17 research outputs found

    Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine

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    Optimal performance of the electric machine/drive system is mandatory to improve the energy consumption and reliability. To achieve this goal, mathematical models of the electric machine/drive system are necessary. Hence, this motivated the editors to instigate the Special Issue “Mathematical Approaches to Modeling, Optimally Designing, and Controlling Electric Machine”, aiming to collect novel publications that push the state-of-the art towards optimal performance for the electric machine/drive system. Seventeen papers have been published in this Special Issue. The published papers focus on several aspects of the electric machine/drive system with respect to the mathematical modelling. Novel optimization methods, control approaches, and comparative analysis for electric drive system based on various electric machines were discussed in the published papers

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Moulding technology based ferrite assisted synchronous reluctance machine

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    Preliminary design considerations for a commercial launch vehicle upper stage.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.The African small satellite industry (micro and nano satellites in particular) continues to grow with developments in the miniaturization of satellite technology. However, the costs and delays involved with the traditional “piggy backing” satellite launch method is unsustainable for small sat developers and has thus created a niche market for dedicated small satellite launch services. Notably, there is no satellite launch capability whatsoever in Africa, meaning all of the continent’s launch requirements are serviced by foreign providers, incurring additional cost. As its primary objective, the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s (UKZN’s) Aerospace Systems Research Group (ASReG) seeks to enable the establishment of an indigenous small satellite launch capability in alignment with the South African Government’s goals. To this end, ASReG is currently developing the LOX/Kerosene SAFFIRE (South African First Integrated Rocket Engine) to propel a hypothetical two-stage orbital launch vehicle, termed Commercial Launch Vehicle 1 (CLV). The upper stage of the launch vehicle will use a vacuum-expanded variant of SAFFIRE called SAFFIRE-V. The upper stage for both cases must meet the design constraints of a 0.85 mass fraction and a 1.2 m outer diameter. CLV has been envisaged to deliver a 75kg payload to 400 km sun synchronous orbit. This thesis presents a high level analysis focusing on the upper stage of CLV, which intends to guide design decisions by comparing design options based on mass, and develop a methodology for upper stage vehicle design. One of the major design decisions is the type of propellant feed system the vehicle should use; in this regard, the analysis compares an electric pump feed system to a pressure fed system. Another is the selection of propellant tank material, given that the propellant tanks constitute most of the mass of a rocket. Stainless steel (301 and Duplex), aluminium alloy (7075), aluminium-lithium (2195), carbon fibre reinforced plastic (T700/Epoxy), as well as combinations of materials were compared. To perform the preliminary mass analysis, each of the major components/systems of the CLV upper stage were independently designed and the various design options available for each of the components/systems were compared based on mass. These systems and components include: fuel and oxidiser propellant tanks, the propellant pressurization system and the reaction control system. After the individual analyses of the variations of each component, the best suited architectures were modelled in SolidWorks CAD software. The components were then assembled, in CAD. The analysis found that, on a preliminary basis, the Lithium ion (Li-Ion) based electric pump fed upper stages did not meet the mass requirements while Lithium polymer (Li-Po) based upper stages achieved the mass requirements. An upper stage employing stainless steel propellant tanks was found to meet the mass requirements, but only for a pressure fed upper stage. Overall, pressure fed upper stages had lower masses compared to electric pump vehicles. The mass reduction of thin walled, low pressurized, propellant tanks (resulting from using electric pumps) was offset by the mass of the battery packs required to power the pumps

    Design and Multi-physical Fields Analysis of High Speed Permanent Magnet Machines

