1,015 research outputs found

    Premotor cortex encoding of dynamic hand force and motor output observation underlying hand-object interaction

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    We studied encoding of hand force and its relations with observation-related activity in macaques trained in an isometric hand-force application and recalibration task, that required to move a visual cursor on a screen toward eight peripheral targets by exerting a force on an isometric joystick, in absence or presence of an opposing force field. Monkeys also observed the result of their action in play-back, as motion of a visual cursor on the screen. This approach combined in a single experiment isometric action performance and force adjustment with observation of its consequences in the external world, also allowing to determine whether PMd neuronal populations reflected an inverse model that specified the force necessary to move in different directions a visual object, or a forward computation encoding its desired trajectory in visual space. We found that a population of PMd cells encoded the direction of dynamic force and its recalibration when the force condition changed but did not retain memory of such change, probably reflecting an adaptation rather than a learning process. Cells with observation-related activity also modulated by change in hand force were not modulated when the force conditions changed, suggesting that their activity reflected the motion of the visual cursor on the screen, therefore the consequences of force application in the visual space. These results also allow a direct comparison of the relative contribute of different populations of PMd cells with that of cells with similar activity profile in the encoding of hand force and its consequences in the parieto-frontal system

    Predicting sex from brain rhythms with deep learning

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    We have excellent skills to extract sex from visual assessment of human faces, but assessing sex from human brain rhythms seems impossible. Using deep convolutional neural networks, with unique potential to find subtle differences in apparent similar patterns, we explore if brain rhythms from either sex contain sex specific information. Here we show, in a ground truth scenario, that a deep neural net can predict sex from scalp electroencephalograms with an accuracy of >80% (p < 10-5), revealing that brain rhythms are sex specific. Further, we extracted sex-specific features from the deep net filter layers, showing that fast beta activity (20-25 Hz) and its spatial distribution is a main distinctive attribute. This demonstrates the ability of deep nets to detect features in spatiotemporal data unnoticed by visual assessment, and to assist in knowledge discovery. We anticipate that this approach may also be successfully applied to other specialties where spatiotemporal data is abundant, including neurology, cardiology and neuropsychology

    Understanding Physical Processes in Describing a State of Consciousness: A Review

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    The way we view the reality of nature, including ourselves, depend on consciousness.It also defines the identity of the person, since we know people in terms of their experiences. In general, consciousness defines human existence in this universe. Furthermore, consciousness is associated with the most debated problems in physics such as the notion of observation, observer,in the measurement problem. However,its nature, occurrence mechanism in the brain and the definite universal locality of the consciousness are not clearly known. Due to this consciousness is considered asan essential unresolved scientific problem of the current era.Here, we review the physical processes which are associated in tackling these challenges. Firstly, we discuss the association of consciousness with transmission of signals in the brain, chain of events, quantum phenomena process and integrated information. We also highlight the roles of structure of matter,field, and the concept of universality towards understanding consciousness. Finally, we propose further studies for achieving better understanding of consciousness.Comment: 45, 0

    Summer Colloquium in Theoretical Biology

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    Theoretical cell biology including self-reproductive systems - conference

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 349)

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    This bibliography lists 149 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during April, 1991. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Brief wide-field photostimuli evoke and modulate oscillatory reverberating activity in cortical networks

