136 research outputs found

    Stereo-vision-based navigation of a six-legged walking robot in unknown rough terrain

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    In this paper we presents a visual navigation algorithm for the six-legged walking robot DLR Crawler in rough terrain. The algorithm is based on stereo images from which depth images are computed using the semi- global matching (SGM) method. Further, a visual odometry is calculated along with an error measure. Pose estimates are obtained by fusing iner- tial data with relative leg odometry and visual odometry measurements using an indirect information filter. The visual odometry error measure is used in the filtering process to put lower weights on erroneous visual odometry data, hence, improving the robustness of pose estimation. From the estimated poses and the depth images, a dense digital terrain map is created by applying the locus method. The traversability of the terrain is estimated by a plane fitting approach and paths are planned using a D* Lite planner taking the traversability of the terrain and the current motion capabilities of the robot into account. Motion commands and the traversability measures of the upcoming terrain are sent to the walking layer of the robot so that it can choose an appropriate gait for the terrain. Experimental results show the accuracy of the navigation algorithm and its robustness against visual disturbances

    A Multi-Sensor Fusion-Based Underwater Slam System

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of real-time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in challenging environments. SLAM is one of the key enabling technologies for autonomous robots to navigate in unknown environments by processing information on their on-board computational units. In particular, we study the exploration of challenging GPS-denied underwater environments to enable a wide range of robotic applications, including historical studies, health monitoring of coral reefs, underwater infrastructure inspection e.g., bridges, hydroelectric dams, water supply systems, and oil rigs. Mapping underwater structures is important in several fields, such as marine archaeology, Search and Rescue (SaR), resource management, hydrogeology, and speleology. However, due to the highly unstructured nature of such environments, navigation by human divers could be extremely dangerous, tedious, and labor intensive. Hence, employing an underwater robot is an excellent fit to build the map of the environment while simultaneously localizing itself in the map. The main contribution of this dissertation is the design and development of a real-time robust SLAM algorithm for small and large scale underwater environments. SVIn – a novel tightly-coupled keyframe-based non-linear optimization framework fusing Sonar, Visual, Inertial and water depth information with robust initialization, loop-closing, and relocalization capabilities has been presented. Introducing acoustic range information to aid the visual data, shows improved reconstruction and localization. The availability of depth information from water pressure enables a robust initialization and refines the scale factor, as well as assists to reduce the drift for the tightly-coupled integration. The complementary characteristics of these sensing v modalities provide accurate and robust localization in unstructured environments with low visibility and low visual features – as such make them the ideal choice for underwater navigation. The proposed system has been successfully tested and validated in both benchmark datasets and numerous real world scenarios. It has also been used for planning for underwater robot in the presence of obstacles. Experimental results on datasets collected with a custom-made underwater sensor suite and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Aqua2 in challenging underwater environments with poor visibility, demonstrate performance never achieved before in terms of accuracy and robustness. To aid the sparse reconstruction, a contour-based reconstruction approach utilizing the well defined edges between the well lit area and darkness has been developed. In particular, low lighting conditions, or even complete absence of natural light inside caves, results in strong lighting variations, e.g., the cone of the artificial video light intersecting underwater structures and the shadow contours. The proposed method utilizes these contours to provide additional features, resulting into a denser 3D point cloud than the usual point clouds from a visual odometry system. Experimental results in an underwater cave demonstrate the performance of our system. This enables more robust navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles using the denser 3D point cloud to detect obstacles and achieve higher resolution reconstructions

    Fault-Tolerant Vision for Vehicle Guidance in Agriculture

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    Assessment of simulated and real-world autonomy performance with small-scale unmanned ground vehicles

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    Off-road autonomy is a challenging topic that requires robust systems to both understand and navigate complex environments. While on-road autonomy has seen a major expansion in recent years in the consumer space, off-road systems are mostly relegated to niche applications. However, these applications can provide safety and navigation to dangerous areas that are the most suited for autonomy tasks. Traversability analysis is at the core of many of the algorithms employed in these topics. In this thesis, a Clearpath Robotics Jackal vehicle is equipped with a 3D Ouster laser scanner to define and traverse off-road environments. The Mississippi State University Autonomous Vehicle Simulator (MAVS) and the Navigating All Terrains Using Robotic Exploration (NATURE) autonomy stack are used in conjunction with the small-scale vehicle platform to traverse uneven terrain and collect data. Additionally, the NATURE stack is used as a point of comparison between a MAVS simulated and physical Clearpath Robotics Jackal vehicle in testing

