65 research outputs found

    Towards a Capability Maturity Framework: Adopting the universal elements of Digital Capability Maturity as an Organisational Strategy

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    As technology continues to evolve, there is a need for organisations to develop the ability to assess themselves and find ways to not only survive but also flourish in the dynamic economy. This paper reports part of the findings from a more extensive research work that aims to develop a Digital Capability Maturity (DCM) Framework for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Such a framework would allow organisations to leverage their capabilities for differential value. A systematic review was undertaken to uncover the key elements contributing to DCM, to stand as a baseline for the Maturity Framework. The objective of this paper is to report on the proposed standardisation for elements of DCM. A universal taxonomy is proposed suggesting these themes should be present in any organisational attempts to formalise digital initiatives. Furthermore, to maximise the impact of DCM on quality of output, the proposed framework must adopt the ecological systems perspective

    Public sector organizational capabilities to develop fully- fledged eGovernment-for-citizens in South Africa

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    The implementation of fully-fledged eGovernment-for-citizens (eG4C) initiatives by public sector organization (PSO) seems to be a challenging task especially for developing countries. For instance in South Africa, there is no or limited fully-fledged eGovernment portal which provides integrated services for citizens. Researchers have published extensive research work on eGovernment maturity models (Layne and Lee, 2001) to evaluate the readiness of individual public agencies in executing eGovernment programmes. Furthermore, these models were developed in order to integrate the assessment of technological, organizational, operational and human capital capabilities (Valdes et al, 2010). Although there is such models PSO in developing countries still struggles to develop a fully integrated eGovernment systems. According to eGovernment ranking index studies commissioned by United Nations (2001 – 2014) developing countries do not have a well-established record top ranking of eGovernment service. These public agencies are struggling to apply these models which are strongly supported by international best practices. Hence, the research questions are: • What are the factors that hinders a successful application of eGovernment maturity model within a public agencies? • What are the constraints that affect the organizational capabilities in developing a fully- fledged eG4C? The research objective of this research is to understand and interpret the complexities within an eGovernment social structure that negatively affects implementation. The research will describe and analyze the human capital capabilities in applying eGovernment maturity model during the development of eG4C initiatives within a PSO. The study will examine some of the processes which are applied by public agencies in developing their eG4C initiatives. A deductive approach would be employed throughout the study, and the structuration and activity theories have been selected as the theoretical lens in order to understand and interpret the complexities within an eGovernment social structure that affects implementation

    A model proposal for integrated management systems maturity assessment

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    Maturity models enabling the assessment of integrated management systems (IMS) are crucial in order to provide a comparison between IMS from different companies. This paper intends to report the efforts made and the methodologies followed to develop an IMS maturity assessment model. Additionally, the paper aims at presenting such model, illustrate its usefulness, and demonstrate how companies may implement it as an organizational guide focusing an ultimate excellence level. Two surveys have been developed. An online survey with 30 questions/statements was held focusing Portuguese companies with more than one certified management subsystem according to the following standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001/NP 4397. The survey was supported on Likert type scales, with categorical and multiple option answers/statements. A pre-test was performed in three companies in order to validate the survey. A second survey was developed and submitted to the appreciation of an experts group to assess in what extent each parameter could reflect the management system integration level. The maturity model reported in this paper provides companies with a guiding path in order to achieve an ultimate excellence level. The final model version is sustained on two components, namely, a back office component, describing the statistical relationships between variables, and a front office Capability Maturity Model integrated (CMMi) based component, enabling companies to interact with the model. The back office component was developed through linear and multiple regression models and by statistical significant variables identification affecting an “IMS maturity level” latent variable. Additionally, Pearson correlation was assessed among those variables not statistically related to the latent variable. Front office component has five maturity levels and a “zero level” acting as a pre-requirement and enabling, or not, the access to the maturity assessment model. To access at higher maturity levels the IMS should comply with excellence management requirements, external factors requirements and key process agents’ (KPAs) requirements

