246,053 research outputs found

    The implementation of a competency based assessment system for applicants for a restrictive licence for cadastral surveying

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    The Surveyors Board of Queensland has the responsibility for assessing the standards and regulating cadastral surveyors within the state. Recent legislative changes have required the Board to implement a competency based assessment scheme. This paper summarises the legislative framework and the theory of competency based assessment. It goes on to describe the development of competency standards for surveyors and the implementation of an assessment scheme. The move to a competency based assessment system was a substantial task undertaken by the Board and the paper discusses some useful lessons that may be learnt by other jurisdictions considering a similar move

    Competency Education Series: Policy Brief One, An Emerging Federal Role for Competency Education

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    After two decades of standards-based reform, a new education paradigm has begun to take hold -- the rise of competency education. This new vision builds on the strong foundation of new college and career ready standards, challenging stakeholders to design an education system that emphasizes mastery of content standards and the transferable skills critical to success in college and today's workforce.A competency education system puts students at the center, replacing rigid time-based structures with flexible learning environments that ensure students receive the support and extra time they need to succeed. This highly-personalized approach provides clear, individualized pathways to student proficiency that help mobilize stakeholders around the collective goal of college and career readiness for all students. A growing number of states and districts have begun to embrace this vision for education, leading to an explosion of new policies, pilot initiatives, and tools designed to help schools implement competencybased approaches.The success of the competency movement depends heavily on the federal government's willingness to partner with states and districts as they design education systems that put students at the center. A true partnership will grant states the flexibility to innovate and develop equally ambitious accountability and assessment policies that better align with student centered education to ensure all students graduate with the knowledge and skills to succeed. This paper is the first in a series to help policymakers define the appropriate role for the federal government supporting competency education in the nation's K-12 schools

    Towards a competency model for adaptive assessment to support lifelong learning

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    Adaptive assessment provides efficient and personalised routes to establishing the proficiencies of learners. We can envisage a future in which learners are able to maintain and expose their competency profile to multiple services, throughout their life, which will use the competency information in the model to personalise assessment. Current competency standards tend to over simplify the representation of competency and the knowledge domain. This paper presents a competency model for evaluating learned capability by considering achieved competencies to support adaptive assessment for lifelong learning. This model provides a multidimensional view of competencies and provides for interoperability between systems as the learner progresses through life. The proposed competency model is being developed and implemented in the JISC-funded Placement Learning and Assessment Toolkit (mPLAT) project at the University of Southampton. This project which takes a Service-Oriented approach will contribute to the JISC community by adding mobile assessment tools to the E-framework

    The development of national competency standards for the midwife in Australia

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    Objective: to develop and validate national competency standards for midwives in Australia. This study was part of a commissioned national research project to articulate the scope of practice of Australian midwives and to develop national competency standards to assist midwives to deliver safe and competent midwifery care. Design: a multi-method, staged approach was used to collect data through a literature review, workshop consultations, interviews, surveys and written submissions in order to develop national competency standards for Australian midwives. Subsequently, direct observation of practice in a range of settings ensured validation of the competencies. Setting: maternity-care settings in each state and territory in Australia. Participants: midwives, other health professionals and consumers of midwifery care. Findings: The national competency standards for the midwife were developed through research and consultation before being validated in practice. Key conclusions: the national competency standards are currently being implemented into education, regulation and practice in Australia. These will be minimum competency standards required of all midwives who seek authority to practise as a midwife in Australia. It is expected that all midwives will demonstrate that they are able to meet the competency standards relevant to the position they hold. Implications for practice: the competency standards establish a national standard for midwives and reinforce responsibility and accountability in the provision of quality midwifery care through safe and effective practice. In addition, individual midwives may use the competency standards as the basis of their ongoing professional development plans. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Raising Teacher\u27s Grammatical Consciousness on English Medio-passive Constructions

