83,138 research outputs found

    An actor based simulation driven digital twin for analyzing complex business systems

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    Modern enterprises aim to achieve their business goals while operating in a competitive and dynamic environment. This requires that these enterprises need be efficient, adaptive and amenable for continuous transformation. However, identifying effective control measures, adaptation choices and transformation options for a specific enterprise goal is often both a challenging and expensive task for most of the complex enterprises. The construction of a high-fidelity digital-twin to evaluate the efficacy of a range of control measures, adaptation choices and transformation options is considered to be a cost effective approach for engineering disciplines. This paper presents a novel approach to analogously utilise the concept of digital twin in controlling and adapting large complex business enterprises, and demonstrates its efficacy using a set of adaptation scenarios of a large university

    An actor based simulation driven digital twin for analyzing complex business systems

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    Modern enterprises aim to achieve their business goals while operating in a competitive and dynamic environment. This requires that these enterprises need be efficient, adaptive and amenable for continuous transformation. However, identifying effective control measures, adaptation choices and transformation options for a specific enterprise goal is often both a challenging and expensive task for most of the complex enterprises. The construction of a high-fidelity digital-twin to evaluate the efficacy of a range of control measures, adaptation choices and transformation options is considered to be a cost effective approach for engineering disciplines. This paper presents a novel approach to analogously utilise the concept of digital twin in controlling and adapting large complex business enterprises, and demonstrates its efficacy using a set of adaptation scenarios of a large university

    Adaptive Enterprise Resilience Management: Adaptive Action Design Research in Financial Services Case Study

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    © 2016 IEEE. Resilience is the ability of an enterprise to absorb, recover and adapt from a disruption. Being resilient is a complex undertaking for enterprises operating in a highly dynamic environment and striving for continuous efficiency and innovation. The challenge for enterprises is to offer and run a customer-centric and interdependent large portfolio of resilient services. The fundamental research question is: how to enable service resilience in the practical enterprise resilience context? This paper addresses this important research question, and reports findings from on-going (2014-2016) research on adaptive enterprise resilience management in an Australian financial services organization (FSO). This research is being conducted using the adaptive action-design research (ADR) method to iteratively research, develop and deliver the desired resilience framework in short increments. This paper presents the overall evolved adaptive enterprise resilience management framework and its 'service resilience' element details as one of the key outcomes from the second adaptive ADR increment

    Adaptive development of competitive advantages of an industrial enterprise on the basis of analysis and ensuring the competitiveness of its products

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    Insufficient theoretical study of the issues of adapting the resource potential of an enterprise in the context of imperatives of innovative development reinforces the theoretical and practical significance of conducting a study aimed at studying the processes of the essence of adapting the resource potential of an industrial enterprise within a cluster, developing tools for evaluating and managing this process, allowing to model alternative uses of key components their potential within the cluster. Successful implementation of this task implies the development of an organizational and managerial mechanism for managing the potential of industrial enterprises - potential cluster members, including the formation of a capitalization strategy for their resource potential, an important unit that is information-analytical tools integrated into the cluster management system as a whole. This determined the relevance of the allocation of this spectrum of problems in an independent direction of scientific research, had a direct impact on the choice of topics, setting goals and objectives

