13 research outputs found

    Computation of periodic solution bifurcations in ODEs using bordered systems

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    We consider numerical methods for the computation and continuation of the three generic secondary periodic solution bifurcations in autonomous ODEs, namely the fold, the period-doubling (or flip) bifurcation, and the torus (or Neimark–Sacker) bifurcation. In the fold and flip cases we append one scalar equation to the standard periodic BVP that defines the periodic solution; in the torus case four scalar equations are appended. Evaluation of these scalar equations and their derivatives requires the solution of linear BVPs, whose sparsity structure (after discretization) is identical to that of the linearization of the periodic BVP. Therefore the calculations can be done using existing numerical linear algebra techniques, such as those implemented in the software AUTO and COLSYS

    A Taylor series-based continuation method for solutions of dynamical systems

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    International audienceThis paper describes a generic Taylor series based continuation method, the so-called Asymptotic Numerical Method, to compute the bifurcation diagrams of nonlinear systems. The key point of this approach is the quadratic recast of the equations as it allows to treat in the same way a wide range of dynamical systems and their solutions. Implicit Differential-Algebraic Equations, forced or autonomous, possibly with time-delay or fractional order derivatives are handled in the same framework. The static, periodic and quasi-periodic solutions can be continued as well as transient solutions

    Numerical periodic normalization for codim 2 bifurcations of limit cycles : computational formulas, numerical implementation, and examples

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    Explicit computational formulas for the coefficients of the periodic normal forms for codimension 2 (codim 2) bifurcations of limit cycles in generic autonomous ODEs are derived. All cases (except the weak resonances) with no more than three Floquet multipliers on the unit circle are covered. The resulting formulas are independent of the dimension of the phase space and involve solutions of certain boundary-value problems on the interval [0, T], where T is the period of the critical cycle, as well as multilinear functions from the Taylor expansion of the ODE right-hand side near the cycle. The formulas allow one to distinguish between various bifurcation scenarios near codim 2 bifurcations of limit cycles. Our formulation makes it possible to use robust numerical boundary-value algorithms based on orthogonal collocation, rather than shooting techniques, which greatly expands its applicability. The implementation is described in detail with numerical examples, where numerous codim 2 bifurcations of limit cycles are analyzed for the first time

    Continuation of quasi-periodic invariant tori

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    Many systems in science and engineering can be modelled as coupled or forced nonlinear oscillators, which may possess quasi-periodic or phase-locked invariant tori. Since there exist routes to chaos involving the breakdown of invariant tori, these phenomena attract considerable attention. This paper presents a new algorithm for the computation and continuation of quasi-periodic invariant tori of ordinary differential equations that is based on a natural parametrisation of such tori. Since this parametrisation is uniquely defined, the proposed method requires neither the computation of a base of a transversal bundle, nor re-meshing during continuation. It is independent of the stability type of the torus and examples of attracting and saddle-type tori are given. The algorithm is robust in the sense that it can compute approximations to weakly resonant tori. The performance of the method is demonstrated with examples

    Computation of Periodic Solution Bifurcations in ODEs Using Bordered Systems

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