142 research outputs found

    Exploring information retrieval using image sparse representations:from circuit designs and acquisition processes to specific reconstruction algorithms

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    New advances in the field of image sensors (especially in CMOS technology) tend to question the conventional methods used to acquire the image. Compressive Sensing (CS) plays a major role in this, especially to unclog the Analog to Digital Converters which are generally representing the bottleneck of this type of sensors. In addition, CS eliminates traditional compression processing stages that are performed by embedded digital signal processors dedicated to this purpose. The interest is twofold because it allows both to consistently reduce the amount of data to be converted but also to suppress digital processing performed out of the sensor chip. For the moment, regarding the use of CS in image sensors, the main route of exploration as well as the intended applications aims at reducing power consumption related to these components (i.e. ADC & DSP represent 99% of the total power consumption). More broadly, the paradigm of CS allows to question or at least to extend the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory. This thesis shows developments in the field of image sensors demonstrating that is possible to consider alternative applications linked to CS. Indeed, advances are presented in the fields of hyperspectral imaging, super-resolution, high dynamic range, high speed and non-uniform sampling. In particular, three research axes have been deepened, aiming to design proper architectures and acquisition processes with their associated reconstruction techniques taking advantage of image sparse representations. How the on-chip implementation of Compressed Sensing can relax sensor constraints, improving the acquisition characteristics (speed, dynamic range, power consumption) ? How CS can be combined with simple analysis to provide useful image features for high level applications (adding semantic information) and improve the reconstructed image quality at a certain compression ratio ? Finally, how CS can improve physical limitations (i.e. spectral sensitivity and pixel pitch) of imaging systems without a major impact neither on the sensing strategy nor on the optical elements involved ? A CMOS image sensor has been developed and manufactured during this Ph.D. to validate concepts such as the High Dynamic Range - CS. A new design approach was employed resulting in innovative solutions for pixels addressing and conversion to perform specific acquisition in a compressed mode. On the other hand, the principle of adaptive CS combined with the non-uniform sampling has been developed. Possible implementations of this type of acquisition are proposed. Finally, preliminary works are exhibited on the use of Liquid Crystal Devices to allow hyperspectral imaging combined with spatial super-resolution. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows: CS must now be considered as a toolbox for defining more easily compromises between the different characteristics of the sensors: integration time, converters speed, dynamic range, resolution and digital processing resources. However, if CS relaxes some material constraints at the sensor level, it is possible that the collected data are difficult to interpret and process at the decoder side, involving massive computational resources compared to so-called conventional techniques. The application field is wide, implying that for a targeted application, an accurate characterization of the constraints concerning both the sensor (encoder), but also the decoder need to be defined

    Real Time Structured Light and Applications

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    Digital Image Processing

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    This book presents several recent advances that are related or fall under the umbrella of 'digital image processing', with the purpose of providing an insight into the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. The presented mathematical algorithms are accompanied by graphical representations and illustrative examples for an enhanced readability. The chapters are written in a manner that allows even a reader with basic experience and knowledge in the digital image processing field to properly understand the presented algorithms. Concurrently, the structure of the information in this book is such that fellow scientists will be able to use it to push the development of the presented subjects even further

    Perceptually Optimized Visualization on Autostereoscopic 3D Displays

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    The family of displays, which aims to visualize a 3D scene with realistic depth, are known as "3D displays". Due to technical limitations and design decisions, such displays create visible distortions, which are interpreted by the human vision as artefacts. In absence of visual reference (e.g. the original scene is not available for comparison) one can improve the perceived quality of the representations by making the distortions less visible. This thesis proposes a number of signal processing techniques for decreasing the visibility of artefacts on 3D displays. The visual perception of depth is discussed, and the properties (depth cues) of a scene which the brain uses for assessing an image in 3D are identified. Following the physiology of vision, a taxonomy of 3D artefacts is proposed. The taxonomy classifies the artefacts based on their origin and on the way they are interpreted by the human visual system. The principles of operation of the most popular types of 3D displays are explained. Based on the display operation principles, 3D displays are modelled as a signal processing channel. The model is used to explain the process of introducing distortions. It also allows one to identify which optical properties of a display are most relevant to the creation of artefacts. A set of optical properties for dual-view and multiview 3D displays are identified, and a methodology for measuring them is introduced. The measurement methodology allows one to derive the angular visibility and crosstalk of each display element without the need for precision measurement equipment. Based on the measurements, a methodology for creating a quality profile of 3D displays is proposed. The quality profile can be either simulated using the angular brightness function or directly measured from a series of photographs. A comparative study introducing the measurement results on the visual quality and position of the sweet-spots of eleven 3D displays of different types is presented. Knowing the sweet-spot position and the quality profile allows for easy comparison between 3D displays. The shape and size of the passband allows depth and textures of a 3D content to be optimized for a given 3D display. Based on knowledge of 3D artefact visibility and an understanding of distortions introduced by 3D displays, a number of signal processing techniques for artefact mitigation are created. A methodology for creating anti-aliasing filters for 3D displays is proposed. For multiview displays, the methodology is extended towards so-called passband optimization which addresses Moiré, fixed-pattern-noise and ghosting artefacts, which are characteristic for such displays. Additionally, design of tuneable anti-aliasing filters is presented, along with a framework which allows the user to select the so-called 3d sharpness parameter according to his or her preferences. Finally, a set of real-time algorithms for view-point-based optimization are presented. These algorithms require active user-tracking, which is implemented as a combination of face and eye-tracking. Once the observer position is known, the image on a stereoscopic display is optimised for the derived observation angle and distance. For multiview displays, the combination of precise light re-direction and less-precise face-tracking is used for extending the head parallax. For some user-tracking algorithms, implementation details are given, regarding execution of the algorithm on a mobile device or on desktop computer with graphical accelerator

