10 research outputs found

    Effectivity and Density in Domains A Survey

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    AbstractThis article surveys the main results on effectivity and totality in domain theory and its applications. A more abstract and informative proof of Normann's generalized density theorem for total functionals of finite type over the reals is presented

    Continuous and monotone machines

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    We investigate a variant of the fuel-based approach to modeling diverging computation in type theories and use it to abstractly capture the essence of oracle Turing machines. The resulting objects we call continuous machines. We prove that it is possible to translate back and forth between such machines and names in the standard function encoding used in computable analysis. Put differently, among the operators on Baire space, exactly the partial continuous ones are implementable by continuous machines and the data that such a machine provides is a description of the operator as a sequentially realizable functional. Continuous machines are naturally formulated in type theories and we have formalized our findings in Coq as part of Incone, a Coq library for computable analysis. The correctness proofs use a classical meta-theory with countable choice. Along the way we formally prove some known results such as the existence of a self-modulating modulus of continuity for partial continuous operators on Baire space. To illustrate their versatility we use continuous machines to specify some algorithms that operate on objects that cannot be fully described by finite means, such as real numbers and functions. We present particularly simple algorithms for finding the multiplicative inverse of a real number and for composition of partial continuous operators on Baire space. Some of the simplicity is achieved by utilizing the fact that continuous machines are compatible with multivalued semantics

    Exhaustible sets in higher-type computation

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    We say that a set is exhaustible if it admits algorithmic universal quantification for continuous predicates in finite time, and searchable if there is an algorithm that, given any continuous predicate, either selects an element for which the predicate holds or else tells there is no example. The Cantor space of infinite sequences of binary digits is known to be searchable. Searchable sets are exhaustible, and we show that the converse also holds for sets of hereditarily total elements in the hierarchy of continuous functionals; moreover, a selection functional can be constructed uniformly from a quantification functional. We prove that searchable sets are closed under intersections with decidable sets, and under the formation of computable images and of finite and countably infinite products. This is related to the fact, established here, that exhaustible sets are topologically compact. We obtain a complete description of exhaustible total sets by developing a computational version of a topological Arzela--Ascoli type characterization of compact subsets of function spaces. We also show that, in the non-empty case, they are precisely the computable images of the Cantor space. The emphasis of this paper is on the theory of exhaustible and searchable sets, but we also briefly sketch applications

    The recursion hierarchy for PCF is strict

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    We consider the sublanguages of Plotkin's PCF obtained by imposing some bound k on the levels of types for which fixed point operators are admitted. We show that these languages form a strict hierarchy, in the sense that a fixed point operator for a type of level k can never be defined (up to observational equivalence) using fixed point operators for lower types. This answers a question posed by Berger. Our proof makes substantial use of the theory of nested sequential procedures (also called PCF B\"ohm trees) as expounded in the recent book of Longley and Normann

    Nonflatness and totality

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    We interpret finite types as domains over nonflat inductive base types in order to bring out the finitary core that seems to be inherent in the concept of totality. We prove a strong version of the Kreisel density theorem by providing a total compact element as a witness, a result that we cannot hope to have if we work with flat base types. To this end, we develop tools that deal adequately with possibly inconsistent finite sets of information. The classical density theorem is reestablished via a ‘finite density theorem,’ and corollaries are obtained, among them Berger's separation property

    The recursion hierarchy for PCF is strict

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    Formal methods in the theories of rings and domains

