39 research outputs found

    Intelligent Field Transmitter (ITF) Based on Microcontroller

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    In this article the design of a prototype of an Intelligent Transmitter of Field (ITF) is presented. The objective of the work is approaching the engineering students, in the area of Automatic Control, to the functional and technological challenges intrinsic to this type of implementations. Aspects like power consumption of the electronic circuits, energy supply through the wires of communication of the transmitter, the coexistence in these wires of analogical signals of measurement and digital signals of communication, etc., are essential to get the foreseen objective. The article seeks, also, to contribute to a didactic solution for a problem that has been one of the main challenges in instrumentation field.Postprint (published version

    Intelligent Transmitter of Field (ITF) based on microcontroller for data acquisition in PV solar plants

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    In this article the design of a prototype of an Intelligent Transmitter of Field (ITF) is presented. The objective of this ITF is to be used as a data acquisition in a PV solar plant implemented at the new Campus, the Diagonal-Besòs Campus, of the Technical University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech (UPC). Aspects like power consumption of the electronic circuits, energy supply through the wires of communication of the transmitter, the coexistence in these wires of analogical signals of measurement and digital signals of communication, etc., are essential to get the foreseen objective.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    2004 Research Engineering Annual Report

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    Selected research and technology activities at Dryden Flight Research Center are summarized. These activities exemplify the Center's varied and productive research efforts

    Design And Implementation Of A Low-cost, Compact And Long Range Monostatic Uhf Rfid Reader With Read Point Extension