    Innovation Opportunities from e-Government Readiness Benchmark

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    Research on e-government as well as its practice continues to bring challenges, especially for developing countries. The stage model is a frame of reference toward e-governance, where citizens are actively involved and the initiatives are collaborative in nature. Countries have been benchmarked on the e-government development and readiness indexes have been used to decision making. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether readiness benchmark on e-government can foster innovation. The result suggests that egovernment readiness indexes can foster some strategies related to technological or social innovation, and an innovation process measurement can improve the comprehension of the scenario

    Reflecting on the role of dynamic capabilities in digital government with a focus on developing countries

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    The ability to reconfigure organisational resources dynamically in order to adapt to changing environments is an important organisational capability. Developing countries in particular have a greater need to reconfigure their government resources. The aim of this study was therefore to conduct a systematic literature review of research into the dynamic capabilities of digital government. The findings suggest that most researchers have focused on the innovative capability compared with adaptive and absorptive capabilities. This means the focus is primarily on new services and infrastructure using ICT, but rarely on scanning the environment to identify new ways to provide existing services, nor on finding new ways to provide new services using ICT. The findings further highlight the absence of research in developing countries, specifically in Africa and Latin America. This research contributes to ICT4D literature in identifying research gaps on how to reconfigure government resources using ICT in developing countries

    Towards an Internet of Things society: Perspectives from government agencies in Sweden

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    Digitalization in general, and the Internet of Things (IoT) in particular, is dramatically transforming societies, affecting both industry and the public sector. Government agencies have a role to play in how successful distribution and implementation of IoT technologies are. We conducted an explorative, qualitative study based on 16 interviews with key respondents from government agencies in Sweden to discover the public sector agencies’ current maturity. We focused on society as a whole and drilled down into individual sectors: energy, food, transportation, health care, financial services, information and communication, and security. Governance challenges are identified related to the complex ecosystem interplay of public and private actors, including lack of common guidelines, sparsity of expertise, and each respective agency’s evolving roles in an increasingly connected society

    Estudio preliminar para el desarrollo de una herramienta de búsqueda en repositorios académicos

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    A través de repositorios digitales de Acceso Abierto, instituciones académicas buscan exponer su producción científica/académica. No obstante, los datos publicados pueden resultar insuficientes ya sea porque no cuentan con la terminología adecuada para su descripción o bien los metadatos empleados para la descripción de los datos publicados, al ser semiestructurados no permiten explotar la información de mejor manera porque hay conocimiento implícito que favorece la descripción de nuevas relaciones entre los datos explicitados que no está siendo usado. Todo esto limita la realización de búsquedas más integrales y eficaces de forma de obtener mejores resultados. Ante esta situación, el presente proyecto plantea en primer lugar, el estudio de repositorios digitales que utilizan las instituciones académicas con el fin de definir todos los conceptos relacionados al mismo y que sean adecuados para el repositorio de la Facultad de Ingeniería, para definir estrategias de búsquedas, técnicas y herramientas que incorporen tecnologías de web semántica y sistemas NoSQL. Este artículo presenta el estado de avance alcanzado en este proyecto, los resultados y la formación de recursos humanos concretada en el marco del mismo.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    E-government maturity models: more of the same?

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    As e-government initiatives progressed, several models for measuring e-government maturity were proposed. Many are stage models based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) in which e-government maturity is conceptualized as stages of growth that evolve over time. The paper aims to investigate if e-government stage maturity models measure the use and usefulness of egovernment. A meta-synthesis technique was used to compare and contrast 11 meta-models (models derived from other models), at the stage level, for their perspectives, concepts, metaphors, and their similarities and differences. We found that although models use different names and metaphors for analogous concepts, similarities exist among them, and individual stages overlap. Results show two gaps in research regarding the assessment of the actual use and usefulness of e-government. First, meta-models primarily assess the supply-side and operational/technology and citizen/service perspectives. Second, the use and usefulness of e-government are not addressed.

