594 research outputs found

    Analysis of tomographic images

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    Advanced Image Acquisition, Processing Techniques and Applications

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    "Advanced Image Acquisition, Processing Techniques and Applications" is the first book of a series that provides image processing principles and practical software implementation on a broad range of applications. The book integrates material from leading researchers on Applied Digital Image Acquisition and Processing. An important feature of the book is its emphasis on software tools and scientific computing in order to enhance results and arrive at problem solution

    Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Applied to Soil Structure

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    This thesis represents a collaborative research between the Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering and the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Glasgow. The project was initially aimed at development of some theories and techniques of image processing and pattern recognition for the study of soil microstructures. More specifically, the aim was to study the shapes, orientations, and arrangements of soil particles and voids (i.e. pores): these three are very important properties, which are used both for description, recognition and classification of soils, and also for studying the relationships between the soil structures and physical, chemical, geological, geographical, and environmental changes. The work presented here was based principally on a need for analysing the structure of soil as recorded in two-dimensional images which might be conventional photographs, optical micrographs, or electron-micrographs. In this thesis, first a brief review of image processing and pattern recognition and their previous application in the study of soil microstructures is given. Then a convex hull based shape description and classification for soil particles is presented. A new algorithm, SPCH, is proposed for finding the convex hull of either a binary object or a cluster of points in a plane. This algorithm is efficient and reliable. Features of pattern vectors for shape description and classification are obtained from the convex hull and the object. These features are invariant with respect to coordinate rotation, translation, and scaling. The objects can then be classified by any standard feature-space method: here minimum-distance classification was used. Next the orientation analysis of soil particles is described. A new method, Directed Vein, is proposed for the analysis. Another three methods: Convex Hull, Principal Components, and Moments, are also presented. Comparison of the four methods shows that the Directed Vein method appears the fastest; but it also has the special property of estimating an 'internal preferred orientation' whereas the other methods estimate an 'elongation direction'. Fourth, the roundness/sharpness analysis of soil particles is presented. Three new algorithms, referred to as the Centre, Gradient Centre, and Radius methods, all based on the Circular Hough Transform, are proposed. Two traditional Circular Hough Transform algorithms are presented as well. The three new methods were successfully applied to the measurement of the roundness (sharpness of comers) of two-dimensional particles. The five methods were compared from the points of view of memory requirement, speed, and accuracy; and the Radius method appears to be the best for the special topic of sharpness/roundness analysis. Finally the analysis and classification of aggregates of objects is introduced. A new method. Extended Linear Hough Transform, is proposed. In this method, the orientations and locations of the objects are mapped into extended Hough space. The arrangements of the objects within an aggregate are then determined by analysing the data distributions in this space. The aggregates can then be classified using a tree classifier. Taken together, the methods developed or tested here provide a useful toolkit for analysing the shapes, orientation, and aggregation of particles such as those seen in two-dimensional images of soil structure at various scales

    Design for manufacturability : a feature-based agent-driven approach

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    A hierarchical active binocular robot vision architecture for scene exploration and object appearance learning

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    This thesis presents an investigation of a computational model of hierarchical visual behaviours within an active binocular robot vision architecture. The robot vision system is able to localise multiple instances of the same object class, while simultaneously maintaining vergence and directing its gaze to attend and recognise objects within cluttered, complex scenes. This is achieved by implementing all image analysis in an egocentric symbolic space without creating explicit pixel-space maps and without the need for calibration or other knowledge of the camera geometry. One of the important aspects of the active binocular vision paradigm requires that visual features in both camera eyes must be bound together in order to drive visual search to saccade, locate and recognise putative objects or salient locations in the robot's field of view. The system structure is based on the “attentional spotlight” metaphor of biological systems and a collection of abstract and reactive visual behaviours arranged in a hierarchical structure. Several studies have shown that the human brain represents and learns objects for recognition by snapshots of 2-dimensional views of the imaged scene that happens to contain the object of interest during active interaction (exploration) of the environment. Likewise, psychophysical findings specify that the primate’s visual cortex represents common everyday objects by a hierarchical structure of their parts or sub-features and, consequently, recognise by simple but imperfect 2D view object part approximations. This thesis incorporates the above observations into an active visual learning behaviour in the hierarchical active binocular robot vision architecture. By actively exploring the object viewing sphere (as higher mammals do), the robot vision system automatically synthesises and creates its own part-based object representation from multiple observations while a human teacher indicates the object and supplies a classification name. Its is proposed to adopt the computational concepts of a visual learning exploration mechanism that controls the accumulation of visual evidence and directs attention towards the spatial salient object parts. The behavioural structure of the binocular robot vision architecture is loosely modelled by a WHAT and WHERE visual streams. The WHERE stream maintains and binds spatial attention on the object part coordinates that egocentrically characterises the location of the object of interest and extracts spatio-temporal properties of feature coordinates and descriptors. The WHAT stream either determines the identity of an object or triggers a learning behaviour that stores view-invariant feature descriptions of the object part. Therefore, the robot vision is capable to perform a collection of different specific visual tasks such as vergence, detection, discrimination, recognition localisation and multiple same-instance identification. This classification of tasks enables the robot vision system to execute and fulfil specified high-level tasks, e.g. autonomous scene exploration and active object appearance learning

