809 research outputs found

    Compressed Sensing for Open-ended Waveguide Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation

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    Ph. D. ThesisNon-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) systems using open-ended waveguide (OEW) suffer from critical challenges. In the sensing stage, data acquisition is time-consuming by raster scan, which is difficult for on-line detection. Sensing stage also disregards demand for the latter feature extraction process, leading to an excessive amount of data and processing overhead for feature extraction. In the feature extraction stage, efficient and robust defect region segmentation in the obtained image is challenging for a complex image background. Compressed sensing (CS) demonstrates impressive data compression ability in various applications using sparse models. How to develop CS models in OEW NDT&E that jointly consider sensing & processing for fast data acquisition, data compression, efficient and robust feature extraction is remaining challenges. This thesis develops integrated sensing-processing CS models to address the drawbacks in OEW NDT systems and carries out their case studies in low-energy impact damage detection for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) materials. The major contributions are: (1) For the challenge of fast data acquisition, an online CS model is developed to offer faster data acquisition and reduce data amount without any hardware modification. The images obtained with OEW are usually smooth which can be sparsely represented with discrete cosine transform (DCT) basis. Based on this information, a customised 0/1 Bernoulli matrix for CS measurement is designed for downsampling. The full data is reconstructed with orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm using the downsampling data, DCT basis, and the customised 0/1 Bernoulli matrix. It is hard to determine the sampling pixel numbers for sparse reconstruction when lacking training data, to address this issue, an accumulated sampling and recovery process is developed in this CS model. The defect region can be extracted with the proposed histogram threshold edge detection (HTED) algorithm after each recovery, which forms an online process. A case study in impact damage detection on CFRP materials is carried out for validation. The results show that the data acquisition time is reduced by one order of magnitude while maintaining equivalent image quality and defect region as raster scan. (2) For the challenge of efficient data compression that considers the later feature extraction, a feature-supervised CS data acquisition method is proposed and evaluated. It reserves interested features while reducing the data amount. The frequencies which reveal the feature only occupy a small part of the frequency band, this method finds these sparse frequency range firstly to supervise the later sampling process. Subsequently, based on joint sparsity of neighbour frame and the extracted frequency band, an aligned spatial-spectrum sampling scheme is proposed. The scheme only samples interested frequency range for required features by using a customised 0/1 Bernoulli measurement matrix. The interested spectral-spatial data are reconstructed jointly, which has much faster speed than frame-by-frame methods. The proposed feature-supervised CS data acquisition is implemented and compared with raster scan and the traditional CS reconstruction in impact damage detection on CFRP materials. The results show that the data amount is reduced greatly without compromising feature quality, and the gain in reconstruction speed is improved linearly with the number of measurements. (3) Based on the above CS-based data acquisition methods, CS models are developed to directly detect defect from CS data rather than using the reconstructed full spatial data. This method is robust to texture background and more time-efficient that HTED algorithm. Firstly, based on the histogram is invariant to down-sampling using the customised 0/1 Bernoulli measurement matrix, a qualitative method which only gives binary judgement of defect is developed. High probability of detection and accuracy is achieved compared to other methods. Secondly, a new greedy algorithm of sparse orthogonal matching pursuit (spOMP)-based defect region segmentation method is developed to quantitatively extract the defect region, because the conventional sparse reconstruction algorithms cannot properly use the sparse character of correlation between the measurement matrix and CS data. The proposed algorithms are faster and more robust to interference than other algorithms.China Scholarship Counci

    Optimized techniques for real-time microwave and millimeter wave SAR imaging

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    Microwave and millimeter wave synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-based imaging techniques, used for nondestructive evaluation (NDE), have shown tremendous usefulness for the inspection of a wide variety of complex composite materials and structures. Studies were performed for the optimization of uniform and nonuniform sampling (i.e., measurement positions) since existing formulations of SAR resolution and sampling criteria do not account for all of the physical characteristics of a measurement (e.g., 2D limited-size aperture, electric field decreasing with distance from the measuring antenna, etc.) and nonuniform sampling criteria supports sampling below the Nyquist rate. The results of these studies demonstrate optimum sampling given design requirements that fully explain resolution dependence on sampling criteria. This work was then extended to manually-selected and nonuniformly distributed samples such that the intelligence of the user may be utilized by observing SAR images being updated in real-time. Furthermore, a novel reconstruction method was devised that uses components of the SAR algorithm to advantageously exploit the inherent spatial information contained in the data, resulting in a superior final SAR image. Furthermore, better SAR images can be obtained if multiple frequencies are utilized as compared to single frequency. To this end, the design of an existing microwave imaging array was modified to support multiple frequency measurement. Lastly, the data of interest in such an array may be corrupted by coupling among elements since they are closely spaced, resulting in images with an increased level of artifacts. A method for correcting or pre-processing the data by using an adaptation of correlation canceling technique is presented as well --Abstract, page iii