    Robust Modular Feature-Based Terrain-Aided Visual Navigation and Mapping

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    The visual feature-based Terrain-Aided Navigation (TAN) system presented in this thesis addresses the problem of constraining inertial drift introduced into the location estimate of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in GPS-denied environment. The presented TAN system utilises salient visual features representing semantic or human-interpretable objects (roads, forest and water boundaries) from onboard aerial imagery and associates them to a database of reference features created a-priori, through application of the same feature detection algorithms to satellite imagery. Correlation of the detected features with the reference features via a series of the robust data association steps allows a localisation solution to be achieved with a finite absolute bound precision defined by the certainty of the reference dataset. The feature-based Visual Navigation System (VNS) presented in this thesis was originally developed for a navigation application using simulated multi-year satellite image datasets. The extension of the system application into the mapping domain, in turn, has been based on the real (not simulated) flight data and imagery. In the mapping study the full potential of the system, being a versatile tool for enhancing the accuracy of the information derived from the aerial imagery has been demonstrated. Not only have the visual features, such as road networks, shorelines and water bodies, been used to obtain a position ’fix’, they have also been used in reverse for accurate mapping of vehicles detected on the roads into an inertial space with improved precision. Combined correction of the geo-coding errors and improved aircraft localisation formed a robust solution to the defense mapping application. A system of the proposed design will provide a complete independent navigation solution to an autonomous UAV and additionally give it object tracking capability

    Planetary Rover Inertial Navigation Applications: Pseudo Measurements and Wheel Terrain Interactions

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    Accurate localization is a critical component of any robotic system. During planetary missions, these systems are often limited by energy sources and slow spacecraft computers. Using proprioceptive localization (e.g., using an inertial measurement unit and wheel encoders) without external aiding is insufficient for accurate localization. This is mainly due to the integrated and unbounded errors of the inertial navigation solutions and the drifted position information from wheel encoders caused by wheel slippage. For this reason, planetary rovers often utilize exteroceptive (e.g., vision-based) sensors. On the one hand, localization with proprioceptive sensors is straightforward, computationally efficient, and continuous. On the other hand, using exteroceptive sensors for localization slows rover driving speed, reduces rover traversal rate, and these sensors are sensitive to the terrain features. Given the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, this thesis focuses on two objectives. First, improving the proprioceptive localization performance without significant changes to the rover operations. Second, enabling adaptive traversability rate based on the wheel-terrain interactions while keeping the localization reliable. To achieve the first objective, we utilized the zero-velocity, zero-angular rate updates, and non-holonomicity of a rover to improve rover localization performance even with the limited available sensor usage in a computationally efficient way. Pseudo-measurements generated from proprioceptive sensors when the rover is stationary conditions and the non-holonomic constraints while traversing can be utilized to improve the localization performance without any significant changes to the rover operations. Through this work, it is observed that a substantial improvement in localization performance, without the aid of additional exteroceptive sensor information. To achieve the second objective, the relationship between the estimation of localization uncertainty and wheel-terrain interactions through slip-ratio was investigated. This relationship was exposed with a Gaussian process with time series implementation by using the slippage estimation while the rover is moving. Then, it is predicted when to change from moving to stationary conditions by mapping the predicted slippage into localization uncertainty prediction. Instead of a periodic stopping framework, the method introduced in this work is a slip-aware localization method that enables the rover to stop more frequently in high-slip terrains whereas stops rover less frequently for low-slip terrains while keeping the proprioceptive localization reliable

    Practical constraints on real time Bayesian filtering for NDE applications

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    An experimental evaluation of Bayesian positional filtering algorithms applied to mobile robots for Non-Destructive Evaluation is presented using multiple positional sensing data – a real time, on-robot implementation of an Extended Kalman and Particle filter was used to control a robot performing representative raster scanning of a sample. Both absolute and relative positioning were employed – the absolute being an indoor acoustic GPS system that required careful calibration. The performance of the tracking algorithms are compared in terms of computational cost and the accuracy of trajectory estimates. It is demonstrated that for real time NDE scanning, the Extended Kalman Filter is a more sensible choice given the high computational overhead for the Particle filter

    Odometria visual monocular em robôs para a agricultura com camara(s) com lentes "olho de peixe"

