5,760 research outputs found

    Dimension improvement in Dhar's refutation of the Eden conjecture

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    We consider the Eden model on the d-dimensional hypercubical unoriented lattice , for large d. Initially, every lattice point is healthy, except the origin which is infected. Then, each infected lattice point contaminates any of its neighbours with rate 1. The Eden model is equivalent to first passage percolation, with exponential passage times on edges. The Eden conjecture states that the limit shape of the Eden model is a Euclidean ball. By putting the computations of Dhar [Dha88] a little further with modern computers and efficient implementation we obtain improved bounds for the speed of infection. This shows that the Eden conjecture does not hold in dimension superior to 22 (the lower known dimension was 35)

    Advances in the Design and Implementation of a Multi-Tier Architecture in the GIPSY Environment

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    We present advances in the software engineering design and implementation of the multi-tier run-time system for the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY) by further unifying the distributed technologies used to implement the Demand Migration Framework (DMF) in order to streamline distributed execution of hybrid intensional-imperative programs using Java.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Bayesian nonparametric Plackett-Luce models for the analysis of preferences for college degree programmes

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    In this paper we propose a Bayesian nonparametric model for clustering partial ranking data. We start by developing a Bayesian nonparametric extension of the popular Plackett-Luce choice model that can handle an infinite number of choice items. Our framework is based on the theory of random atomic measures, with the prior specified by a completely random measure. We characterise the posterior distribution given data, and derive a simple and effective Gibbs sampler for posterior simulation. We then develop a Dirichlet process mixture extension of our model and apply it to investigate the clustering of preferences for college degree programmes amongst Irish secondary school graduates. The existence of clusters of applicants who have similar preferences for degree programmes is established and we determine that subject matter and geographical location of the third level institution characterise these clusters.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS717 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Protocol for the Atomic Capture of Multiple Molecules at Large Scale

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    With the rise of service-oriented computing, applications are more and more based on coordination of autonomous services. Envisioned over largely distributed and highly dynamic platforms, expressing this coordination calls for alternative programming models. The chemical programming paradigm, which models applications as chemical solutions where molecules representing digital entities involved in the computation, react together to produce a result, has been recently shown to provide the needed abstractions for autonomic coordination of services. However, the execution of such programs over large scale platforms raises several problems hindering this paradigm to be actually leveraged. Among them, the atomic capture of molecules participating in concur- rent reactions is one of the most significant. In this paper, we propose a protocol for the atomic capture of these molecules distributed and evolving over a large scale platform. As the density of possible reactions is crucial for the liveness and efficiency of such a capture, the protocol proposed is made up of two sub-protocols, each of them aimed at addressing different levels of densities of potential reactions in the solution. While the decision to choose one or the other is local to each node participating in a program's execution, a global coherent behaviour is obtained. Proof of liveness, as well as intensive simulation results showing the efficiency and limited overhead of the protocol are given.Comment: 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (2012

    A job response time prediction method for production Grid computing environments

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    A major obstacle to the widespread adoption of Grid Computing in both the scientific community and industry sector is the difficulty of knowing in advance a job submission running cost that can be used to plan a correct allocation of resources. Traditional distributed computing solutions take advantage of homogeneous and open environments to propose prediction methods that use a detailed analysis of the hardware and software components. However, production Grid computing environments, which are large and use a complex and dynamic set of resources, present a different challenge. In Grid computing the source code of applications, programme libraries, and third-party software are not always available. In addition, Grid security policies may not agree to run hardware or software analysis tools to generate Grid components models. The objective of this research is the prediction of a job response time in production Grid computing environments. The solution is inspired by the concept of predicting future Grid behaviours based on previous experiences learned from heterogeneous Grid workload trace data. The research objective was selected with the aim of improving the Grid resource usability and the administration of Grid environments. The predicted data can be used to allocate resources in advance and inform forecasted finishing time and running costs before submission. The proposed Grid Computing Response Time Prediction (GRTP) method implements several internal stages where the workload traces are mined to produce a response time prediction for a given job. In addition, the GRTP method assesses the predicted result against the actual target job’s response time to inference information that is used to tune the methods setting parameters. The GRTP method was implemented and tested using a cross-validation technique to assess how the proposed solution generalises to independent data sets. The training set was taken from the Grid environment DAS (Distributed ASCI Supercomputer). The two testing sets were taken from AuverGrid and Grid5000 Grid environments Three consecutive tests assuming stable jobs, unstable jobs, and using a job type method to select the most appropriate prediction function were carried out. The tests offered a significant increase in prediction performance for data mining based methods applied in Grid computing environments. For instance, in Grid5000 the GRTP method answered 77 percent of job prediction requests with an error of less than 10 percent. While in the same environment, the most effective and accurate method using workload traces was only able to predict 32 percent of the cases within the same range of error. The GRTP method was able to handle unexpected changes in resources and services which affect the job response time trends and was able to adapt to new scenarios. The tests showed that the proposed GRTP method is capable of predicting job response time requests and it also improves the prediction quality when compared to other current solutions

    Towards Causal Effect Estimation of Emotional Labeling of Watched Videos

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    Emotions play a crucial role in human life, they are measured using many approaches. There are also many methodologies for emotion elicitation. Emotion elicitation through video watching is one important approach used to create emotion datasets. However, the causation link between video content and elicited emotions was not well explained by scientific research. In this article, we present an approach for computing the causal effect of video content on elicited emotion. The Do-Calculus theory was employed for computing causal inference, and a SCM (Structured Causal Model) was proposed considering the following variables: EEG signal, age, gender, video content, like/dislike, and emotional quadrant. To evaluate the approach, EEG data were collected from volunteers watching a sample of videos from the LIRIS-ACCEDE dataset. A total of 48 causal effects was statistically evaluated in order to check the causal impact of age, gender, and video content on liking and emotion. The results show that the approach can be generalized for any dataset that contains the variables of the proposed SCM. Furthermore, the proposed approach can be applied to any other similar dataset if an appropriate SCM is provided

    Kranc: a Mathematica application to generate numerical codes for tensorial evolution equations

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    We present a suite of Mathematica-based computer-algebra packages, termed "Kranc", which comprise a toolbox to convert (tensorial) systems of partial differential evolution equations to parallelized C or Fortran code. Kranc can be used as a "rapid prototyping" system for physicists or mathematicians handling very complicated systems of partial differential equations, but through integration into the Cactus computational toolkit we can also produce efficient parallelized production codes. Our work is motivated by the field of numerical relativity, where Kranc is used as a research tool by the authors. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of both the Mathematica packages and the resulting code, we discuss some example applications, and provide results on the performance of an example numerical code for the Einstein equations.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. Corresponds to journal versio
