96 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Techniques for Cervical Cancer Diagnosis based on Pathology and Colposcopy Images

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    Cervical cancer is a prevalent disease affecting millions of women worldwide every year. It requires significant attention, as early detection during the precancerous stage provides an opportunity for a cure. The screening and diagnosis of cervical cancer rely on cytology and colposcopy methods. Deep learning, a promising technology in computer vision, has emerged as a potential solution to improve the accuracy and efficiency of cervical cancer screening compared to traditional clinical inspection methods that are prone to human error. This review article discusses cervical cancer and its screening processes, followed by the Deep Learning training process and the classification, segmentation, and detection tasks for cervical cancer diagnosis. Additionally, we explored the most common public datasets used in both cytology and colposcopy and highlighted the popular and most utilized architectures that researchers have applied to both cytology and colposcopy. We reviewed 24 selected practical papers in this study and summarized them. This article highlights the remarkable efficiency in enhancing the precision and speed of cervical cancer analysis by Deep Learning, bringing us closer to early diagnosis and saving lives

    Elimination of Specular reflection and Identification of ROI: The First Step in Automated Detection of Cervical Cancer using Digital Colposcopy

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    Cervical Cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in women worldwide. Most cases of cervical cancer can be prevented through screening programs aimed at detecting precancerous lesions. During Digital Colposcopy, Specular Reflections (SR) appear as bright spots heavily saturated with white light. These occur due to the presence of moisture on the uneven cervix surface, which act like mirrors reflecting light from the illumination source. Apart from camouflaging the actual features, the SR also affects subsequent segmentation routines and hence must be removed. Our novel technique eliminates the SR and makes the colposcopic images (cervigram) ready for segmentation algorithms. The cervix region occupies about half of the cervigram image. Other parts of the image contain irrelevant information, such as equipment, frames, text and non-cervix tissues. This irrelevant information can confuse automatic identification of the tissues within the cervix. The first step is, therefore, focusing on the cervical borders, so that we have a geometric boundary on the relevant image area. We have proposed a type of modified kmeans clustering algorithm to evaluate the region of interest.Comment: IEEE Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2011, Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-894-5, pages 237 - 24

    Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancerous Lesions by Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review

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    The likelihood of timely treatment for cervical cancer increases with timely detection of abnormal cervical cells. Automated methods of detecting abnormal cervical cells were established because manual identification requires skilled pathologists and is time consuming and prone to error. The purpose of this systematic review is to evaluate the diagnostic performance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for the prediction, screening, and diagnosis of cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions

    Quantitative Screening of Cervical Cancers for Low-Resource Settings: Pilot Study of Smartphone-Based Endoscopic Visual Inspection After Acetic Acid Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Background: Approximately 90% of global cervical cancer (CC) is mostly found in low- and middle-income countries. In most cases, CC can be detected early through routine screening programs, including a cytology-based test. However, it is logistically difficult to offer this program in low-resource settings due to limited resources and infrastructure, and few trained experts. A visual inspection following the application of acetic acid (VIA) has been widely promoted and is routinely recommended as a viable form of CC screening in resource-constrained countries. Digital images of the cervix have been acquired during VIA procedure with better quality assurance and visualization, leading to higher diagnostic accuracy and reduction of the variability of detection rate. However, a colposcope is bulky, expensive, electricity-dependent, and needs routine maintenance, and to confirm the grade of abnormality through its images, a specialist must be present. Recently, smartphone-based imaging systems have made a significant impact on the practice of medicine by offering a cost-effective, rapid, and noninvasive method of evaluation. Furthermore, computer-aided analyses, including image processing-based methods and machine learning techniques, have also shown great potential for a high impact on medicinal evaluations

    Design of a Novel Low Cost Point of Care Tampon (POCkeT) Colposcope for Use in Resource Limited Settings

