtakarítást, exogén módon adott tárgyalási pozíció mellett

    A State of the Art of Governance Literature on adaptation to climate change. Towards a research agenda

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    This report provides a state-of-the-art overview of governance literature on adaptation strategies. What has recent research taught us on adaptation from the perspective of governance and to what research agenda does this lead? This report is structured as followed. Firstly, it will be argued why adaptation is a matter of governance. Secondly, the research methods for the literature study will be outlined. Thirdly, the results of the literature study will portray the findings in terms of the themes and foci with, respectively, environmental studies, spatial planning and development studies, and public administration studies. Finally, a comparative analysis of these findings will lead to a research agenda for future research on governance of adaptatio
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