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    Due to the advantages of high power density, high efficiency and compact size, high speed permanent magnet machines (HSPMMs) have found wide application in industrial areas. Compared with a conventional speed permanent magnet machine, a HSPMM rotor can reach speeds of more than 10,000 rpm, which brings challenges with regard to electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical aspects of machine design. The higher power density also results in larger power loss per unit volume; due to the small machine size, machine thermal dissipation becomes difficult. Moreover, air frictional loss rises dramatically when the rotor is in high speed operation and this may also further increase rotor temperature. Therefore, research into HSPMM power losses and improving machine thermal dissipation capability is of significant interest. HSPMM mechanical issues also need to be considered to ensure safe and reliable machine operation. As rotor speeds rise, rotor strength becomes prominent and critical as the permanent magnets are vulnerable to the large centrifugal force. In addition, the machine rotor should also have enough rigidity and avoid operating at critical speeds. As such, this dissertation focuses on HSPMM design and research. Multi-physical fields analysis of a HSPMM is carried out to calculate machine power losses and temperature distribution, with factors influencing machine performance considered; HSPMM rotor mechanical research and analysis are also carried out and presented in this study. Firstly, the HSPMM design methodology and process are illustrated with machine rotor parameters, PM material, pole numbers and rotor sleeve considered for a 150 kW, 17000 rpm HSPMM. Then, HSPMM performance for different machine stator structures and PM pole arc pole pitches is investigated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the machine operating at both no load and full load conditions; HSPMM electromagnetic performance and how it is impacted by machine parameters is also studied. HSPMM power losses are comprehensively investigated in the following chapter. As machine core loss can be significantly increased with increasing machine frequency, it is critical to accurately estimate HSPMM iron loss. Based on the machine iron core magnetic field variation that is obtained by FEM analysis, machine steel iron core loss estimation for HSPMM is performed using an improved method with the influences of alternating and rotating magnetic fields, as well as harmonics effects, considered for high precision. Then the HSPMM air gap magnetic flux density distribution considering machine stator slotting effect is also analytically calculated with its effectiveness verified by FEM results. Then rotor eddy current loss is studied by time-stepping FEM, while the effects of rotor sleeve dimensions and properties, copper shielding composite rotor structure, air gap length, as well as slot opening width are further researched in depth. A PM bevelling method is also proposed and investigated to reduce HSPMM rotor eddy current loss while having little effect on machine output torque. Then a fluid field analysis is carried out to study HSPMM rotor air frictional loss when the rotor is in high speed operation. According to the characteristics of a machine axial forced air cooling system, the HSPMM temperature distribution is investigated by 3-D fluid–thermal coupling CFD modelling with the calculated power losses results. The machine thermal analysis theory and modelling method are also detailed and further explained. HSPMM thermal performance variation due to impacting factors of cooling air velocity, rotor eddy current loss and sleeve thermal conductivity are also comprehensively investigated and studied in this dissertation. The designed HSPMM is prototyped, and temperature experimental tests are also carried out to verify the effectiveness of the research and analysis for HSPMM. Then, thick-walled cylinder theory is introduced to study rotor mechanical strength analytically, while it also verifies the FEM calculation results. Then based on FEM analysis, HSPMM rotor stress distribution is investigated with sleeve material effects on rotor strength discussed. In order to alleviate the rotor sleeve stress, three pole filler materials are comparatively studied, while the temperature impacts on rotor mechanical stress is further considered; sleeve thickness and the interference between PM and sleeve are investigated in an integrated fashion for HSPMM rotor strength analysis, with some conclusions also drawn for HSPMM rotor mechanical design. HSPMM rotor critical speeds are also calculated by the established 3D rotor dynamic analysis FEM model to ensure the rotor is operating in a desirable condition