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    One of the main challenges in robotics is to develop accurate localization methods that achieve acceptable runtime performances.One of the most common approaches is to use Global Navigation Satellite System such as GPS to localize robots.However, satellite signals are not full-time available in some kind of environments.The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a localization system for a ground robot.This robot is inserted in a project called RoMoVi and is intended to perform tasks like crop monitoring and harvesting in steep slope vineyards.This vineyards are localized in the Douro region which are characterized by the presence of high hills.Thus, the context of RoMoVi is not prosperous for the use of GPS-based localization systems.Therefore, the main goal of this work is to create a reliable localization system based on vision techniques and low cost sensors.To do so, a Visual Odometry system will be used.The concept of Visual Odometry is equivalent to wheel odometry but it has the advantage of not suffering from wheel slip which is present in these kind of environments due to the harsh terrain conditions.Here, motion is tracked computing the homogeneous transformation between camera frames, incrementally.However, this approach also presents some open issues.Most of the state of art methods, specially those who present a monocular camera system, don't perform good motion estimations in pure rotations.In some of them, motion even degenerates in these situations.Also, computing the motion scale is a difficult task that is widely investigated in this field.This work is intended to solve these issues.To do so, fisheye lens cameras will be used in order to achieve wide vision field of views

    Adaptive Localization and Mapping for Planetary Rovers

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    Future rovers will be equipped with substantial onboard autonomy as space agencies and industry proceed with missions studies and technology development in preparation for the next planetary exploration missions. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a fundamental part of autonomous capabilities and has close connections to robot perception, planning and control. SLAM positively affects rover operations and mission success. The SLAM community has made great progress in the last decade by enabling real world solutions in terrestrial applications and is nowadays addressing important challenges in robust performance, scalability, high-level understanding, resources awareness and domain adaptation. In this thesis, an adaptive SLAM system is proposed in order to improve rover navigation performance and demand. This research presents a novel localization and mapping solution following a bottom-up approach. It starts with an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), continues with a 3D odometry dead reckoning solution and builds up to a full graph optimization scheme which uses visual odometry and takes into account rover traction performance, bringing scalability to modern SLAM solutions. A design procedure is presented in order to incorporate inertial sensors into the AHRS. The procedure follows three steps: error characterization, model derivation and filter design. A complete kinematics model of the rover locomotion subsystem is developed in order to improve the wheel odometry solution. Consequently, the parametric model predicts delta poses by solving a system of equations with weighed least squares. In addition, an odometry error model is learned using Gaussian processes (GPs) in order to predict non-systematic errors induced by poor traction of the rover with the terrain. The odometry error model complements the parametric solution by adding an estimation of the error. The gained information serves to adapt the localization and mapping solution to the current navigation demands (domain adaptation). The adaptivity strategy is designed to adjust the visual odometry computational load (active perception) and to influence the optimization back-end by including highly informative keyframes in the graph (adaptive information gain). Following this strategy, the solution is adapted to the navigation demands, providing an adaptive SLAM system driven by the navigation performance and conditions of the interaction with the terrain. The proposed methodology is experimentally verified on a representative planetary rover under realistic field test scenarios. This thesis introduces a modern SLAM system which adapts the estimated pose and map to the predicted error. The system maintains accuracy with fewer nodes, taking the best of both wheel and visual methods in a consistent graph-based smoothing approach

    A multisensor SLAM for dense maps of large scale environments under poor lighting conditions

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    This thesis describes the development and implementation of a multisensor large scale autonomous mapping system for surveying tasks in underground mines. The hazardous nature of the underground mining industry has resulted in a push towards autonomous solutions to the most dangerous operations, including surveying tasks. Many existing autonomous mapping techniques rely on approaches to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem which are not suited to the extreme characteristics of active underground mining environments. Our proposed multisensor system has been designed from the outset to address the unique challenges associated with underground SLAM. The robustness, self-containment and portability of the system maximize the potential applications.The multisensor mapping solution proposed as a result of this work is based on a fusion of omnidirectional bearing-only vision-based localization and 3D laser point cloud registration. By combining these two SLAM techniques it is possible to achieve some of the advantages of both approaches – the real-time attributes of vision-based SLAM and the dense, high precision maps obtained through 3D lasers. The result is a viable autonomous mapping solution suitable for application in challenging underground mining environments.A further improvement to the robustness of the proposed multisensor SLAM system is a consequence of incorporating colour information into vision-based localization. Underground mining environments are often dominated by dynamic sources of illumination which can cause inconsistent feature motion during localization. Colour information is utilized to identify and remove features resulting from illumination artefacts and to improve the monochrome based feature matching between frames.Finally, the proposed multisensor mapping system is implemented and evaluated in both above ground and underground scenarios. The resulting large scale maps contained a maximum offset error of ±30mm for mapping tasks with lengths over 100m
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