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    Cell assemblies manipulation by optogenetics is pivotal to advance neuroscience and neuroengineering. In in vivo applications, photostimulation often broadly addresses a population of cells simultaneously, leading to feed-forward and to reverberating responses in recurrent microcircuits. The former arise from direct activation of targets downstream, and are straightforward to interpret. The latter are consequence of feedback connectivity and may reflect a variety of time-scales and complex dynamical properties. We investigated wide-field photostimulation in cortical networks in vitro, employing substrate-integrated microelectrode arrays and long-term cultured neuronal networks. We characterized the effect of brief light pulses, while restricting the expression of channelrhodopsin to principal neurons. We evoked robust reverberating responses, oscillating in the physiological gamma frequency range, and found that such a frequency could be reliably manipulated varying the light pulse duration, not its intensity. By pharmacology, mathematical modelling, and intracellular recordings, we conclude that gamma oscillations likely emerge as in vivo from the excitatory-inhibitory interplay and that, unexpectedly, the light stimuli transiently facilitate excitatory synaptic transmission. Of relevance for in vitro models of (dys)functional cortical microcircuitry and in vivo manipulations of cell assemblies, we give for the first time evidence of network-level consequences of the alteration of synaptic physiology by optogenetics

    Flexibility in Language Action Interaction: The Influence of Movement Type

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    Recent neuropsychological studies in neurological patients and healthy subjects suggest a close functional relationship between the brain systems for language and action. Facilitation and inhibition effects of motor system activity on language processing have been demonstrated as well as causal effects in the reverse direction, from language processes on motor excitability or performance. However, as the documented effects between motor and language systems were sometimes facilitatory and sometimes inhibitory, the “sign” of these effects still remains to be explained. In a previous study, we reported a word-category-specific differential impairment of verbal working memory for concordant arm- and leg-related action words brought about by complex sequential movements of the hands and feet. In this article, we seek to determine whether the sign of the functional interaction between language and action systems of the human brain can be changed in a predictable manner by changing movement type. We here report that the sign of the effect of motor movement on action word memory can be reversed from interference to facilitation if, instead of complex movement sequences, simple repetitive movements are performed. Specifically, when engaged in finger tapping, subjects were able to remember relatively more arm-related action words (as compared to control conditions), thus documenting an enhancement of working memory brought about by simple hand movements. In contrast, when performing complex sequences of finger movements, an effector-specific degradation of action word memory was found. By manipulating the sign of the effect in accord with theory-driven predictions, these findings provide support for shared neural bases for motor movement and verbal working memory for action-related words and strengthen the argument that motor systems play a causal and functionally relevant role in language processing semantically related to action