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014RFiD sistemlerinin çeşitli uygulama alanlarında artan popülerliği neticesinde, özelikle UHF bandında çalışacak olan RFiD okuyucu üretimine dair ihtiyaçlar gittikçe artan bir eğilim göstermektedir. Bahsedilen ihtiyaçlar göz önüne alınarak, bu tez kapsamında yeni bir okuyucu tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan okuyucu, endüstriyel RFiD uygulamaları için gerekli görülen birçok ilgi çekici özelliği bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. RFiD sistemleri, kısaca radyo frekanslı kimliklendirme diye tanımlanabilmektedir. Elektromanyetik dalgaları kullanarak (kablosuz iletişim), üzerlerine RFiD etiketleri iliştirilmiş olan nesne, hayvan ve insanlardan verilerin transfer edilmesini sağlarlar. Takip, gözlem, kontrol vb. amaçlı kullanılabilmektedir. Genel itibari ile barkod sistemi gibi otomatik tanımlama teknolojileri ailesinin bir üyesidir. Tez kapsamındaki ilk iki bölümde, RFiD sisteminin detaylarına ve temel standartlarına dair bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, donanım sistem tasarımına ait süreçler detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmış ve simülasyon ile ölçüm sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Tasarlanan okuyucu; okuma noktası artırılmış, düşük maliyetli, kompakt, uzun menzilli ve Gen2 uyumlu olacak şekilde UHF bandında geliştirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda, birden fazla okuyucunun aynı anda çalıştığı yoğun ortamlarda çalışabilme özelliğine sahiptir. Okuyucu, anten çıkış gücü 30-dBm olan iki adet anten çıkış portu barındırmaktadır. Ayrıca, yenilikçi bir özellik olarak, geri yansıyan RF gücünü azaltmak için anten uydurma devresi tasarlanmıştır. Bu işlem, okuyucunun çıkış empedansının antenin empedansına uydurulması ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, okuyucu, işlem anında antenin empedansını olası çevresel faktörlere karşı kararlı bir yapıda tutabilme kabiliyetine de sahiptir. Bunların yanı sıra, bir güç algılayıcı devresi vasıtasıyla, okuyucu için var olan yasal koşulları sağlamak adına, çıkış gücünü sınırlandırma ve kontrol etme özellikleri de mevcuttur. Donanım tasarımı esnasında, yüksek frekansta PCB tasarım teknikleri, radyo frekansı ve fizik temelleri, dijital ve analog devre tasarım teknikleri gibi farklı disiplinlerden çeşitli teknik bilgiler ve kabiliyetler kullanılmıştır. Artırılmış okuma noktası özelliği, tasarlanan bir başka donanım, RF çoklayıcı devresi, vasıtası ile sağlanmaktadır. Bu ürün sayesinde, UHF RFiD okuyucunun anten çıkışları artırılarak sistem kurulum maliyeti azaltılmaktadır. Bu cihazın amacı, çoklu anten ihtiyacı olan uygulamalarda okuyucu sayısını sabit tutarak, anten çıkış sayısını artırmaktır. Bu sayede sistemin uygulanma maliyetinde avantaj sağlanmaktadır. Ürün dahilindeki anahtarlama entegrelerinin araya girme kayıplarının az olması ve entegrelerin kontrolünü sağlayan denetleyici yapısı, okuyucuların marka modelinden bağımsız tak-çalıştır sistem modeli ürüne ait katma değerli nitelikleridir. Bu tez dahilinde tasarımı gerçekleştirilen UHF RFiD okuyucu, aynı zamanda Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’nın sağlamış olduğu Ar-Ge proje destekleri kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Bu proje ve tez neticesinde, imalat masraflarını düşürmek adına okuyucu tasarımı ve üretimi yerli olarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve yurt içinde milli bir cihaz geliştirilmiştir. Proje sonucunda, başlangıçta belirlenen tüm kıstaslar başarıyla sağlanmış ve birer adet RF çoklayıcı devresi ve UHF RFiD okuyucu devresi, kontrol ünitesi ve grafiksel arayüz yazılımı ile birlikte, istenen herhangi bir RFiD uygulamasında kullanılmak üzere prototip olarak üretilmiştir.RFiD systems have an increasing popularity in various kinds of applications. Necessities are rising for the manufacture of new RFiD readers in industry especially at UHF band. Based on this concept, a new UHF RFiD reader design with extended read point capability has been presented within the scope of this thesis. Designed reader has attractive features required by some industrial RFiD applications. Before the hardware design part of the study, first, the background of RFiD and its key standards have been introduced in the first two chapters. In the third chapter, the hardware design process has been covered in detail and simulation and measurement results have been presented. The designed hardware is a low-cost, compact and long-range Gen2 compliant UHF RFiD reader with extended read point capability. The reader has up to 30 dBm (1 Watt) output RF power at two selectable antenna ports. The reader has an antenna tuning circuit, a novel feature, to reduce reflected RF power from antennas. This is achieved by tuning output impedance of the reader to the impedance of antenna. The reader can also tune the antenna impedance during operation in case the environment of the antenna changes. A power detector is used to control and limit the output power to regulatory requirements. While designing the hardware, several technical skills within a wide spectrum of disciplines were used like PCB design in high frequency, radio frequency, physics of RF, digital and analog design. Extended read point capability is provided with another hardware design called RF multiplexer circuit. This product has been designed in order to increase the number of antenna output ports of UHF RFiD reader to reduce the system implementation cost in dense antenna applications. This hardware design is also a part of another Research & Development project funded by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of Turkey. As a part of this project and this thesis, the UHF RFiD reader has been designed as a domestic product to lower the cost of manufacture. As a result of this project, all the objectives have been achieved and a prototype of UHF RFiD reader, which has a control unit and a graphical user interface, and an RF multiplexer have been manufactured to be used in any desired UHF RFiD application.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Low power wireless sensor applications.

