53 research outputs found

    Channel Estimation in Uplink of Long Term Evolution

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    Long Term Evolution is considered to be the fastest spreading communication standard in the world.To live up to the increasing demands of higher data rates day by day and higher multimedia services,the existing UMTS system was further upgraded to LTE.To meet their requirements novel technologies are employed in the downlink as well as uplink like Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier- Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA).For the receiver to perform properly it should be able to recover athe transmittedadata accurately and this is done through channel estimation.Channel Estimation in LTE engages Coherent Detection where a prior knowledge of the channel is required,often known as Channel State Information (CSI).This thesis aims at studying the channel estimation methods used in LTE and evaluate their performance in various multipath models specified by ITU like Pedestrian and Vehicular.The most commonly used channel estimation algorithms are Least Squarea(LS) and Minimum MeanaSquare error (MMSE) algorithms.The performance of these estimators are evaluated in both uplink as well as Downlink in terms of the Bit Error Rate (BER).It was evaluated for OFDMA and then for SC-FDMA,further the performance was assessed in SC-FDMA at first without subcarrier Mapping and after that with subcarrier mapping schemes like Interleaved SC-FDMA (IFDMA) and Localized SC-FDMA (lFDMA).It was found from the results that the MMSE estimator performs better than the LS estimator in both the environments.And the IFDMA has a lower PAPR than LFDMA but LFDMA has a better BER performance

    SC-FDM-IDMA Scheme Employing BCH Coding

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    In OFDM-IDMA scheme, intersymbol interference (ISI) is resolved by the OFDM layer and multiple access interference (MAI) is suppressed by the IDMA layer at low cost . However OFDM-IDMA scheme suffers high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem. For removing high PAPR problem a hybrid multiple access scheme SC-FDM-IDMA has been proposed. In this paper, bit error rate (BER) performance comparison of SC-FDM-IDMA scheme, OFDM-IDMA scheme and IDMA scheme have been duly presented.  Moreover, the BER performance of various subcarrier mapping methods for SC-FDM-IDMA scheme as well as other results with variation of different parameters have also been demonstrated. Finally simulation result for BER performance improvement has been shown employing BCH code. All the simulation results demonstrate the suitability of SC-FDM-IDMA scheme for wireless communication under AWGN channel environment

    Performance study of air interface for broadband wireless packet access

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    LMS Based Adaptive Channel Estimation for LTE Uplink

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    In this paper, a variable step size based least mean squares (LMS) channel estimation (CE) algorithm is presented for a single carrier frequency division multiple access(SC-FDMA) system under the umbrella of the long term evolution (LTE). This unbiased CE method can automatically adapts the weighting coefficients on the channel condition. Therefore, it does not require knowledge of channel,and noise statistics. Furthermore, it uses a phase weighting scheme to eliminate the signal fluctuations due to noise and decision errors. Such approaches can guarantee the convergence towards the true channel coefficient. The mean and mean square behaviors of the proposed CE algorithm are also analyzed. With the help of theoretical analysis and simulation results, we prove that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of mean square error (MSE) and bit error rate (BER) by more than around 2.5dB

    PAPR Reduction for Improved Efficiency of OFDM Modulation for Next Generation Communication Systems

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    Highly linear power amplifiers are required for transferring   large amount of data for future communication. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) provides high data rate transmission capability with robustness to radio channel impairments. It has been widely accepted for future communication for different services. But, it suffers from high value of peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). High value of PAPR drives high power amplifier into its saturation region and causes it to operate in the nonlinear region.  In this paper, comparative study of four different PAPR reduction techniques: clipping and filtering (CF), selective mapping  method (SLM), partial transmit sequence (PTS) and DFT- spread technique  have been done. Mathematical modeling and Matlab simulations have been performed to arrive at the results with 4 QAM modulation format and 1024 number of sub carriers. At 0.01 % of complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) significant reduction of 11.3, 3.5, 3.4 and 1.0 dB have been obtained with DFT- spread, SLM, PTS and CF techniques respectively

    Performance of SC-FDMA with diversity techniques over land mobile satellite channel

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    La demanda de la alta velocidad de datos resulta en una importante interferencia entre símbolos para los sistemas monoportadora en canales de ancho de banda y potencia limitada. Superar la selectividad en el tiempo y la frecuencia del canal de propagación requiere el uso de potentes técnicas de procesamiento de señales. Ejemplos recientes incluyen el uso de múltiples antenas en el transmisor / receptor, en la técnica conocida como Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO). En ciertos entornos (tales como el enlace ascendente de un enlace móvil) por lo general sólo una antena está disponible en la transmisión. Por lo tanto, sólo esquemas con entrada individual y salida única (Single Input Single Output, SISO) o transmisiones con entrada única y múltiples salidas (Single Input Multiple Output, SIMO) son factibles. La multiplexación por división ortogonal en frecuencia (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing, OFDM) es una técnica de modulación ampliamente utilizada por su robustez frente a la selectividad en frecuencia de los canales, su escalabilidad y su compatibilidad con MIMO. Sin embargo, sufre de una alta relación de potencia de pico a promedio (Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, PAPR) que necesita amplificadores de alta potencia muy lineales, lo que resulta costoso energéticamente para la transmisión. La técnica monoportadora con acceso múltiple por división de frecuencia (Single Carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access , SC-FDMA) se ha convertido en una alternativa a la técnica de OFDM que se utiliza específicamente en el enlace ascendente de LTE. SC-FDMA es capaz de reducir la PAPR en la transmisión, dando lugar a una relajación de las limitaciones en cuanto a la eficiencia de potencia necesaria en los terminales de usuario y las unidades satélite. SC-FDMA puede ser descrito como una versión de OFDMA en el que se incluyen una etapa de pre-codificación y de pre-codificación inversa en el transmisor y el receptor respectivamente. Así, los símbolos se transmiten en tiempo, pero después de ser procesados en la frecuencia. Incluso con el uso de OFDMA o SC-FDMA, la ISI tiene que ser compensada por la igualación, que normalmente se realiza en el dominio de frecuencia. El objetivo de esta tesis es proporcionar un análisis matemático del comportamiento de SC-FDMA en un canal móvil terrestre por satélite (Land Mobile Satellite, LMS). Para este propósito, el canal se modela como un canal Rice sombreado tal que la línea de visión (Line of Sight, LOS) sigue la distribución de Nakagami. En primer lugar, se describen las técnicas de modulación multiportadora OFDMA y SC-FDMA. A continuación, se lleva a cabo un análisis de OFDMA y SC-FDMA basado en el ruido complejo recibido a la entrada del detector. Se evalúa la probabilidad de error de bit (Bit Error Rate, BER) de SC-FDMA para diferentes profundidades del desvanecimiento y de la diversidad de antena en el receptor. También se evalúa la eficiencia espectral de SC-FDMA para el canal LMS. Por último, se abordan las técnicas de diversidad y se evalúan las técnicas conocidas como Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) y Equal Gain Combining (EGC)