    Real-time scalable video coding for surveillance applications on embedded architectures

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    Construction de mosaïques de super-résolution à partir de la vidéo de basse résolution. Application au résumé vidéo et la dissimulation d'erreurs de transmission.

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    La numérisation des vidéos existantes ainsi que le développement explosif des services multimédia par des réseaux comme la diffusion de la télévision numérique ou les communications mobiles ont produit une énorme quantité de vidéos compressées. Ceci nécessite des outils d’indexation et de navigation efficaces, mais une indexation avant l’encodage n’est pas habituelle. L’approche courante est le décodage complet des ces vidéos pour ensuite créer des indexes. Ceci est très coûteux et par conséquent non réalisable en temps réel. De plus, des informations importantes comme le mouvement, perdus lors du décodage, sont reestimées bien que déjà présentes dans le flux comprimé. Notre but dans cette thèse est donc la réutilisation des données déjà présents dans le flux comprimé MPEG pour l’indexation et la navigation rapide. Plus précisément, nous extrayons des coefficients DC et des vecteurs de mouvement. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes en particulier intéressés à la construction de mosaïques à partir des images DC extraites des images I. Une mosaïque est construite par recalage et fusion de toutes les images d’une séquence vidéo dans un seul système de coordonnées. Ce dernier est en général aligné avec une des images de la séquence : l’image de référence. Il en résulte une seule image qui donne une vue globale de la séquence. Ainsi, nous proposons dans cette thèse un système complet pour la construction des mosaïques à partir du flux MPEG-1/2 qui tient compte de différentes problèmes apparaissant dans des séquences vidéo réeles, comme par exemple des objets en mouvment ou des changements d’éclairage. Une tâche essentielle pour la construction d’une mosaïque est l’estimation de mouvement entre chaque image de la séquence et l’image de référence. Notre méthode se base sur une estimation robuste du mouvement global de la caméra à partir des vecteurs de mouvement des images P. Cependant, le mouvement global de la caméra estimé pour une image P peut être incorrect car il dépend fortement de la précision des vecteurs encodés. Nous détectons les images P concernées en tenant compte des coefficients DC de l’erreur encodée associée et proposons deux méthodes pour corriger ces mouvements. Unemosaïque construite à partir des images DC a une résolution très faible et souffre des effets d’aliasing dus à la nature des images DC. Afin d’augmenter sa résolution et d’améliorer sa qualité visuelle, nous appliquons une méthode de super-résolution basée sur des rétro-projections itératives. Les méthodes de super-résolution sont également basées sur le recalage et la fusion des images d’une séquence vidéo, mais sont accompagnées d’une restauration d’image. Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé une nouvelleméthode d’estimation de flou dû au mouvement de la caméra ainsi qu’une méthode correspondante de restauration spectrale. La restauration spectrale permet de traiter le flou globalement, mais, dans le cas des obvi jets ayant un mouvement indépendant du mouvement de la caméra, des flous locaux apparaissent. C’est pourquoi, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme de super-résolution dérivé de la restauration spatiale itérative de Van Cittert et Jansson permettant de restaurer des flous locaux. En nous basant sur une segmentation d’objets en mouvement, nous restaurons séparément lamosaïque d’arrière-plan et les objets de l’avant-plan. Nous avons adapté notre méthode d’estimation de flou en conséquence. Dans une premier temps, nous avons appliqué notre méthode à la construction de résumé vidéo avec pour l’objectif la navigation rapide par mosaïques dans la vidéo compressée. Puis, nous établissions comment la réutilisation des résultats intermédiaires sert à d’autres tâches d’indexation, notamment à la détection de changement de plan pour les images I et à la caractérisation dumouvement de la caméra. Enfin, nous avons exploré le domaine de la récupération des erreurs de transmission. Notre approche consiste en construire une mosaïque lors du décodage d’un plan ; en cas de perte de données, l’information manquante peut être dissimulée grace à cette mosaïque

    Novel Motion Anchoring Strategies for Wavelet-based Highly Scalable Video Compression

