36 research outputs found

    Contributions to the deadlock problem in multithreaded software applications observed as Resource Allocation Systems

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    Desde el punto de vista de la competencia por recursos compartidos sucesivamente reutilizables, se dice que un sistema concurrente compuesto por procesos secuenciales está en situación de bloqueo si existe en él un conjunto de procesos que están indefinidamente esperando la liberación de ciertos recursos retenidos por miembros del mismo conjunto de procesos. En sistemas razonablemente complejos o distribuidos, establecer una política de asignación de recursos que sea libre de bloqueos puede ser un problema muy difícil de resolver de forma eficiente. En este sentido, los modelos formales, y particularmente las redes de Petri, se han ido afianzando como herramientas fructíferas que permiten abstraer el problema de asignación de recursos en este tipo de sistemas, con el fin de abordarlo analíticamente y proveer métodos eficientes para la correcta construcción o corrección de estos sistemas. En particular, la teoría estructural de redes de Petri se postula como un potente aliado para lidiar con el problema de la explosión de estados inherente a aquéllos. En este fértil contexto han florecido una serie de trabajos que defienden una propuesta metodológica de diseño orientada al estudio estructural y la correspondiente corrección física del problema de asignación de recursos en familias de sistemas muy significativas en determinados contextos de aplicación, como el de los Sistemas de Fabricación Flexible. Las clases de modelos de redes de Petri resultantes asumen ciertas restricciones, con significado físico en el contexto de aplicación para el que están destinadas, que alivian en buena medida la complejidad del problema. En la presente tesis, se intenta acercar ese tipo de aproximación metodológica al diseño de aplicaciones software multihilo libres de bloqueos. A tal efecto, se pone de manifiesto cómo aquellas restricciones procedentes del mundo de los Sistemas de Fabricación Flexible se muestran demasiado severas para aprehender la versatilidad inherente a los sistemas software en lo que respecta a la interacción de los procesos con los recursos compartidos. En particular, se han de resaltar dos necesidades de modelado fundamentales que obstaculizan la mera adopción de antiguas aproximaciones surgidas bajo el prisma de otros dominios: (1) la necesidad de soportar el anidamiento de bucles no desplegables en el interior de los procesos, y (2) la posible compartición de recursos no disponibles en el arranque del sistema pero que son creados o declarados por un proceso en ejecución. A resultas, se identifica una serie de requerimientos básicos para la definición de un tipo de modelos orientado al estudio de sistemas software multihilo y se presenta una clase de redes de Petri, llamada PC2R, que cumple dicha lista de requerimientos, manteniéndose a su vez respetuosa con la filosofía de diseño de anteriores subclases enfocadas a otros contextos de aplicación. Junto con la revisión e integración de anteriores resultados en el nuevo marco conceptual, se aborda el estudio de propiedades inherentes a los sistemas resultantes y su relación profunda con otros tipos de modelos, la confección de resultados y algoritmos eficientes para el análisis estructural de vivacidad en la nueva clase, así como la revisión y propuesta de métodos de resolución de los problemas de bloqueo adaptadas a las particularidades físicas del dominio de aplicación. Asimismo, se estudia la complejidad computacional de ciertas vertientes relacionadas con el problema de asignación de recursos en el nuevo contexto, así como la traslación de los resultados anteriormente mencionados sobre el dominio de la ingeniería de software multihilo, donde la nueva clase de redes permite afrontar problemas inabordables considerando el marco teórico y las herramientas suministradas para subclases anteriormente explotadas

