9 research outputs found

    Enhanced web services performance by compression and similarity-based aggregation of SOAP traffic

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    Many organizations around the world have adopted Web services, server farms hosted by large enterprises, and data centres for various applications. Web services offer several advantages over other communication technologies. However, it still has high latency and often suffers congestion and bottlenecks due to the massive load generated by large numbers of end users for Web service requests. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is the basic Extensible Markup Language (XML) communication protocol of Web services that is widely used over the Internet. SOAP provides interoperability by establishing access among Web servers and clients from the same or different platforms. However, the verbosity of the XML format and its encoded messages are often larger than the actual payload, causing dense traffic over the network. This thesis is proposing three innovative techniques capable of reducing small, as well as very large, messages. Furthermore, new redundancy-aware SOAP Web message aggregation models (Binary-tree, Two-bit, and One-bit XML status trees) are proposed to enable the Web servers to aggregate SOAP responses, and send them back as one compact aggregated message, thereby reducing the required bandwidth and latency, and improving the overall performance of Web services. Fractal as a mathematical model provides powerful self-similarity measurements for the fragments of regular and irregular geometric objects in their numeric representations. Fractal mathematical parameters are introduced to compute SOAP message similarities that are applied on the numeric representation of SOAP messages. Furthermore, SOAP fractal similarities are developed to devise a new unsupervised auto-clustering technique. Fast fractal similarity based clustering technique is proposed with the aim of speeding up the computations for the selection of similar messages to be aggregated together in order to achieve greater reduction

    XML Messaging for Mobile Devices

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    In recent years, XML has been widely adopted as a universal format for structured data. A variety of XML-based systems have emerged, most prominently SOAP for Web services, XMPP for instant messaging, and RSS and Atom for content syndication. This popularity is helped by the excellent support for XML processing in many programming languages and by the variety of XML-based technologies for more complex needs of applications. Concurrently with this rise of XML, there has also been a qualitative expansion of the Internet's scope. Namely, mobile devices are becoming capable enough to be full-fledged members of various distributed systems. Such devices are battery-powered, their network connections are based on wireless technologies, and their processing capabilities are typically much lower than those of stationary computers. This dissertation presents work performed to try to reconcile these two developments. XML as a highly redundant text-based format is not obviously suitable for mobile devices that need to avoid extraneous processing and communication. Furthermore, the protocols and systems commonly used in XML messaging are often designed for fixed networks and may make assumptions that do not hold in wireless environments. This work identifies four areas of improvement in XML messaging systems: the programming interfaces to the system itself and to XML processing, the serialization format used for the messages, and the protocol used to transmit the messages. We show a complete system that improves the overall performance of XML messaging through consideration of these areas. The work is centered on actually implementing the proposals in a form usable on real mobile devices. The experimentation is performed on actual devices and real networks using the messaging system implemented as a part of this work. The experimentation is extensive and, due to using several different devices, also provides a glimpse of what the performance of these systems may look like in the future.Matkapuhelimien ja muiden mobiililaitteiden määrä on kasvanut erittäin nopeasti viime vuosina. Laitteiden pieni koko, niiden tarjoamat ohjelmointimahdollisuudet ja langattomat verkkoyhteydet mahdollistavat Internet- ja muiden verkkosovellusten käytön kaikkialla. Akusta johtuva rajallinen käyttöaika, heikko suoritusteho ja verkkokäytön vaatima virta ja aika toimivat kuitenkin selkeinä rajoitteina mobiililaitteiden mahdollisuuksille, ja jotta mobiilimaailma ei joutuisi kokonaan tulevaisuuden Internetin ulkopuolelle, järjestelmien ja sovellusten suunnittelussa on otettava sen erityispiirteet huomioon. Tulevaisuuden verkkosovelluksissa suoran päätelaitteiden välisen viestinnän odotetaan olevan keskeinen osa sovelluksen toimintaa. Nyky-Internetissä tällaisessa viestinnässä käytetään yhä useammin XML-kieltä, joka laajennettavuutensa ja helppokäyttöisyytensä ansiosta vähentää sovelluskehittäjän taakkaa. XML-kielen ongelmina ovat kuitenkin sen vaatimat suuret tiedonsiirto- ja käsittelyajat, jotka ovat olleet esteenä XML:n laajalle käytölle mobiiliympäristöissä. Väitöskirja tutkii XML-pohjaisen laitteiden välisen viestinnän perusedellytyksiä mobiililaitteilla langattomissa verkoissa. Keskeiset tutkimuskohteet ovat tiivis ja tehokkaasti käsiteltävä XML-esitysmuoto, XML:n käsittelyyn paremmin sopivat ohjelmointirajapinnat ja mobiiliympäristön viestiprotokollat. Työn tuloksena on syntynyt mobiililaitteille suunniteltu XML-pohjainen viestintäjärjestelmä, joka on sellaisenaan käytettävissä verkkosovellusten perustana. Järjestelmälle on suoritettu kattavat mittaukset, jotka osoittavat järjestelmän sopivuuden käyttötarkoitukseensa. Tulosten analyysissa otetaan myös huomioon, miten järjestelmän eri ominaisuudet sopivat kuhunkin mobiililaitteiden tukemaan ympäristöön, sekä tarkastellaan, miltä tulevaisuuden mobiililaitteiden suorituskyky saattaisi näyttää

