17 research outputs found

    Computing exact P-values for DNA motifs

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    Motivation: Many heuristic algorithms have been designed to approximate P-values of DNA motifs described by position weight matrices, for evaluating their statistical significance. They often significantly deviate from the true P-value by orders of magnitude. Exact P-value computation is needed for ranking the motifs. Furthermore, surprisingly, the complexity of the problem is unknown. Results: We show the problem to be NP-hard, and present MotifRank, software based on dynamic programming, to calculate exact P-values of motifs. We define the exact P-value on a general and more precise model. Asymptotically, MotifRank is faster than the best exact P-value computing algorithm, and is in fact practical. Our experiments clearly demonstrate that MotifRank significantly improves the accuracy of existing approximation algorithms

    FastPval: A fast and memory efficient program to calculate very low P-values from empirical distribution

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    Motivation: Resampling methods, such as permutation and bootstrap, have been widely used to generate an empirical distribution for assessing the statistical significance of a measurement. However, to obtain a very low P-value, a large size of resampling is required, where computing speed, memory and storage consumption become bottlenecks, and sometimes become impossible, even on a computer cluster. Results: We have developed a multiple stage P-value calculating program called FastPval that can efficiently calculate very low (up to 10-9) P-values from a large number of resampled measurements. With only two input files and a few parameter settings from the users, the program can compute P-values from empirical distribution very efficiently, even on a personal computer. When tested on the order of 109 resampled data, our method only uses 52.94% the time used by the conventional method, implemented by standard quicksort and binary search algorithms, and consumes only 0.11% of the memory and storage. Furthermore, our method can be applied to extra large datasets that the conventional method fails to calculate. The accuracy of the method was tested on data generated from Normal, Poison and Gumbel distributions and was found to be no different from the exact ranking approach. © The Author(s) 2010. Published by Oxford University Press.published_or_final_versio

    Time series motifs statistical significance

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    Time series motif discovery is the task of extracting previously unknown recurrent patterns from time series data. It is an important problem within applications that range from finance to health. Many algorithms have been proposed for the task of eficiently finding motifs. Surprisingly, most of these proposals do not focus on how to evaluate the discovered motifs. They are typically evaluated by human experts. This is unfeasible even for moderately sized datasets, since the number of discovered motifs tends to be prohibitively large. Statistical significance tests are widely used in bioinformatics and association rules mining communities to evaluate the extracted patterns. In this work we present an approach to calculate time series motifs statistical significance. Our proposal leverages work from the bioinformatics community by using a symbolic definition of time series motifs to derive each motif's p-value. We estimate the expected frequency of a motif by using Markov Chain models. The p-value is then assessed by comparing the actual frequency to the estimated one using statistical hypothesis tests. Our contribution gives means to the application of a powerful technique - statistical tests - to a time series setting.This provides researchers and practitioners with an important tool to evaluate automatically the degree of relevance of each extracted motif.(undefined

    Efficient and accurate P-value computation for Position Weight Matrices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Position Weight Matrices (PWMs) are probabilistic representations of signals in sequences. They are widely used to model approximate patterns in DNA or in protein sequences. The usage of PWMs needs as a prerequisite to knowing the statistical significance of a word according to its score. This is done by defining the P-value of a score, which is the probability that the background model can achieve a score larger than or equal to the observed value. This gives rise to the following problem: Given a P-value, find the corresponding score threshold. Existing methods rely on dynamic programming or probability generating functions. For many examples of PWMs, they fail to give accurate results in a reasonable amount of time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The contribution of this paper is two fold. First, we study the theoretical complexity of the problem, and we prove that it is NP-hard. Then, we describe a novel algorithm that solves the P-value problem efficiently. The main idea is to use a series of discretized score distributions that improves the final result step by step until some convergence criterion is met. Moreover, the algorithm is capable of calculating the exact P-value without any error, even for matrices with non-integer coefficient values. The same approach is also used to devise an accurate algorithm for the reverse problem: finding the P-value for a given score. Both methods are implemented in a software called TFM-PVALUE, that is freely available.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have tested TFM-PVALUE on a large set of PWMs representing transcription factor binding sites. Experimental results show that it achieves better performance in terms of computational time and precision than existing tools.</p

    Significant speedup of database searches with HMMs by search space reduction with PSSM family models

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    Motivation: Profile hidden Markov models (pHMMs) are currently the most popular modeling concept for protein families. They provide sensitive family descriptors, and sequence database searching with pHMMs has become a standard task in today's genome annotation pipelines. On the downside, searching with pHMMs is computationally expensive

    BLAMM : BLAS-based algorithm for finding position weight matrix occurrences in DNA sequences on CPUs and GPUs

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    Background The identification of all matches of a large set of position weight matrices (PWMs) in long DNA sequences requires significant computational resources for which a number of efficient yet complex algorithms have been proposed. Results We propose BLAMM, a simple and efficient tool inspired by high performance computing techniques. The workload is expressed in terms of matrix-matrix products that are evaluated with high efficiency using optimized BLAS library implementations. The algorithm is easy to parallelize and implement on CPUs and GPUs and has a runtime that is independent of the selected p-value. In terms of single-core performance, it is competitive with state-of-the-art software for PWM matching while being much more efficient when using multithreading. Additionally, BLAMM requires negligible memory. For example, both strands of the entire human genome can be scanned for 1404 PWMs in the JASPAR database in 13 min with a p-value of 10(-4) using a 36-core machine. On a dual GPU system, the same task can be performed in under 5 min. Conclusions BLAMM is an efficient tool for identifying PWM matches in large DNA sequences. Its C++ source code is available under the GNU General Public License Version 3 at https://github.com/biointec/blamm

    Natural similarity measures between position frequency matrices with an application to clustering

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    Motivation: Transcription factors (TFs) play a key role in gene regulation by binding to target sequences. In silico prediction of potential binding of a TF to a binding site is a well-studied problem in computational biology. The binding sites for one TF are represented by a position frequency matrix (PFM). The discovery of new PFMs requires the comparison to known PFMs to avoid redundancies. In general, two PFMs are similar if they occur at overlapping positions under a null model. Still, most existing methods compute similarity according to probabilistic distances of the PFMs. Here we propose a natural similarity measure based on the asymptotic covariance between the number of PFM hits incorporating both strands. Furthermore, we introduce a second measure based on the same idea to cluster a set of the Jaspar PFMs. Results: We show that the asymptotic covariance can be efficiently computed by a two dimensional convolution of the score distributions. The asymptotic covariance approach shows strong correlation with simulated data. It outperforms three alternative methods. The Jaspar clustering yields distinct groups of TFs of the same class. Furthermore, a representative PFM is given for each class. In contrast to most other clustering methods, PFMs with low similarity automatically remain singletons. Availability: A website to compute the similarity and to perform clustering, the source code and Supplementary Material are available at http://mosta.molgen.mpg.d

    DNA Motif Match Statistics Without Poisson Approximation

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    Transcription factors (TFs) play a crucial role in gene regulation by binding to specific regulatory sequences. The sequence motifs recognized by a TF can be described in terms of position frequency matrices. Searching for motif matches with a given position frequency matrix is achieved by employing a predefined score cutoff and subsequently counting the number of matches above this cutoff. In this article, we approximate the distribution of the number of motif matches based on a novel dynamic programming approach, which accounts for higher order sequence background (e.g., as is characteristic for CpG islands) and overlapping motif matches on both DNA strands. A comparison with our previously published compound Poisson approximation and a binomial approximation demonstrates that in particular for relaxed score thresholds, the dynamic programming approach yields more accurate results