    Sparse nonlinear optimization for signal processing and communications

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    This dissertation proposes three classes of new sparse nonlinear optimization algorithms for network echo cancellation (NEC), 3-D synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image reconstruction, and adaptive turbo equalization in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) underwater acoustic (UWA) communications, respectively. For NEC, the proposed two proportionate affine projection sign algorithms (APSAs) utilize the sparse nature of the network impulse response (NIR). Benefiting from the characteristics of l₁-norm optimization, affine projection, and proportionate matrix, the new algorithms are more robust to impulsive interferences and colored input than the conventional adaptive algorithms. For 3-D SAR image reconstruction, the proposed two compressed sensing (CS) approaches exploit the sparse nature of the SAR holographic image. Combining CS with the range migration algorithms (RMAs), these approaches can decrease the load of data acquisition while recovering satisfactory 3-D SAR image through l₁-norm optimization. For MIMO UWA communications, a robust iterative channel estimation based minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) turbo equalizer is proposed for large MIMO detection. The MIMO channel estimation is performed jointly with the MMSE equalizer and the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoder. The proposed MIMO detection scheme has been tested by experimental data and proved to be robust against tough MIMO channels. --Abstract, page iv

    The role of brine release and sea ice drift for winter mixing and sea ice formation in the Baltic Sea

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    NASA Tech Briefs, December 2009

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    Topics include: A Deep Space Network Portable Radio Science Receiver; Detecting Phase Boundaries in Hard-Sphere Suspensions; Low-Complexity Lossless and Near-Lossless Data Compression Technique for Multispectral Imagery; Very-Long-Distance Remote Hearing and Vibrometry; Using GPS to Detect Imminent Tsunamis; Stream Flow Prediction by Remote Sensing and Genetic Programming; Pilotless Frame Synchronization Using LDPC Code Constraints; Radiometer on a Chip; Measuring Luminescence Lifetime With Help of a DSP; Modulation Based on Probability Density Functions; Ku Telemetry Modulator for Suborbital Vehicles; Photonic Links for High-Performance Arraying of Antennas; Reconfigurable, Bi-Directional Flexfet Level Shifter for Low-Power, Rad-Hard Integration; Hardware-Efficient Monitoring of I/O Signals; Video System for Viewing From a Remote or Windowless Cockpit; Spacesuit Data Display and Management System; IEEE 1394 Hub With Fault Containment; Compact, Miniature MMIC Receiver Modules for an MMIC Array Spectrograph; Waveguide Transition for Submillimeter-Wave MMICs; Magnetic-Field-Tunable Superconducting Rectifier; Bonded Invar Clip Removal Using Foil Heaters; Fabricating Radial Groove Gratings Using Projection Photolithography; Gratings Fabricated on Flat Surfaces and Reproduced on Non-Flat Substrates; Method for Measuring the Volume-Scattering Function of Water; Method of Heating a Foam-Based Catalyst Bed; Small Deflection Energy Analyzer for Energy and Angular Distributions; Polymeric Bladder for Storing Liquid Oxygen; Pyrotechnic Simulator/Stray-Voltage Detector; Inventions Utilizing Microfluidics and Colloidal Particles; RuO2 Thermometer for Ultra-Low Temperatures; Ultra-Compact, High-Resolution LADAR System for 3D Imaging; Dual-Channel Multi-Purpose Telescope; Objective Lens Optimized for Wavefront Delivery, Pupil Imaging, and Pupil Ghosting; CMOS Camera Array With Onboard Memory; Quickly Approximating the Distance Between Two Objects; Processing Images of Craters for Spacecraft Navigation; Adaptive Morphological Feature-Based Object Classifier for a Color Imaging System; Rover Slip Validation and Prediction Algorithm; Safety and Quality Training Simulator; Supply-Chain Optimization Template; Algorithm for Computing Particle/Surface Interactions; Cryogenic Pupil Alignment Test Architecture for Aberrated Pupil Images; and Thermal Transport Model for Heat Sink Design

    ¹⁹F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane for quantitative imaging of pulmonary ventilation