    How To Touch a Running System

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    The increasing importance of distributed and decentralized software architectures entails more and more attention for adaptive software. Obtaining adaptiveness, however, is a difficult task as the software design needs to foresee and cope with a variety of situations. Using reconfiguration of components facilitates this task, as the adaptivity is conducted on an architecture level instead of directly in the code. This results in a separation of concerns; the appropriate reconfiguration can be devised on a coarse level, while the implementation of the components can remain largely unaware of reconfiguration scenarios. We study reconfiguration in component frameworks based on formal theory. We first discuss programming with components, exemplified with the development of the cmc model checker. This highly efficient model checker is made of C++ components and serves as an example for component-based software development practice in general, and also provides insights into the principles of adaptivity. However, the component model focuses on high performance and is not geared towards using the structuring principle of components for controlled reconfiguration. We thus complement this highly optimized model by a message passing-based component model which takes reconfigurability to be its central principle. Supporting reconfiguration in a framework is about alleviating the programmer from caring about the peculiarities as much as possible. We utilize the formal description of the component model to provide an algorithm for reconfiguration that retains as much flexibility as possible, while avoiding most problems that arise due to concurrency. This algorithm is embedded in a general four-stage adaptivity model inspired by physical control loops. The reconfiguration is devised to work with stateful components, retaining their data and unprocessed messages. Reconfiguration plans, which are provided with a formal semantics, form the input of the reconfiguration algorithm. We show that the algorithm achieves perceived atomicity of the reconfiguration process for an important class of plans, i.e., the whole process of reconfiguration is perceived as one atomic step, while minimizing the use of blocking of components. We illustrate the applicability of our approach to reconfiguration by providing several examples like fault-tolerance and automated resource control

    Effizienter Austausch and Verarbeitung von semistrukturierten Daten in eingebetteten Systemen

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    The Internet is a global system of interconnected computers and computer networks where semi-structured data has been successfully applied for exchanging information. In nowadays Internet the huge range of actors, the large diversity of the associated device classes and domains, and the enormous amount of resource-restricted controllers in this system created new requirements and coined also a new term. Internet of Things (IoT), in this regard, refers to identifiable objects (things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. The fundamental question the thesis tries to answer is whether and how the same semi-structured data can be also applied to the IoT and the embedded domain in spite of resource-limited controllers. In order to discuss this question properties and requirements of embedded networks with regard to the IoT domain have been collected and evaluated. Thereafter the omnipresent semi-structured data exchange format in the Web, the Extensible Markup Language (XML), has been validated. The result was a list of missing requirements such as a compact representation, a representation that can be generated and consumed fast and also allows a small footprint implementation. To address the compiled requirements a binary representation of XML which nowadays is known as W3Cs Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format has been accomplished which simultaneously optimizes performance and the utilization of computational resources and is designed to be compatible with XML. Moreover, in this work the format has been practically validated and tested. Addressing the needs of the embedded domain one result of this analyzes were optimizations to constrain runtime memory usage and to predict memory growth at runtime. A concept introduced in this thesis is LazyDOM which reduces memory requirements when processing and querying data. By means of a newly proposed code generation technique processing of EXI on ultra-constrained device classes has been enabled and resulting format modifications have been adopted by the W3C standardization. The research work described in this thesis on efficiently exchanging and processing semi-structured data on constrained embedded devices has not only triggered modifications in the W3C EXI format but even is already adopted in domain specific application standards and implementations. The above mentioned optimizations such as predictably limit the memory growth at runtime have been contributed, discussed and evaluated by the W3C experts and become a core part of the EXI specification. Even more significantly from the IoT perspective these optimizations provide the basis for the adoption of this technology in ISO and IEC standardization which is the first time for automotive and power industry to use IoT in the control plane. The implementation of EXI to conduct the evaluation as part of this thesis has become the de-facto open source reference implementation of EXI and became the basis of a number of other reference implementations such as the OpenV2G project that provides the reference implementation of the communication interface in ISO/IEC 15118. In summary the conducted research work has evaluated the options to adapt semi-structured data for the constrained embedded domain, proposed modifications and evaluated those under realistic conditions. This made it relevant for the technology as well as for application standardization despite the short period of this work. As such the research can now be taken as a basis for further challenges in the IoT field namely adopting concepts of the Semantic Web and adapting those to stimulate the quickly expanding eco-system of embedded devices

