254 research outputs found

    Over-Sampling for Accurate Masking Threshold Calculation in Wavelet Packet Audio Coders

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    Many existing audio coders use a critically sampled discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the decomposition of audio signals. While the aliasing present in the wavelet coefficients is cancelled in the decoder, these coders normally perform calculation of the simultaneous masking threshold directly on these aliased coefficients. This paper uses over-sampling in the wavelet packet decomposition in order to provide alias-free coefficients for accurate simultaneous masking threshold calculation. The proposed technique is compared with masking threshold calculation based upon the FFT and critically-sampled wavelet coefficients, and the results show that a bit rate saving of up to 16 kbit/s can be achieved using over-sampling

    Adaptive Variable Degree-k Zero-Trees for Re-Encoding of Perceptually Quantized Wavelet-Packet Transformed Audio and High Quality Speech

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    A fast, efficient and scalable algorithm is proposed, in this paper, for re-encoding of perceptually quantized wavelet-packet transform (WPT) coefficients of audio and high quality speech and is called "adaptive variable degree-k zero-trees" (AVDZ). The quantization process is carried out by taking into account some basic perceptual considerations, and achieves good subjective quality with low complexity. The performance of the proposed AVDZ algorithm is compared with two other zero-tree-based schemes comprising: 1- Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet (EZW) and 2- The set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT). Since EZW and SPIHT are designed for image compression, some modifications are incorporated in these schemes for their better matching to audio signals. It is shown that the proposed modifications can improve their performance by about 15-25%. Furthermore, it is concluded that the proposed AVDZ algorithm outperforms these modified versions in terms of both output average bit-rates and computation times.Comment: 30 pages (Double space), 15 figures, 5 tables, ISRN Signal Processing (in Press

    Perceptually Motivated Wavelet Packet Transform for Bioacoustic Signal Enhancement

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    A significant and often unavoidable problem in bioacoustic signal processing is the presence of background noise due to an adverse recording environment. This paper proposes a new bioacoustic signal enhancement technique which can be used on a wide range of species. The technique is based on a perceptually scaled wavelet packet decomposition using a species-specific Greenwood scale function. Spectral estimation techniques, similar to those used for human speech enhancement, are used for estimation of clean signal wavelet coefficients under an additive noise model. The new approach is compared to several other techniques, including basic bandpass filtering as well as classical speech enhancement methods such as spectral subtraction, Wiener filtering, and Ephraim–Malah filtering. Vocalizations recorded from several species are used for evaluation, including the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia), with both additive white Gaussian noise and environment recording noise added across a range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Results, measured by both SNR and segmental SNR of the enhanced wave forms, indicate that the proposed method outperforms other approaches for a wide range of noise conditions

    Second generation and perceptual wavelet based noise estimation

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    peer-reviewedThe implementation of three noise estimation algorithms using two different signal decomposition methods: a second-generation wavelet transform and a perceptual wavelet packet transform are described in this paper. The algorithms, which do not require the use of a speech activity detector or signal statistics learning histograms, are: a smoothing-based adaptive technique, a minimum variance tracking-based technique and a quantile-based technique. The paper also proposes a new, robust noise estimation technique, which combines a quantile-based algorithm with smoothing-based algorithm. The performance of the latter technique is then evaluated and compared to those of the above three noise estimation methods under various noise conditions. Reported results demonstrate that all four algorithms are capable of tracking both stationary and non-stationary noise adequately but with varying degree of accuracyPUBLISHEDpeer-reviewe

    Frequency-warped autoregressive modeling and filtering

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    This thesis consists of an introduction and nine articles. The articles are related to the application of frequency-warping techniques to audio signal processing, and in particular, predictive coding of wideband audio signals. The introduction reviews the literature and summarizes the results of the articles. Frequency-warping, or simply warping techniques are based on a modification of a conventional signal processing system so that the inherent frequency representation in the system is changed. It is demonstrated that this may be done for basically all traditional signal processing algorithms. In audio applications it is beneficial to modify the system so that the new frequency representation is close to that of human hearing. One of the articles is a tutorial paper on the use of warping techniques in audio applications. Majority of the articles studies warped linear prediction, WLP, and its use in wideband audio coding. It is proposed that warped linear prediction would be particularly attractive method for low-delay wideband audio coding. Warping techniques are also applied to various modifications of classical linear predictive coding techniques. This was made possible partly by the introduction of a class of new implementation techniques for recursive filters in one of the articles. The proposed implementation algorithm for recursive filters having delay-free loops is a generic technique. This inspired to write an article which introduces a generalized warped linear predictive coding scheme. One example of the generalized approach is a linear predictive algorithm using almost logarithmic frequency representation.reviewe

    Combined Industry, Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The sixth annual Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop and the third annual Data Compression Industry Workshop were held as a single combined workshop. The workshop was held April 4, 1996 in Snowbird, Utah in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE Data Compression Conference, which was held at the same location March 31 - April 3, 1996. The Space and Earth Science Data Compression sessions seek to explore opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection, analysis, and retrieval of space and earth science data. Of particular interest is data compression research that is integrated into, or has the potential to be integrated into, a particular space or earth science data information system. Preference is given to data compression research that takes into account the scien- tist's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution and archival systems

