3,857 research outputs found

    Computing Optimal Steiner Trees in Polynomial Space

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    Given an n-node edge-weighted graph and a subset of k terminal nodes, the NP-hard (weighted) Steiner tree problem is to compute a minimum-weight tree which spans the terminals. All the known algorithms for this problem which improve on trivial O(1.62 n )-time enumeration are based on dynamic programming, and require exponential space. Motivated by the fact that exponential-space algorithms are typically impractical, in this paper we address the problem of designing faster polynomial-space algorithms. Our first contribution is a simple O((27/4) k n O(logk))-time polynomial-space algorithm for the problem. This algorithm is based on a variant of the classical tree-separator theorem: every Steiner tree has a node whose removal partitions the tree in two forests, containing at most 2k/3 terminals each. Exploiting separators of logarithmic size which evenly partition the terminals, we are able to reduce the running time to O(4knO(log2k))O(4^{k}n^{O(\log^{2} k)}) . This improves on trivial enumeration for roughly k<n/3, which covers most of the cases of practical interest. Combining the latter algorithm (for small k) with trivial enumeration (for large k) we obtain a O(1.59 n )-time polynomial-space algorithm for the weighted Steiner tree problem. As a second contribution of this paper, we present a O(1.55 n )-time polynomial-space algorithm for the cardinality version of the problem, where all edge weights are one. This result is based on a improved branching strategy. The refined branching is based on a charging mechanism which shows that, for large values of k, convenient local configurations of terminals and non-terminals exist. The analysis of the algorithm relies on the Measure & Conquer approach: the non-standard measure used here is a linear combination of the number of nodes and number of non-terminals. Using a recent result in Nederlof (International colloquium on automata, languages and programming (ICALP), pp.713-725, 2009), the running time can be reduced to O(1.36 n ). The previous best algorithm for the cardinality case runs in O(1.42 n ) time and exponential spac

    Multi-Embedding of Metric Spaces

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    Metric embedding has become a common technique in the design of algorithms. Its applicability is often dependent on how high the embedding's distortion is. For example, embedding finite metric space into trees may require linear distortion as a function of its size. Using probabilistic metric embeddings, the bound on the distortion reduces to logarithmic in the size. We make a step in the direction of bypassing the lower bound on the distortion in terms of the size of the metric. We define "multi-embeddings" of metric spaces in which a point is mapped onto a set of points, while keeping the target metric of polynomial size and preserving the distortion of paths. The distortion obtained with such multi-embeddings into ultrametrics is at most O(log Delta loglog Delta) where Delta is the aspect ratio of the metric. In particular, for expander graphs, we are able to obtain constant distortion embeddings into trees in contrast with the Omega(log n) lower bound for all previous notions of embeddings. We demonstrate the algorithmic application of the new embeddings for two optimization problems: group Steiner tree and metrical task systems

    Colored Non-Crossing Euclidean Steiner Forest

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    Given a set of kk-colored points in the plane, we consider the problem of finding kk trees such that each tree connects all points of one color class, no two trees cross, and the total edge length of the trees is minimized. For k=1k=1, this is the well-known Euclidean Steiner tree problem. For general kk, a kρk\rho-approximation algorithm is known, where ρ1.21\rho \le 1.21 is the Steiner ratio. We present a PTAS for k=2k=2, a (5/3+ε)(5/3+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for k=3k=3, and two approximation algorithms for general~kk, with ratios O(nlogk)O(\sqrt n \log k) and k+εk+\varepsilon

    Bicriteria Network Design Problems

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    We study a general class of bicriteria network design problems. A generic problem in this class is as follows: Given an undirected graph and two minimization objectives (under different cost functions), with a budget specified on the first, find a <subgraph \from a given subgraph-class that minimizes the second objective subject to the budget on the first. We consider three different criteria - the total edge cost, the diameter and the maximum degree of the network. Here, we present the first polynomial-time approximation algorithms for a large class of bicriteria network design problems for the above mentioned criteria. The following general types of results are presented. First, we develop a framework for bicriteria problems and their approximations. Second, when the two criteria are the same %(note that the cost functions continue to be different) we present a ``black box'' parametric search technique. This black box takes in as input an (approximation) algorithm for the unicriterion situation and generates an approximation algorithm for the bicriteria case with only a constant factor loss in the performance guarantee. Third, when the two criteria are the diameter and the total edge costs we use a cluster-based approach to devise a approximation algorithms --- the solutions output violate both the criteria by a logarithmic factor. Finally, for the class of treewidth-bounded graphs, we provide pseudopolynomial-time algorithms for a number of bicriteria problems using dynamic programming. We show how these pseudopolynomial-time algorithms can be converted to fully polynomial-time approximation schemes using a scaling technique.Comment: 24 pages 1 figur

    Computational Geometry Column 42

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    A compendium of thirty previously published open problems in computational geometry is presented.Comment: 7 pages; 72 reference