    Web Services in stark ressourcenlimitierten Umgebungen

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    In dieser Arbeit wird eine Vernetzungslösung für 6LoWPANs auf Grundlage von W3C SOAP Web Services vorgestellt. Zum einen werden erweiterte, generelle Schnittstellenmechanismen und Funktionen wie beispielsweise effizientes Discovery (Suchen und Finden von Geräten) und feingranulares Eventing (asynchrones Push) definiert. Zum Zweiten wird die Nachrichtengröße durch Nutzung spezifischer Datenkodierungen auf Basis von EXI minimiert. Zum Dritten wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, mit dem die größenoptimierten Nachrichten effizient mittels CoAP im 6LoWPAN übermittelt werden können

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    Skalierbare Ausführung von Prozessanwendungen in dienstorientierten Umgebungen

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    Die Strukturierung und Nutzung von unternehmensinternen IT-Infrastrukturen auf Grundlage dienstorientierter Architekturen (SOA) und etablierter XML-Technologien ist in den vergangenen Jahren stetig gewachsen. Lag der Fokus anfänglicher SOA-Realisierungen auf der flexiblen Ausführung klassischer, unternehmensrelevanter Geschäftsprozesse, so bilden heutzutage zeitnahe Datenanalysen sowie die Überwachung von geschäftsrelevanten Ereignissen weitere wichtige Anwendungsklassen, um sowohl kurzfristig Probleme des Geschäftsablaufes zu identifizieren als auch um mittel- und langfristige Veränderungen im Markt zu erkennen und die Geschäftsprozesse des Unternehmens flexibel darauf anzupassen. Aufgrund der geschichtlich bedingten, voneinander unabhängigen Entwicklung der drei Anwendungsklassen, werden die jeweiligen Anwendungsprozesse gegenwärtig in eigenständigen Systemen modelliert und ausgeführt. Daraus resultiert jedoch eine Reihe von Nachteilen, welche diese Arbeit aufzeigt und ausführlich diskutiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigte sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der Ableitung einer konsolidierten Ausführungsplattform, die es ermöglicht, Prozesse aller drei Anwendungsklassen gemeinsam zu modellieren und in einer SOA-basierten Infrastruktur effizient auszuführen. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert die Probleme einer solchen konsolidierten Ausführungsplattform auf den drei Ebenen der Dienstkommunikation, der Prozessausführung und der optimalen Verteilung von SOA-Komponenten in einer Infrastruktur

    Compressing SOAP Messages by using Pushdown Automata

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    Abstract — In environments with limited network bandwidth or resource-constrained computing devices the high amount of protocol overhead caused by SOAP is disadvantageous. There-fore, recent research work concentrated on more compact, binary representations of XML data. However, due to the special characteristics of SOAP communication most of these approaches are not applicable in the field of web services. First, we give a detailed overview of the latest developments in the field of XML data compression. Then we will introduce a new approach for compressing SOAP data which utilizes information on the structure of the data from an XML Schema or WSDL document to generate a single custom pushdown automaton. This cannot only be used as a highly efficient validating parser but also as a compressor: its transitions are tagged with short binary identifiers which replace XML tags during compression. This approach leads to extremely compact data representations as well as low memory and CPU utilization. I

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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