169 research outputs found

    Grasping bulky objects with two anthropomorphic hands

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper presents an algorithm to compute precision grasps for bulky objects using two anthropomorphic hands. We use objects modeled as point clouds obtained from a sensor camera or from a CAD model. We then process the point clouds dividing them into two set of slices where we look for sets of triplets of points. Each triplet must accomplish some physical conditions based on the structure of the hands. Then, the triplets of points from each set of slices are evaluated to find a combination that satisfies the force closure condition (FC). Once one valid couple of triplets have been found the inverse kinematics of the system is computed in order to know if the corresponding points are reachable by the hands, if so, motion planning and a collision check are performed to asses if the final grasp configuration of the system is suitable. The paper inclu des some application examples of the proposed approachAccepted versio

    Finding antipodal point grasps on irregularly shaped objects

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    Two-finger antipodal point grasping of arbitrarily shaped smooth 2-D and 3-D objects is considered. An object function is introduced that maps a finger contact space to the object surface. Conditions are developed to identify the feasible grasping region, F, in the finger contact space. A “grasping energy function”, E , is introduced which is proportional to the distance between two grasping points. The antipodal points correspond to critical points of E in F. Optimization and/or continuation techniques are used to find these critical points. In particular, global optimization techniques are applied to find the “maximal” or “minimal” grasp. Further, modeling techniques are introduced for representing 2-D and 3-D objects using B-spline curves and spherical product surfaces

    A stiffness-based quality measure for compliant grasps and fixtures

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    This paper presents a systematic approach to quantifying the effectiveness of compliant grasps and fixtures of an object. The approach is physically motivated and applies to the grasping of two- and three-dimensional objects by any number of fingers. The approach is based on a characterization of the frame-invariant features of a grasp or fixture stiffness matrix. In particular, we define a set of frame-invariant characteristic stiffness parameters, and provide physical and geometric interpretation for these parameters. Using a physically meaningful scheme to make the rotational and translational stiffness parameters comparable, we define a frame-invariant quality measure, which we call the stiffness quality measure. An example of a frictional grasp illustrates the effectiveness of the quality measure. We then consider the optimal grasping of frictionless polygonal objects by three and four fingers. Such frictionless grasps are useful in high-load fixturing applications, and their relative simplicity allows an efficient computation of the globally optimal finger arrangement. We compute the optimal finger arrangement in several examples, and use these examples to discuss properties that characterize the stiffness quality measure

    Searching force-closure optimal grasps of articulated 2D objects with n links

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    This paper proposes a method that finds a locally optimal grasp of an articulated 2D object with n links considering frictionless contacts. The surface of each link of the object is represented by a finite set of points, thus it may have any shape. The proposed approach finds, first, an initial force-closure grasp and from it starts an iterative search of a local optimum grasp. The quality measure considered in this work is the largest perturbation wrench that a grasp can resist with independence of the direction of the perturbation. The approach has been implemented and some illustrative examples are included in the article.Postprint (published version

    Global Search with Bernoulli Alternation Kernel for Task-oriented Grasping Informed by Simulation

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    We develop an approach that benefits from large simulated datasets and takes full advantage of the limited online data that is most relevant. We propose a variant of Bayesian optimization that alternates between using informed and uninformed kernels. With this Bernoulli Alternation Kernel we ensure that discrepancies between simulation and reality do not hinder adapting robot control policies online. The proposed approach is applied to a challenging real-world problem of task-oriented grasping with novel objects. Our further contribution is a neural network architecture and training pipeline that use experience from grasping objects in simulation to learn grasp stability scores. We learn task scores from a labeled dataset with a convolutional network, which is used to construct an informed kernel for our variant of Bayesian optimization. Experiments on an ABB Yumi robot with real sensor data demonstrate success of our approach, despite the challenge of fulfilling task requirements and high uncertainty over physical properties of objects.Comment: To appear in 2nd Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 201

    Independent contact regions for discretized 3D objects with frictionless contacts

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    This paper deals with the problem of determining independent contact regions on a 3D object boundary such that a seven finger frictionless grasp with a contact point in each region assures a force-closure grasp on the object, independently of the exact position of the contact points. These regions provide robustness in front of finger positioning errors in grasp and fixturing applications. The object’s structure is discretized in a cloud of points, so the procedure is applicable to objects of any arbitrary shape. The procedure finds an initial form-closure grasp that is iteratively improved through an oriented search procedure: once a locally optimum grasp has been reached, the independent contact regions are computed. The procedure has been implemented, and application examples are included in the paper

    Efficient determination of four-point form-closure optimal constraints of polygonal objects

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    This paper proposes a new and more efficient solution to the problem of determining optimal form-closure constraints of polygonal objects using four contacts. New grasp parameters are determined based only on the directions of the applied forces, which are then used to determine the optimal grasp. Given a set of contact edges, using an analytical procedure a solution that is either the optimal one or is very close to it is obtained (only in this second case an iterative procedure is needed to find a root of a nonlinear equation). This procedure is used for an efficient determination of the optimal grasp on the whole object. The algorithms have been implemented and numerical examples are shown. Note to Practitioners—This paper presents an algorithm that improves previous approaches in terms of efficiency in the determination of the optimal object constraint maximizing the minimum wrench that the object can support in any direction. The problem can always be solved using numerical optimization techniques but when time is relevant an efficient algorithm becomes of interest. Practical applications include optimal determination of fixtures and object grasps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Determining force-closure grasps reachable by a given hand

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    The paper presents an approach to find contact points on an object surface that are reachable by a given hand and such that the resulting grasp satisfies the force-closure condition. This is a very common problem that still requires a practical solution. The proposed method is based on the computation of a set of independent contact regions on the object boundary such that a finger contact on each region produces a force-closure grasp, and then this set of regions is iteratively recomputed while looking for a set of contact points that are reachable by a given hand. The search is done guided by a cost function that indicates the proximity of the hand fingertips to a candidate set of grasping contact points. The approach has been implemented for the Schunk Anthropomorphic Hand and planar objects,and application examples are included to illustrate its performance.Postprint (published version

    Fast and flexible determination of force-closure independent regions to grasp polygonal objects

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    Force-closure independent regions are parts of the object edges such that a grasp with a finger in each region ensures a force-closure grasp. These regions are useful to provide some robustness to the grasp in the presence of uncertainty as well as in grasp planning. Most of the approaches to the computation of these regions for N fingers work on the contact space, implying a N-dimensional problem. This paper presents a new approach to determinate independent regions on polygonal objects considering N friction or frictionless contact. The approach works on the object space, implying that it is always a two-dimensional problem and, since it is not necessary to compute all the force-closure space, it becomes a very fast approach. Besides, the approach is also flexible since constraints on the fingers placement can be easily introduced. Some graphical examples are includes in this paper showing the simplicity of the methodology

    Exploration of the grasp space using independent contact and non-graspable regions

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    This report presents the use of independent contact and non-graspable regions to generate the grasp space for 2D and 3D discrete objects. The grasp space is constructed via a sampling method, which provides samples of force-closure or non force-closure grasps, used to compute regions of the graspable or non-graspable space, respectively. The method provides a reliable procedure for an efficient generation of the whole grasp space for n-finger grasps on discrete objects; two examples on 2D objects are provided to illustrate its performance. The approach has several applications in manipulation and regrasping of objects, as it provides a large number of force-closure and non force-closure grasps in a short time