    Structural Decomposition of STGs

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    Specification of asynchronous circuit behaviour becomes more complex as the complexity of today’s System-On-a-Chip (SOC) design increases. This also causes the Signal Transition Graphs (STGs) – interpreted Petri nets for the specification of asynchronous circuit behaviour – to become bigger and more complex, which makes it more difficult, sometimes even impossible, to synthesize an asynchronous circuit from an STG with a tool like petrify [CKK+96] or CASCADE [BEW00]. It has, therefore, been suggested to decompose the STG as a first step; this leads to a modular implementation [KWVB03] [KVWB05], which can reduce syn- thesis effort by possibly avoiding state explosion or by allowing the use of library elements. A decomposition approach for STGs was presented in [VW02] [KKT93] [Chu87a]. The decomposition algorithm by Vogler and Wollowski [VW02] is based on that of Chu [Chu87a] but is much more generally applicable than the one in [KKT93] [Chu87a], and its correctness has been proved formally in [VW02]. This dissertation begins with Petri net background described in chapter 2. It starts with a class of Petri nets called a place/transition (P/T) nets. Then STGs, the subclass of P/T nets, is viewed. Background in net decomposition is presented in chapter 3. It begins with the structural decomposition of P/T nets for analysis purposes – liveness and boundedness of the net. Then STG decomposition for synthesis from [VW02] is described. The decomposition method from [VW02] still could be improved to deal with STGs from real applications and to give better decomposition results. Some improvements for [VW02] to improve decomposition result and increase algorithm efficiency are discussed in chapter 4. These improvement ideas are suggested in [KVWB04] and some of them are have been proved formally in [VK04]. The decomposition method from [VW02] is based on net reduction to find an output block component. A large amount of work has to be done to reduce an initial specification until the final component is found. This reduction is not always possible, which causes input initially classified as irrelevant to become relevant input for the component. But under certain conditions (e.g. if structural auto-conflicts turn out to be non-dynamic) some of them could be reclassified as irrelevant. If this is not done, the specifications become unnecessarily large, which intern leads to unnecessarily large implemented circuits. Instead of reduction, a new approach, presented in chapter 5, decomposes the original net into structural components first. An initial output block component is found by composing the structural components. Then, a final output block component is obtained by net reduction. As we cope with the structure of a net most of the time, it would be useful to have a structural abstraction of the net. A structural abstraction algorithm [Kan03] is presented in chapter 6. It can improve the performance in finding an output block component in most of the cases [War05] [Taw04]. Also, the structure net is in most cases smaller than the net itself. This increases the efficiency of the decomposition algorithm because it allows the transitions contained in a node of the structure graph to be contracted at the same time if the structure graph is used as internal representation of the net. Chapter 7 discusses the application of STG decomposition in asynchronous circuit design. Application to speed independent circuits is discussed first. Af- ter that 3D circuits synthesized from extended burst mode (XBM) specifications are discussed. An algorithm for translating STG specifications to XBM specifi- cations was first suggested by [BEW99]. This algorithm first derives the state machine from the STG specification, then translates the state machine to XBM specification. An XBM specification, though it is a state machine, allows some concurrency. These concurrencies can be translated directly, without deriving all of the possible states. An algorithm which directly translates STG to XBM specifications, is presented in chapter 7.3.1. Finally DESI, a tool to decompose STGs and its decomposition results are presented

    Identifying parameter regions for multistationarity

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    Mathematical modelling has become an established tool for studying the dynamics of biological systems. Current applications range from building models that reproduce quantitative data to identifying systems with predefined qualitative features, such as switching behaviour, bistability or oscillations. Mathematically, the latter question amounts to identifying parameter values associated with a given qualitative feature. We introduce a procedure to partition the parameter space of a parameterized system of ordinary differential equations into regions for which the system has a unique or multiple equilibria. The procedure is based on the computation of the Brouwer degree, and it creates a multivariate polynomial with parameter depending coefficients. The signs of the coefficients determine parameter regions with and without multistationarity. A particular strength of the procedure is the avoidance of numerical analysis and parameter sampling. The procedure consists of a number of steps. Each of these steps might be addressed algorithmically using various computer programs and available software, or manually. We demonstrate our procedure on several models of gene transcription and cell signalling, and show that in many cases we obtain a complete partitioning of the parameter space with respect to multistationarity.Comment: In this version the paper has been substantially rewritten and reorganised. Theorem 1 has been reformulated and Corollary 1 adde