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    Yuen Chi Lap.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-94).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Motivation --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Aims --- p.2Chapter 1.3 --- Contributions --- p.3Chapter 1.4 --- Thesis Organization --- p.4Chapter 2 --- Background and Literature Review --- p.5Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.5Chapter 2.2 --- Vibration-to-Electrical Transducer --- p.6Chapter 2.2.1 --- Electromagnetic (Inductive) Power Conversion --- p.6Chapter 2.2.2 --- Electrostatic(Capacitive) Power Conversion --- p.8Chapter 2.2.3 --- Piezoelectric Power Conversion --- p.9Chapter 2.3 --- Wireless Sensor Platform Examples --- p.11Chapter 2.3.1 --- MICA[13] from UC Berkeley[49] --- p.11Chapter 2.3.2 --- WINS[48] from UCLA[51] --- p.13Chapter 2.3.3 --- Wong's Infrared System[5] --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Summary --- p.14Chapter 3 --- Micro Power Generator --- p.16Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.16Chapter 3.2 --- MEMS Resonator --- p.18Chapter 3.2.1 --- Laser-machinery --- p.18Chapter 3.2.2 --- Electroplating Fabrication --- p.18Chapter 3.3 --- Voltage Multiplier --- p.19Chapter 3.4 --- "Modeling, Simulations and Measurements" --- p.21Chapter 3.5 --- Summary --- p.30Chapter 4 --- Low Power Wireless Sensor Platform --- p.37Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.37Chapter 4.2 --- Generic Platform --- p.37Chapter 4.2.1 --- Startup Module and Power Management --- p.38Chapter 4.2.2 --- Control Unit --- p.43Chapter 4.2.3 --- Input Units (Sensor Peripherals) --- p.46Chapter 4.2.4 --- Output Units (Wireless Transmitters) --- p.48Chapter 4.3 --- Summary --- p.57Chapter 5 --- Application I - Wireless RF Thermometer --- p.59Chapter 5.1 --- Overview --- p.59Chapter 5.2 --- Implementation --- p.60Chapter 5.2.1 --- Prototype 1 --- p.60Chapter 5.2.2 --- Prototype 2 --- p.60Chapter 5.2.3 --- Prototype 3 --- p.62Chapter 5.2.4 --- Prototype 4 --- p.63Chapter 5.3 --- Results --- p.65Chapter 5.4 --- Summary --- p.67Chapter 6 --- Application II - 2D Input Ring --- p.70Chapter 6.1 --- Overview --- p.70Chapter 6.2 --- Architecture --- p.70Chapter 6.3 --- Software Implementation --- p.72Chapter 6.3.1 --- Methodology --- p.72Chapter 6.3.2 --- Error Control Code --- p.73Chapter 6.3.3 --- Peripheral Control Protocol --- p.75Chapter 6.4 --- Results --- p.77Chapter 6.5 --- Summary --- p.83Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.84Chapter 7.1 --- Micro power generator --- p.84Chapter 7.2 --- Low power wireless sensor applications --- p.85Chapter 7.2.1 --- Wireless thermometer --- p.85Chapter 7.2.2 --- 2D input ring --- p.86Chapter 7.3 --- Further development --- p.86Bibliography --- p.88Chapter A --- Schematics --- p.9

    Low power wireless sensor applications.

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    Yuen Chi Lap.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-94).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Motivation --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Aims --- p.2Chapter 1.3 --- Contributions --- p.3Chapter 1.4 --- Thesis Organization --- p.4Chapter 2 --- Background and Literature Review --- p.5Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.5Chapter 2.2 --- Vibration-to-Electrical Transducer --- p.6Chapter 2.2.1 --- Electromagnetic (Inductive) Power Conversion --- p.6Chapter 2.2.2 --- Electrostatic(Capacitive) Power Conversion --- p.8Chapter 2.2.3 --- Piezoelectric Power Conversion --- p.9Chapter 2.3 --- Wireless Sensor Platform Examples --- p.11Chapter 2.3.1 --- MICA[13] from UC Berkeley[49] --- p.11Chapter 2.3.2 --- WINS[48] from UCLA[51] --- p.13Chapter 2.3.3 --- Wong's Infrared System[5] --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Summary --- p.14Chapter 3 --- Micro Power Generator --- p.16Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.16Chapter 3.2 --- MEMS Resonator --- p.18Chapter 3.2.1 --- Laser-machinery --- p.18Chapter 3.2.2 --- Electroplating Fabrication --- p.18Chapter 3.3 --- Voltage Multiplier --- p.19Chapter 3.4 --- "Modeling, Simulations and Measurements" --- p.21Chapter 3.5 --- Summary --- p.30Chapter 4 --- Low Power Wireless Sensor Platform --- p.37Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.37Chapter 4.2 --- Generic Platform --- p.37Chapter 4.2.1 --- Startup Module and Power Management --- p.38Chapter 4.2.2 --- Control Unit --- p.43Chapter 4.2.3 --- Input Units (Sensor Peripherals) --- p.46Chapter 4.2.4 --- Output Units (Wireless Transmitters) --- p.48Chapter 4.3 --- Summary --- p.57Chapter 5 --- Application I - Wireless RF Thermometer --- p.59Chapter 5.1 --- Overview --- p.59Chapter 5.2 --- Implementation --- p.60Chapter 5.2.1 --- Prototype 1 --- p.60Chapter 5.2.2 --- Prototype 2 --- p.60Chapter 5.2.3 --- Prototype 3 --- p.62Chapter 5.2.4 --- Prototype 4 --- p.63Chapter 5.3 --- Results --- p.65Chapter 5.4 --- Summary --- p.67Chapter 6 --- Application II - 2D Input Ring --- p.70Chapter 6.1 --- Overview --- p.70Chapter 6.2 --- Architecture --- p.70Chapter 6.3 --- Software Implementation --- p.72Chapter 6.3.1 --- Methodology --- p.72Chapter 6.3.2 --- Error Control Code --- p.73Chapter 6.3.3 --- Peripheral Control Protocol --- p.75Chapter 6.4 --- Results --- p.77Chapter 6.5 --- Summary --- p.83Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.84Chapter 7.1 --- Micro power generator --- p.84Chapter 7.2 --- Low power wireless sensor applications --- p.85Chapter 7.2.1 --- Wireless thermometer --- p.85Chapter 7.2.2 --- 2D input ring --- p.86Chapter 7.3 --- Further development --- p.86Bibliography --- p.88Chapter A --- Schematics --- p.9