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    In recent years, Hilbert's Programme has been resumed within the framework of constructive mathematics. This undertaking has already shown its feasability for a considerable part of commutative algebra. In particular, point-free methods have been playing a primary role, emerging as the appropriate language for expressing the interplay between real and ideal in mathematics. This dissertation is written within this tradition and has Sambin's notion of formal topology at its core. We start by developing general tools, in order to make this notion more immediate for algebraic application. We revise the Zariski spectrum as an inductively generated basic topology, and we analyse the constructive status of the corresponding principles of spatiality and reducibility. Through a series of examples, we show how the principle of spatiality is recurrent in the mathematical practice. The tools developed before are applied to specific problems in constructive algebra. In particular, we find an elementary characterization of the notion of codimension for ideals of a commutative ring, by means of which a constructive version of Krull's principal ideal theorem can be stated and proved. We prove a formal version of the projective Eisenbud-Evans-Storch theorem. Finally, guided by the algebraic intuition, we present an application in constructive domain theory, by proving a finite version of Kleene-Kreisel density theorem for non-flat information systems.In den vergangenen Jahren wurde das Hilbertsche Programm im Rahmen der konstruktiven Mathematik wiederaufgenommen. Diese Unternehmung hat sich vor allem in der kommutativen Algebra als praktikabel erwiesen. Insbesondere spielen punktfreie Methoden eine wesentliche Rolle: sie haben sich als die angemessene Sprache herausgestellt, um das Zwischenspiel von "real'" und "ideal" in der Mathematik auszudrĂŒcken. Die vorliegende Dissertation steht in dieser Tradition; zentral ist Sambins Begriff der formalen Topologie. ZunĂ€chst entwickeln wir ein allgemeines Instrumentarium, das geeignet ist, diesen Begriff seinen algebraischen Anwendungen nĂ€herzubringen. Sodann arbeiten wir das Zariski-Spektrum in eine induktiv erzeugte "basic topology" um und analysieren den konstruktiven Status der einschlĂ€gigen Varianten von SpatialitĂ€t und ReduzibilitĂ€t. Durch Angabe einer Reihe von Instanzen zeigen wir, wie hĂ€ufig das Prinzip der SpatialitĂ€t in der mathematischen Praxis vorkommt. Die eigens entwickelten Werkzeuge werden schließlich auf spezifische Probleme aus der konstruktiven Algebra angewandt. Insbesondere geben wir eine elementare Charakterisierung der Kodimension eines Ideals in einem kommutativen Ring an, mit der eine konstruktive Fassung des Krullschen Hauptidealsatzes formuliert und bewiesen werden kann. Ferner beweisen wir eine formale Fassung des Satzes von Eisenbud-Evans-Storch im projektiven Fall. Geleitet von der algebraischen Intuition stellen wir zuletzt eine Anwendung in der konstruktiven Bereichstheorie vor, indem wir eine finite Variante des Dichtheitssatzes von Kleene und Kreisel fĂŒr nicht-flache Informationssysteme beweisen

    Towards an arithmetic for partial computable functionals

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    The thesis concerns itself with nonflat Scott information systems as an appropriate denotational semantics for the proposed theory TCF+, a constructive theory of higher-type partial computable functionals and approximations. We prove a definability theorem for type systems with at most unary constructors via atomic-coherent information systems, and give a simple proof for the density property for arbitrary finitary type systems using coherent information systems. We introduce the notions of token matrices and eigen-neighborhoods, and use them to locate normal forms of neighborhoods, as well as to demonstrate that even nonatomic information systems feature implicit atomicity. We then establish connections between coherent information systems and various pointfree structures. Finally, we introduce a fragment of TCF+ and show that extensionality can be eliminated.Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit nichtflachen Scott-Informationssystemen als geeignete denotationelle Semantik fĂŒr die vorgestellte Theorie TCF+, eine konstruktive Theorie von partiellen berechenbaren Funktionalen und Approximationen in höheren Typen. Auf Basis von atomisch-kohĂ€renten Informationssystemen wird ein Definierbarkeitssatz fĂŒr Typsysteme mit höchstens einstelligen Konstruktoren gegeben und ein einfacher Beweis des Dichtheitssatzes von beliebigen finitĂ€ren Typsystemen auf kohĂ€renten Informationssystemen erbracht. Token-Matrizen und Eigenumgebungen werden eingefĂŒhrt und verwendet, um Normalformen von Umgebungen aufzufinden und um aufzuzeigen, dass auch nichtatomische Informationssysteme ĂŒber implizite AtomizitĂ€t verfĂŒgen. Im Anschluss werden Verbindungen zwischen kohĂ€renten Informationssystemen und verschiedenen punktfreien Strukturen geknĂŒpft. Schlussendlich wird ein Fragment von TCF+ vorgestellt und gezeigt, dass ExtensionalitĂ€t umgangen werden kann

    On the ubiquity of certain total type structures

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    It is a fact of experience from the study of higher type computability that a wide range of approaches to defining a class of (hereditarily) total functionals over N leads in practice to a relatively small handful of distinct type structures. Among these are the type structure C of Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals, its effective substructure C eff, and the type structure HEO of the hereditarily effective operations. However, the proofs of the relevant equivalences are often non-trivial, and it is not immediately clear why these particular type structures should arise so ubiquitously. In this paper we present some new results which go some way towards explaining this phenomenon. Our results show that a large class of extensional collapse constructions always give rise to C, C eff or HEO (as appropriate). We obtain versions of our results for both the “standard” and “modified” extensional collapse constructions. The proofs make essential use of a technique due to Normann. Many new results, as well as some previously known ones, can be obtained as instances of our theorems, but more importantly, the proofs apply uniformly to a whole family of constructions, and provide strong evidence that the above three type structures are highly canonical mathematical objects

    Computability Over the Partial Continuous Functionals

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    We show that to every recursive total continuous functional there is a representative of in the hierearchy of partial continuous funcriohals such that is S1 - S9 computable over the hierarchy of partial continuous functionals. Equivalently, the representative will be PCF-definable over the partial continuous functionals, where PCF is Plotkin's programming language for computable functionals