744 research outputs found

    On the dynamic adaptation of language models based on dialogue information

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    We present an approach to adapt dynamically the language models (LMs) used by a speech recognizer that is part of a spoken dialogue system. We have developed a grammar generation strategy that automatically adapts the LMs using the semantic information that the user provides (represented as dialogue concepts), together with the information regarding the intentions of the speaker (inferred by the dialogue manager, and represented as dialogue goals). We carry out the adaptation as a linear interpolation between a background LM, and one or more of the LMs associated to the dialogue elements (concepts or goals) addressed by the user. The interpolation weights between those models are automatically estimated on each dialogue turn, using measures such as the posterior probabilities of concepts and goals, estimated as part of the inference procedure to determine the actions to be carried out. We propose two approaches to handle the LMs related to concepts and goals. Whereas in the first one we estimate a LM for each one of them, in the second one we apply several clustering strategies to group together those elements that share some common properties, and estimate a LM for each cluster. Our evaluation shows how the system can estimate a dynamic model adapted to each dialogue turn, which helps to improve the performance of the speech recognition (up to a 14.82% of relative improvement), which leads to an improvement in both the language understanding and the dialogue management tasks

    Biologically inspired evolutionary temporal neural circuits

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    Biological neural networks have always motivated creation of new artificial neural networks, and in this case a new autonomous temporal neural network system. Among the more challenging problems of temporal neural networks are the design and incorporation of short and long-term memories as well as the choice of network topology and training mechanism. In general, delayed copies of network signals can form short-term memory (STM), providing a limited temporal history of events similar to FIR filters, whereas the synaptic connection strengths as well as delayed feedback loops (ER circuits) can constitute longer-term memories (LTM). This dissertation introduces a new general evolutionary temporal neural network framework (GETnet) through automatic design of arbitrary neural networks with STM and LTM. GETnet is a step towards realization of general intelligent systems that need minimum or no human intervention and can be applied to a broad range of problems. GETnet utilizes nonlinear moving average/autoregressive nodes and sub-circuits that are trained by enhanced gradient descent and evolutionary search in terms of architecture, synaptic delay, and synaptic weight spaces. The mixture of Lamarckian and Darwinian evolutionary mechanisms facilitates the Baldwin effect and speeds up the hybrid training. The ability to evolve arbitrary adaptive time-delay connections enables GETnet to find novel answers to many classification and system identification tasks expressed in the general form of desired multidimensional input and output signals. Simulations using Mackey-Glass chaotic time series and fingerprint perspiration-induced temporal variations are given to demonstrate the above stated capabilities of GETnet