    Wavelet Filter Banks in Perceptual Audio Coding

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    This thesis studies the application of the wavelet filter bank (WFB) in perceptual audio coding by providing brief overviews of perceptual coding, psychoacoustics, wavelet theory, and existing wavelet coding algorithms. Furthermore, it describes the poor frequency localization property of the WFB and explores one filter design method, in particular, for improving channel separation between the wavelet bands. A wavelet audio coder has also been developed by the author to test the new filters. Preliminary tests indicate that the new filters provide some improvement over other wavelet filters when coding audio signals that are stationary-like and contain only a few harmonic components, and similar results for other types of audio signals that contain many spectral and temporal components. It has been found that the WFB provides a flexible decomposition scheme through the choice of the tree structure and basis filter, but at the cost of poor localization properties. This flexibility can be a benefit in the context of audio coding but the poor localization properties represent a drawback. Determining ways to fully utilize this flexibility, while minimizing the effects of poor time-frequency localization, is an area that is still very much open for research

    Scalable and perceptual audio compression

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    This thesis deals with scalable perceptual audio compression. Two scalable perceptual solutions as well as a scalable to lossless solution are proposed and investigated. One of the scalable perceptual solutions is built around sinusoidal modelling of the audio signal whilst the other is built on a transform coding paradigm. The scalable coders are shown to scale both in a waveform matching manner as well as a psychoacoustic manner. In order to measure the psychoacoustic scalability of the systems investigated in this thesis, the similarity between the original signal\u27s psychoacoustic parameters and that of the synthesized signal are compared. The psychoacoustic parameters used are loudness, sharpness, tonahty and roughness. This analysis technique is a novel method used in this thesis and it allows an insight into the perceptual distortion that has been introduced by any coder analyzed in this manner

    Speech enhancement by perceptual adaptive wavelet de-noising

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    This thesis work summarizes and compares the existing wavelet de-noising methods. Most popular methods of wavelet transform, adaptive thresholding, and musical noise suppression have been analyzed theoretically and evaluated through Matlab simulation. Based on the above work, a new speech enhancement system using adaptive wavelet de-noising is proposed. Each step of the standard wavelet thresholding is improved by optimized adaptive algorithms. The Quantile based adaptive noise estimate and the posteriori SNR based threshold adjuster are compensatory to each other. The combination of them integrates the advantages of these two approaches and balances the effects of noise removal and speech preservation. In order to improve the final perceptual quality, an innovative musical noise analysis and smoothing algorithm and a Teager Energy Operator based silent segment smoothing module are also introduced into the system. The experimental results have demonstrated the capability of the proposed system in both stationary and non-stationary noise environments

    Unattended acoustic sensor systems for noise monitoring in national parks

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Detection and classification of transient acoustic signals is a difficult problem. The problem is often complicated by factors such as the variety of sources that may be encountered, the presence of strong interference and substantial variations in the acoustic environment. Furthermore, for most applications of transient detection and classification, such as speech recognition and environmental monitoring, online detection and classification of these transient events is required. This is even more crucial for applications such as environmental monitoring as it is often done at remote locations where it is unfeasible to set up a large, general-purpose processing system. Instead, some type of custom-designed system is needed which is power efficient yet able to run the necessary signal processing algorithms in near real-time. In this thesis, we describe a custom-designed environmental monitoring system (EMS) which was specifically designed for monitoring air traffic and other sources of interest in national parks. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the capabilities of the EMS and how transient detection, classification and tracking are implemented on it. The Sparse Coefficient State Tracking (SCST) transient detection and classification algorithm was implemented on the EMS board in order to detect and classify transient events. This algorithm was chosen because it was designed for this particular application and was shown to have superior performance compared to other algorithms commonly used for transient detection and classification. The SCST algorithm was implemented on an Artix 7 FPGA with parts of the algorithm running as dedicated custom logic and other parts running sequentially on a soft-core processor. In this thesis, the partitioning and pipelining of this algorithm is explained. Each of the partitions was tested independently to very their functionality with respect to the overall system. Furthermore, the entire SCST algorithm was tested in the field on actual acoustic data and the performance of this implementation was evaluated using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and confusion matrices. In this test the FPGA implementation of SCST was able to achieve acceptable source detection and classification results despite a difficult data set and limited training data. The tracking of acoustic sources is done through successive direction of arrival (DOA) angle estimation using a wideband extension of the Capon beamforming algorithm. This algorithm was also implemented on the EMS in order to provide real-time DOA estimates for the detected sources. This algorithm was partitioned into several stages with some stages implemented in custom logic while others were implemented as software running on the soft-core processor. Just as with SCST, each partition of this beamforming algorithm was verified independently and then a full system test was conducted to evaluate whether it would be able to track an airborne source. For the full system test, a model airplane was flown at various trajectories relative to the EMS and the trajectories estimated by the system were compared to the ground truth. Although in this test the accuracy of the DOA estimates could not be evaluated, it was show that the algorithm was able to approximately form the general trajectory of a moving source which is sufficient for our application as only a general heading of the acoustic sources is desired
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