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    Some researchers reported that the EFL learners\u27 ability in understanding and using tense, aspects, and voice of English at the English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang was not academically satisfied yet. Most EFL learners of English Education department were not in “expected” ability in understanding and using appropriate grammatical constructions both in writing and speaking. This condition may give negative ef-fects to the success of EFL learning in Indonesia. It seems that learners\u27 and teachers\u27 grammatical con-sciousness on EFL should be academically and practically raised in such a way that they may have basic and better competency standards. One of stylistic clause constructions in English which is called medio-passive has not yet a well-known construction for many teachers and learners of English in Indonesia. This paper briefly discusses how authentic materials may psychologically and academically raise the grammatical con-sciousness on the medio-passive constructions as part competency standards in EFL. Keywords: medio-passive, grammatical consciousness, authentic materials, competency standard

    Personality Competence of Counselors in Guidance and Counseling Services at Junior High Schools in Magelang

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    The success of the implementation of guidance and counseling services in schools is determined by one of the personality competencies possessed by the counselor. Personal competency standards are one part of the counselor competency standards. Counselor competency standards are minimum standards that must be known, achieved and performed proficiently by counselors. The purpose of this study was to produce an instrument in the form of a counselor personality competency scale. This study uses a Research and Development design up to the product trial stage on a limited basis. The data collection instrument used a personality competency scale. The results showed that using the personality competency scale that had been tested, it was seen that 97% were in the medium category and 3% were in the high category

    Is Standards-Based Reform Working? … and For Whom?

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    [Excerpt] Three presidents, the National Governors Association, numerous blue ribbon panels and national teachers unions have called for states to develop content standards for core subjects, examinations assessing student achievement aligned with the content standards and accountability mechanisms for insuring that students achieve these standards. In 1999 eighteen states had minimum competency exam (MCE) graduation requirements, 19 rewarded successful schools, 19 had special assistance programs for failing schools, 11 had the power to close down, take over or reconstitute failing schools


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    The high unemployment rate of graduates of Vocational High Schools compared to graduates of other levels of education is the background for doing this research. With the rapid development of technology, almost all offices, government agencies, educational institutions and up to the level of housing have used information technology, especially computers as daily necessities. Therefore, researchers are interested in seeing and knowing how the relevance of the computer and network engineering skills competency curriculum that has the most closely related to computers and networks with Indonesian National Work Competency Standards demands. The focus of this research is on four aspects of the curriculum component contained in the vocational curriculum document. The general problem formulation in this study is the extent to which the relevance of the computer and network engineering competency curriculum with Indonesian National Work Competency Standards demands? there are four specific problem formulations in this study, namely; 1) what is the relevance of the objective formula in the computer and network engineering competency curriculum with Indonesian National Work Competency Standards demands? 2) what is the relevance of content in the computer and network engineering competency curriculum with Indonesian National Work Competency Standards demands? 3) how is the relevance of the learning process in the computer and network engineering competency curriculum with Indonesian National Work Competency Standards demands? 4) how is the relevance of learning evaluation in the computer and network engineering competency curriculum with Indonesian National Work Competency Standards demands? The research method used is descriptive evaluative with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collection techniques consist of documentation studies, interviews, observations and questionnaires. The results of the study indicate that the computer and network engineering competency curriculum is not fully relevant to the SKKNI demands. Thus, the school needs to evaluate and refine the curriculum, so that the creation of links and matches between the competencies possessed by students and the needs of employment. Keywords : Curriculum Relevance, Computer and Network Engineering Competency Curriculum, Indonesian National Work Competency Standard

    Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

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    Developing a competency standard model for media education

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    In this article the attempt is made to develop a competency standard model for media education with regard to the discussion about media competence and media education. In doing so the development of a competency model and the formulation of standards is described consequently as a decision making process, which provides different possibilities of structuring, emphasizing and designing. In the article we give reasons for our decisions and present our competency standards model.In this article the attempt is made to develop a competency standard model for media education with regard to the discussion about media competence and media education. In doing so the development of a competency model and the formulation of standards is described consequently as a decision making process, which provides different possibilities of structuring, emphasizing and designing. In the article we give reasons for our decisions and present our competency standards model
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