    Audio Processing and Loudness Estimation Algorithms with iOS Simulations

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    abstract: The processing power and storage capacity of portable devices have improved considerably over the past decade. This has motivated the implementation of sophisticated audio and other signal processing algorithms on such mobile devices. Of particular interest in this thesis is audio/speech processing based on perceptual criteria. Specifically, estimation of parameters from human auditory models, such as auditory patterns and loudness, involves computationally intensive operations which can strain device resources. Hence, strategies for implementing computationally efficient human auditory models for loudness estimation have been studied in this thesis. Existing algorithms for reducing computations in auditory pattern and loudness estimation have been examined and improved algorithms have been proposed to overcome limitations of these methods. In addition, real-time applications such as perceptual loudness estimation and loudness equalization using auditory models have also been implemented. A software implementation of loudness estimation on iOS devices is also reported in this thesis. In addition to the loudness estimation algorithms and software, in this thesis project we also created new illustrations of speech and audio processing concepts for research and education. As a result, a new suite of speech/audio DSP functions was developed and integrated as part of the award-winning educational iOS App 'iJDSP." These functions are described in detail in this thesis. Several enhancements in the architecture of the application have also been introduced for providing the supporting framework for speech/audio processing. Frame-by-frame processing and visualization functionalities have been developed to facilitate speech/audio processing. In addition, facilities for easy sound recording, processing and audio rendering have also been developed to provide students, practitioners and researchers with an enriched DSP simulation tool. Simulations and assessments have been also developed for use in classes and training of practitioners and students.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Durante la última década, los medios de comunicación han experimentado una revolución, alejándose de la televisión convencional hacia las plataformas de contenido bajo demanda. Además, esta revolución no ha cambiado solamente la manera en la que nos entretenemos, si no también la manera en la que aprendemos. En este sentido, las plataformas de contenido educativo bajo demanda también han proliferado para proporcionar recursos educativos de diversos tipos. Estas nuevas vías de distribución de contenido han llegado con nuevos requisitos para mejorar la accesibilidad, en particular las relacionadas con las dificultades de audición y las barreras lingüísticas. Aquí radica la oportunidad para el reconocimiento automático del habla (RAH) para cumplir estos requisitos, proporcionando subtitulado automático de alta calidad. Este subtitulado proporciona una base sólida para reducir esta brecha de accesibilidad, especialmente para contenido en directo o streaming. Estos sistemas de streaming deben trabajar bajo estrictas condiciones de tiempo real, proporcionando la subtitulación tan rápido como sea posible, trabajando con un contexto limitado. Sin embargo, esta limitación puede conllevar una degradación de la calidad cuando se compara con los sistemas para contenido en diferido u offline. Esta tesis propone un sistema de RAH en streaming con baja latencia, con una calidad similar a un sistema offline. Concretamente, este trabajo describe el camino seguido desde el sistema offline híbrido inicial hasta el eficiente sistema final de reconocimiento en streaming. El primer paso es la adaptación del sistema para efectuar una sola iteración de reconocimiento haciendo uso de modelos de lenguaje estado del arte basados en redes neuronales. En los sistemas basados en múltiples iteraciones estos modelos son relegados a una segunda (o posterior) iteración por su gran coste computacional. Tras adaptar el modelo de lenguaje, el modelo acústico basado en redes neuronales también tiene que adaptarse para trabajar con un contexto limitado. La integración y la adaptación de estos modelos es ampliamente descrita en esta tesis, evaluando el sistema RAH resultante, completamente adaptado para streaming, en conjuntos de datos académicos extensamente utilizados y desafiantes tareas basadas en contenidos audiovisuales reales. Como resultado, el sistema proporciona bajas tasas de error con un reducido tiempo de respuesta, comparables al sistema offline.[CA] Durant l'última dècada, els mitjans de comunicació han experimentat una revolució, allunyant-se de la televisió convencional cap a les plataformes de contingut sota demanda. A més a més, aquesta revolució no ha canviat només la manera en la que ens entretenim, si no també la manera en la que aprenem. En aquest sentit, les plataformes de contingut educatiu sota demanda també han proliferat pera proporcionar recursos educatius de diversos tipus. Aquestes noves vies de distribució de contingut han arribat amb nous requisits per a millorar l'accessibilitat, en particular les relacionades amb les dificultats d'audició i les barreres lingüístiques. Aquí radica l'oportunitat per al reconeixement automàtic de la parla (RAH) per a complir aquests requisits, proporcionant subtitulat automàtic d'alta qualitat. Aquest subtitulat proporciona una base sòlida per a reduir aquesta bretxa d'accessibilitat, especialment per a contingut en directe o streaming. Aquests sistemes han de treballar sota estrictes condicions de temps real, proporcionant la subtitulació tan ràpid com sigui possible, treballant en un context limitat. Aquesta limitació, però, pot comportar una degradació de la qualitat quan es compara amb els sistemes per a contingut en diferit o offline. Aquesta tesi proposa un sistema de RAH en streaming amb baixa latència, amb una qualitat similar a un sistema offline. Concretament, aquest treball descriu el camí seguit des del sistema offline híbrid inicial fins l'eficient sistema final de reconeixement en streaming. El primer pas és l'adaptació del sistema per a efectuar una sola iteració de reconeixement fent servir els models de llenguatge de l'estat de l'art basat en xarxes neuronals. En els sistemes basats en múltiples iteracions aquests models son relegades a una segona (o posterior) iteració pel seu gran cost computacional. Un cop el model de llenguatge s'ha adaptat, el model acústic basat en xarxes neuronals també s'ha d'adaptar per a treballar amb un context limitat. La integració i l'adaptació d'aquests models és àmpliament descrita en aquesta tesi, avaluant el sistema RAH resultant, completament adaptat per streaming, en conjunts de dades acadèmiques àmpliament utilitzades i desafiants tasques basades en continguts audiovisuals reals. Com a resultat, el sistema proporciona baixes taxes d'error amb un reduït temps de resposta, comparables al sistema offline.[EN] Over the last decade, the media have experienced a revolution, turning away from the conventional TV in favor of on-demand platforms. In addition, this media revolution not only changed the way entertainment is conceived but also how learning is conducted. Indeed, on-demand educational platforms have also proliferated and are now providing educational resources on diverse topics. These new ways to distribute content have come along with requirements to improve accessibility, particularly related to hearing difficulties and language barriers. Here is the opportunity for automatic speech recognition (ASR) to comply with these requirements by providing high-quality automatic captioning. Automatic captioning provides a sound basis for diminishing the accessibility gap, especially for live or streaming content. To this end, streaming ASR must work under strict real-time conditions, providing captions as fast as possible, and working with limited context. However, this limited context usually leads to a quality degradation as compared to the pre-recorded or offline content. This thesis is aimed at developing low-latency streaming ASR with a quality similar to offline ASR. More precisely, it describes the path followed from an initial hybrid offline system to an efficient streaming-adapted system. The first step is to perform a single recognition pass using a state-of-the-art neural network-based language model. In conventional multi-pass systems, this model is often deferred to the second or later pass due to its computational complexity. As with the language model, the neural-based acoustic model is also properly adapted to work with limited context. The adaptation and integration of these models is thoroughly described and assessed using fully-fledged streaming systems on well-known academic and challenging real-world benchmarks. In brief, it is shown that the proposed adaptation of the language and acoustic models allows the streaming-adapted system to reach the accuracy of the initial offline system with low latency.Jorge Cano, J. (2022). Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191001Compendi