    Technology 2002: The Third National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, volume 2

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    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2002 Conference and Exposition, December 1-3, 1992, Baltimore, MD. Volume 2 features 60 papers presented during 30 concurrent sessions

    Embedded computing systems design: architectural and application perspectives

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    Questo elaborato affronta varie problematiche legate alla progettazione e all'implementazione dei moderni sistemi embedded di computing, ponendo in rilevo, e talvolta in contrapposizione, le sfide che emergono all'avanzare della tecnologia ed i requisiti che invece emergono a livello applicativo, derivanti dalle necessità degli utenti finali e dai trend di mercato. La discussione sarà articolata tenendo conto di due punti di vista: la progettazione hardware e la loro applicazione a livello di sistema. A livello hardware saranno affrontati nel dettaglio i problemi di interconnettività on-chip. Aspetto che riguarda la parallelizzazione del calcolo, ma anche l'integrazione di funzionalità eterogenee. Sarà quindi discussa un'architettura d'interconnessione denominata Network-on-Chip (NoC). La soluzione proposta è in grado di supportare funzionalità avanzate di networking direttamente in hardware, consentendo tuttavia di raggiungere sempre un compromesso ottimale tra prestazioni in termini di traffico e requisiti di implementazioni a seconda dell'applicazione specifica. Nella discussione di questa tematica, verrà posto l'accento sul problema della configurabilità dei blocchi che compongono una NoC. Quello della configurabilità, è un problema sempre più sentito nella progettazione dei sistemi complessi, nei quali si cerca di sviluppare delle funzionalità, anche molto evolute, ma che siano semplicemente riutilizzabili. A tale scopo sarà introdotta una nuova metodologia, denominata Metacoding che consiste nell'astrarre i problemi di configurabilità attraverso linguaggi di programmazione di alto livello. Sulla base del metacoding verrà anche proposto un flusso di design automatico in grado di semplificare la progettazione e la configurazione di una NoC da parte del designer di rete. Come anticipato, la discussione si sposterà poi a livello di sistema, per affrontare la progettazione di tali sistemi dal punto di vista applicativo, focalizzando l'attenzione in particolare sulle applicazioni di monitoraggio remoto. A tal riguardo saranno studiati nel dettaglio tutti gli aspetti che riguardano la progettazione di un sistema per il monitoraggio di pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco cronico. Si partirà dalla definizione dei requisiti, che, come spesso accade a questo livello, derivano principalmente dai bisogni dell'utente finale, nel nostro caso medici e pazienti. Verranno discusse le problematiche di acquisizione, elaborazione e gestione delle misure. Il sistema proposto introduce vari aspetti innovativi tra i quali il concetto di protocollo operativo e l'elevata interoperabilità offerta. In ultima analisi, verranno riportati i risultati relativi alla sperimentazione del sistema implementato. Infine, il tema del monitoraggio remoto sarà concluso con lo studio delle reti di distribuzione elettrica intelligenti: le Smart Grid, cercando di fare uno studio dello stato dell'arte del settore, proponendo un'architettura di Home Area Network (HAN) e suggerendone una possibile implementazione attraverso Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)