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    PhD ThesisMRI of exogenous imaging agents offers a safely repeatable modality to assess regional pulmonary ventilation. A small number of studies have validated the safety and potential utility of 19F imaging of inhaled thermally polarised perfluoropropane. However, the relative scarcity of signal in restrictive breath hold length acquisition times inhibits translation of this technique to clinical application. This work presents methods used to maximise the attainable image quality of inhaled perfluoropropane. Novel quantitative measures of ventilation and perfusion have been investigated and discussed. A preliminary healthy volunteer study was conducted to verify the efficacy of the imaging technique and to assess perfluoropropane wash-in and wash-out rates. Quantitative assessment of the suitability of four RF coil designs was performed, comparing power efficiency with loading and signal homogeneity within the sensitive volume of each coil. The 3D spoiled gradient echo sequence was simulated, accounting for the power performance of the chosen birdcage coil design, for calculation of acquisition parameter values required to achieve the highest SNR in a fixed acquisition period for 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane. Studies on resolution phantoms and healthy volunteers assessed the performance of the optimised imaging protocol, in combination with a compressed sensing technique that permitted up to three-fold acceleration. Two novel lung-representative phantoms were fabricated and used to investigate the behaviour of the MR properties of inhaled perfluoropropane with changing structural and magnetic environments. Finally, a method for lengthening the T2* of inhaled perfluoropropane by susceptibility matching the alveolar tissue to the inhaled gas by intravenous injection of a highly paramagnetic contrast agent is presented. Initial development work was conducted in phantoms and rodents before translation to healthy volunteers. This technique offers the potential to concurrently acquire images reflecting both pulmonary ventilation and perfusion

    Retrieval of biophysical parameters from multi-sensoral remote sensing data, assimilated into the crop growth model CERES-Wheat