    Structural modelling and robustness analysis of complex metabolic networks and signal transduction cascades

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    The dissertation covers the topic of structural robustness of metabolic networks on the basis of the concept of elementary flux modes (EFMs). It is shown that the number of EFMs does not reflect the topology of a network sufficiently. Thus, new methods are developed to determine the structural robustness of metabolic networks. These methods are based on systematic in-silico knockouts and the subsequent calculation of dropped out EFMs. Thereby, together with single knockouts also double and multiple knockouts can be used. After evaluation of these methods they are applied to metabolic networks of human erythrocyte and hepatocyte as well as to a metabolic network of Escherichia coli (E. coli). It is found that the erythrocyte has the lowest structural robustness, followed by the hepatocyte and E. coli. These results coincide very well with the circumstance that human erythrocyte and hepatocyte and E. coli are able to adapt to conditions with increasing diversity. In a further part of the dissertation the concept of EFMs is expanded to signal transduction pathways consisting of kinase cascades. The concept of EFMs is based on the steady-state condition for metabolic pathways. It is shown that under certain circumstances this steady-state condition also holds for signalling cascades. Furthermore, it is shown that it is possible to deduce minimal conditions for signal transduction without knowledge about the kinetics involved. On the basis of these assumptions it is possible to calculate EFMs for signalling cascades. But due to the fact that these EFMs do no longer just have mass flux but also information flux, they are now called elementary signalling modes (ESMs).Die Dissertation behandelt die strukturelle Robustheit von metabolischen Netzwerken auf der Basis des Konzepts der elementaren Flussmoden (EFMen). Es wird gezeigt, dass die Anzahl der EFMen die Topologie eines metabolischen Netzes nicht ausreichend widerspiegelt. Darauf aufbauend werden neue Methoden entwickelt, um die strukturelle Robustheit metabolischer Netze zu bestimmen. Diese Methoden beruhen auf systematischen in-silico-Knockouts und der anschließenden Bestimmung des Anteils an weggefallenen EFMen. Dabei können neben Einfach-Knockouts auch Doppel- oder Mehrfach-Knockouts verwendet werden. Nach der Evaluierung werden diese Methoden auf metabolische Netzwerke des menschlichen Erythrozyten und Hepatozyten, sowie des Bakteriums Escherichia coli (E. coli) angewendet. Es zeigt sich, dass der Erythrozyt die im Vergleich geringste strukturelle Robustheit besitzt, gefolgt vom Hepatozyten und E. coli. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen sehr gut mit der Beobachtung überein, dass sich die menschlichen Erythrozyten und Hepatozyten, sowie E. coli an zunehmend verschiedene Bedingungen anpassen können. In einem weiteren Teil der Dissertation wird das Konzept der EFMen auf Signaltransduktionswege bestehend aus Kinase-Kaskaden erweitert. Das Konzept der EFMen beruht auf der Annahme eines quasi-stationären Zustands für metabolische Netzwerke. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieser quasi-stationäre Zustand unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch in Signal-Kaskaden angenommen werden kann. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass man ohne Kenntnis der beteiligten Kinetiken Minimalbedingungen für die Signalweiterleitung ableiten kann. Auf Basis dieser Annahmen lassen sich für Signal-Kaskaden EFMen berechnen. Aber aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie nicht mehr nur Masse-, sondern auch Informationsfluss beschreiben, werden sie nun als elementare Signalmoden (ESMen) bezeichnet