33 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    This book is a collection of 15 reviewed technical reports summarizing the presentations at the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory. The covered topics include image processing, optical signal processing, visual inspection, pattern recognition and classification, human-machine interaction, world and situation modeling, autonomous system localization and mapping, information fusion, and trust propagation in sensor networks

    Methods and techniques for analyzing human factors facets on drivers

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWith millions of cars moving daily, driving is the most performed activity worldwide. Unfortunately, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, around 1.35 million people worldwide die from road traffic accidents and, in addition, between 20 and 50 million people are injured, placing road traffic accidents as the second leading cause of death among people between the ages of 5 and 29. According to WHO, human errors, such as speeding, driving under the influence of drugs, fatigue, or distractions at the wheel, are the underlying cause of most road accidents. Global reports on road safety such as "Road safety in the European Union. Trends, statistics, and main challenges" prepared by the European Commission in 2018 presented a statistical analysis that related road accident mortality rates and periods segmented by hours and days of the week. This report revealed that the highest incidence of mortality occurs regularly in the afternoons during working days, coinciding with the period when the volume of traffic increases and when any human error is much more likely to cause a traffic accident. Accordingly, mitigating human errors in driving is a challenge, and there is currently a growing trend in the proposal for technological solutions intended to integrate driver information into advanced driving systems to improve driver performance and ergonomics. The study of human factors in the field of driving is a multidisciplinary field in which several areas of knowledge converge, among which stand out psychology, physiology, instrumentation, signal treatment, machine learning, the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs), and the design of human-machine communication interfaces. The main objective of this thesis is to exploit knowledge related to the different facets of human factors in the field of driving. Specific objectives include identifying tasks related to driving, the detection of unfavorable cognitive states in the driver, such as stress, and, transversely, the proposal for an architecture for the integration and coordination of driver monitoring systems with other active safety systems. It should be noted that the specific objectives address the critical aspects in each of the issues to be addressed. Identifying driving-related tasks is one of the primary aspects of the conceptual framework of driver modeling. Identifying maneuvers that a driver performs requires training beforehand a model with examples of each maneuver to be identified. To this end, a methodology was established to form a data set in which a relationship is established between the handling of the driving controls (steering wheel, pedals, gear lever, and turn indicators) and a series of adequately identified maneuvers. This methodology consisted of designing different driving scenarios in a realistic driving simulator for each type of maneuver, including stop, overtaking, turns, and specific maneuvers such as U-turn and three-point turn. From the perspective of detecting unfavorable cognitive states in the driver, stress can damage cognitive faculties, causing failures in the decision-making process. Physiological signals such as measurements derived from the heart rhythm or the change of electrical properties of the skin are reliable indicators when assessing whether a person is going through an episode of acute stress. However, the detection of stress patterns is still an open problem. Despite advances in sensor design for the non-invasive collection of physiological signals, certain factors prevent reaching models capable of detecting stress patterns in any subject. This thesis addresses two aspects of stress detection: the collection of physiological values during stress elicitation through laboratory techniques such as the Stroop effect and driving tests; and the detection of stress by designing a process flow based on unsupervised learning techniques, delving into the problems associated with the variability of intra- and inter-individual physiological measures that prevent the achievement of generalist models. Finally, in addition to developing models that address the different aspects of monitoring, the orchestration of monitoring systems and active safety systems is a transversal and essential aspect in improving safety, ergonomics, and driving experience. Both from the perspective of integration into test platforms and integration into final systems, the problem of deploying multiple active safety systems lies in the adoption of monolithic models where the system-specific functionality is run in isolation, without considering aspects such as cooperation and interoperability with other safety systems. This thesis addresses the problem of the development of more complex systems where monitoring systems condition the operability of multiple active safety systems. To this end, a mediation architecture is proposed to coordinate the reception and delivery of data flows generated by the various systems involved, including external sensors (lasers, external cameras), cabin sensors (cameras, smartwatches), detection models, deliberative models, delivery systems and machine-human communication interfaces. Ontology-based data modeling plays a crucial role in structuring all this information and consolidating the semantic representation of the driving scene, thus allowing the development of models based on data fusion.I would like to thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for granting me the predoctoral fellowship BES-2016-078143 corresponding to the project TRA2015-63708-R, which provided me the opportunity of conducting all my Ph. D activities, including completing an international internship.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José María Armingol Moreno.- Secretario: Felipe Jiménez Alonso.- Vocal: Luis Mart


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Mathematical Expression Recognition based on Probabilistic Grammars