    Student-centric Model of Learning Management System Activity and Academic Performance: from Correlation to Causation

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    In recent years, there is a lot of interest in modeling students' digital traces in Learning Management System (LMS) to understand students' learning behavior patterns including aspects of meta-cognition and self-regulation, with the ultimate goal to turn those insights into actionable information to support students to improve their learning outcomes. In achieving this goal, however, there are two main issues that need to be addressed given the existing literature. Firstly, most of the current work is course-centered (i.e. models are built from data for a specific course) rather than student-centered; secondly, a vast majority of the models are correlational rather than causal. Those issues make it challenging to identify the most promising actionable factors for intervention at the student level where most of the campus-wide academic support is designed for. In this paper, we explored a student-centric analytical framework for LMS activity data that can provide not only correlational but causal insights mined from observational data. We demonstrated this approach using a dataset of 1651 computing major students at a public university in the US during one semester in the Fall of 2019. This dataset includes students' fine-grained LMS interaction logs and administrative data, e.g. demographics and academic performance. In addition, we expand the repository of LMS behavior indicators to include those that can characterize the time-of-the-day of login (e.g. chronotype). Our analysis showed that student login volume, compared with other login behavior indicators, is both strongly correlated and causally linked to student academic performance, especially among students with low academic performance. We envision that those insights will provide convincing evidence for college student support groups to launch student-centered and targeted interventions that are effective and scalable.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures, 18 tables, Journal of Educational Data Mining (Initial Submission

    Advanced signal processing techniques for the modeling and linearization of wireless communication systems.

