708 research outputs found

    Scour detection with monitoring methods and machine learning algorithms - a critical review

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    Foundation scour is a widespread reason for the collapse of bridges worldwide. However, assessing bridges is a complex task, which requires a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. This literature review first presents recent scour detection techniques and approaches. Direct and indirect monitoring and machine learning algorithm-based studies are investigated in detail in the following sections. The approaches, models, characteristics of data, and other input properties are outlined. The outcomes are given with their advantages and limitations. Finally, assessments are provided at the synthesis of the research.This research was funded by FCT (Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology)/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020 and trough the doctoral Grant 2021.06162.BD. This work has also been partly financed within the European Horizon 2020 Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail through contract no. 101012456 (IN2TRACK3)

    Biomedical Sensing and Imaging

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    This book mainly deals with recent advances in biomedical sensing and imaging. More recently, wearable/smart biosensors and devices, which facilitate diagnostics in a non-clinical setting, have become a hot topic. Combined with machine learning and artificial intelligence, they could revolutionize the biomedical diagnostic field. The aim of this book is to provide a research forum in biomedical sensing and imaging and extend the scientific frontier of this very important and significant biomedical endeavor

    Wireless capsule gastrointestinal endoscopy: direction of arrival estimation based localization survey

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    One of the significant challenges in Capsule Endoscopy (CE) is to precisely determine the pathologies location. The localization process is primarily estimated using the received signal strength from sensors in the capsule system through its movement in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Consequently, the wireless capsule endoscope (WCE) system requires improvement to handle the lack of the capsule instantaneous localization information and to solve the relatively low transmission data rate challenges. Furthermore, the association between the capsule’s transmitter position, capsule location, signal reduction and the capsule direction should be assessed. These measurements deliver significant information for the instantaneous capsule localization systems based on TOA (time of arrival) approach, PDOA (phase difference of arrival), RSS (received signal strength), electromagnetic, DOA (direction of arrival) and video tracking approaches are developed to locate the WCE precisely. The current article introduces the acquisition concept of the GI medical images using the endoscopy with a comprehensive description of the endoscopy system components. Capsule localization and tracking are considered to be the most important features of the WCE system, thus the current article emphasizes the most common localization systems generally, highlighting the DOA-based localization systems and discusses the required significant research challenges to be addressed

    A Low-Complexity 6DOF Magnetic Tracking System Based on Pre-Computed Data Sets for Wearable Applications

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    4We present a 6DOF magnetic tracking system based on a low-complexity algorithm, operating with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) orientation estimation and regression functions formed with simulated data sets, capable of running using only a single microcontroller unit (MCU), for use in low-complexity wearable and wireless systems. A prototype based on a commercial magnetometer and IMU, a Cortex-M4 MCU was implemented and tested in both static and dynamic conditions, using a VICON motion tracking system as reference. Static and dynamic spatial accuracy performance is 2.6,mm and 5.4,mm respectively, after applying a calibration procedure based on a two layers Neural Network (NN) and a measured data set. Comparison with the state-of-the-art, supported by a defined Figure-of-Merit (FoM) show excellent performance compared to commercial and research systems in a low-complexity and portable solutionpartially_openopenDavid A. Fernandez Guzman; Paolo Motto Ros; Danilo Demarchi; Marco CrepaldiFernandez Guzman, David A.; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Demarchi, Danilo; Crepaldi, Marc

    Biosensors for Diagnosis and Monitoring

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    Biosensor technologies have received a great amount of interest in recent decades, and this has especially been the case in recent years due to the health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sensor platform market has grown in recent decades, and the COVID-19 outbreak has led to an increase in the demand for home diagnostics and point-of-care systems. With the evolution of biosensor technology towards portable platforms with a lower cost on-site analysis and a rapid selective and sensitive response, a larger market has opened up for this technology. The evolution of biosensor systems has the opportunity to change classic analysis towards real-time and in situ detection systems, with platforms such as point-of-care and wearables as well as implantable sensors to decentralize chemical and biological analysis, thus reducing industrial and medical costs. This book is dedicated to all the research related to biosensor technologies. Reviews, perspective articles, and research articles in different biosensing areas such as wearable sensors, point-of-care platforms, and pathogen detection for biomedical applications as well as environmental monitoring will introduce the reader to these relevant topics. This book is aimed at scientists and professionals working in the field of biosensors and also provides essential knowledge for students who want to enter the field