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    This study investigated the possibilities and constraints for an integrated use of a crop growth model (CERES-Wheat) and earth observation techniques. The assimilation of information derived from earth observation sensors into crop growth models enables regional applications and may also help to improve the profound knowledge of the different involved processes and interactions. Both techniques can contribute to improved use of resources, reduced crop production risks, minimised environmental degradation, and increased farm income. Up to now, crop growth modelling and remote sensing techniquices mostly have been used separately for the assessment of agricultural applications. Crop growth models have made valuable contributions to, e.g., yield forecasting or to management decision support systems. Likewise, remote sensing techniques were successfully utilized in classification of agricultural areas or in the quantification of vegetation characteristics at various spatial and temporal scales. Multisensoral remote sensing approaches for the quantification biophysical variables are rarely realized. Normally the fusion of the data sources is based on the use of one sensor for classification purposes and the other one for the extraction of the desired parameters, based on the map classified previously. Pixel-based fusions between multispectral and SAR data is seldom realised for the assessment of quantitative parameters. The integration of crop growth models and remote sensing techniques by assimilating remotely sensed parameters into the models, is also still an issue of research. Especially, the integration of, e.g., multi-sensor biophysical parameter time-series for the improvement of the model performance, might feature a high potential. The starting point of the presented study was the question, if it is possible to derive the values of important crop variables from various remote sensing data? For the retrieval of these quantitative parameters by the use of various multispectral remote sensing sensors, intercalibration issues between the different retrieved vegetation indices had to be taken into account, in order to assure the comparability. Features influencing the vegetation indices are, e.g., the sensor geometry (like viewing- and solar-angle), atmospherical conditions, topography and spatial or radiometric resolution. However, the factors taken into account within this study are the spectral characteristics of the different sensors, like band position, bandwidth and centre wavelengths, which are described by the relative spectral response functions. Due to different RSR functions of the sensor bands, measured spectral differences occur, because the sensors record different components of the reflectance’s spectra from the monitored targets. These are then also introduced into the derived vegetation indices. The chosen cross-calibration method, intercalibrated the assessed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and the Weighted Difference Vegetation Index between the various sensor pairs by regression, based on simulated multispectral sensors. Differences between the various assessed remote sensing sensors decreased form around 7% to below 1%. The intercalibration also had a positive impact on the later biophysical retrieval performance, producing sounder retrieval results. For the retrieval of the biophysical parameters empirical and semi-empirical models were assessed. The results indicate that the semi-empirical CLAIR model outperforms the empirical approaches. Not only for the Leaf Area Index retrieval, but also in the cases of all other assessed parameters. Concerning the other remote sensing data type used, the SAR data, it was analysed what potential different polarizations and incidence angles have for the extraction of the quantitative parameters. It became obvious that especially high incidence angles, as provided by the satellite Envisat ASAR, produce sounder retrieval results than lower incidence angles, due to a smaller amount of received soil signal. In the context of the assessed polarizations, sound results for the VV polarization could only be achieved for the retrieval of fresh biomass and the plant water content. For the ASAR sensor modelling fresh biomass and LAI using the HV polarization or the dry biomass using the ratio (HH/HV) was appropriate. As roughness aspects also have an influence on the retrieval performance from biophysical parameters using SAR data, the impact of soil surface and vegetation roughness was additionally considered. Best results were achieved, when also considering roughness features, however due to the need of regional modelling it is more appropriate not to consider them. For the calibration and re-tuning of crop growth models information about important phenological events such as heading/flowering is rather important. After this stage reproductive growth begins, whereby the number of kernels per plant is often calculated from plant weight at flowering and kernel weight is calculated from time and temperature available for dry matter distribution. By the use of the SAR VV time-series this important stage could be successfully extracted. Further methods for pixel-based fused biophysical parameter estimations, using SAR and multispectral data were analysed. By this approach the different features, being monitored of the two systems, are combined for sounder parameter retrieval. The assessed method of combining the multi-sensoral information by linear regression did not bring sound results and was outperformed by single sensor use, only taking into account the multispectral information. Only for the parameter fresh biomass, modelling based on the NDIV and the ASAR ratio slightly outperformed the single sensor modelling approaches. The complex combined modelling by the use of the CLAIR and the Water Cloud Model featured no valid results. For the combination, by using the CLAIR model and multiple regression slight improvements, in contrast to the single multispectral sensor use, were achieved. Especially, during late phenological stages, the assessed VV information improved the modelling results, in comparison to only using the CLAIR model. All the findings could finally be successfully applied for regional estimations. Only the roughness features could not be applied, due to the fact, that it is hard to regionally assess this needed model input parameter. Regional parameter on the basis of remote sensing data, is the major advantage of this technique, due to the large spatial overview given. The second main question was, if it is possible to integrate the crop variables gained from multisensoral data into a crop growth model, increasing the final yield estimation accuracy. Thus far, beneficial linkages between both techniques have been often limited to land use classification via remote sensing for choosing the adequate model and quantification of crop growth and development curves using biophysical parameters derived from remote sensing images for model calibration. Only a few studies actually considered the potentials of remote sensing for model re-initialization of growth and development characteristics of a specific crop, as the here studied winter wheat. Overall, the integration of remotely sensed variables into the crop growth model CERES-Wheat led to an improved final yield estimation accuracy in comparison to an automatic input parameter setting. The assessed final yield bias for the automatic input parameter setting summed up to 6.6%. When re-initializing the most sensitive input parameters (sowing date and fertilizer application date) by the use of remotely sensed biophysical variables the biases ranged from 0.56% overestimation to 5.4% understimation, in dependence of the data series used for assimilation. Whereby, it was assessed that the combined dense data series, considering SAR and multispectral information, slightly outperformed the performance of the full multispectral data series. However, when analysing the assimilation of the multispectral data series in further detail, it became clear that the actually information from the phenological stage ripening declines the modelling performance and thus the final yield estimation accuracy. When neglecting the information from this phenological stage the reduced multispectral data series performed as sound as the dense data series containing SAR and multispectral information. Thus, when the appropriate phenological stages are monitored by multispectral data, additional SAR information does not lead to a model improvement. However, when important dates are not monitored by multispectral images, e.g., due to cloud coverage, the additionally considered SAR information was not able to appropriatly fill these important multispectral time gaps. They even had a more negeative influence on the modelling performance. Overall, the best results could be obtained by assimilating a multispectral data series, covering the crop development during the important phenological stages stem elongation and flowering (without ripening stage), into the CERES-Wheat model. Finally, the integration of remote sensing data in the point-based crop growth model allowed it‘s spatial application for prediction of wheat production at a more regional scale. This approach also outperformed another evaluated method of direct multi-sensoral regional yield estimation. This study has demonstrated that biophysical parameters can be retrieved from remote sensing data and led, when assimilated into a crop growth model, to an improved final yield estimation. However, overall the SAR information did not really have a significant positive effect on the multi-sensoral biophysical parameter retrieval and on the later assimilation process. Thus, overall SAR information should only be considered, when multispectral data acquisitions are tremendously hampered by cloud coverage. The assessed assimilation of remote sensing information into a crop growth model had a positive effect on the final yield estimation performance. The analysed method, combining remote sensing and crop growth model techniques, was succsessfully demonstrated and will gain even more importance in the future for, e.g., decision support systems fine-tuning fertilizer regimes and thus contributing to more environmentally sound and sustained agricultural production