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    This thesis investigates new motion anchoring strategies that are targeted at wavelet-based highly scalable video compression (WSVC). We depart from two practices that are deeply ingrained in existing video compression systems. Instead of the commonly used block motion, which has poor scalability attributes, we employ piecewise-smooth motion together with a highly scalable motion boundary description. The combination of this more “physical” motion description together with motion discontinuity information allows us to change the conventional strategy of anchoring motion at target frames to anchoring motion at reference frames, which improves motion inference across time. In the proposed reference-based motion anchoring strategies, motion fields are mapped from reference to target frames, where they serve as prediction references; during this mapping process, disoccluded regions are readily discovered. Observing that motion discontinuities displace with foreground objects, we propose motion-discontinuity driven motion mapping operations that handle traditionally challenging regions around moving objects. The reference-based motion anchoring exposes an intricate connection between temporal frame interpolation (TFI) and video compression. When employed in a compression system, all anchoring strategies explored in this thesis perform TFI once all residual information is quantized to zero at a given temporal level. The interpolation performance is evaluated on both natural and synthetic sequences, where we show favourable comparisons with state-of-the-art TFI schemes. We explore three reference-based motion anchoring strategies. In the first one, the motion anchoring is “flipped” with respect to a hierarchical B-frame structure. We develop an analytical model to determine the weights of the different spatio-temporal subbands, and assess the suitability and benefits of this reference-based WSVC for (highly scalable) video compression. Reduced motion coding cost and improved frame prediction, especially around moving objects, result in improved rate-distortion performance compared to a target-based WSVC. As the thesis evolves, the motion anchoring is progressively simplified to one where all motion is anchored at one base frame; this central motion organization facilitates the incorporation of higher-order motion models, which improve the prediction performance in regions following motion with non-constant velocity

    Appearance Modelling and Reconstruction for Navigation in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery is playing an increasingly important role for patient care. Whilst its direct patient benefit in terms of reduced trauma, improved recovery and shortened hospitalisation has been well established, there is a sustained need for improved training of the existing procedures and the development of new smart instruments to tackle the issue of visualisation, ergonomic control, haptic and tactile feedback. For endoscopic intervention, the small field of view in the presence of a complex anatomy can easily introduce disorientation to the operator as the tortuous access pathway is not always easy to predict and control with standard endoscopes. Effective training through simulation devices, based on either virtual reality or mixed-reality simulators, can help to improve the spatial awareness, consistency and safety of these procedures. This thesis examines the use of endoscopic videos for both simulation and navigation purposes. More specifically, it addresses the challenging problem of how to build high-fidelity subject-specific simulation environments for improved training and skills assessment. Issues related to mesh parameterisation and texture blending are investigated. With the maturity of computer vision in terms of both 3D shape reconstruction and localisation and mapping, vision-based techniques have enjoyed significant interest in recent years for surgical navigation. The thesis also tackles the problem of how to use vision-based techniques for providing a detailed 3D map and dynamically expanded field of view to improve spatial awareness and avoid operator disorientation. The key advantage of this approach is that it does not require additional hardware, and thus introduces minimal interference to the existing surgical workflow. The derived 3D map can be effectively integrated with pre-operative data, allowing both global and local 3D navigation by taking into account tissue structural and appearance changes. Both simulation and laboratory-based experiments are conducted throughout this research to assess the practical value of the method proposed

    Matrix Transform Imager Architecture for On-Chip Low-Power Image Processing

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    Camera-on-a-chip systems have tried to include carefully chosen signal processing units for better functionality, performance and also to broaden the applications they can be used for. Image processing sensors have been possible due advances in CMOS active pixel sensors (APS) and neuromorphic focal plane imagers. Some of the advantages of these systems are compact size, high speed and parallelism, low power dissipation, and dense system integration. One can envision using these chips for portable and inexpensive video cameras on hand-held devices like personal digital assistants (PDA) or cell-phones In neuromorphic modeling of the retina it would be very nice to have processing capabilities at the focal plane while retaining the density of typical APS imager designs. Unfortunately, these two goals have been mostly incompatible. We introduce our MAtrix Transform Imager Architecture (MATIA) that uses analog floating--gate devices to make it possible to have computational imagers with high pixel densities. The core imager performs computations at the pixel plane, but still has a fill-factor of 46 percent - comparable to the high fill-factors of APS imagers. The processing is performed continuously on the image via programmable matrix operations that can operate on the entire image or blocks within the image. The resulting data-flow architecture can directly perform all kinds of block matrix image transforms. Since the imager operates in the subthreshold region and thus has low power consumption, this architecture can be used as a low-power front end for any system that utilizes these computations. Various compression algorithms (e.g. JPEG), that use block matrix transforms, can be implemented using this architecture. Since MATIA can be used for gradient computations, cheap image tracking devices can be implemented using this architecture. Other applications of this architecture can range from stand-alone universal transform imager systems to systems that can compute stereoscopic depth.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Hasler, Paul; Committee Member: David Anderson; Committee Member: DeWeerth, Steve; Committee Member: Jackson, Joel; Committee Member: Smith, Mar
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