346 research outputs found

    Steganography: a class of secure and robust algorithms

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    This research work presents a new class of non-blind information hiding algorithms that are stego-secure and robust. They are based on some finite domains iterations having the Devaney's topological chaos property. Thanks to a complete formalization of the approach we prove security against watermark-only attacks of a large class of steganographic algorithms. Finally a complete study of robustness is given in frequency DWT and DCT domains.Comment: Published in The Computer Journal special issue about steganograph

    Recent Advances in Steganography

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    Steganography is the art and science of communicating which hides the existence of the communication. Steganographic technologies are an important part of the future of Internet security and privacy on open systems such as the Internet. This book's focus is on a relatively new field of study in Steganography and it takes a look at this technology by introducing the readers various concepts of Steganography and Steganalysis. The book has a brief history of steganography and it surveys steganalysis methods considering their modeling techniques. Some new steganography techniques for hiding secret data in images are presented. Furthermore, steganography in speeches is reviewed, and a new approach for hiding data in speeches is introduced

    Evaluation of transform based image coders, using different transforms and techniques in the transform domain

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    This paper addresses the most relevant aspects of lossy image coding techniques, and presents an evaluation study on this subject, using several transforms and different methods in the transform domain. We developed different transform based image coders/decoders (codecs) using different transforms, such as the discrete cosine transform, the discrete wavelet transform and the S transform. Besides JPEG Baseline, we also use other techniques and methods in the transform domain such as a DWT based JPEG-like (JPEG DWT), a JPEG DWT with visual threshold (JPEG-VT), a JPEG–like coder based on the ST, and an EZW coder. The codecs were programmed in MATLABℱ, using custom and built-in functions. The structures of the codecs are presented, also as some experimental results which allow us evaluate them, and support this study

    Selecting Low-level Features for Image Quality Assessment by Statistical Methods

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    Image quality assessment is animportant component in every image processingsystem where the last link of the chain is thehuman observer. This domain is of increasinginterest, in particular in the context of imagecompression where coding scheme optimizationis based on the distortion measure. Manyobjective image quality measures have beenproposed in the literature and validated bycomparing them to the Mean Opinion Score(MOS). We propose in this paper an empiricalstudy of several indicators and show how onecan improve the performances by combiningthem. We learn a regularized regression modeland apply variable selection techniques toautomatically find the most relevant indicators.Our technique enhances the state of the artresults on two publicly available databases

    Quality criteria benchmark for hyperspectral imagery

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    Hyperspectral data appear to be of a growing interest over the past few years. However, applications for hyperspectral data are still in their infancy as handling the significant size of the data presents a challenge for the user community. Efficient compression techniques are required, and lossy compression, specifically, will have a role to play, provided its impact on remote sensing applications remains insignificant. To assess the data quality, suitable distortion measures relevant to end-user applications are required. Quality criteria are also of a major interest for the conception and development of new sensors to define their requirements and specifications. This paper proposes a method to evaluate quality criteria in the context of hyperspectral images. The purpose is to provide quality criteria relevant to the impact of degradations on several classification applications. Different quality criteria are considered. Some are traditionnally used in image and video coding and are adapted here to hyperspectral images. Others are specific to hyperspectral data.We also propose the adaptation of two advanced criteria in the presence of different simulated degradations on AVIRIS hyperspectral images. Finally, five criteria are selected to give an accurate representation of the nature and the level of the degradation affecting hyperspectral data
