3,586 research outputs found

    Municipal wastewater treatment with pond technology : historical review and future outlook

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    Facing an unprecedented population growth, it is difficult to overstress the assets for wastewater treatment of waste stabilization ponds (WSPs), i.e. high removal efficiency, simplicity, and low cost, which have been recognized by numerous scientists and operators. However, stricter discharge standards, changes in wastewater compounds, high emissions of greenhouse gases, and elevated land prices have led to their replacements in many places. This review aims at delivering a comprehensive overview of the historical development and current state of WSPs, and providing further insights to deal with their limitations in the future. The 21st century is witnessing changes in the way of approaching conventional problems in pond technology, in which WSPs should no longer be considered as a low treatment technology. Advanced models and technologies have been integrated for better design, control, and management. The roles of algae, which have been crucial as solar-powered aeration, will continue being a key solution. Yet, the separation of suspended algae to avoid deterioration of the effluent remains a major challenge in WSPs while in the case of high algal rate pond, further research is needed to maximize algal growth yield, select proper strains, and optimize harvesting methods to put algal biomass production in practice. Significant gaps need to be filled in understanding mechanisms of greenhouse gas emission, climate change mitigation, pond ecosystem services, and the fate and toxicity of emerging contaminants. From these insights, adaptation strategies are developed to deal with new opportunities and future challenges

    Hydraulic Modelling and Optimization of a Wastewater Treatment System for Developing Nations Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    Waste stabilization pond (WSP) is globally one of the most popular wastewater treatment options because of its high efficiency and low cost. However, no rigorous assessment of WSPs that account for cost in addition to hydrodynamics and treatment efficiency has been performed. A study was conducted that utilized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) coupled with an optimization program to optimize the selection of the best WSP configuration based on cost and treatment efficiency. Several designs generated by the CFD/optimization model showed that both shorter and longer baffles, alternative depths, and reactor length to width ratios could improve the hydraulic efficiency of the ponds at a reduced overall construction cost. In addition, a study was conducted on the optimized WSP which consisted of an anaerobic, facultative, and a maturation stage whose baffle orientation, length to width ratio, was specified by a CFD model prediction and was compared with a three stage WSP designed according to literature suggested reactor geometric configurations. Experimental tests were performed on a pilot scale version of the threestage WSP where the removal performance was based on a number of parameters (Faecal coliform, pH, TDS, and Conductivity). Results showed that the significantly lower cost design based on the optimized CFD simulations displayed slightly better removal performance compared to the standard WSP design developed from literature data. The results of this study clearly showed that unit treatment process designs based on rigorous numerical optimization can aid in producing cost effective designs that make it more possible for developing nations to incorporate adequate and effective sanitation

    Simulating the effect of forces pit ventilation on ammonia emission from naturally ventilated cow houses with CFD

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    Atmospheric NH3, mainly originates from agricultural sources, can cause serious environmental problems related to eutrophication and soil acidification. Emissions from dairy houses are 15% of total agricultural NH3 emissions. Due to open buildings, existing abatement options are limited. Pit air separation was identified as a potentially efficacious option. In this study a model simulation of a commercial dairy cow building with slatted floor is presented. The model was solved for 12 cases, differing wind speed, direction and both air and manure temperature. For each case three solutions were obtained, which correspond a) to a building where a forced pit ventilation system is applied at capacity of 250 and 500 m-3 h-1 cow-1 and b) to a building without forced pit ventilation system. The results show that due to forced pit ventilation system, at 250 and 500 m-3 h-1 cow-1, the ventilation rate was increased 3.1% and 6.2% respectively. The contribution of the pit ventilation system to the total ammonia released from the pit during winter, ranged from 31-35%, 16-19% and 11-8%, for wind speed of 1.0, 4.0 and 8.0 m s-1 respectively. Correspondingly, during summer, the contribution of the system ranged from 44-48%, 20-21% and 12-9%. Although obvious benefits arise from a forced pit ventilation system, the main mass flow of ammonia from the pit still emitted through the building ventilation openings, especially at high wind speeds

    Project OASIS: Optimizing Aquaponic Systems to Improve Sustainability

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    Started in Fall 2015, Project OASIS (Optimizing Aquaponic Systems to Improve Sustainability) is an interdisciplinary capstone project with the goal of designing a sustainable and affordable small-scale aquaponic system for use in developing nations to tackle the problems of malnutrition and food insecurity. Aquaponics is a symbiotic relationship between fish and vegetables growing together in a recirculating system. The project’s goals were to minimize energy consumption and construction costs while using universally available materials. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software OpenFOAM was used to create transient and steady-state models of fish tanks to visualize velocity profiles, streamlines, and particle movement. CFD and small scale experiments showed vertical manifolds were more efficient than horizontal inlets. The components’ layout was analyzed to minimize head losses and airlifts were used instead of traditional water pumps. Full-scale research and traditional systems were constructed for side-by-side comparison of biological and energy factors. Flow improvements and use of air-lift pumps dropped energy consumption 40% when compared to a traditional system of the same size. Using local and recycled materials where possible decreased the cost of the UNH pilot system by 27%. The team also partnered with Forjando Alas, a non-profit in Uvita, Costa Rica. During a January 2016 assessment trip, four members spent a week gathering data and building relationships with the community to develop a user-centered design. Project OASIS also successfully competed in two entrepreneurship competitions this year