    Modelling the head and neck region for microwave imaging of cervical lymph nodes

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Radiações em Diagnóstico e Terapia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020O termo “cancro da cabeça e pescoço” refere-se a um qualquer tipo de cancro com início nas células epiteliais das cavidades oral e nasal, seios perinasais, glândulas salivares, faringe e laringe. Estes tumores malignos apresentaram, em 2018, uma incidência mundial de cerca de 887.659 novos casos e taxa de mortalidade superior a 51%. Aproximadamente 80% dos novos casos diagnosticados nesse ano revelaram a proliferação de células cancerígenas dos tumores para outras regiões do corpo através dos vasos sanguíneos e linfáticos das redondezas. De forma a determinar o estado de desenvolvimento do cancro e as terapias a serem seguidas, é fundamental a avaliação dos primeiros gânglios linfáticos que recebem a drenagem do tumor primário – os gânglios sentinela – e que, por isso, apresentam maior probabilidade de se tornarem os primeiros alvos das células tumorais. Gânglios sentinela saudáveis implicam uma menor probabilidade de surgirem metástases, isto é, novos focos tumorais decorrentes da disseminação do cancro para outros órgãos. O procedimento standard que permite o diagnóstico dos gânglios linfáticos cervicais, gânglios que se encontram na região da cabeça e pescoço, e o estadiamento do cancro consiste na remoção cirúrgica destes gânglios e subsequente histopatologia. Para além de ser um procedimento invasivo, a excisão cirúrgica dos gânglios linfáticos representa perigos tanto para a saúde mental e física dos pacientes, como para a sua qualidade de vida. Dores, aparência física deformada (devido a cicatrizes), perda da fala ou da capacidade de deglutição são algumas das repercussões que poderão advir da remoção de gânglios linfáticos da região da cabeça e pescoço. Adicionalmente, o risco de infeção e linfedema – acumulação de linfa nos tecidos intersticiais – aumenta significativamente com a remoção de uma grande quantidade de gânglios linfáticos saudáveis. Também os encargos para os sistemas de saúde são elevados devido à necessidade de monitorização destes pacientes e subsequentes terapias e cuidados associados à morbilidade, como é o caso da drenagem linfática manual e da fisioterapia. O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de imagem da cabeça e pescoço requer o uso de modelos realistas que simulem o comportamento e propriedades dos tecidos biológicos. A imagem médica por micro-ondas é uma técnica promissora e não invasiva que utiliza radiação não ionizante, isto é, sinais com frequências na gama das micro-ondas cujo comportamento depende do contraste dielétrico entre os diferentes tecidos atravessados, pelo que é possível identificar regiões ou estruturas de interesse e, consequentemente, complementar o diagnóstico. No entanto, devido às suas características, este tipo de modalidade apenas poderá ser utilizado para a avaliação de regiões anatómicas pouco profundas. Estudos indicam que os gânglios linfáticos com células tumorais possuem propriedades dielétricas distintas dos gânglios linfáticos saudáveis. Por esta razão e juntamente pelo facto da sua localização pouco profunda, consideramos que os gânglios linfáticos da região da cabeça e pescoço constituem um excelente candidato para a utilização de imagem médica por radar na frequência das micro-ondas como ferramenta de diagnóstico. Até à data, não foram efetuados estudos de desenvolvimento de modelos da região da cabeça e pescoço focados em representar realisticamente os gânglios linfáticos cervicais. Por este motivo, este projeto consistiu no desenvolvimento de dois geradores de fantomas tridimensionais da região da cabeça e pescoço – um gerador de fantomas numéricos simples (gerador I) e um gerador de fantomas numéricos mais complexos e anatomicamente realistas, que foi derivado de imagens de ressonância magnética e que inclui as propriedades dielétricas realistas dos tecidos biológicos (gerador II). Ambos os geradores permitem obter fantomas com diferentes níveis de complexidade e assim acompanhar diferentes fases no processo de desenvolvimento de equipamentos médicos de imagiologia por micro-ondas. Todos os fantomas gerados, e principalmente os fantomas anatomicamente realistas, poderão ser mais tarde impressos a três dimensões. O processo de construção do gerador I compreendeu a modelação da região da cabeça e pescoço em concordância com a anatomia humana e distribuição dos principais tecidos, e a criação de uma interface para a personalização dos modelos (por exemplo, a inclusão ou remoção de alguns tecidos é dependente do propósito para o qual cada modelo é gerado). O estudo minucioso desta região levou à inclusão de tecidos ósseos, musculares e adiposos, pele e gânglios linfáticos nos modelos. Apesar destes fantomas serem bastante simples, são essenciais para o início do processo de desenvolvimento de dispositivos de imagem médica por micro-ondas dedicados ao diagnóstico dos gânglios linfáticos cervicais. O processo de construção do gerador II foi fracionado em 3 grandes etapas devido ao seu elevado grau de complexidade. A primeira etapa consistiu na criação de uma pipeline que permitiu o processamento das imagens de ressonância magnética. Esta pipeline incluiu: a normalização dos dados, a subtração do background com recurso a máscaras binárias manualmente construídas, o tratamento das imagens através do uso de filtros lineares (como por exemplo, filtros passa-baixo ideal, Gaussiano e Butterworth) e não-lineares (por exemplo, o filtro mediana), e o uso de algoritmos não supervisionados de machine learning para a segmentação dos vários tecidos biológicos presentes na região cervical, tais como o