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    [EN] Mathematical notation is well-known and used all over the world. Humankind has evolved from simple methods representing countings to current well-defined math notation able to account for complex problems. Furthermore, mathematical expressions constitute a universal language in scientific fields, and many information resources containing mathematics have been created during the last decades. However, in order to efficiently access all that information, scientific documents have to be digitized or produced directly in electronic formats. Although most people is able to understand and produce mathematical information, introducing math expressions into electronic devices requires learning specific notations or using editors. Automatic recognition of mathematical expressions aims at filling this gap between the knowledge of a person and the input accepted by computers. This way, printed documents containing math expressions could be automatically digitized, and handwriting could be used for direct input of math notation into electronic devices. This thesis is devoted to develop an approach for mathematical expression recognition. In this document we propose an approach for recognizing any type of mathematical expression (printed or handwritten) based on probabilistic grammars. In order to do so, we develop the formal statistical framework such that derives several probability distributions. Along the document, we deal with the definition and estimation of all these probabilistic sources of information. Finally, we define the parsing algorithm that globally computes the most probable mathematical expression for a given input according to the statistical framework. An important point in this study is to provide objective performance evaluation and report results using public data and standard metrics. We inspected the problems of automatic evaluation in this field and looked for the best solutions. We also report several experiments using public databases and we participated in several international competitions. Furthermore, we have released most of the software developed in this thesis as open source. We also explore some of the applications of mathematical expression recognition. In addition to the direct applications of transcription and digitization, we report two important proposals. First, we developed mucaptcha, a method to tell humans and computers apart by means of math handwriting input, which represents a novel application of math expression recognition. Second, we tackled the problem of layout analysis of structured documents using the statistical framework developed in this thesis, because both are two-dimensional problems that can be modeled with probabilistic grammars. The approach developed in this thesis for mathematical expression recognition has obtained good results at different levels. It has produced several scientific publications in international conferences and journals, and has been awarded in international competitions.[ES] La notación matemática es bien conocida y se utiliza en todo el mundo. La humanidad ha evolucionado desde simples métodos para representar cuentas hasta la notación formal actual capaz de modelar problemas complejos. Además, las expresiones matemáticas constituyen un idioma universal en el mundo científico, y se han creado muchos recursos que contienen matemáticas durante las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, para acceder de forma eficiente a toda esa información, los documentos científicos han de ser digitalizados o producidos directamente en formatos electrónicos. Aunque la mayoría de personas es capaz de entender y producir información matemática, introducir expresiones matemáticas en dispositivos electrónicos requiere aprender notaciones especiales o usar editores. El reconocimiento automático de expresiones matemáticas tiene como objetivo llenar ese espacio existente entre el conocimiento de una persona y la entrada que aceptan los ordenadores. De este modo, documentos impresos que contienen fórmulas podrían digitalizarse automáticamente, y la escritura se podría utilizar para introducir directamente notación matemática en dispositivos electrónicos. Esta tesis está centrada en desarrollar un método para reconocer expresiones matemáticas. En este documento proponemos un método para reconocer cualquier tipo de fórmula (impresa o manuscrita) basado en gramáticas probabilísticas. Para ello, desarrollamos el marco estadístico formal que deriva varias distribuciones de probabilidad. A lo largo del documento, abordamos la definición y estimación de todas estas fuentes de información probabilística. Finalmente, definimos el algoritmo que, dada cierta entrada, calcula globalmente la expresión matemática más probable de acuerdo al marco estadístico. Un aspecto importante de este trabajo es proporcionar una evaluación objetiva de los resultados y presentarlos usando datos públicos y medidas estándar. Por ello, estudiamos los problemas de la evaluación automática en este campo y buscamos las mejores soluciones. Asimismo, presentamos diversos experimentos usando bases de datos públicas y hemos participado en varias competiciones internacionales. Además, hemos publicado como código abierto la mayoría del software desarrollado en esta tesis. También hemos explorado algunas de las aplicaciones del reconocimiento de expresiones matemáticas. Además de las aplicaciones directas de transcripción y digitalización, presentamos dos propuestas importantes. En primer lugar, desarrollamos mucaptcha, un método para discriminar entre humanos y ordenadores mediante la escritura de expresiones matemáticas, el cual representa una novedosa aplicación del reconocimiento de fórmulas. En segundo lugar, abordamos el problema de detectar y segmentar la estructura de documentos utilizando el marco estadístico formal desarrollado en esta tesis, dado que ambos son problemas bidimensionales que pueden modelarse con gramáticas probabilísticas. El método desarrollado en esta tesis para reconocer expresiones matemáticas ha obtenido buenos resultados a diferentes niveles. Este trabajo ha producido varias publicaciones en conferencias internacionales y revistas, y ha sido premiado en competiciones internacionales.[CA] La notació matemàtica és ben coneguda i s'utilitza a tot el món. La humanitat ha evolucionat des de simples mètodes per representar comptes fins a la notació formal actual capaç de modelar problemes complexos. A més, les expressions matemàtiques constitueixen un idioma universal al món científic, i s'han creat molts recursos que contenen matemàtiques durant les últimes dècades. No obstant això, per accedir de forma eficient a tota aquesta informació, els documents científics han de ser digitalitzats o produïts directament en formats electrònics. Encara que la majoria de persones és capaç d'entendre i produir informació matemàtica, introduir expressions matemàtiques en dispositius electrònics requereix aprendre notacions especials o usar editors. El reconeixement automàtic d'expressions matemàtiques té per objectiu omplir aquest espai existent entre el coneixement d'una persona i l'entrada que accepten els ordinadors. D'aquesta manera, documents impresos que contenen fórmules podrien digitalitzar-se automàticament, i l'escriptura es podria utilitzar per introduir directament notació matemàtica en dispositius electrònics. Aquesta tesi està centrada en desenvolupar un mètode per reconèixer expressions matemàtiques. En aquest document proposem un mètode per reconèixer qualsevol tipus de fórmula (impresa o manuscrita) basat en gramàtiques probabilístiques. Amb aquesta finalitat, desenvolupem el marc estadístic formal que deriva diverses distribucions de probabilitat. Al llarg del document, abordem la definició i estimació de totes aquestes fonts d'informació probabilística. Finalment, definim l'algorisme que, donada certa entrada, calcula globalment l'expressió matemàtica més probable d'acord al marc estadístic. Un aspecte important d'aquest treball és proporcionar una avaluació objectiva dels resultats i presentar-los usant dades públiques i mesures estàndard. Per això, estudiem els problemes de l'avaluació automàtica en aquest camp i busquem les millors solucions. Així mateix, presentem diversos experiments usant bases de dades públiques i hem participat en diverses competicions internacionals. A més, hem publicat com a codi obert la majoria del software desenvolupat en aquesta tesi. També hem explorat algunes de les aplicacions del reconeixement d'expressions matemàtiques. A més de les aplicacions directes de transcripció i digitalització, presentem dues propostes importants. En primer lloc, desenvolupem mucaptcha, un mètode per discriminar entre humans i ordinadors mitjançant l'escriptura d'expressions matemàtiques, el qual representa una nova aplicació del reconeixement de fórmules. En segon lloc, abordem el problema de detectar i segmentar l'estructura de documents utilitzant el marc estadístic formal desenvolupat en aquesta tesi, donat que ambdós són problemes bidimensionals que poden modelar-se amb gramàtiques probabilístiques. El mètode desenvolupat en aquesta tesi per reconèixer expressions matemàtiques ha obtingut bons resultats a diferents nivells. Aquest treball ha produït diverses publicacions en conferències internacionals i revistes, i ha sigut premiat en competicions internacionals.Álvaro Muñoz, F. (2015). Mathematical Expression Recognition based on Probabilistic Grammars [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/51665TESI

    Semi-supervised learning for scalable and robust visual search

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    Efficient Preference-based Reinforcement Learning

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    Common reinforcement learning algorithms assume access to a numeric feedback signal. The numeric feedback contains a high amount of information and can be maximized efficiently. However, the definition of a numeric feedback signal can be difficult in practise due to several limitations and badly defined values may lead to an unintended outcome. For humans, it is usually easier to define qualitative feedback signals than quantitative. Hence, we want to solve reinforcement learning problems with a qualitative signal, potentially capable of overcoming several of the limitations of numeric feedback. Preferences have several advantages over other qualitative settings, like ordinal feedback or advice. Preferences are scale-free and do not require assumptions over the optimal outcome. However, preferences are difficult to use for solving sequential decision problems, because it is unknown which decisions are responsible for the observed preference. Hence, we analyze different approaches for learning from preferences and show the design principles that can be used, as well as the advantages and problems that occur. We also survey the field of preference-based reinforcement learning and categorize the algorithms according to the design principles. Efficiency is of special interest in this setting, as it is important to keep the amount of required preferences low, because they depend on human evaluation. Hence, our focus is on efficient use of the preferences. It can be stated that it is important to be able to generalize the obtained preferences, as this keeps the amount of required preferences low. Therefore, we consider methods that are able to generalize the obtained preferences to models not yet evaluated. However, this introduces uncertain feedback and the exploration/exploitation problem already known from classical reinforcement learning has to be considered with the preferences in mind. We show how to efficiently solve this dual exploration problem by interleaving both tasks, in an undirected manner. We use undirected exploration methods, because they scale better to high-dimensional spaces. Furthermore, human feedback has to be assumed to be error-prone and we analyze the problems that arise when using human evaluation. We show that noise is the most substantial problem when dealing with human preferences and present a solution to this problem