169,683 research outputs found

    Complexity and Approximation of the Continuous Network Design Problem

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    We revisit a classical problem in transportation, known as the continuous (bilevel) network design problem, CNDP for short. We are given a graph for which the latency of each edge depends on the ratio of the edge flow and the capacity installed. The goal is to find an optimal investment in edge capacities so as to minimize the sum of the routing cost of the induced Wardrop equilibrium and the investment cost. While this problem is considered as challenging in the literature, its complexity status was still unknown. We close this gap showing that CNDP is strongly NP-complete and APX-hard, both on directed and undirected networks and even for instances with affine latencies. As for the approximation of the problem, we first provide a detailed analysis for a heuristic studied by Marcotte for the special case of monomial latency functions (Mathematical Programming, Vol.~34, 1986). Specifically, we derive a closed form expression of its approximation guarantee for arbitrary sets S of allowed latency functions. Second, we propose a different approximation algorithm and show that it has the same approximation guarantee. As our final -- and arguably most interesting -- result regarding approximation, we show that using the better of the two approximation algorithms results in a strictly improved approximation guarantee for which we give a closed form expression. For affine latencies, e.g., this algorithm achieves a 1.195-approximation which improves on the 5/4 that has been shown before by Marcotte. We finally discuss the case of hard budget constraints on the capacity investment.Comment: 27 page

    Complexity and Approximation of the Continuous Network Design Problem

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    We revisit a classical problem in transportation, known as the (bilevel) continuous network design problem, CNDP for short. Given a graph for which the latency of each edge depends on the ratio of the edge flow and the capacity installed, the goal is to find an optimal investment in edge capacities so as to minimize the sum of the routing costs of the induced Wardrop equilibrium and the investment costs for installing the edge's capacities. While this problem is considered to be challenging in the literature, its complexity status was still unknown. We close this gap, showing that CNDP is strongly NP\mathsf{NP}-hard and APX\mathsf{APX}-hard, both on directed and undirected networks and even for instances with affine latencies. As for the approximation of the problem, we first provide a detailed analysis for a heuristic studied by Marcotte for the special case of monomial latency functions [P. Marcotte, Math. Prog., 34 (1986), pp. 142--162]. We derive a closed form expression of its approximation guarantee for arbitrary sets of latency functions. We then propose a different approximation algorithm and show that it has the same approximation guarantee. Then, we prove that using the better of the two approximation algorithms results in a strictly improved approximation guarantee for which we derive a closed form expression. For affine latencies, for example, this best-of-two approach achieves an approximation factor of 49/41≈1.19549/41\approx 1.195, which improves on the factor of 5/45/4 that has been shown before by Marcotte

    Integrating Over-the-Air Federated Learning and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access: What Role can RIS Play?

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    With the aim of integrating over-the-air federated learning (AirFL) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) into an on-demand universal framework, this paper proposes a novel reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided hybrid network by leveraging the RIS to flexibly adjust the signal processing order of heterogeneous data. The objective of this work is to maximize the achievable hybrid rate by jointly optimizing the transmit power, controlling the receive scalar, and designing the phase shifts. Since the concurrent transmissions of all computation and communication signals are aided by the discrete phase shifts at the RIS, the considered problem (P0) is a challenging mixed integer programming problem. To tackle this intractable issue, we decompose the original problem (P0) into a non-convex problem (P1) and a combinatorial problem (P2), which are characterized by the continuous and discrete variables, respectively. For the transceiver design problem (P1), the power allocation subproblem is first solved by invoking the difference-of-convex programming, and then the receive control subproblem is addressed by using the successive convex approximation, where the closed-form expressions of simplified cases are derived to obtain deep insights. For the reflection design problem (P2), the relaxation-then-quantization method is adopted to find a suboptimal solution for striking a trade-off between complexity and performance. Afterwards, an alternating optimization algorithm is developed to solve the non-linear and non-convex problem (P0) iteratively. Finally, simulation results reveal that 1) the proposed RIS-aided hybrid network can support the on-demand communication and computation efficiently, 2) the performance gains can be improved by properly selecting the location of the RIS, and 3) the designed algorithms are also applicable to conventional networks with only AirFL or NOMA users