K-means, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, DBSCAN e BIRCH. Visto que cada algoritmo não supervisionado de machine learning anteriormente referido requer diferentes hiperparâmetros, é necessário proceder a um estudo pormenorizado que permita a compreensão do modo de funcionamento de cada algoritmo individualmente e a sua interação / performance com o tipo de dados tratados neste projeto (isto é, dados de exames de ressonâncias magnéticas) com vista a escolher empiricamente o leque de valores de cada hiperparâmetro que deve ser considerado, e ainda as combinações que devem ser testadas. Após esta fase, segue-se a avaliação da combinação de hiperparâmetros que resulta na melhor segmentação das estruturas anatómicas. Para esta avaliação são consideradas duas metodologias que foram combinadas: a utilização de métricas que permitam avaliar a qualidade do clustering (como por exemplo, o Silhoeutte Coefficient, o índice de Davies-Bouldin e o índice de Calinski-Harabasz) e ainda a inspeção visual. A segunda etapa foi dedicada à introdução manual de algumas estruturas, como a pele e os gânglios linfáticos, que não foram segmentadas pelos algoritmos de machine learning devido à sua fina espessura e pequena dimensão, respetivamente. Finalmente, a última etapa consistiu na atribuição das propriedades dielétricas, para uma frequência pré-definida, aos tecidos biológicos através do Modelo de Cole-Cole de quatro pólos. Tal como no gerador I, foi criada uma interface que permitiu ao utilizador decidir que características pretende incluir no fantoma, tais como: os tecidos a incluir (tecido adiposo, tecido muscular, pele e / ou gânglios linfáticos), relativamente aos gânglios linfáticos o utilizador poderá ainda determinar o seu número, dimensões, localização em níveis e estado clínico (saudável ou metastizado) e finalmente, o valor de frequência para o qual pretende obter as propriedades dielétricas (permitividade relativa e condutividade) de cada tecido biológico. Este projeto resultou no desenvolvimento de um gerador de modelos realistas da região da cabeça e pescoço com foco nos gânglios linfáticos cervicais, que permite a inserção de tecidos biológicos, tais como o tecidos muscular e adiposo, pele e gânglios linfáticos e aos quais atribui as propriedades dielétricas para uma determinada frequência na gama de micro-ondas. Estes modelos computacionais resultantes do gerador II, e que poderão ser mais tarde impressos em 3D, podem vir a ter grande impacto no processo de desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos de imagem por micro-ondas que visam diagnosticar gânglios linfáticos cervicais, e consequentemente, contribuir para um processo não invasivo de estadiamento do cancro da cabeça e pescoço.Head and neck cancer is a broad term referring to any epithelial malignancies arising in the paranasal sinuses, nasal and oral cavities, salivary glands, pharynx, and larynx. In 2018, approximately 80% of the newly diagnosed head and neck cancer cases resulted in tumour cells spreading to neighbouring lymph and blood vessels. In order to determine cancer staging and decide which follow-up exams and therapy to follow, physicians excise and assess the Lymph Nodes (LNs) closest to the primary site of the head and neck tumour – the sentinel nodes – which are the ones with highest probability of being targeted by cancer cells. The standard procedure to diagnose the Cervical Lymph Nodes (CLNs), i.e. lymph nodes within the head and neck region, and determine the cancer staging frequently involves their surgical removal and subsequent histopathology. Besides being invasive, the removal of the lymph nodes also has negative impact on patients’ quality of life, it can be health threatening, and it is costly to healthcare systems due to the patients’ needs for follow-up treatments/cares. Anatomically realistic phantoms are required to develop novel technologies tailored to image head and neck regions. Medical MicroWave Imaging (MWI) is a promising non-invasive approach which uses non-ionizing radiation to screen shallow body regions, therefore cervical lymph nodes are excellent candidates to this imaging modality. In this project, a three-dimensional (3D) numerical phantom generator (generator I) and a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-derived anthropomorphic phantom generator (generator II) of the head and neck region were developed to create phantoms with different levels of complexity and realism, which can be later 3D printed to test medical MWI devices. The process of designing the numerical phantom generator included the modelling of the head and neck regions according to their anatomy and the distribution of their main tissues, and the creation of an interface which allowed the users to personalise the model (e.g. include or remove certain tissues, depending on the purpose of each generated model). To build the anthropomorphic phantom generator, the modelling process included the creation of a pipeline of data processing steps to be applied to MRIs of the head and neck, followed by the development of algorithms to introduce additional tissues to the models, such as skin and lymph nodes, and finally, the assignment of the dielectric properties to the biological tissues. Similarly, this generator allowed users to decide the features they wish to include in the phantoms. This project resulted in the creation of a generator of 3D anatomically realistic head and neck phantoms which allows the inclusion of biological tissues such as skin, muscle tissue, adipose tissue, and LNs, and assigns state-of-the-art dielectric properties to the tissues. These phantoms may have a great impact in the development process of MWI devices aimed at screening and diagnosing CLNs, and consequently, contribute to a non-invasive staging of the head and neck cancer