    On the Size and the Approximability of Minimum Temporally Connected Subgraphs

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    We consider temporal graphs with discrete time labels and investigate the size and the approximability of minimum temporally connected spanning subgraphs. We present a family of minimally connected temporal graphs with nn vertices and Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) edges, thus resolving an open question of (Kempe, Kleinberg, Kumar, JCSS 64, 2002) about the existence of sparse temporal connectivity certificates. Next, we consider the problem of computing a minimum weight subset of temporal edges that preserve connectivity of a given temporal graph either from a given vertex r (r-MTC problem) or among all vertex pairs (MTC problem). We show that the approximability of r-MTC is closely related to the approximability of Directed Steiner Tree and that r-MTC can be solved in polynomial time if the underlying graph has bounded treewidth. We also show that the best approximation ratio for MTC is at least O(2log1ϵn)O(2^{\log^{1-\epsilon} n}) and at most O(min{n1+ϵ,(ΔM)2/3+ϵ})O(\min\{n^{1+\epsilon}, (\Delta M)^{2/3+\epsilon}\}), for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where MM is the number of temporal edges and Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the underlying graph. Furthermore, we prove that the unweighted version of MTC is APX-hard and that MTC is efficiently solvable in trees and 22-approximable in cycles

    On Network Coding Capacity - Matroidal Networks and Network Capacity Regions

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    One fundamental problem in the field of network coding is to determine the network coding capacity of networks under various network coding schemes. In this thesis, we address the problem with two approaches: matroidal networks and capacity regions. In our matroidal approach, we prove the converse of the theorem which states that, if a network is scalar-linearly solvable then it is a matroidal network associated with a representable matroid over a finite field. As a consequence, we obtain a correspondence between scalar-linearly solvable networks and representable matroids over finite fields in the framework of matroidal networks. We prove a theorem about the scalar-linear solvability of networks and field characteristics. We provide a method for generating scalar-linearly solvable networks that are potentially different from the networks that we already know are scalar-linearly solvable. In our capacity region approach, we define a multi-dimensional object, called the network capacity region, associated with networks that is analogous to the rate regions in information theory. For the network routing capacity region, we show that the region is a computable rational polytope and provide exact algorithms and approximation heuristics for computing the region. For the network linear coding capacity region, we construct a computable rational polytope, with respect to a given finite field, that inner bounds the linear coding capacity region and provide exact algorithms and approximation heuristics for computing the polytope. The exact algorithms and approximation heuristics we present are not polynomial time schemes and may depend on the output size.Comment: Master of Engineering Thesis, MIT, September 2010, 70 pages, 10 figure

    Minimum-cost multicast over coded packet networks

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    We consider the problem of establishing minimum-cost multicast connections over coded packet networks, i.e., packet networks where the contents of outgoing packets are arbitrary, causal functions of the contents of received packets. We consider both wireline and wireless packet networks as well as both static multicast (where membership of the multicast group remains constant for the duration of the connection) and dynamic multicast (where membership of the multicast group changes in time, with nodes joining and leaving the group). For static multicast, we reduce the problem to a polynomial-time solvable optimization problem, and we present decentralized algorithms for solving it. These algorithms, when coupled with existing decentralized schemes for constructing network codes, yield a fully decentralized approach for achieving minimum-cost multicast. By contrast, establishing minimum-cost static multicast connections over routed packet networks is a very difficult problem even using centralized computation, except in the special cases of unicast and broadcast connections. For dynamic multicast, we reduce the problem to a dynamic programming problem and apply the theory of dynamic programming to suggest how it may be solved

    Dial a Ride from k-forest

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    The k-forest problem is a common generalization of both the k-MST and the dense-kk-subgraph problems. Formally, given a metric space on nn vertices VV, with mm demand pairs V×V\subseteq V \times V and a ``target'' kmk\le m, the goal is to find a minimum cost subgraph that connects at least kk demand pairs. In this paper, we give an O(min{n,k})O(\min\{\sqrt{n},\sqrt{k}\})-approximation algorithm for kk-forest, improving on the previous best ratio of O(n2/3logn)O(n^{2/3}\log n) by Segev & Segev. We then apply our algorithm for k-forest to obtain approximation algorithms for several Dial-a-Ride problems. The basic Dial-a-Ride problem is the following: given an nn point metric space with mm objects each with its own source and destination, and a vehicle capable of carrying at most kk objects at any time, find the minimum length tour that uses this vehicle to move each object from its source to destination. We prove that an α\alpha-approximation algorithm for the kk-forest problem implies an O(αlog2n)O(\alpha\cdot\log^2n)-approximation algorithm for Dial-a-Ride. Using our results for kk-forest, we get an O(min{n,k}log2n)O(\min\{\sqrt{n},\sqrt{k}\}\cdot\log^2 n)- approximation algorithm for Dial-a-Ride. The only previous result known for Dial-a-Ride was an O(klogn)O(\sqrt{k}\log n)-approximation by Charikar & Raghavachari; our results give a different proof of a similar approximation guarantee--in fact, when the vehicle capacity kk is large, we give a slight improvement on their results.Comment: Preliminary version in Proc. European Symposium on Algorithms, 200