1,339 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Decomposition Parallel Implementation of the Car-Parrinello Method

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    We have developed a flexible hybrid decomposition parallel implementation of the first-principles molecular dynamics algorithm of Car and Parrinello. The code allows the problem to be decomposed either spatially, over the electronic orbitals, or any combination of the two. Performance statistics for 32, 64, 128 and 512 Si atom runs on the Touchstone Delta and Intel Paragon parallel supercomputers and comparison with the performance of an optimized code running the smaller systems on the Cray Y-MP and C90 are presented.Comment: Accepted by Computer Physics Communications, latex, 34 pages without figures, 15 figures available in PostScript form via WWW at http://www-theory.chem.washington.edu/~wiggs/hyb_figures.htm

    Alternating-Direction Line-Relaxation Methods on Multicomputers

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    We study the multicom.puter performance of a three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solver based on alternating-direction line-relaxation methods. We compare several multicomputer implementations, each of which combines a particular line-relaxation method and a particular distributed block-tridiagonal solver. In our experiments, the problem size was determined by resolution requirements of the application. As a result, the granularity of the computations of our study is finer than is customary in the performance analysis of concurrent block-tridiagonal solvers. Our best results were obtained with a modified half-Gauss–Seidel line-relaxation method implemented by means of a new iterative block-tridiagonal solver that is developed here. Most computations were performed on the Intel Touchstone Delta, but we also used the Intel Paragon XP/S, the Parsytec SC-256, and the Fujitsu S-600 for comparison

    Parallel algorithms for simulating continuous time Markov chains

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    We have previously shown that the mathematical technique of uniformization can serve as the basis of synchronization for the parallel simulation of continuous-time Markov chains. This paper reviews the basic method and compares five different methods based on uniformization, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses as a function of problem characteristics. The methods vary in their use of optimism, logical aggregation, communication management, and adaptivity. Performance evaluation is conducted on the Intel Touchstone Delta multiprocessor, using up to 256 processors

    NASA high performance computing and communications program

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's HPCC program is part of a new Presidential initiative aimed at producing a 1000-fold increase in supercomputing speed and a 100-fold improvement in available communications capability by 1997. As more advanced technologies are developed under the HPCC program, they will be used to solve NASA's 'Grand Challenge' problems, which include improving the design and simulation of advanced aerospace vehicles, allowing people at remote locations to communicate more effectively and share information, increasing scientist's abilities to model the Earth's climate and forecast global environmental trends, and improving the development of advanced spacecraft. NASA's HPCC program is organized into three projects which are unique to the agency's mission: the Computational Aerosciences (CAS) project, the Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) project, and the Remote Exploration and Experimentation (REE) project. An additional project, the Basic Research and Human Resources (BRHR) project exists to promote long term research in computer science and engineering and to increase the pool of trained personnel in a variety of scientific disciplines. This document presents an overview of the objectives and organization of these projects as well as summaries of individual research and development programs within each project

    Nonlinear structural response using adaptive dynamic relaxation on a massively-parallel-processing system

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    A parallel adaptive dynamic relaxation (ADR) algorithm has been developed for nonlinear structural analysis. This algorithm has minimal memory requirements, is easily parallelizable and scalable to many processors, and is generally very reliable and efficient for highly nonlinear problems. Performance evaluations on single-processor computers have shown that the ADR algorithm is reliable and highly vectorizable, and that it is competitive with direct solution methods for the highly nonlinear problems considered. The present algorithm is implemented on the 512-processor Intel Touchstone DELTA system at Caltech, and it is designed to minimize the extent and frequency of interprocessor communication. The algorithm has been used to solve for the nonlinear static response of two and three dimensional hyperelastic systems involving contact. Impressive relative speedups have been achieved and demonstrate the high scalability of the ADR algorithm. For the class of problems addressed, the ADR algorithm represents a very promising approach for parallel-vector processing

    Runtime Support for In-Core and Out-of-Core Data-Parallel Programs

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    Distributed memory parallel computers or distributed computer systems are widely recognized as the only cost-effective means of achieving teraflops performance in the near future. However, the fact remains that they are difficult to program and advances in software for these machines have not kept pace with advances in hardware. This thesis addresses several issues in providing runtime support for in-core as well as out-of-core programs on distributed memory parallel computers. This runtime support can be directly used in application programs for greater efficiency, portability and ease of programming. It can also be used together with a compiler to translate programs written in a high-level data-parallel language like High Performance Fortran (HPF) to node programs for distributed memory machines. In distributed memory programs, it is often necessary to change the distribution of arrays during program execution. This thesis presents efficient and portable algorithms for runtime array redistribution. The algorithms have been implemented on the Intel Touchstone Delta and are found to scale well with the number of processors and array size. This thesis also presents algorithms for all to all collective communication on fat tree and two dimensional mesh interconnection topologies. The performance of these algorithms on the CM 5 and Touchstone Delta is studied extensively. A model for estimating the time taken by these algorithms on the basis of system parameters is developed and validated by comparing with experimental results. A number of applications deal with very large data sets which cannot fit in main memory, and hence have to be stored in files on disks, resulting in out of core programs. This thesis also describes the design and implementation of efficient runtime support for out of core computations. Several optimizations for accessing out of core data are presented. An extended Two Phase Method is proposed for accessing sections of out of core arrays efficiently. This method uses collective I/O and the I/O workload is divided among processors dynamically, depending on the access requests. Performance results obtained using this runtime support for out of core programs on the Touchstone Delta are presented

    Complete Exchange on a Wormhole Routed Mesh

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    The complete exchange (or all-to-all personalized) communication pattern occurs frequently in many important parallel computing applications. We discuss several algorithms to perform complete exchange on a two dimensional mesh connected computer with wormhole routing. We propose algorithms for both powerof -two and non power-of-two meshes as well as an algorithm which works for any arbitrary mesh. We have developed analytical models to estimate the performance of the algorithms on the basis of system parameters. These models take into account the effects of link contention and other characteristics of the communication system. Performance results on the Intel Touchstone Delta are presented and analyzed

    Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 27, No. 4, October 30, 1914

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    Stetson University student newspaper.https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stetsoncollegiate/1081/thumbnail.jp
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