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    Los nuevos estándares de comunicaciones digitales inalámbricas están impulsando el diseño de amplificadores de potencia con unas condiciones límites en términos de linealidad y eficiencia. Si bien estos nuevos sistemas exigen que los dispositivos activos trabajen cerca de la zona de saturación en busca de la eficiencia energética, la no linealidad inherente puede producir que el sistema muestre prestaciones inadecuadas en emisiones fuera de banda y distorsión en banda. La necesidad de técnicas digitales de compensación y la evolución en el diseño de nuevas arquitecturas de procesamiento de señales digitales posicionan a la predistorsión digital (DPD) como un enfoque práctico. Los predistorsionadores digitales se suelen basar en modelos de comportamiento como el memory polynomial (MP), el generalized memory polynomial (GMP) y el dynamic deviation reduction-based (DDR), etc. Los modelos de Volterra sufren la llamada "maldición de la dimensionalidad", ya que su complejidad tiende a crecer de forma exponencial a medida que el orden y la profundidad de memoria crecen. Esta tesis se centra principalmente en contribuir a la rama de conocimiento que enmarca el modelado y linealización de sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica. Los principales temas tratados son el modelo Volterra-Parafac y el modelo general de Volterra para sistemas complejos, los cuales tratan la estructura del DPD y las series de Volterra estructuradas con compressed-sensing y un método para la linealización en un rango de potencias de operación, que se centran en cómo los coeficientes de los modelos deben ser obtenidos.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Sleep Stage Classification: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Sleep occupies significant part of human life. The diagnoses of sleep related disorders are of great importance. To record specific physical and electrical activities of the brain and body, a multi-parameter test, called polysomnography (PSG), is normally used. The visual process of sleep stage classification is time consuming, subjective and costly. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of the sleep stage classification, automatic classification algorithms were developed. In this research work, we focused on pre-processing (filtering boundaries and de-noising algorithms) and classification steps of automatic sleep stage classification. The main motivation for this work was to develop a pre-processing and classification framework to clean the input EEG signal without manipulating the original data thus enhancing the learning stage of deep learning classifiers. For pre-processing EEG signals, a lossless adaptive artefact removal method was proposed. Rather than other works that used artificial noise, we used real EEG data contaminated with EOG and EMG for evaluating the proposed method. The proposed adaptive algorithm led to a significant enhancement in the overall classification accuracy. In the classification area, we evaluated the performance of the most common sleep stage classifiers using a comprehensive set of features extracted from PSG signals. Considering the challenges and limitations of conventional methods, we proposed two deep learning-based methods for classification of sleep stages based on Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder (SSAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed methods performed more efficiently by eliminating the need for conventional feature selection and feature extraction steps respectively. Moreover, although our systems were trained with lower number of samples compared to the similar studies, they were able to achieve state of art accuracy and higher overall sensitivity

    Joint Carrier-Phase Estimation for Digital Subcarrier Multiplexing Systems With Symbol-Rate Optimization

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    Digital subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) has recently emerged as a promising solution for next-generation ultra-high-baudrate coherent optical communication systems. Among its distinctive advantages over traditional single-carrier modulation, SCM enables the exploitation of symbol-rate optimization (SRO), which has been shown to enable the passive mitigation of the nonlinear interference noise (NLIN) that is generated during propagation over dispersion-unmanaged optical fiber systems. However, the full exploitation of SRO-based NLIN mitigation is severely hindered by the uncompensated distortion caused by laser phase noise (LPN) and non-linear phase noise (NLPN), whose impact is magnified by the use of low-baudrate subcarriers. Resorting to low-complexity carrier phase estimation (CPE) algorithms, in this paper we experimentally demonstrate that it is possible to overcome the hurdles posed by LPN and NLPN in SCM systems, provided that adequate joint-subcarrier CPE processing is employed. A dual-stage joint-processing approach composed of a pilot-based CPE optionally followed by a blind phase search (BPS)-based estimator is implemented and experimentally assessed, enabling to effectively optimize the symbol-rate per subcarrier down to 3 GBaud, in accordance with the theoretical SRO predictions for the system under test. In addition, we demonstrate that signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains of more than 1 dB can be achieved through joint-subcarrier CPE processing in shorter-reach links, while this gain tends to progressively reduce with increasing propagation distance, down to about 0.5 dB gain after 3000 km propagation

    PromptEM: Prompt-tuning for Low-resource Generalized Entity Matching

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    Entity Matching (EM), which aims to identify whether two entity records from two relational tables refer to the same real-world entity, is one of the fundamental problems in data management. Traditional EM assumes that two tables are homogeneous with the aligned schema, while it is common that entity records of different formats (e.g., relational, semi-structured, or textual types) involve in practical scenarios. It is not practical to unify their schemas due to the different formats. To support EM on format-different entity records, Generalized Entity Matching (GEM) has been proposed and gained much attention recently. To do GEM, existing methods typically perform in a supervised learning way, which relies on a large amount of high-quality labeled examples. However, the labeling process is extremely labor-intensive, and frustrates the use of GEM. Low-resource GEM, i.e., GEM that only requires a small number of labeled examples, becomes an urgent need. To this end, this paper, for the first time, focuses on the low-resource GEM and proposes a novel low-resource GEM method, termed as PromptEM. PromptEM has addressed three challenging issues (i.e., designing GEM-specific prompt-tuning, improving pseudo-labels quality, and running efficient self-training) in low-resource GEM. Extensive experimental results on eight real benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of PromptEM in terms of effectiveness and efficiency