    On the Universal Approximation Property and Equivalence of Stochastic Computing-based Neural Networks and Binary Neural Networks

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    Large-scale deep neural networks are both memory intensive and computation-intensive, thereby posing stringent requirements on the computing platforms. Hardware accelerations of deep neural networks have been extensively investigated in both industry and academia. Specific forms of binary neural networks (BNNs) and stochastic computing based neural networks (SCNNs) are particularly appealing to hardware implementations since they can be implemented almost entirely with binary operations. Despite the obvious advantages in hardware implementation, these approximate computing techniques are questioned by researchers in terms of accuracy and universal applicability. Also it is important to understand the relative pros and cons of SCNNs and BNNs in theory and in actual hardware implementations. In order to address these concerns, in this paper we prove that the "ideal" SCNNs and BNNs satisfy the universal approximation property with probability 1 (due to the stochastic behavior). The proof is conducted by first proving the property for SCNNs from the strong law of large numbers, and then using SCNNs as a "bridge" to prove for BNNs. Based on the universal approximation property, we further prove that SCNNs and BNNs exhibit the same energy complexity. In other words, they have the same asymptotic energy consumption with the growing of network size. We also provide a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of SCNNs and BNNs for hardware implementations and conclude that SCNNs are more suitable for hardware.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Beating the Perils of Non-Convexity: Guaranteed Training of Neural Networks using Tensor Methods

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    Training neural networks is a challenging non-convex optimization problem, and backpropagation or gradient descent can get stuck in spurious local optima. We propose a novel algorithm based on tensor decomposition for guaranteed training of two-layer neural networks. We provide risk bounds for our proposed method, with a polynomial sample complexity in the relevant parameters, such as input dimension and number of neurons. While learning arbitrary target functions is NP-hard, we provide transparent conditions on the function and the input for learnability. Our training method is based on tensor decomposition, which provably converges to the global optimum, under a set of mild non-degeneracy conditions. It consists of simple embarrassingly parallel linear and multi-linear operations, and is competitive with standard stochastic gradient descent (SGD), in terms of computational complexity. Thus, we propose a computationally efficient method with guaranteed risk bounds for training neural networks with one hidden layer.Comment: The tensor decomposition analysis is expanded, and the analysis of ridge regression is added for recovering the parameters of last layer of neural networ

    Online augmentation of learned grasp sequence policies for more adaptable and data-efficient in-hand manipulation

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    When using a tool, the grasps used for picking it up, reposing, and holding it in a suitable pose for the desired task could be distinct. Therefore, a key challenge for autonomous in-hand tool manipulation is finding a sequence of grasps that facilitates every step of the tool use process while continuously maintaining force closure and stability. Due to the complexity of modeling the contact dynamics, reinforcement learning (RL) techniques can provide a solution in this continuous space subject to highly parameterized physical models. However, these techniques impose a trade-off in adaptability and data efficiency. At test time the tool properties, desired trajectory, and desired application forces could differ substantially from training scenarios. Adapting to this necessitates more data or computationally expensive online policy updates. In this work, we apply the principles of discrete dynamic programming (DP) to augment RL performance with domain knowledge. Specifically, we first design a computationally simple approximation of our environment. We then demonstrate in physical simulation that performing tree searches (i.e., lookaheads) and policy rollouts with this approximation can improve an RL-derived grasp sequence policy with minimal additional online computation. Additionally, we show that pretraining a deep RL network with the DP-derived solution to the discretized problem can speed up policy training.Comment: 7 pages (6+1 bibliography), 4 figures, 1 table, 2 algorithms, to appear in ICRA 202
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