    Characterisation of MIMO radio propagation channels

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    Due to the incessant requirement for higher performance radio systems, wireless designers have been constantly seeking ways to improve spectrum efficiency, link reliability, service quality, and radio network coverage. During the past few years, space-time technology which employs multiple antennas along with suitable signalling schemes and receiver architectures has been seen as a powerful tool for the implementation of the aforementioned requirements. In particular, the concept of communications via Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) links has emerged as one of the major contending ideas for next generation ad-hoc and cellular systems. This is inherently due to the capacities expected when multiple antennas are employed at both ends of the radio link. Such a mobile radio propagation channel constitutes a MIMO system. Multiple antenna technologies and in particular MIMO signalling are envisaged for a number of standards such as the next generation of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology known as 802.1 ln and the development of the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) project, such as the 802.16e. For the efficient design, performance evaluation and deployment of such multiple antenna (space-time) systems, it becomes increasingly important to understand the characteristics of the spatial radio channel. This criterion has led to the development of new sounding systems, which can measure both spatial and temporal channel information. In this thesis, a novel semi-sequential wideband MIMO sounder is presented, which is suitable for high-resolution radio channel measurements. The sounder produces a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) or chirp signal with variable bandwidth, centre frequency and waveform repetition rate. It has programmable bandwidth up to 300 MHz and waveform repetition rates up to 300 Hz, and could be used to measure conventional high- resolution delay/Doppler information as well as spatial channel information such as Direction of Arrival (DOA) and Direction of Departure (DOD). Notably the knowledge of the angular information at the link ends could be used to properly design and develop systems such as smart antennas. This thesis examines the theory of multiple antenna propagation channels, the sounding architecture required for the measurement of such spatial channel information and the signal processing which is used to quantify and analyse such measurement data. Over 700 measurement files were collected corresponding to over 175,000 impulse responses with different sounder and antenna array configurations. These included measurements in the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems Frequency Division Duplex (UMTS-FDD) uplink band, the 2.25 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands allocated for studio broadcast MIMO video links, and the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands allocated for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) activity as well as for a wide range of future systems defined in the WiMAX project. The measurements were collected predominantly for indoor and some outdoor multiple antenna channels using sounding signals with 60 MHz, 96 MHz and 240 MHz bandwidth. A wide range of different MIMO antenna array configurations are examined in this thesis with varying space, time and frequency resolutions. Measurements can be generally subdivided into three main categories, namely measurements at different locations in the environment (static), measurements while moving at regular intervals step by step (spatial), and measurements while the receiver (or transmitter) is on the move (dynamic). High-scattering as well as time-varying MIMO channels are examined for different antenna array structures

    Product traceability in manufacturing industries: Business case and pilot project.

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    Innovation is increasing rapidly in every sector of the industry. This improvement and development are imperative to industries. Some are up-to-date, and others are improving. We are already witnessing the era of technology-dependent industry, where technology plays a key role in the manufacturing processes. Disruptive technologies are changing the way enterprises operate. It is essential for the industries which are focused on delivering fast and reliable service to the clients. As the technology and innovation are increasing, they could help the ceramic industry for the options presently available in interrelated technology, which are already impacting the industrial development in Industry 4.0 During previous industrialization eras there have been many improvements in different industrial sectors, which have led to rapid growth universally across industries. The present research included the review of approaches towards the ceramic traceability industry. This thesis presents a discussion on traceability of products in the ceramic industry by observing the production process. There are many stages of the production process where the materials and products are difficult to track, However, industries are concerned about the quantity and number of products produced that will meet the expectations at the end. It is challenging for the enterprises to manage, organize and trace the products throughout the manufacturing process, from raw material till final packaging. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are a common and useful tool in manufacturing, supply chain management, and retail inventory control. Optical barcodes, another universal automatic identification system, have been a familiar packaging feature on consumer items for years. Due to advances in silicon manufacturing technology, RFID costs have dropped significantly. Soon, low-cost RFID “electronic product codes” or “smart-labels” may be a practical replacement for optical barcodes on consumer items. Unfortunately, the universal deployment of RFID devices in consumer items may pose new security and privacy risks not present in closed manufacturing environments. This thesis presents an introduction to RFID technology, identifies several potential threats to security and privacy, and offers several practical proposals for efficient security mechanisms.N/