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    Introduction: Current guidelines by WHO for cervical cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries involves visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) of the cervix, followed by treatment during the same visit or a subsequent visit with cryotherapy if a suspicious lesion is found. Implementation of these guidelines is hampered by a lack of: trained health workers, reliable technology, and access to screening facilities. A low cost ultra-portable Point of Care Tampon based digital colposcope (POCkeT Colposcope) for use at the community level setting, which has the unique form factor of a tampon, can be inserted into the vagina to capture images of the cervix, which are on par with that of a state of the art colposcope, at a fraction of the cost. A repository of images to be compiled that can be used to empower front line workers to become more effective through virtual dynamic training. By task shifting to the community setting, this technology could potentially provide significantly greater cervical screening access to where the most vulnerable women live. The POCkeT Colposcope’s concentric LED ring provides comparable white and green field illumination at a fraction of the electrical power required in commercial colposcopes. Evaluation with standard optical imaging targets to assess the POCkeT Colposcope against the state of the art digital colposcope and other VIAM technologies. Results: Our POCkeT Colposcope has comparable resolving power, color reproduction accuracy, minimal lens distortion, and illumination when compared to commercially available colposcopes. In vitro and pilot in vivo imaging results are promising with our POCkeT Colposcope capturing comparable quality images to commercial systems. Methods: Rapid 3D printing, consumer grade light sources, and cameras were used to construct the TVDC. The TVDC’s concentric LED ring provides comparable white and green field illumination at a fraction of the electrical power required in commercial colposcopes, and crossed polarizers provide a reduction in glare. Evaluation was performed using standard optical imaging targets to assess the TVDC against the state of the art digital colposcope and other VIA technologies. Results: Our TVDC has comparable resolving power, color reproduction accuracy, minimal lens distortion, and illumination when compared to commercially available colposcopes. In vitro and pilot in vivo imaging results are promising with our TVDC capturing images of comparable quality to commercial systems. Conclusion: The TVDC is capable of capturing images suitable for cervical lesion analysis. Our portable low cost system will be useful for increasing access to cervical cancer screening and diagnostics in resource-limited settings by providing a more readily portable and easy to use device for medical personnel.The image data and support information that is published in the article "Design of a Novel Low Cost Trans-Vaginal Digital Colposcope for use in Resource Limited Settings" are available at: http://dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace/handle/10161/8357.National Institutes of Health (US) 5R21CA162747-0

    Comparison of the histogram of oriented gradient, GLCM, and shape feature extraction methods for breast cancer classification using SVM

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    Breast cancer originates from the ducts or lobules of the breast and is the second leading cause of death after cervical cancer. Therefore, early breast cancer screening is required, one of which is mammography. Mammography images can be automatically identified using Computer-Aided Diagnosis by leveraging machine learning classifications. This study analyzes the Support Vector Machine (SVM) in classifying breast cancer. It compares the performance of three features extraction methods used in SVM, namely Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG), GLCM, and shape feature extraction. The dataset consists of 320 mammogram image data from MIAS containing 203 normal images and 117 abnormal images. Each extraction method used three kernels, namely Linear, Gaussian, and Polynomial. The shape feature extraction-SVM using Linear kernel shows the best performance with an accuracy of 98.44 %, sensitivity of 100 %, and specificity of 97.50 %

    Identification of Stunting Disease using Anthropometry Data and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Model

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    Children with unbalanced nutrition are currently crucial health issues and under the spotlight around the world. One of the terms for malnourished children is stunting. Stunting is a disease of malnutrition found in children aged under 5 years; as many as 70% of stunting sufferers are children aged 0-23 months. There are several ways to diagnose stunting, one of which is using stunting anthropometry. Stunting anthropometry can measure the physique of children so that some of the features that characterize the presence of stunting can be identified. Features resulted from the stunting anthropometry cover age, height, weight, gender, upper arm circumference, head size, chest circumference, and hip fat measurement. The process of identifying stunting can be simplified using an intelligent system called the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system. CAD system contains 2 main processes, namely preprocessing and classification. Preprocessing includes normalization and augmentation of data using the SMOTE method. The classification process in this study uses the LSTM method. LSTM is a modification of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method by adding a memory cell so that it can store memory data for a long time and in large quantities. The results of this study compare between the results of models that apply preprocessing and the one without preprocessing. The model that only uses LSTM has the best accuracy of 78.35%; the model with normalization produces an accuracy of 81.53%; the model that uses SMOTE produces an accuracy of 81.66%; and the model that uses normalization and SMOTE produces the best accuracy of 85.79%

    The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue entitled "The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?". Artificial intelligence is extending into the world of both digital radiology and digital pathology, and involves many scholars in the areas of biomedicine, technology, and bioethics. There is a particular need for scholars to focus on both the innovations in this field and the problems hampering integration into a robust and effective process in stable health care models in the health domain. Many professionals involved in these fields of digital health were encouraged to contribute with their experiences. This book contains contributions from various experts across different fields. Aspects of the integration in the health domain have been faced. Particular space was dedicated to overviewing the challenges, opportunities, and problems in both radiology and pathology. Clinal deepens are available in cardiology, the hystopathology of breast cancer, and colonoscopy. Dedicated studies were based on surveys which investigated students and insiders, opinions, attitudes, and self-perception on the integration of artificial intelligence in this field