1,585 research outputs found

    Complexity of Liveness in Parameterized Systems

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    We investigate the fine-grained complexity of liveness verification for leader contributor systems. These consist of a designated leader thread and an arbitrary number of identical contributor threads communicating via a shared memory. The liveness verification problem asks whether there is an infinite computation of the system in which the leader reaches a final state infinitely often. Like its reachability counterpart, the problem is known to be NP-complete. Our results show that, even from a fine-grained point of view, the complexities differ only by a polynomial factor. Liveness verification decomposes into reachability and cycle detection. We present a fixed point iteration solving the latter in polynomial time. For reachability, we reconsider the two standard parameterizations. When parameterized by the number of states of the leader L and the size of the data domain D, we show an (L + D)^O(L + D)-time algorithm. It improves on a previous algorithm, thereby settling an open problem. When parameterized by the number of states of the contributor C, we reuse an O^*(2^C)-time algorithm. We show how to connect both algorithms with the cycle detection to obtain algorithms for liveness verification. The running times of the composed algorithms match those of reachability, proving that the fine-grained lower bounds for liveness verification are met

    Using Flow Specifications of Parameterized Cache Coherence Protocols for Verifying Deadlock Freedom

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    We consider the problem of verifying deadlock freedom for symmetric cache coherence protocols. In particular, we focus on a specific form of deadlock which is useful for the cache coherence protocol domain and consistent with the internal definition of deadlock in the Murphi model checker: we refer to this deadlock as a system- wide deadlock (s-deadlock). In s-deadlock, the entire system gets blocked and is unable to make any transition. Cache coherence protocols consist of N symmetric cache agents, where N is an unbounded parameter; thus the verification of s-deadlock freedom is naturally a parameterized verification problem. Parametrized verification techniques work by using sound abstractions to reduce the unbounded model to a bounded model. Efficient abstractions which work well for industrial scale protocols typically bound the model by replacing the state of most of the agents by an abstract environment, while keeping just one or two agents as is. However, leveraging such efficient abstractions becomes a challenge for s-deadlock: a violation of s-deadlock is a state in which the transitions of all of the unbounded number of agents cannot occur and so a simple abstraction like the one above will not preserve this violation. In this work we address this challenge by presenting a technique which leverages high-level information about the protocols, in the form of message sequence dia- grams referred to as flows, for constructing invariants that are collectively stronger than s-deadlock. Efficient abstractions can be constructed to verify these invariants. We successfully verify the German and Flash protocols using our technique

    Liveness of Randomised Parameterised Systems under Arbitrary Schedulers (Technical Report)

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    We consider the problem of verifying liveness for systems with a finite, but unbounded, number of processes, commonly known as parameterised systems. Typical examples of such systems include distributed protocols (e.g. for the dining philosopher problem). Unlike the case of verifying safety, proving liveness is still considered extremely challenging, especially in the presence of randomness in the system. In this paper we consider liveness under arbitrary (including unfair) schedulers, which is often considered a desirable property in the literature of self-stabilising systems. We introduce an automatic method of proving liveness for randomised parameterised systems under arbitrary schedulers. Viewing liveness as a two-player reachability game (between Scheduler and Process), our method is a CEGAR approach that synthesises a progress relation for Process that can be symbolically represented as a finite-state automaton. The method is incremental and exploits both Angluin-style L*-learning and SAT-solvers. Our experiments show that our algorithm is able to prove liveness automatically for well-known randomised distributed protocols, including Lehmann-Rabin Randomised Dining Philosopher Protocol and randomised self-stabilising protocols (such as the Israeli-Jalfon Protocol). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first fully-automatic method that can prove liveness for randomised protocols.Comment: Full version of CAV'16 pape

    Hiding variables when decomposing specifications into GR(1) contracts

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    We propose a method for eliminating variables from component specifications during the decomposition of GR(1) properties into contracts. The variables that can be eliminated are identified by parameterizing the communication architecture to investigate the dependence of realizability on the availability of information. We prove that the selected variables can be hidden from other components, while still expressing the resulting specification as a game with full information with respect to the remaining variables. The values of other variables need not be known all the time, so we hide them for part of the time, thus reducing the amount of information that needs to be communicated between components. We improve on our previous results on algorithmic decomposition of GR(1) properties, and prove existence of decompositions in the full information case. We use semantic methods of computation based on binary decision diagrams. To recover the constructed specifications so that humans can read them, we implement exact symbolic minimal covering over the lattice of integer orthotopes, thus deriving minimal formulae in disjunctive normal form over integer variable intervals

    Efficient First-Order Temporal Logic for Infinite-State Systems

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    In this paper we consider the specification and verification of infinite-state systems using temporal logic. In particular, we describe parameterised systems using a new variety of first-order temporal logic that is both powerful enough for this form of specification and tractable enough for practical deductive verification. Importantly, the power of the temporal language allows us to describe (and verify) asynchronous systems, communication delays and more complex properties such as liveness and fairness properties. These aspects appear difficult for many other approaches to infinite-state verification.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Verifying Temporal Properties of Reactive Systems by Transformation

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    We show how program transformation techniques can be used for the verification of both safety and liveness properties of reactive systems. In particular, we show how the program transformation technique distillation can be used to transform reactive systems specified in a functional language into a simplified form that can subsequently be analysed to verify temporal properties of the systems. Example systems which are intended to model mutual exclusion are analysed using these techniques with respect to both safety (mutual exclusion) and liveness (non-starvation), with the errors they contain being correctly identified.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.02215. This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant 10/CE/I1855 to Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (www.lero.ie), and by the School of Computing, Dublin City Universit

    Parameterized Synthesis Case Study: AMBA AHB (extended version)

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    We revisit the AMBA AHB case study that has been used as a benchmark for several reactive syn- thesis tools. Synthesizing AMBA AHB implementations that can serve a large number of masters is still a difficult problem. We demonstrate how to use parameterized synthesis in token rings to obtain an implementation for a component that serves a single master, and can be arranged in a ring of arbitrarily many components. We describe new tricks -- property decompositional synthesis, and direct encoding of simple GR(1) -- that together with previously described optimizations allowed us to synthesize the model with 14 states in 30 minutes.Comment: Moved to appendix some not very important proofs. To section 'optimizations: added the model for 0-process. Extended version of the paper submitted to SYNT 201

    Verification and Synthesis of Symmetric Uni-Rings for Leads-To Properties

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    This paper investigates the verification and synthesis of parameterized protocols that satisfy leadsto properties RQR \leadsto Q on symmetric unidirectional rings (a.k.a. uni-rings) of deterministic and constant-space processes under no fairness and interleaving semantics, where RR and QQ are global state predicates. First, we show that verifying RQR \leadsto Q for parameterized protocols on symmetric uni-rings is undecidable, even for deterministic and constant-space processes, and conjunctive state predicates. Then, we show that surprisingly synthesizing symmetric uni-ring protocols that satisfy RQR \leadsto Q is actually decidable. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions for the decidability of synthesis based on which we devise a sound and complete polynomial-time algorithm that takes the predicates RR and QQ, and automatically generates a parameterized protocol that satisfies RQR \leadsto Q for unbounded (but finite) ring sizes. Moreover, we present some decidability results for cases where leadsto is required from multiple distinct RR predicates to different QQ predicates. To demonstrate the practicality of our synthesis method, we synthesize some parameterized protocols, including agreement and parity protocols