    Microwave Imaging to Improve Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer worldwide. The correct diagnosis of Axillary Lymph Nodes (ALNs) is important for an accurate staging of breast cancer. The performance of current imaging modalities for both breast cancer detection and staging is still unsatisfactory. Microwave Imaging (MWI) has been studied to aid breast cancer diagnosis. This thesis addresses several novel aspects of the development of air-operated MWI systems for both breast cancer detection and staging. Firstly, refraction effects in air-operated setups are evaluated to understand whether refraction calculation should be included in image reconstruction algorithms. Then, the research completed towards the development of a MWI system to detect the ALNs is presented. Anthropomorphic numerical phantoms of the axillary region are created, and the dielectric properties of ALNs are estimated from Magnetic Resonance Imaging exams. The first pre-clinical MWI setup tailored to detect ALNs is numerically and experimentally tested. To complement MWI results, the feasibility of using machine learning algorithms to classify healthy and metastasised ALNs using microwave signals is analysed. Finally, an additional study towards breast cancer detection is presented by proposing a prototype which uses a focal system to focus the energy into the breast and decrease the coupling between antennas. The results show refraction calculation may be neglected in low to moderate permittivity media. Moreover, MWI has the potential as an imaging technique to assess ALN diagnosis as estimation of dielectric properties indicate there is sufficient contrast between healthy and metastasised ALNs, and the imaging results obtained in this thesis are promising for ALN detection. The performance of classification models shows these models may potentially give complementary information to imaging results. The proposed breast imaging prototype also shows promising results for breast cancer detection

    Measurement Technologies for up- and Downstream Bioprocessing

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    This book is devoted to new developments in measurement technologies for upstream and downstream bioprocessing. The recent advances in biotechnology and bioprocessing have generated a number of new biological products that require more qualified analytical technologies for diverse process analytical needs. These includes especially fast and sensitive measurement technology that, early in the process train, can inform on critical process parameters related to process economy and product quality and that can facilitate ambitions of designing efficient integrated end-to-end bioprocesses. This book covers these topics as well as analytical monitoring methods based either on real-time or in-line sensor technology, on simple and compact bioanalytical devices, or on the use of advanced data prediction methods

    Fast Microwave Tomography Algorithm for Breast Cancer Imaging

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    Microwave tomography has shown promise for breast cancer imaging. The microwaves are harmless to body tissues, which makes microwave tomography a safe adjuvant screening to mammography. Although many clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of regular screening for the detection of breast cancer, the anatomy of the breast and its critical tissues challenge the identification and diagnosis of tumors in this region. Detection of tumors in the breast is more challenging in heterogeneously dense and extremely dense breasts, and microwave tomography has the potential to be effective in such cases. The sensitivity of microwaves to various breast tissues and the comfort and safety of the screening method have made microwave tomography an attractive imaging technique. Despite the need for an alternative screening technique, microwave tomography has not yet been introduced as a screening modality in regular health care, and is still subject to research. The main obstacles are imperfect hardware systems and inefficient imaging algorithms. The immense computational costs for the image reconstruction algorithm present a crucial challenge. 2D imaging algorithms are proposed to reduce the amount of hardware resources required and the imaging time. Although 2D microwave tomography algorithms are computationally less expensive, few imaging groups have been successful in integrating the acquired 3D data into the 2D tomography algorithms for clinical applications. The microwave tomography algorithms include two main computation problems: the forward problem and the inverse problem. The first part of this thesis focuses on a new fast forward solver, the 2D discrete dipole approximation (DDA), which is formulated and modeled. The effect of frequency, sampling number, target size, and contrast on the accuracy of the solver are studied. Additionally, the 2D DDA time efficiency and computation time as a single forward solver are investigated.\ua0 The second part of this thesis focuses on the inverse problem. This portion of the algorithm is based on a log-magnitude and phase transformation optimization problem and is formulated as the Gauss-Newton iterative algorithm. The synthetic data from a finite-element-based solver (COMSOL Multiphysics) and the experimental data acquired from the breast imaging system at Chalmers University of Technology are used to evaluate the DDA-based image reconstruction algorithm. The investigations of modeling and computational complexity show that the 2D DDA is a fast and accurate forward solver that can be embedded in tomography algorithms to produce images in seconds. The successful development and implementation in this thesis of 2D tomographic breast imaging with acceptable accuracy and high computational cost efficiency has provided significant savings in time and in-use memory and is a dramatic improvement over previous implementations