    Technological safety of sustainable development of coal enterprises

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    Purpose. Substantiation of conceptual base of searching the ways of threats prevention to sustainable development of coal enterprises in the presence of multidirectional vectors of economic pressure of the external environment. Methods. Methods of the structural and comparative analysis for an assessment of usage of the main definitions of a research, their essence and communication with other categories which define efficiency of development of the coal enterprise are used for the solution of the set tasks in the work; groups and classifications are used for systematization of types of economic security and stability of the enterprise, and also factors which cause them. Findings. The analysis of main definitions that reflecting essence of such scientific phenomena as “sustainable development” and “economic security” of the enterprise is conducted. Actuality and reasonability of scientific research conducting on formation of methodical base and tools of an assessment of a technological component of sustainable development safety of coal enterprises is substantiated. Originality. Research of opportunities of the comprehensive programs creation of adaptive management of the mining enterprise including a retrospective and perspective assessment of a pathway of its development. Practical implications. Introduction of adaptation activity at the coal enterprises in aspect of process of technological safety ensuring.Мета. Обґрунтування концептуальної бази пошуку шляхів запобігання загрозам сталого розвитку вугільних підприємств при наявності різноспрямованих векторів економічного тиску зовнішнього середовища. Методика. Для вирішення поставлених у роботі завдань використані методи структурно-порівняльного аналізу – для оцінки використання основних дефініцій дослідження, їх сутності та зв’язку з іншими категоріями, які визначають ефективність розвитку вугільного підприємства; групування й класифікації – для систематизації видів економічної безпеки і стійкості підприємства, а також факторів, які їх обумовлюють. Результати. Проведено аналіз основних визначень, що відображають сутність таких наукових феноменів, як “сталий розвиток” і “економічна безпека” підприємства. Обґрунтована актуальність та доцільність проведення наукових досліджень з формування методичної бази й інструментарію оцінки технологічної складової безпеки сталого розвитку вугільних підприємств. Наукова новизна. Дослідження можливостей створення комплексних програм адаптивного управління гірничим підприємством, що включають ретроспективну і перспективну оцінки траєкторії його розвитку. Практична значимість. Впровадження адаптаційної діяльності на вугільних підприємствах в аспекті процесу забезпечення технологічної безпеки.Цель. Обоснование концептуальной базы поиска путей предотвращения угроз устойчивому развитию угольных предприятий при наличии разнонаправленных векторов экономического давления внешней среды. Методика. Для решения поставленных в работе задач использованы методы структурно-сравнительного анализа – для оценки использования основных дефиниций исследования, их сущности и связи с другими категориями, которые определяют эффективность развития угольного предприятия; группировки и классификации – для систематизации видов экономической безопасности и устойчивости предприятия, а также факторов, которые их обусловливают. Результаты. Проведен анализ основных определений, отражающих сущность таких научных феноменов, как “устойчивое развитие” и “экономическая безопасность” предприятия. Обоснована актуальность и целесообразность проведения научных исследований по формированию методической базы и инструментария оценки технологической составляющей безопасности устойчивого развития угольных предприятий. Научная новизна. Исследование возможностей создания комплексных программ адаптивного управления горным предприятием, включающих ретроспективную и перспективную оценку траектории его развития. Практическая значимость. Внедрение адаптационной деятельности на угольных предприятиях в аспекте процесса обеспечения технологической безопасности.Authors express gratitude for the help and consultations during work performing for director of management of coal mining of LLC “DTEK Energy” Mykhailo Barabash

    Towards the Development of an Adaptive Enterprise Service System Model.

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    The continuous adaptation of modern enterprises is largely dependent on their underlying adaptive enterprise architecture capability. However, the establishment of an adaptive enterprise architecture capability requires defining the enterprise context before actually commissioning any enterprise architecture or adaptation work. This paper presents the adaptive enterprise service system (AESS) model based on the “Design Science” research method and “Theory Triangulation” approach. The AESS integrates the enterprise context perspectives from three well-known theories of agility, (agent) system, and service science. The AESS model, as a part of the large adaptive enterprise architecture toolkit, defines a modern enterprise as an adaptive enterprise service system. The adaptive enterprise service system is a multi-agent system of service systems that exhibits agility and focuses on the emerging service-centric view as opposed to a traditional product-centric view. The service-centric view of an enterprise is critical for establishing the adaptive enterprise architecture capability for handling complex enterprise transformations

    Adaptive development of competitive advantages of an industrial enterprise on the basis of analysis and ensuring the competitiveness of its products

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    Insufficient theoretical study of the issues of adapting the resource potential of an enterprise in the context of imperatives of innovative development reinforces the theoretical and practical significance of conducting a study aimed at studying the processes of the essence of adapting the resource potential of an industrial enterprise within a cluster, developing tools for evaluating and managing this process, allowing to model alternative uses of key components their potential within the cluster. Successful implementation of this task implies the development of an organizational and managerial mechanism for managing the potential of industrial enterprises - potential cluster members, including the formation of a capitalization strategy for their resource potential, an important unit that is information-analytical tools integrated into the cluster management system as a whole. This determined the relevance of the allocation of this spectrum of problems in an independent direction of scientific research, had a direct impact on the choice of topics, setting goals and objectives

    Market information acquisition: a prerequisite for successful strategic entrepreneurship

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    AbstractThis paper investigates on the types of information used by managers and entrepreneurs, so as to conduct market research and to evaluate market potential.The authors examine five major sets of variables to understand their impact on firms’ information market search effort. Empirical results based on a survey of Greek enterprises provide support for these factors in predicting firms’ market information acquisition. Findings on structural and administrative characteristics of the firms support the notion that companies engaged in greater market information search and evaluation of market potential tend to develop and implement complex penetration and development market strategies, in order to maximize their business performance in the examined market

    Achieving Marketplace Agility Through Human Resource Scalability

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    [Excerpt] Increasingly, firms find themselves, either by circumstances or choice, operating in highly turbulent business environments. For them, competitiveness is a constantly moving target. Many, it appears, are satisfied to enjoin the struggle with patched up business models and warmed over bureaucracies. But some, convinced that this is a losing proposition, are aggressively exploring and even experimenting with alternative frameworks and approaches. The monikers are many -- kinetic (Fradette and Michaud, 1998), dynamic (Peterson and Mannix, 2003), resilient (Hamel and Valikangas, 2003) and our favorite, agile (Shafer, Dyer, Kilty, Ericksen and Amos, 2001) -- but the aim is the same: to create organizations where change is the natural state of affairs. Clearly, this quest poses a number of major challenges for our field (Dyer and Shafer, 1999, 2003), one of which, optimizing human resource scalability, is the subject of this essay