    Design of a novel axial-flux induction machine for traction applications.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Induction motors are an important element in the industrial world; they are used in many applications, such as electric fans, elevators, pumps, conveyor belts, compressors and now even traction motors. Electric motors consume about 70 % of all industrial power consumption. Induction machines are also the source of the power generation such as in wind turbines. In recent years, the increase in price and supply-chain issues of rare earth magnets, which are currently an important material in brushless permanent machines, which are the most popular vehicular drive motor, has led to a focus on non-permanent magnet machine replacements, such as the induction machine. The induction machine is still undergoing design development and being used in an increasing number of applications. They can be used in fixed speed (grid-connected) or variable speed (variable-frequency inverter-connected) depending on the application. Loss reduction, weight, size, as well as minimizing the cost of raw materials for manufacturing, are some of the issues in design improvement. In view of this, it is important to develop innovative methods for producing electrical machines that will reduce losses and minimizing cost of production. The aim of this research work is to develop an appropriate analytical design procedure for designing an axial-flux induction machine and to evaluate the performance of the designed machine under various conditions. The machine must be robust and cheaper. ANSYS Maxwell software is used for 3D finite element modelling and simulation of the proposed axial-flux induction machine AFIM). For fast calculation, a simple sizing exercise is done using a pre-defined stator core. Then a radial-flux machine representation is developed in Siemens SPEED motor design software for fast assessment. The electromagnetic motor model is further tested to take into account the variations in rotor design. A proof-of-concept prototype was constructed for initial validation that the machine works and this design was modelled. The result of the simulation and the measurements from the laboratory design prove the possibility of the proposed AFIM for use in automotive application. Further design was carried out to improve the prototype using more substantial windings and a longer rotor. This design was tested with ANSYS Maxwell and SPEED. The designed machine offers a cost effective solution for future drive systems in automotive applications

    Design and Optimization of High-Torque Ferrite Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor

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    Vysokomomentový asistovaný synchronní reluktanční motor může být, soudě podle nízkého počtu publikovaných článků, stále považován za relativně málo prozkoumané téma výzkumu. Tato ale i další výhody, jako nízká výrobní cena a vysoká hustota výkonu poutají pozornost výzkumných pracovníků. Navzdory tomu, že tento druh motoru je zajímavější z pohledu konvenčních nebo vysokootáčkových aplikací, tak se i trakční aplikace dostávají do popředí s tím, jak jsou objevovány vlastnosti tohoto motoru. Tato práce se zaměřuje na návrh tohoto typu motoru pro pohon lodi, který je navržen aby dosahoval vysokého momentu při nízkých otáčkách. Aplikace je definována výkonem 55 kW při 150 otáčkách za minutu a použitím levných feritových magnetů s cílem nízké ceny motoru. Návrh motoru je úzce propojen s optimalizačními algoritmy aby bylo dosaženo co nejlepšího výkonu v daném objemu stroje. Navzdory tomu, že návrh samotný je velice zajímavým tématem, tak práce deklaruje další teze, které jsou rovněž zajímavé a důležité. Vzhledem k tomu, že je práce zaměřena i na optimalizaci, tak prvním cílem práce je porovnání různých optimalizačních metod. V této práci jsou nejenom že různé druhy optimalizačních algoritmů, samoorganizující migrující algoritmus a genetický algoritmus, porovnány, ale jsou zde porovnány i různé optimalizační metody. Metoda založená na definování preferenčního vektoru a ideální multi-objektivní metody jsou v rovněž v této práci srovnány. Tyto algoritmy jsou srovnány v případě více optimalizovaných parametrů. Dalším scénářem pro porovnání ideálních multi-objektivních algoritmů je ten s menším počtem parametrů. Posledním cílem práce je laboratorní měření navrženého optimalizovaného stroje, které rovněž představuje další set výzev v této práci, které jsou diskutovány v poslední kapitole této práce.The high-torque assisted synchronous reluctance machine could be still considered, based on the relatively low amount of publications, as a rather unknown area of research. This and other main advantages, such as low manufacturing cost and a higher torque density of this machine type are driving researchers interest. Even though this machine type has become more interesting in the conventional or high-speed applications, the area of traction applications is slowly getting forward as the machine capabilities are discovered. This thesis is serving just this purpose of developing the ship propulsion driving motor, that is capable of sustaining the high-torque at low-speed. The application is defined by the 55 kW at 150 rpm using the low- cost ferrite magnets aiming to lower the cost. The design will be closely tied with optimization algorithms to deliver the best possible performance in the given volume. However the design challenge being difficult task on its own, the thesis is declaring other goals within, that are still very interesting and important. Since the optimization is included in the design process, the first goal, concluding from the given topic is to compare various optimization methods. Not only the two different optimization algorithms, self-organizing migrating algorithm and genetic algorithm, will be compared in the thesis, but even two multi-objective optimization approaches will be compared as well. The preference based vector and ideal multi-objective optimization techniques comparison will be demonstrated in one optimization scenario with a higher amount of optimized parameters. Other demonstrated goal within the thesis is the comparison of ideal multi-objective optimization with a lower number of parameters. The last goal will be the measurement of the designed and optimized machine, that introduced variety of challenges itself and all of them will be discussed within the last chapter.

