461 research outputs found

    Satellite Image Fusion in Various Domains

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    In order to find out the fusion algorithm which is best suited for the panchromatic and multispectral images, fusion algorithms, such as PCA and wavelet algorithms have been employed and analyzed. In this paper, performance evaluation criteria are also used for quantitative assessment of the fusion performance. The spectral quality of fused images is evaluated by the ERGAS and Q4. The analysis indicates that the DWT fusion scheme has the best definition as well as spectral fidelity, and has better performance with regard to the high textural information absorption. Therefore, as the study area is concerned, it is most suited for the panchromatic and multispectral image fusion. an image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform is proposed for Multispectral and panchromatic satellite image by using fusion in spatial and transform domains. In the proposed scheme, the images to be processed are decomposed into sub-images with the same resolution at same levels and different resolution at different levels and then the information fusion is performed using high-frequency sub-images under the Multi-resolution image fusion scheme based on wavelets produces better fused image than that by the MS or WA schemes

    Image Fusion: A Review

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    At the present time, image fusion is considered as one of the types of integrated technology information, it has played a significant role in several domains and production of high-quality images. The goal of image fusion is blending information from several images, also it is fusing and keeping all the significant visual information that exists in the original images. Image fusion is one of the methods of field image processing. Image fusion is the process of merging information from a set of images to consist one image that is more informative and suitable for human and machine perception. It increases and enhances the quality of images for visual interpretation in different applications. This paper offers the outline of image fusion methods, the modern tendencies of image fusion and image fusion applications. Image fusion can be performed in the spatial and frequency domains. In the spatial domain is applied directly on the original images by merging the pixel values of the two or more images for purpose forming a fused image, while in the frequency domain the original images will decompose into multilevel coefficient and synthesized by using inverse transform to compose the fused image. Also, this paper presents a various techniques for image fusion in spatial and frequency domains such as averaging, minimum/maximum, HIS, PCA and transform-based techniques, etc.. Different quality measures have been explained in this paper to perform a comparison of these methods

    Super Resolution of Wavelet-Encoded Images and Videos

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    In this dissertation, we address the multiframe super resolution reconstruction problem for wavelet-encoded images and videos. The goal of multiframe super resolution is to obtain one or more high resolution images by fusing a sequence of degraded or aliased low resolution images of the same scene. Since the low resolution images may be unaligned, a registration step is required before super resolution reconstruction. Therefore, we first explore in-band (i.e. in the wavelet-domain) image registration; then, investigate super resolution. Our motivation for analyzing the image registration and super resolution problems in the wavelet domain is the growing trend in wavelet-encoded imaging, and wavelet-encoding for image/video compression. Due to drawbacks of widely used discrete cosine transform in image and video compression, a considerable amount of literature is devoted to wavelet-based methods. However, since wavelets are shift-variant, existing methods cannot utilize wavelet subbands efficiently. In order to overcome this drawback, we establish and explore the direct relationship between the subbands under a translational shift, for image registration and super resolution. We then employ our devised in-band methodology, in a motion compensated video compression framework, to demonstrate the effective usage of wavelet subbands. Super resolution can also be used as a post-processing step in video compression in order to decrease the size of the video files to be compressed, with downsampling added as a pre-processing step. Therefore, we present a video compression scheme that utilizes super resolution to reconstruct the high frequency information lost during downsampling. In addition, super resolution is a crucial post-processing step for satellite imagery, due to the fact that it is hard to update imaging devices after a satellite is launched. Thus, we also demonstrate the usage of our devised methods in enhancing resolution of pansharpened multispectral images

    Compression of multispectral Landsat imagery using the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) algorithm

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    The Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) algorithm has proven to be an extremely efficient and flexible compression algorithm for low bit rate image coding. The embedding algorithm attempts to order the bits in the bit stream in numerical importance and thus a given code contains all lower rate encodings of the same algorithm. Therefore, precise bit rate control is achievable and a target rate or distortion metric can be met exactly. Furthermore, the technique is fully image adaptive. An algorithm for multispectral image compression which combines the spectral redundancy removal properties of the image-dependent Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) with the efficiency, controllability, and adaptivity of the embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm is presented. Results are shown which illustrate the advantage of jointly encoding spectral components using the KLT and EZW

