543,584 research outputs found

    Dynamic Mapping of Diesel Engine through System identification

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    From a control design point of view, modern diesel engines are dynamic, nonlinear, MIMO systems. This paper presents a method to find low-complexity black-box dynamic models suitable for model predictive control (MPC) of NOx and soot emissions based on on-line emissions measurements. A four-input-five-output representation of the engine is considered, with fuel injection timing, fuel injection duration, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbo (VGT) valve positions as inputs, and indicated mean effective pressure, combustion phasing, peak pressure derivative, NOx emissions, and soot emissions as outputs. Experimental data were collected on a six-cylinder heavy-duty engine at 30 operating points. The identification procedure starts by identifying local linear models at each operating point. To reduce the number of dynamic models necessary to describe the engine dynamics, Wiener models are introduced and a clustering algorithm is proposed. A resulting set of two to five dynamic models is shown to be able to predict all outputs at all operating points with good accuracy

    The quality of work dimensions. Results of a multivariate analysis from the Third Isfol Survey on Quality of work in Italy

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    This paper starts with an overview of the theoretical framework on quality of work and identifies five relevant dimensions, in line with Gallino & La Rosa: ergonomic, complexity, autonomy, control and economic dimensions. The above dimensions are described and measured by means of multivariate analysis to detect differences in terms of the factors affecting the level of the quality of work dimensions achieved. The data set that we use for this purpose is the Third Isfol Survey on Quality of Work (IsfolQdL) that has been carried out in 2010 on a sample of 5,000 workers and operationalizes the five dimensions of the quality of work. The results of the multivariate analysis confirm the worse achievements in terms of quality of work by temporary workers and lower skilled workers and lower level of achievements by women in the economic and autonomy dimensions. Women are also more likely to be found in part-time work positions and the latter show an improvement in the ergonomic dimension (that includes also work life balance) at the expenses of the economic and autonomy dimensions

    Turbo EP-based Equalization: a Filter-Type Implementation

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    This manuscript has been submitted to Transactions on Communications on September 7, 2017; revised on January 10, 2018 and March 27, 2018; and accepted on April 25, 2018 We propose a novel filter-type equalizer to improve the solution of the linear minimum-mean squared-error (LMMSE) turbo equalizer, with computational complexity constrained to be quadratic in the filter length. When high-order modulations and/or large memory channels are used the optimal BCJR equalizer is unavailable, due to its computational complexity. In this scenario, the filter-type LMMSE turbo equalization exhibits a good performance compared to other approximations. In this paper, we show that this solution can be significantly improved by using expectation propagation (EP) in the estimation of the a posteriori probabilities. First, it yields a more accurate estimation of the extrinsic distribution to be sent to the channel decoder. Second, compared to other solutions based on EP the computational complexity of the proposed solution is constrained to be quadratic in the length of the finite impulse response (FIR). In addition, we review previous EP-based turbo equalization implementations. Instead of considering default uniform priors we exploit the outputs of the decoder. Some simulation results are included to show that this new EP-based filter remarkably outperforms the turbo approach of previous versions of the EP algorithm and also improves the LMMSE solution, with and without turbo equalization

    Fast algorithmic Nielsen-Thurston classification of four-strand braids

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    We give an algorithm which decides the Nielsen-Thurston type of a given four-strand braid. The complexity of our algorithm is quadratic with respect to word length. The proof of its validity is based on a result which states that for a reducible 4-braid which is as short as possible within its conjugacy class (short in the sense of Garside), reducing curves surrounding three punctures must be round or almost round.Comment: One minor error corrected (Example 4.2 was wrong

    Synchronized sweep algorithms for scalable scheduling constraints

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    This report introduces a family of synchronized sweep based filtering algorithms for handling scheduling problems involving resource and precedence constraints. The key idea is to filter all constraints of a scheduling problem in a synchronized way in order to scale better. In addition to normal filtering mode, the algorithms can run in greedy mode, in which case they perform a greedy assignment of start and end times. The filtering mode achieves a significant speed-up over the decomposition into independent cumulative and precedence constraints, while the greedy mode can handle up to 1 million tasks with 64 resources constraints and 2 million precedences. These algorithms were implemented in both CHOCO and SICStus

    Ordering the braid groups

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    We give an explicit geometric argument that Artin's braid group BnB_n is right-orderable. The construction is elementary, natural, and leads to a new, effectively computable, canonical form for braids which we call left-consistent canonical form. The left-consistent form of a braid which is positive (respectively negative) in our order has consistently positive (respectively negative) exponent in the smallest braid generator which occurs. It follows that our ordering is identical to that of Dehornoy, constructed by very different means, and we recover Dehornoy's main theorem that any braid can be put into such a form using either positive or negative exponent in the smallest generator but not both. Our definition of order is strongly connected with Mosher's normal form and this leads to an algorithm to decide whether a given braid is positive, trivial, or negative which is quadratic in the length of the braid word.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure
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