    CFD Model for Ventilation in Broiler Holding Sheds

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    Broiler production in Arkansas was valued at over $3.6 billion in 2013 (University of Arkansas Extension of Agriculture). Consequently, improvement in any phase of the production process can have significant economic impact and animal welfare implications. From the time poultry leave the farm and until they are slaughtered, they can be exposed to harsh environmental conditions, both in winter and in summer. After road transportation, birds are left to wait in holding sheds once they arrive at the processing plant, for periods of approximately 30 minutes to two hours. This project was interested in this holding shed waiting time during hot summer conditions. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed using the commercial package ANSYS Fluent and used to analyze the effect of six different scenarios of varying inlet velocity and inlet temperature on the airflow, temperature, and humidity within the trailer parked in the holding shed. A temperature-humidity-velocity index (THVI) was used to assess the possible effects of local conditions on chicken welfare. Results showed that increasing airflow into the trailer module had a significant effect on reducing temperature and humidity within the module, potentially improving welfare of the poultry. While the model was too simplified to accurately compare to field measurements, this study showed the potential of CFD software to solve problems in this area. A more robust CFD model could be used to test the effects of alternative solutions such as the placement and number of cooling fans within the holding shed, making it a powerful decision making tool

    CFD Analysis of Turbulence Models to Achieve the Digester Mixing Process

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    Mixing efficiency defines the features of physicochemical and biological reactions carried out in reactors or digesters. The reason for this influence is because it conditions the heat and mass transfer. That is why the mixing level and intensity become important aspects to study to know the effects they have on the processes. Furthermore, it should be noted that most of the mixing processes are carried out under turbulent conditions. Mixing enhancement evaluation is achieved in two ways, that is, experimentally and performing simulations. Simulations are based on numerical methods approximating solutions to results in line with reality. In this context, turbulence models applied in systems have great influence on the final numerical solution and, therefore, on the interpretation of improved mixing in reactors. It is also necessary to consider the influence of rheology in these simulations, since the working fluid does not always have a linear stress-strain relationship. In this way, an analysis of turbulence models and their applications in mixing characterization and the adequacy of these models to the reactor configuration and operating conditions is carried out. Mention is also made of the experiences around the study of turbulence in mixing tanks

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Achievements Applied to Optimal Crop Production in a Greenhouse

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    Computational fluid dynamics has been successfully used in protected agriculture to simulate greenhouse weather as physical processes. The variables involved are velocity, wind direction related to either absolute or relative humidity, temperature as well as deficit vapor pressure, and carbon dioxide, among others. The research evolution is changing from the traditional validation of new designs and management to testing efficient production with less environmental pollution. This work points out this kind of assessment based on the physical principles of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Constitutive relationships like Darcy-Forchheimer porosity model in the momentum equation as well as the geometry and physical properties of the materials involved are needed to fulfill the particular solutions of temperature, wind, and humidity. This chapter is enhanced by the effect of solar radiation in more processes like crop transpiration with dynamical meshes and condensation


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    In agri-food engineering many complex problems arise in plant and process design. Specifically the designer has to deal with fluid dynamics, thermal or mechanical problems, often characterized by physics coupling, non-linearity, irregular geometry, anisotropy and in definitive rather high complexity. In recent years, the ever growing availability of computational power at low cost, made these problems more often approached with numerical simulation techniques. Mainly in terms of finite elements and finite volumes. In this paper the fundamentals of numerical methods are briefly recalled and a discussion about their possibility of application in the food and agricultural engineering is developed

    Numerical simulation of physical systems in agri-food engineering

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    In agri-food engineering many complex problems arise in plant and process design. Specifically the designer has to deal with fluid dynamics, thermal or mechanical problems, often characterized by physics coupling, non-linearity, irregular geometry, anisotropy and in definitive rather high complexity. In recent years, the ever growing availability of computational power at low cost, made these problems more often approached with numerical simulation techniques. Mainly in terms of finite elements and finite volumes. In this paper the fundamentals of numerical methods are briefly recalled and a discussion about their possibility of application in the food and agricultural engineering is developed
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