    Maximal good step graph methods for reducing the generation of the state space

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    This paper proposes an effective method based on the two main partial order techniques which are persistent sets and covering step graph techniques, to deal with the state explosion problem. First, we introduce a new definition of sound steps, the firing of which enables to extremely reduce the state space. Then, we propose a weaker sufficient condition about how to find the set of sound steps at each current marking. Next, we illustrate the relation between maximal sound steps and persistent sets, and propose a concept of good steps. Based on the maximal sound steps and good steps, a construction algorithm for generating a maximal good step graph (MGSG) of a Petri net (PN) is established. This algorithm first computes the maximal good step at each marking if there exists one, otherwise maximal sound steps are fired at the marking. Furthermore, we have proven that an MGSG can effectively preserve deadlocks of a Petri net. Finally, the change performance evaluation is made to demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method, compared with other related partial order techniques

    On Minimum-time Control of Continuous Petri nets: Centralized and Decentralized Perspectives

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    Muchos sistemas artificiales, como los sistemas de manufactura, de logística, de telecomunicaciones o de tráfico, pueden ser vistos "de manera natural" como Sistemas Dinámicos de Eventos Discretos (DEDS). Desafortunadamente, cuando tienen grandes poblaciones, estos sistemas pueden sufrir del clásico problema de la explosión de estados. Con la intención de evitar este problema, se pueden aplicar técnicas de fluidificación, obteniendo una relajación fluida del modelo original discreto. Las redes de Petri continuas (CPNs) son una aproximación fluida de las redes de Petri discretas, un conocido formalismo para los DEDS. Una ventaja clave del empleo de las CPNs es que, a menudo, llevan a una substancial reducción del coste computacional. Esta tesis se centra en el control de Redes de Petri continuas temporizadas (TCPNs), donde las transiciones tienen una interpretación temporal asociada. Se asume que los sistemas siguen una semántica de servidores infinitos (velocidad variable) y que las acciones de control aplicables son la disminución de la velocidad del disparo de las transiciones. Se consideran dos interesantes problemas de control en esta tesis: 1) control del marcado objetivo, donde el objetivo es conducir el sistema (tan rápido como sea posible) desde un estado inicial a un estado final deseado, y es similar al problema de control set-point para cualquier sistema de estado continuo; 2) control del flujo óptimo, donde el objetivo es conducir el sistema a un flujo óptimo sin conocimiento a priori del estado final. En particular, estamos interesados en alcanzar el flujo máximo tan rápido como sea posible, lo cual suele ser deseable en la mayoría de sistemas prácticos. El problema de control del marcado objetivo se considera desde las perspectivas centralizada y descentralizada. Proponemos varios controladores centralizados en tiempo mínimo, y todos ellos están basados en una estrategia ON/OFF. Para algunas subclases, como las redes Choice-Free (CF), se garantiza la evolución en tiempo mínimo; mientras que para redes generales, los controladores propuestos son heurísticos. Respecto del problema de control descentralizado, proponemos en primer lugar un controlador descentralizado en tiempo mínimo para redes CF. Para redes generales, proponemos una aproximación distribuida del método Model Predictive Control (MPC); sin embargo en este método no se considera evolución en tiempo mínimo. El problema de control de flujo óptimo (en nuestro caso, flujo máximo) en tiempo mínimo se considera para redes CF. Proponemos un algoritmo heurístico en el que calculamos los "mejores" firing count vectors que llevan al sistema al flujo máximo, y aplicamos una estrategia de disparo ON/OFF. También demostramos que, debido a que las redes CF son persistentes, podemos reducir el tiempo que tarda en alcanzar el flujo máximo con algunos disparos adicionales. Los métodos de control propuestos se han implementado e integrado en una herramienta para Redes de Petri híbridas basada en Matlab, llamada SimHPN

    Obstructions in Security-Aware Business Processes

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    This Open Access book explores the dilemma-like stalemate between security and regulatory compliance in business processes on the one hand and business continuity and governance on the other. The growing number of regulations, e.g., on information security, data protection, or privacy, implemented in increasingly digitized businesses can have an obstructive effect on the automated execution of business processes. Such security-related obstructions can particularly occur when an access control-based implementation of regulations blocks the execution of business processes. By handling obstructions, security in business processes is supposed to be improved. For this, the book presents a framework that allows the comprehensive analysis, detection, and handling of obstructions in a security-sensitive way. Thereby, methods based on common organizational security policies, process models, and logs are proposed. The Petri net-based modeling and related semantic and language-based research, as well as the analysis of event data and machine learning methods finally lead to the development of algorithms and experiments that can detect and resolve obstructions and are reproducible with the provided software