    Stroke of the Visual Cortex

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    Stroke is the leading cause of homonymous visual field defect (VFD), resulting from irreversible damage of the post-chiasmatic visual pathway. From 6 to 13% of ischaemic strokes affect the supply area of the posterior cerebral artery, including the visual cortex in the occipital lobe. Besides ischaemic injury, the visual cortex can be damaged by intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), 10% of which reside in the occipital lobe. Since occipital stroke almost always disturbs vision but can leave motor and language functions untouched, it may remain unrecognised in the acute phase, withholding the patients from receiving recanalisation treatments. Moreover, only up to 25% of stroke-related VFD recover spontaneously, whereas the rest continue to hinder patients’ independence in daily living and quality of life. Despite rigorous efforts, no evidence-based rehabilitation method to restore vision after stroke has been established. The aim of this thesis was to study the recognition, clinical characteristics, rehabilitation, neural mechanisms, and outcome of occipital stroke patients with VFD. The retrospective part of the thesis consists of two cohorts. The first cohort comprised 245 occipital ischaemic stroke patients admitted to the neurological emergency department of Helsinki University Hospital due to visual symptoms in 2010‒2015. We investigated their prehospital recognition and diagnostic delays and analysed the obstacles in their access to acute stroke treatment. The second retrospective cohort was the Helsinki ICH Study registry of 1013 consecutive non-traumatic ICH patients treated at Helsinki University Hospital in 2005‒2010, among whom we searched for isolated occipital ICH patients and analysed their clinical characteristics, aetiology, outcome, and incidence of post-stroke epilepsy in comparison to ICHs of other location. The prospective part of the thesis was based on the multicentre, randomised, sham-controlled exploratory REVIS (Restoration of Vision after Stroke) trial that studied rehabilitation of persistent VFD after chronic occipital stroke with different methods of non-invasive electrical brain stimulation. Altogether 56 patients were included in three 10-day experiments in three centres. The centres examined: 1) repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation (rtACS) vs transcranial direct current stimulation preceding rtACS (tDCS/rtACS) vs sham in Germany, 2) rtACS vs sham in Finland, and 3) tDCS vs sham in Italy. In a functional magnetic resonance imaging spin-off study, resting-state functional connectivity of occipital stroke patients receiving rtACS or sham was compared to healthy control subjects at baseline and to each other after intervention. We found out that the prehospital delay of occipital stroke patients ranged between 20 minutes and 5 weeks and only 20% were admitted within the 4.5-hour time window of intravenous thrombolysis. Consequently, only 6.5% received thrombolysis, which is the mainstay of acute stroke treatment. One fourth of the patients arrived through at least two points of care and as many were assessed by an ophthalmologist before entering the neurological care, even though acute stroke patients should be transported directly to the neurological emergency department. The diagnostic delay was primarily caused by the patients’ late contact to health care but was also attributed to poor recognition and misdiagnosis by health-care professionals. The incidence of isolated occipital ICH was 1.9% of all non-traumatic ICHs and 5.3% of lobar ICHs. The patients with occipital ICH were younger and had more often vascular malformations as an aetiology of the bleeding than the non-occipital lobar ICH patients. They presented with milder symptoms and longer delay, and over 60% of the patients suffered solely from visual focal symptom. The haematoma volume in the occipital lobe was smaller and grew less compared to the non-occipital lobar haemorrhages. All in all, the occipital location of ICH was independently associated with favourable outcome at discharge among the patients with lobar ICH. The majority of the occipital ICH patients were able to return to independent activities of daily living, including driving a car and working, within a follow-up of a year. However, post-stroke epilepsy was as frequent as after non-occipital lobar ICH. In the prospective REVIS trial, rtACS was mostly ineffective in vision rehabilitation according to behavioural vision tests. Neither did it affect resting-state functional connectivity in comparison to sham. Transcranial DCS alone increased the monocular visual field measured with standard automated perimetry. The combined tDCS/rtACS propelled some improvements in the secondary visual outcome measures but did not differ from the sham stimulation. All the stimulation modalities were tolerated well. The functional connectivity of the chronic occipital stroke patients with VFD did not differ from the healthy control subjects when the whole brain network was considered in the analyses. However, a few occipital regions close to the infarct expressed lower local connectivity to the highly connected regions of the network according to the network graph metrics, whereas a lateral occipital