    Kumpulan Model Maturity E-Government: Sebuah Ulasan Sistematis

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    AbstrakKemajuan pesat dalam perkembangan teknologi informasi berpengaruh secara global yang dampaknya meluas hampir ke seluruh lini masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk dampak positif dari perkembangan TIK adalah munculya sistem digitalisasi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang dikenal sebagai Electronic Government (e- Government). Fenomena e-Government dapat didefinisikan yang mencakup semua penggunaan teknologi informasi oleh instansi pemerintah (seperti WAN, Internet, dan mobile computing) yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengubah kondisi hubungan dengan warga, bisnis, dan pihak lain. E-Government pada saat ini masih sampai pada tahap pengembangan belum pada tahap evaluasi/penilaian e-government itu sendiri, sedangkan e-Government dapat dilihat mampu memberikan manfaat yang optimal ketika dalam kondisi mature, yaitu kondisi matang atau sempurna. Tujuan dari jurnal adalah membahas  model pengembangan  model maturity dari E-Government sesuai dengan 5 kategori Capability Maturity Models, the governmental models, the holistic appoarch models,  evolutionary e-government model maturity , dan related special purpose model serta kekurangan, kelebihan dari setiap kategorinya.Kata kunci: E-Government,model maturity, model maturity e-Government .AbstractRapid advances in information technology are globally influential whose impact extends almost to the entire community. One of the positive impacts of ICT development is the emergence of a digitalization system in government administration known as Electronic Government or e-Government. The phenomenon of e-Government can be defined that includes all the use of information technology by government agencies (such as Wide Area Network, Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to change condition relationships with citizens, businesses and other parties. E-Government is still at the stage of development not yet at the stage of evaluation / assessment of e-government itself, while e-Government can be seen able to provide optimal benefits when in mature conditions, ie conditions mature or perfect. The purpose of the journal is to discuss the maturity development model of E-Government according to the five categories of Capability Maturity Models, the governmental models, the holistic appoarch models, the evolutionary e-government maturity model, and related special purpose models and the shortcomings, advantages of each category.Keywords: E-Government,model maturity, model maturity e-Governmen

    Gobierno digital: evaluación del uso de la tecnología en el ámbito universitario

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    Al e-government se lo define desde dos perspectivas, una lo define como el uso de las TIC por agencias gubernamentales y otra más amplia lo define como un catalizador para inducir reformas administrativas y de política en el gobierno. El objetivo de muchos países es tener un egovernment con mayor presencia y cada vez más eficiente. Esto implica no solamente el uso de las TIC, sino una nueva interacción con los actores y el gobierno e involucra aspectos políticos y culturales, cambios tecnológicos y organizacionales, diseñados para direccionar un cambio profundo en las unidades de gobierno. Esta forma de interacción utiliza la tecnología con el fin de aumentar aspectos como la transparencia, eliminar las distancias y divisiones físicas y capacitar a los ciudadanos para participar en los procesos políticos, aplicando en diferentes dominios. El e-government no significa automatizar viejas prácticas. El uso de computadoras en procesos complejos, puede lograr mejorar la calidad de los servicios entregados por el gobierno y/o promover la participación ciudadana, pero centrarse únicamente en las TIC no va a cambiar la mentalidad de los empleados, que es un aspecto central del éxito de la implementación de cualquier proyecto. Este proyecto propone evaluar los esfuerzos y el impacto de las actividades de e-government en un ambiente educativo universitario, definiendo las características y factores críticos de su implementación, para luego poder realizar las recomendaciones que surjan de la evaluación de acuerdo a los lineamientos definidos en el Plan Nacional de Gobierno Electrónico (Decreto 378/2005 del PEN). En el caso de la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio de Areco (UNSAdA) se tomarán las normativas existentes y en caso de ser necesario se realizarán las propuestas necesarias que la complementen de manera de definir un proceso que permita la implementación del denominado "Gobierno Electrónico” en el ámbito de la UNSAdA.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic