7 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk, struktur, pengembangan motif pada Art of Fugue Contrapunctus XIII Rectus Inversus BWV 1080 karya Johann Sebastian Bach, serta memberi acuan penelitian atau referensi bagi penelitian analisis komposisi dan bentuk analisis komposisi musik. Objek penelitian difokuskan pada bentuk, struktur, pengembangan motif pada Art of Fugue Contrapunctus XIII Rectus Inversus BWV 1080 karya Johann Sebastian Bach transkripsi Luis Alvarez. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang terkait dengan penelitian ini adalah analisis dokumen, studi pustaka, dan juga wawancara. Data di dapat melalui observasi partitur dan audio, menganalisis bentuk, struktur, serta pengembangan melodi, mengidentifikasi teori berdasarkan buku, jurnal, dan sumber data berdasarkan hasil wawancara. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Art of Fugue Contrapunctus XIII Rectus Inversus BWV 1080 karya Johann Sebastian Bach memiliki bentuk 3 bagian yaitu Eksposition, 2nd Eksposition, dan Recapitulation. Unsur komposisi fuga yang ditemukan adalah subject, answer, countersubject, stretto, episode, pedal point, bassocontinuo, dan orgelpung. Pengembangan melodi yang ditemukan adalah sequence, tonal transpose, tonal inversion, real inversion, alteration, dan contrary motion. **** This research aims to identify the form, structure, and development of motifs in Johann Sebastian Bach's Art of Fugue Contrapunctus XIII Rectus Inversus BWV 1080, as well as to provide research references or references for compositional analysis research and forms of musical composition analysis. The object of the research is focused on the shape, structure, and development of motifs in the Art of Fugue Contrapunctus XIII Rectus Inversus BWV 1080 by Johann Sebastian Bach with the transcript of Luis Alvarez. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data for this research came from document analysis, literature study, and also interviews. The data can be obtained through observation of scores and audio, analyzing form, structure, melody development, identifying theories based on books, journals, and data sources based on interview results. The results of this research found that Johann Sebastian Bach's Art of Fugue Contrapunctus XIII Rectus Inversus BWV 1080 has 3 parts, beginning with Exposition, then Exposition, and ended with Recapitulation. The elements of fugue composition found are subject, answer, countersubject, stretto, episode, pedal point, basso continuo, and orgelpung. The melodic development found are sequence, tonal transpose, tonal investment, real inversion, alteration, and contrary motion

    As We Are Blind

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    ƒuvres et Recherches 2019:01« As We Are Blind » (2016) est une installation pour « piano mĂ©canique et aura » de VĂ©ronique BĂ©land. Au centre d’une piĂšce Ă  la scĂ©nographie Ă©purĂ©e, un piano Ă  queue joue la partition la plus intime : celle du spectateur. Conductance, tempĂ©rature de la peau, poids de la main, rythme cardiaque... Chaque participant pose la main sur un capteur, et « As We Are Blind » calcule et interprĂšte une production musicale et photographique unique, qui rĂ©vĂšle l’« aura » colorĂ©e de chaque spectateur

    Modelling and Editing Cross-Modal Synchronization on a Label Web Canvas

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    We present how the open-source web framework Dezrann enables users to hear, study, and annotate music by interacting with synchronized views such as image scores, rendered scores, videos, and representations of audio as waveforms or spectrograms. We encode as unit conversions the cross-modal synchronization between these music representations. Composing these conversions allows us to conveniently translate musical time, audio time, and graphical positions, as well as to synchronize annotation labels across views. Uses of the Dezrann platform or of some of its components include corpus annotation for musicology or computer music research, music education, as well as collaborative score edition and correction in the CollabScore project

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f

    Computational Fugue Analysis

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    International audienceOne of the pinnacle forms of classical Western music, the fugue is often used in the teaching of music analysis and composition. Fugues alternate between instances of a subject and other patterns and modulatory sections, which are called episodes. Musicological analyses are generally built on these patterns and sections.We propose several algorithms to perform an automated analysis of a fugue, starting from a score in which all the voices are separated. By focusing on the diatonic similarities between pitch intervals, we detect subjects and countersubjects, as well as partial harmonic sequences inside the episodes. We also propose tools to detect subject scale degrees, cadences and pedals, as well as a method for segmenting the fugue into exposition and episodic parts.Our algorithms were tested on a corpus of 36 fugues by Bach and Shostakovich. We provide formalized ground truth data on this corpus as well as a dynamic visualization of the ground truth and of our computed results. The complete system showed correct or good results for about one half of the fugues tested, enabling us to sketch their design