region in the damaged hemisphere had higher network connectivity. These findings support the view that chronic ischaemic damage of the visual cortex affects functional connectivity within the visual network but leaves global connectivity unchanged. In conclusion, occipital stroke patients are insufficiently recognised, and thus the awareness of visual stroke symptoms should be raised especially among the public but also among health-care professionals to provide the patients with timely acute treatment and to prevent permanent disability. Occipital ICH patients have relatively favourable outcomes, but a structural cause of bleeding should be searched. Non-invasive electrical brain stimulation with the examined modalities does not cause robust improvement in vision or functional connectivity of the brain networks after a 10-day treatment, but further experiments with tDCS-based methods, potentially in combination with vision training, may be worth pursuing.Ihmisen näköaivokuori sijaitsee pääosin takaraivolohkossa ja sen vaurio johtaa tyypillisesti molempien silmien toispuoleiseen näkökenttäpuutokseen. Yleisin syy vaurioon on aivoverenkiertohäiriö: joko aivovaltimon tukoksesta johtuva infarkti tai verisuonen repeämästä aiheutuva aivoverenvuoto. Näkökenttäpuutos alentaa toiminta-, työ- ja ajokykyä ja heikentää elämänlaatua. Alle neljäsosa näkökenttäpuutoksista paranee täysin, eikä niiden kuntouttamiseksi ole kliiniseen käyttöön vakiintunutta menetelmää. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin näköaivokuoren aivoverenkiertohäiriöiden tunnistamista, kliinistä kuvaa, kuntoutusta ja ennustetta. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että ainoastaan 20,8 % HUS:in neurologian päivystyksessä vuosina 2010–2015 hoidetuista, näköoirein ilmenneen takaraivolohkon infarktin saaneista potilaista tuli hoitoon liuotushoidon mahdollistavassa aikaikkunassa ja vain 6,5 % sai liuotuksen. Viiveen yleisin syy oli potilaiden hidas hakeutuminen hoitoon, mutta kolmasosassa tapauksista myöskään terveydenhuoltohenkilökunta ei aluksi tunnistanut oireiden johtuvan aivoverenkiertohäiriöstä. Takaraivolohkoon rajautuvia aivoverenvuotoja esiintyi 1,9 %:lla HUS:issa 2005–2010 hoidetusta 1013 aivoverenvuotopotilaasta. Potilaat olivat nuorempia ja lieväoireisempia kuin muut vuotopotilaat, ja heidän vuotonsa johtuivat useammin verisuoniepämuodostumista. Vuodon sijainti takaraivolohkossa ennusti parempaa toimintakykyä sairaalasta kotiutuessa, ja suurin osa potilaista toipui vuoden sisällä päivittäistoiminnoissa itsenäisiksi. Epilepsian ilmaantuvuus ei eronnut pitkäaikaisseurannassa muista aivoverenvuotopotilaista. Satunnaistetussa, lumekontrolloidussa REVIS-monikeskustutkimuksessa selvitettiin kajoamattomien, heikkoa sähkövirtaa hyödyntävien stimulaatiomenetelmien tehoa takaraivolohkon aivoinfarktin aiheuttaman kroonisen näkökenttäpuutoksen kuntoutuksessa. Hoitokokeessa tasavirtastimulaatio (tDCS) pienensi vaurion vastapuoleisen silmän näkökenttäpuutosta verrattuna lumehoitoon, kun taas vaihtovirtastimulaatio (rtACS) oli tehotonta. Myöskään näiden yhdistelmällä (tDCS/rtACS) tulokset eivät eronneet lumeesta. Lisäksi toiminnallisella magneettikuvauksella tutkittiin 16 takaraivolohkon aivoinfarktipotilaan lepohermoverkostojen toiminnallista kytkeytyvyyttä verrattuna terveisiin koehenkilöihin. Tutkimus paljasti paikallisia muutoksia kytkeytyvyydessä potilaiden näköinformaation käsittelyyn osallistuvilla aivoalueilla, mutta laajemmin verkostojen toiminta ei eronnut verrokeista. Vaihtovirtastimulaatio ei muuttanut toiminnallista kytkeytyvyyttä

    Neuron-level dynamics of oscillatory network structure and markerless tracking of kinematics during grasping

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    Oscillatory synchrony is proposed to play an important role in flexible sensory-motor transformations. Thereby, it is assumed that changes in the oscillatory network structure at the level of single neurons lead to flexible information processing. Yet, how the oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level changes with different behavior remains elusive. To address this gap, we examined changes in the fronto-parietal oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level, while monkeys performed a flexible sensory-motor grasping task. We found that neurons formed separate subnetworks in the low frequency and beta bands. The beta subnetwork was active during steady states and the low frequency network during active states of the task, suggesting that both frequencies are mutually exclusive at the neuron-level. Furthermore, both frequency subnetworks reconfigured at the neuron-level for different grip and context conditions, which was mostly lost at any scale larger than neurons in the network. Our results, therefore, suggest that the oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level meets the necessary requirements for the coordination of flexible sensory-motor transformations. Supplementarily, tracking hand kinematics is a crucial experimental requirement to analyze neuronal control of grasp movements. To this end, a 3D markerless, gloveless hand tracking system was developed using computer vision and deep learning techniques. 2021-11-3

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 169 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August 1984