    Advanced Non-Overlapping Winding Induction Machines for Electrical Vehicle Applications

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    This thesis presents an investigation into advanced squirrel-cage induction machines (IMs), with a particular reference to the reduction of the total axial length without sacrificing the torque and efficiency characteristics and analysis of recently found non-sinusoidal bar current phenomenon, which occurs under some certain design and operating conditions, and affects the overall performance characteristics of the IMs. As a first step, the most convenient method is determined by utilizing a fractional-slot concentrated winding (FSCW) technique, which has advantages such as non-overlapping windings, high slot filling factor, and simple structure. After implementing this technique, it is found that due to the highly distorted magnetomotive forces (MMFs) created by the FSCWs, significant high rotor bar copper loss occurs. In order to reduce the MMF harmonics without increasing the size of the machine, a new technique titled “adapted non-overlapping winding” is developed. This technique consists of the combination of the auxiliary tooth and phase shifting techniques, resulting in a stator with concentrated windings of two-slot coil pitches but without overlapping the end-windings. Thanks to this method a large number of the MMF harmonics are cancelled. Thus, a low copper loss IM with significantly reduced total axial length is obtained. Influence of design parameters; such as stator slot, rotor slot, and pole numbers, number of turns, stack length, stator and rotor geometric parameters, etc. on the performance characteristics of the advanced IM is investigated and a comprehensive comparison of advanced and conventional IMs is presented. This thesis also covers an in-depth investigation on the non-sinusoidal bar current phenomenon. It is observed that the rotor bar current waveform, usually presumed to be sinusoidal, becomes non-sinusoidal in some operation and design conditions, such as high speed operation close to synchronous speed, or fairly high electrical loading operation, or in the IMs whose air-gap length is considerably small, etc. Influences of design and operating parameters and magnetic saturation on the rotor bar current waveform and the performance characteristics of squirrel-cage IMs are investigated. The levels of iron saturation, depending on the design and operating parameters, in different machine parts are examined and their influences are also investigated, whilst the dominant part causing the non-sinusoidal rotor bar current waveform is identified. It is revealed that the magnetic saturation, particularly in the rotor tooth, has a significant effect on the bar current waveform

    Advances in Theoretical and Computational Energy Optimization Processes

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    The paradigm in the design of all human activity that requires energy for its development must change from the past. We must change the processes of product manufacturing and functional services. This is necessary in order to mitigate the ecological footprint of man on the Earth, which cannot be considered as a resource with infinite capacities. To do this, every single process must be analyzed and modified, with the aim of decarbonising each production sector. This collection of articles has been assembled to provide ideas and new broad-spectrum contributions for these purposes

    Proceedings of the 10th international conference on energy efficiency in motor driven systems (EEMODS' 2017)

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    The 10th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems (EEMODS'17) was be held in Rome (Italy) on 6-8 September, 2017. The EEMODS conferences have been very successful in attracting distinguished and international presenters and attendees. The wide variety of stakeholders has included professionals involved in manufacturing, marketing, and promotion of energy efficient motors and motor driven systems and representatives from research labs, academia, and public policy. EEMODS’15 provided a forum to discuss and debate the latest developments in the impacts of electrical motor systems (advanced motors and drives, compressors, pumps, and fans) on energy and the environment, the policies and programmes adopted and planned, and the technical and commercial advances made in the dissemination and penetration of energy-efficient motor systems. In addition EEMODS covered also energy management in organizations, international harmonization of test method and financing of energy efficiency in motor systems. The Book of Proceedings contains the peer reviewed paper that have been presented at the conference.JRC.C.2-Energy Efficiency and Renewable