    New approach to the stability and control of reaction networks

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    A new system-theoretic approach for studying the stability and control of chemical reaction networks (CRNs) is proposed, and analyzed. This has direct application to biological applications where biochemical networks suffer from high uncertainty in the kinetic parameters and exact structure of the rate functions. The proposed approach tackles this issue by presenting "structural" results, i.e. results that extract important qualitative information from the structure alone regardless of the specific form of the kinetics which can be arbitrary monotone kinetics, including Mass-Action. The proposed method is based on introducing a class of Lyapunov functions that we call Piecewise Linear in Rates (PWLR) Lyapunov functions. Several algorithms are proposed for the construction of these functions. Subject to mild technical conditions, the existence of these functions can be used to ensure powerful dynamical and algebraic conditions such as Lyapunov stability, asymptotic stability, global asymptotic stability, persistence, uniqueness of equilibria and exponential contraction. This shows that this class of networks is well-behaved and excludes complicated behaviour such as multi-stability, limit cycles and chaos. The class of PWLR functions is then shown to be a subset of larger class of Robust Lyapunov functions (RLFs), which can be interpreted by shifting the analysis to reaction coordinates. In the new coordinates, the problem transforms into finding a common Lyapunov function for a linear parameter varying system. Consequently, dual forms of the PWLR Lyapunov functions are presented, and the interpretation in terms of the variational dynamics and contraction analysis are given. An other class of Piecewise Quadratic in Rates Lyapunov function is also introduced. Relationship with consensus dynamics are also pointed out. Control laws for the stabilization of the proposed class of networks are provided, and the concept of control Lyapunov function is briefly discussed. Finally, the proposed framework is shown to be widely applicable to biochemical networks.Open Acces

    Verification of soundness and other properties of business processes

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    In this thesis we focus on improving current modeling and verification techniques for complex business processes. The objective of the thesis is to consider several aspects of real-life business processes and give specific solutions to cope with their complexity. In particular, we address verification of a proper termination property for workflows, called generalized soundness. We give a new decision procedure for generalized soundness that improves the original decision procedure. The new decision procedure reports on the decidability status of generalized soundness and returns a counterexample in case the workflow net is not generalized sound. We report on experimental results obtained with the prototype implementation we made and describe how to verify large workflows compositionally, using reduction rules. Next, we concentrate on modeling and verification of adaptive workflows — workflows that are able to change their structure at runtime, for instance when some exceptional events occur. In order to model the exception handling properly and allow structural changes of the system in a modular way, we introduce a new class of nets, called adaptive workflow nets. Adaptive workflow nets are a special type of Nets in Nets and they allow for creation, deletion and transformation of net tokens at runtime and for two types of synchronizations: synchronization on proper termination and synchronization on exception. We define some behavioral properties of adaptive workflow nets: soundness and circumspectness and employ an abstraction to reduce the verification of these properties to the verification of behavioral properties of a finite state abstraction. Further, we study how formal methods can help in understanding and designing business processes. We investigate this for the extended event-driven process chains (eEPCs), a popular industrial business process language used in the ARIS Toolset. Several semantics have been proposed for EPCs. However, most of them concentrated solely on the control flow. We argue that other aspects of business processes must also be taken into account in order to analyze eEPCs and propose a semantics that takes data and time information from eEPCs into account. Moreover, we provide a translation of eEPCs to Timed Colored Petri nets in order to facilitate verification of eEPCs. Finally, we discuss modeling issues for business processes whose behavior may depend on the previous behavior of the process, history which is recorded by workflow management systems as a log. To increase the precision of models with respect to modeling choices depending on the process history, we introduce history-dependent guards. The obtained business processes are called historydependent processes.We introduce a logic, called LogLogics for the specification of guards based on a log of a current running process and give an evaluation algorithm for such guards. Moreover, we show how these guards can be used in practice and define LogLogics patterns for properties that occur most commonly in practice