    Blending of Images Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    The project presents multi focus image fusion using discrete wavelet transform with local directional pattern and spatial frequency analysis. Multi focus image fusion in wireless visual sensor networks is a process of blending two or more images to get a new one which has a more accurate description of the scene than the individual source images. In this project, the proposed model utilizes the multi scale decomposition done by discrete wavelet transform for fusing the images in its frequency domain. It decomposes an image into two different components like structural and textural information. It doesn’t down sample the image while transforming into frequency domain. So it preserves the edge texture details while reconstructing image from its frequency domain. It is used to reduce the problems like blocking, ringing artifacts occurs because of DCT and DWT. The low frequency sub-band coefficients are fused by selecting coefficient having maximum spatial frequency. It indicates the overall active level of an image. The high frequency sub-band coefficients are fused by selecting coefficients having maximum LDP code value LDP computes the edge response values in all eight directions at each pixel position and generates a code from the relative strength magnitude. Finally, fused two different frequency sub-bands are inverse transformed to reconstruct fused image. The system performance will be evaluated by using the parameters such as Peak signal to noise ratio, correlation and entrop

    Multispectral texture synthesis

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    Synthesizing texture involves the ordering of pixels in a 2D arrangement so as to display certain known spatial correlations, generally as described by a sample texture. In an abstract sense, these pixels could be gray-scale values, RGB color values, or entire spectral curves. The focus of this work is to develop a practical synthesis framework that maintains this abstract view while synthesizing texture with high spectral dimension, effectively achieving spectral invariance. The principle idea is to use a single monochrome texture synthesis step to capture the spatial information in a multispectral texture. The first step is to use a global color space transform to condense the spatial information in a sample texture into a principle luminance channel. Then, a monochrome texture synthesis step generates the corresponding principle band in the synthetic texture. This spatial information is then used to condition the generation of spectral information. A number of variants of this general approach are introduced. The first uses a multiresolution transform to decompose the spatial information in the principle band into an equivalent scale/space representation. This information is encapsulated into a set of low order statistical constraints that are used to iteratively coerce white noise into the desired texture. The residual spectral information is then generated using a non-parametric Markov Ran dom field model (MRF). The remaining variants use a non-parametric MRF to generate the spatial and spectral components simultaneously. In this ap proach, multispectral texture is grown from a seed region by sampling from the set of nearest neighbors in the sample texture as identified by a template matching procedure in the principle band. The effectiveness of both algorithms is demonstrated on a number of texture examples ranging from greyscale to RGB textures, as well as 16, 22, 32 and 63 band spectral images. In addition to the standard visual test that predominates the literature, effort is made to quantify the accuracy of the synthesis using informative and effective metrics. These include first and second order statistical comparisons as well as statistical divergence tests

    Multiresolution based, multisensor, multispectral image fusion

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    Spaceborne sensors, which collect imagery of the Earth in various spectral bands, are limited by the data transmission rates. As a result the multispectral bands are transmitted at a lower resolution and only the panchromatic band is transmitted at its full resolution. The information contained in the multispectral bands is an invaluable tool for land use mapping, urban feature extraction, etc. However, the limited spatial resolution reduces the appeal and value of this information. Pan sharpening techniques enhance the spatial resolution of the multispectral imagery by extracting the high spatial resolution of the panchromatic band and adding it to the multispectral images. There are many different pan sharpening methods available like the ones based on the Intensity-Hue-Saturation and the Principal Components Analysis transformation. But these methods cause heavy spectral distortion of the multispectral images. This is a drawback if the pan sharpened images are to be used for classification based applications. In recent years, multiresolution based techniques have received a lot of attention since they preserve the spectral fidelity in the pan sharpened images. Many variations of the multiresolution based techniques exist. They differ based on the transform used to extract the high spatial resolution information from the images and the rules used to synthesize the pan sharpened image. The superiority of many of the techniques has been demonstrated by comparing them with fairly simple techniques like the Intensity-Hue-Saturation or the Principal Components Analysis. Therefore there is much uncertainty in the pan sharpening community as to which technique is the best at preserving the spectral fidelity. This research investigates these variations in order to find an answer to this question. An important parameter of the multiresolution based methods is the number of decomposition levels to be applied. It is found that the number of decomposition levels affects both the spatial and spectral quality of the pan sharpened images. The minimum number of decomposition levels required to fuse the multispectral and panchromatic images was determined in this study for image pairs with different resolution ratios and recommendations are made accordingly
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